West Coast Swing is a playful, fun dance that emphasizes musicality and partnership. We believe that dancers grow, connect, and create best when they feel safe, accepted, and respected. So, we are passionate about creating an accepting, culture and environment which not only fosters but encourages diversity and growth.
To ensure we can all feel welcome and encouraged to enjoy the West Coast Swing as a dance and a community we ask that all attendees follow and be familiar with the below code of conduct.
This document is used to support the safety culture of all of our events. Weekly classes, workshops, party & Trinity Swing, Detonation Dance, Midland Swing Open & Flowstate Festivals. It may be used in part, or in whole by other dance community members to support development in their own communities.
Respect and kindness are key to a happy, healthy community. We ask that you meet each new dancer on an equal footing and appreciate them as a human first and foremost.
We are an inclusive dance community, so, please treat all participants, including dancers, instructors, staff, and fellow attendees, with respect, courtesy, and inclusivity. Remember we don’t need to agree with someone’s preferences or viewpoints to be respectful of them.
Refrain from any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, dance skill/ knowledge or any other protected characteristic. If you notice or experience any form of discrimination or disrespect, please see below who you can reach out to.
Kindness can be most felt in small gestures. Acts of kindness not only boost our and the receiver's enjoyment of the weekend, but also those who witness the act of kindness will experience a happy hormone boost too, and are more likely to pass the kindness on!
Acts of kindness can include:
Consent is key to a safe and inclusive environment. Be it verbal or non-verbal, please be vigilant to other dancers comfort zones and please express your own clearly and kindly.
If it’s not an enthusiastic yes from you or the other person/s, then it’s a no.
Please be considerate of your fellow dancers. This includes being on time for Classes, Marshalling and Competitions.
Being respectfully quiet during classes when the teachers are talking so the whole class can hear, and being aware of your positioning within the room so you do not block other dancers from seeing teaching points during class.
Be aware of your personal hygiene! Regardless of gender, changing tops and or using deodorants to make sure you are pleasant to dance with is vital for a good dance experience. People with long hair should consider hairstyles that will not interfere with the dance or distract their partners by whipping them in the fae/ eyes. Which leads us nice to our next point on safety……
Feeling safe both on and off the dance floor is paramount to us having a healthy and growing dance community. This includes refraining from extravagant lifts on the social floor, and being mindful of our partners physical wellbeing.
If not sure, check if your partner is carrying any injuries before a dance to avoid any movements that might be uncomfortable or harmful. Likewise please inform all of your partners of any injuries or restrictions in your movement.
Safety also means remaining self-aware and sober enough to dance safely. Whilst we understand that everyone might find different ways to relax, unwind and have a good time at a dance event, we request that you enjoy yourselves in moderation. If we believe that you are in an unsafe state to be dancing for any reason, we reserve the right to ask you to leave the dance floor until such time as we (the event staff) deem you safe to dance again. This might be due to intoxication, injury or any other reason.
Every person in every dance should do their utmost to help them, their partner/s and surrounding dancers enjoy dancing.
This includes respecting the level of your partner, their comfort with specific patterns/methods and doing your best to help make the dance fun and enjoyable for both of you. Be it in class, competition or on the social floor.
Understanding of floor craft, special awareness of yourself and other dancers around you. For example, do not try new skills on a crowded social floor!
We are each on a journey and if we enjoy every step of the way we will learn and grow faster, together.
At our events, anyone may decline any dance without giving a reason.
That said, if you wish to decline a dance on the social floor, for any reason, do so respectfully and kindly.
If someone declines a dance with you, please remember there are many reasons to decline a dance and it is a good thing that someone can communicate their needs/ wishes.
Do not for any reason offer unsolicited advice/ feedback to any dancers. And please leave the coaching to the event staff.
Compliments are encouraged, we see this very different from providing feedback on growth points.
Of course, if you and a dancer partner wish to practice a pattern/method and have both agreed to provide constructive feedback within the partnership that is always encouraged, But we ask that you do so in your own time, not whilst our staff are teaching.
The event is open to dancers of all ages, backgrounds and levels of experience. At EastonSwing we are working intentionally and collaboratively to grow our community and share this wonderful cane.
To this end, we have an amazing ‘Zero to Hero’ track at our weekend events. This track is open to ANYONE wanting to take part in a West Coast Swing dance event, regardless of experience. This means we get to showcase our community to people who may never have danced before. EVER.
We ask that you help welcome, support and encourage our newest of dancers into the community, with open minds and enthusiasm. Remember how daunting your first event was? Imagine that x 1000! So please do be kind, and help to all our new faces navigate their very first event and steps.
Reporting Incidents: If you witness or experience any behavior that violates this code of conduct, promptly report it to event staff or organizers. We are committed to addressing any concerns or incidents in a timely and appropriate manner in an attempt to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants.
We believe a good culture is created by all. So please support us in making our events a happy and healthy environment to learn grow and create within.
You can report the behavior directly to staff on the registration desk, any of our DJ’s and any individual on our staffing list.
If the issue can wait but you still wish to report it please do so via the EastonSwing email or Facebook or Instagram. Please do not hesitate, talking to staff directly will result in the fastest response.
If the person requires Mental or Physical Health support, please contact a member of our staff immediately.
If you aren’t sure if someone else is okay, we encourage you (if comfortable) to check in on them. This might mean taking them to a more private or quieter space away from the dance floor.
Contact information
Lee Easton - Executive Director - Lee@EastonSwing.com - +44 79 44 55 43 25
Natalie Lockyer - Conduct and Safety Liason - natalie.lockyer@outlook.com - +44 79 69 51 83 98