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Macron's Magic
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(More added but nothing removed, to keep it coherent)

This is “Easy Magic” this is the power that creates worlds.

All of this is a skill to be trained and honed. You may get a jump in manifestation ability from reading this just once, but you can train it further.


Treat this as actual magic and not some “change habits” idea. Look for synchronicities for a start.


The Core of Manifestation




What it is (1)

What will cause it to change? (2)

Make “depth and explore the energy as a ‘topic

It’s literally, just.. Thinking.




When your emotional involvement is at 0 then the manifestation will activate.

The explanation for the Core.

  1. Charge

Reality responds to your charged thought; meaning the more immersed into your thoughts, the more charged your thoughts are. If you get good at charging your thinking, you can make things happen fast(er).

Emotion and feeling

Ignore this in your thoughts. The less you focus on feeling the faster it will work. If you feel completely neutral… It will still work. Treat feeling/emotion like a signal you will get back from sending out thought and not a source of manifestation.

The only real function of feeling is for you to say “this feels good” OR “this doesn’t feel good”

High charge

Happens by accident all the time. You may need some trick to make yourself charge thoughts on command.

Low charge

Thinking with no immersion so you get no feeling from it, but you know (logically) you need it. (Giving clear defined rules and hard, hard logic is a type of charge. It feels like “security” and “clearness”) - I’m saying that a neutral charge is much better than a low charge, for manifestation

Manifestation through negativity

Sometimes you have to de-charge a thought(s) in order to make a new positive.  Manifestation. I did this once by accident, so I don't have a clear method in doing it.

This is not forgetting. It’s finding what is holding you back and then contemplating it. Then you’re supposed to lessen the immersion until it loses power.

You should get more by de-charging first if you’re not getting anything

I’ve seen things magically happen and my problems suddenly get solved when I finish looking back at the negative. (this always surprise me)

Do not fear negative thoughts!

You need to act like this…

  1. No longer emotionally dependant

Charge is the immersion as you are doing the thinking. Emotional involvement is trying to block out bad things whilst trying to allow good things. (like a firewall). Be like the guy who is allowing the arrows… Do not anticipate the bad shit emotionally.

Trying to grab onto and filter out your feelings in a manipulation fashion will stop the manifestation from working. Just don’t think bad thoughts and allow everything… Even the potential bad energies.

  1. Repetition

Doing this for 5 minutes or even 30 minutes once and hoping it will happen, won’t actually do anything. You need to set it up in sessions in a spaced way. With each iteration, it will boost the power by an amount. It can get to the point when something or an action triggers a “movie” of thought chains that you don’t even know is happening and it pops off 10 times a day without you knowing. (until you stop to work out what the underlining manifestation - You can use “Manifestation, through negativity”)

  1. Challenges from the universe

The universe doesn’t actually challenge you. The challenges that throw off your manifestations are actually blocks that are created when you try to apply a contradicting manifestation. To fix this, you must

  1. Somehow too hard?

Try and cheat using the NLP technique i noted below (Past all of the techniques section) It’s not very good for manifestation in itself, but changing some switches might help? This is a last resort Do not rely on the NLP file editing

END of The Theory

Techniques (least important) - Recommend you can just.. Make up your own. This isn’t supposed to be hard.

(Techniques will do nothing unless you master the Theory. If you really master it, then you will get results with literally ANY technique you can think of)

Tech - 1 Anchor system

(My personal system)

Get the external and apply a meaning to that external effect

Look for any evidence/external  or action and say “Yes! That's evidence!” to reinforce

feedback loop

Use Physicality and signs to help with building

Use immediate reactions from your projections

React to physical and apply a meaning

Actively go to physical and apply the meaning

Tech - 2 The Thought chains (My current method)

Start at a thought then allow your mind to follow the train of thoughts (your thought should be immersive to the point where it becomes an experience) and allow your thoughts to work in a chain. The charged chains of thought will become reality.


The structure of energy seems to be in chains. Since I discovered this I can only think of events, thoughts, feelings, in chains.

Tech - 3 Tagging System

Mentally “tag” a concept or object in your mind (Eg: For a phone to have a screen that never breaks; a shiny, solid and clear screen) Think of that robust screen as a tag, or make that screen into a tag. So when you see the screen again and again you can shine your thoughts onto and into the screen. This feels more like admiring.

The following  is for changing energy as a file. It’s good for locally altering your energy field, but you can use the manifestation techniques to make results by moulding energy.


(Neuro Linguistic Programming)


This allows you to manually edit your energetic filing system. This is useful for super energetic healing. This method is more direct and instant for editing yourself, but the Manifestation Theory above is for creating a new reality.

Instead of “Is there a picture?” do

“What picture do you see?”

Feeling + Visualisation + Touch/Physical

The energy of feeling + thought is one thing and inseparable

Edit a File in your energy field

(You always know where the pictures there)

  1. What thought connected?” - (Find out what it actually is)
  2. “Associated with this feeling, what can I see?”

  1. [Action] - Reach out and touch the image to manipulate it.


Super learning

Only reuse memories. I like to think of any memory I already have and then the new material afterwards in a sequence (memories -> New material connected) Then when you look at the learned material you have to “zoom” into the memories you remixed.

Once you do this your mind should feel like your mind is fired up and you should be able to easily know what you need to know.


Look back and remember the content, and swap out any markers that you’re relying on (hats, distinct) and try to recognise the material.

Tests and questionnaires (Remembering the associated memories instead works too)

What NOT to do.


  1. Do not use manifestation on other people. People are supposed to manifest in parallel and come in contact when our manifestations overlap. So don’t reach in and change others. You can attract them and decide when they appear in your reality because:

What you look like when cursing

See how that shit is all over his arms.. His hands and a pool of it is leaking down? That’s what happens when you use manifestation on people. You may get results but you’ll have all this negative residue like you won’t believe. This is like charging a Ki blast from dragon ball.

You see it’s the same with energy. You break into a home, you do your business and leave but you have to wipe the evidence that you were there, otherwise your residue will remain.