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Magical Turkey Time
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

“Come upstairs for some, you know…” Your cousin trails off, motioning like he’s smoking a joint while pointing to his room.

“I’ll meet you there, just wanna check out what’s happening in the kitchen!” You tell him, walking back through the house to check out what your parents are up to.

The wonderful smell of basted turkey and fresh stuffing waft through the kitchen, and you close your eyes as you inhale deeply. You hear the oven timer ring, and take the turkey out of the oven when Aunt Lisa asks you to.

“It smells so good! Where’d you get this from?” You ask, carefully making your way over as Aunt Lisa shows you the turkey’s original packaging. “Top Grain Turkeys; their model is beautiful…” You trail off, looking at every inch of the curvy goddess.

“Yeah it was a bit pricey, but the second I picked it up I knew it was the perfect turkey!” Aunt Lisa laughs, getting back to her sweet potato pie as you walk to the prep table with the turkey.

Suddenly the platter starts spinning in your hands, and a strange feeling wave pulsates through your body. You shiver as your mind stutters, and your body goes numb for a second before you hear unfamiliar female giggling. You turn to see a curvy milf where your dad had been, making cranberry sauce in his place.

“These cranberries are so tart!” She giggles, biting her lip lustfully when she sees you clearly staring at her giant ass. “You’re making me blush, Papi!”

Is she developing a Spanish accent?

You frantically look around the kitchen for your dad, more waves hitting you as the plate spins faster in your hands. Each one feels the same as the first one had, making your body shiver and your brain stutter. The waves pick up their pace, and become so constant there’s no longer a pause for you between stutters.

You stumble around the house with the platter stuck in your hands, barely able to breathe as your mind moves at ten percent speed, your thoughts only coming in millisecond intervals between waves. It’s like a buffering video as you helplessly watch the turkey elevate and perch itself on its rear, your hands stuck to the platter as it continues to rotate faster. Your vision dims as the turkey‘s breasts shift and turn into human mammaries, making the plate heavier and the waves more intense. Tiny legs crawl out from the turkey’s stumps, fattening up as the bulk of the “turkey’s torso” shapes into a feminine hourglass. A face forms and you hear her giggle from her sealed mouth as her back arches, her ass swelling along with her hips as her boobs grow even more.

Soon a miniature woman that could easily be a cousin of the model from the turkey packaging is standing in the middle of the platter, smiling seductively as she poses her jiggling body on the spinning disk. The rotations slow as your arms strain from her heavy weight, and a skintight onesie appears around her previously nude luscious body from nowhere. Her curves start growing even more, and she very quickly becomes too heavy for you to hold. Your hands gently drop the plate to the ground before you can finally release it, and you feel the girl stare you down as you manage to stumble out of the kitchen in a poor attempt to escape the intense mind warping waves.

You catch your breath in the dining room, unable to even acknowledge anyone eating their food from the barbecue Uncle Tony had made for lunch. You can only watch Uncle Dan eat a hotdog; and you know your brain’s skipping frames, but you could’ve sworn he had a bun just a second ago... Then legs sprout from either side of the wiener, and it suddenly becomes a lifelike erect penis.

Uncle Dan’s left hand joins his right as a torso shoots out the top of the legs, forming muscular abs that Uncle Dan drools over as his face shrinks to half its original size. His eyes change to almond shapes, and become much larger as makeup cakes his face. His painted lips plump up and stop his teeth from biting down on the cock, instead lovingly puckering and sucking the throbbing erection in his hands.

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Your mind has trouble following what’s happening around you, but you need to know why everyone else is so oblivious to it! You run back into the kitchen and almost stampede over a busty blonde begging for help.

“I like, don’t know how I got these boobies, and it’s totally making me so horny to think about anything, you total hunk!!

Please penetrate my pussy!! No wait, I like, totes didn’t wanna say that! Let me like, give you oral and stuff! Shoots!” She squeals in a furious tizzy, giggling and squeezing her big boobs together as her emotions elevate with each pulsing wave.

“Wait…. That’s my mom’s shirt! O no!” You say disgusted, pushing the cum dripping bimbo off you.

“I’m your mommy?? Omg that’s like, so hawt!

Let’s fuck right now! Ohhh shittttt!” She moans, letting out a gasp as the crotch of her pants get dark and wet.

“Did you just…”

“I’m like, totally having the best orgasm right now!!” She drools, softly collapsing into a writhing wet pile on the floor.

“I’ve gotta get some help…” You say aloud, turning back to the rest of your family as the now life size rotating woman’s clothes become more revealing.

One step in, and you trip over a lengthy set of slim legs taking up the entire hallway. You turn around to check if they’re okay, but instead see the weird boob shirt your little brother always wears being lifted to reveal a small pair of pert boobs with tiny erect nippes.

“I feel so sexy, but my boobies are so small!” Your brother bemoans, staring deeply into your eyes as makeup cakes his face.

“You think if I get closer to that turkey lady my boobs will get bigger?” She asks, the edges of her lips curling in a smirk.

“You know what’s happening?!?” You ask, bending over to hear a good explanation. .

“Not really, I just know that bitch is making everyone totally sexy. Oo my vocab’s totally getting ditzier!” Your brother giggles, squeezing his boobs together and playing with them to show you he loves his new body.

You run back into the kitchen and try to push the large woman back into the oven, thinking maybe you can close the door on her and reverse everything. You fail to move her an inch though, only resulting in you getting aroused from pressing your body into her’s. You run to the side room, remembering that uncle Tony had been tasked with making fresh bread for the meal.

“Help, Uncle Tony!” You say monotonously, your mind unable to keep up with your mouth as wave after wave from the turkey lady stuns your brain.

He doesn’t seem to hear you, but you take solace in the fact that he’s still normal and just kneading dough. Then a weird shape begins rising from the large pile of dough, and Uncle Tony’s hands don’t seem to be able to push it back down. He wraps both hands around the growing dough rod, his fingers shaping it into a perfect cock as the larger mass of dough below the erection shapes itself into a hunk that starts jerking Uncle Tony off.

You wanna think about why ‘perfect cock’ and ’hunk’ had even passed through your mind, but you stay focused on Uncle Tony’s hands as they slim down and an exotic manicure tidies his nails. His pot belly disappears briefly before his hips jut out from the massive expansion in his rear end, and his back arches from the sudden rush of fat to his chest.

Uncle Tony squeals in a voice that feminizes by the second, and you watch knowingly as the man’s hand goes further into her pants to penetrate her new folds. You watch Uncle Tony’s pinky nails become even sluttier as her boobs inflate, and she absentmindedly hums a tune as her thumbs massage the head of the cock in her hands.

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You cringe when you see Uncle Tony’s original face surrounded by luscious hair, and leave as quickly as you can when you see his mouth start watering over the growing cock grasped between his fingers. You walk back into the kitchen to see your brother hugging the rotating model, his body pulsating and parts of it inflating intensely.

You quickly pull him off the smiling source of this whole mess, expecting him to thank you cuz he’d been sucked in and stuck. Instead he berates you for ruining his “good time”, the residual effects of being so close to the woman still making his body rapidly bimbofy as he yells at you ditzily.

“My brain thingy’s like, totally toast, but even I like, know how jelly you are of these big boobies!!” She teases, pushing her breasts together and bouncing them from side to side.

Did you gain any knowledge from being so close to the… thingy?” You ask, desperate for answers as knowledge begins pouring out of your head.

“Like, the only thing I know, is that… Mistress is totally in control now.” Your brother says, his voice changing to a robotic tone for the last part.

“Mistress?? What are you… O my head…” You trail off, feeling the world swirl around you as the pounding waves intensify on your mind.

The waves concentrate down your spine, and you feel your hips pulsate as your mind spins in circles. You look to your side, barely able to react to the sight before you. Mistress sways sexily and blasts you with pure joy, gracing you with her presence and teaching you the true ways of sex. Your eye level lowers more than a foot as your belly grows warm with love for Mistress, your tender pussy puffing up as Mistress gives you a craving look.

“You will have the power of backstory” She says calmly, “Never before has someone been able to hold their own against my powers, so I will reward your respectful strong will.”

Suddenly you know that Mistress is ultimately a servant of your new god, a wonderful being who sends servants like Mistress disguised as everyday food goods to the grocery store. Unsuspecting families bring them home, prepare them, and then love a life of peace serving Master.

“I’m gonna exert a bit of effort and increase power output, just to see if I can change you.” Mistress says, pulling you close and staring into your glazed over eyes.

You walk back into the kitchen in Mistress’s arms, your entire body pulsating as you feel your curves grow into Mistress’s. The kitchen distorts and starts to look like a mindless bimbo designed it, some objects even turning into mini sexy bimbos themselves as Mistress intensifies her powers.

“Go like, totally enjoy the food we prepared!” Your mom giggles, “Mistress would love it if you did!”

Even through your warping subconscious, you do a double take of your mom. She’s now serving Mistress in a skimpy French maid’s outfit, getting her nipples cold and hard for Mistress.

You watch your mom’s brush and headband start turning into mini bimbos as Mistress easily lifts your light inflating body. Mistress accepts your gratitude for the backstory powers as she gently drops you into a couch, kissing your soft plumping lips and making you doze off as you dive into the wavey goodness. Your vision goes dark as Mistress’s lips leave yours, and you drift off to sleep as your hips swell into the couch.

You’re woken up by a tap on the shoulder, and know through your new powers that you’d been sleeping for over three hours.

“Wake up honey, everyone’s done eating. We’re going to Master’s palace soon, go get your cousin from upstairs!” A blonde goddess with deep cleavage sings, waving goodbye and running for the door.

You still remember when she was growing out of the paper tiara on your mom’s head, but watch with hunger as her perfect body sexilly saunters out of the room. You watch a crowd of bimbos gather at the front door, your vision still moving at a stuttering frame rate along with your mind.

“Wait, Josh!!

My v- eep!” You squeal, cutting yourself off when you hear your new super high pitched valley girl voice.

Your soft body jiggles for a few moments when jump to your feet, and surprises you to feel how light you are now considering the size of your boobs and giant ass!

“You’re like, finally here, Bambi! I almost like, totally ran through my entire stash already, each hit just like, totally makes me so horny!!” Josh giggles, his jiggling boobs putting your new ones to shame as he takes another few hits hit.

Suddenly you feel the waves intensify behind you, and hear Mistress’s voice, “That wacky tobacky does strange things!” She laughs, walking through the wall and taking a long drag from Josh’s blunt.

Suddenly the powerful waves intensify, giving your vision a psychedelic tint as everyone’s clothes morph. You grab the blunt when Mistress passes it, and feel your womanhood gush when you inhale. You ignore your clothes as they shrink and tighten, your boobs now inflating with each breath in as the psychedelic patterns take over.

Josh saunters over to you, now topless and wearing fishnet leggings. He pinches your nipples playfully, giggling as his soft hands stroke your arms and make you moan. You wish you could taste Josh’s shiny plush lips, but you know as his cousin you shouldn’t. Then Mistress commands you to kiss, and you ignore all fears of taboo. You squeal into Josh’s mouth when he pinches both your nipples again, this time making him moan and vibrate your face.

Mistress has your dad lick her pussy as she watches, encouraging you to go further with random commands, “You three will be my personal assistants!” She giggles, snapping her finger and making the bus full of bimbos magically transport to Master’s house.

You hear Mistress pant as you stroke Josh’s pussy  through his panties, her strong arms pushing your dad’s head and tongue deeper as she fingers his ballooning bubble butt. Mistress moans lustfully as your dad’s moans reverberate her insides, and you giggle into Josh’s mouth while you imagine your new futures together as Mistress’s slaves.