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Class of 2023 Graduation Handbook
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Class of 2023 


Wayne Prep Academy High School Graduation Handbook






April 6, 2023

1st and 2nd Lunch

Cap & Gown Delivery

WPAHS Commons

April 26, 2023

By Appointment (flyers will go out early April)

Cap & Gown Pictures with Strawbridge  (optional)


April 26, 2023

1:00 pm

Gap & Gown 2023 Class Group Picture



April 26, 2023

1:00 pm

Senior Picnic

WPAHS (Outdoors)

Rain Date TBD

April 29, 2023

3:00 pm

Deadline for Paying $25 Senior Fee


May 6, 2023

8pm -12am

Senior Prom

Tickets $40 per person (cost increases if purchased later)

Lane Tree Country Club

May 11, 2023

6:00 pm

HS Athletic Awards


May 12, 2023

6:00 pm

Senior Class Walk (cap and gown through lower schools)


May 16, 2023

6:00 pm

Senior Academic Awards


June 9, 2023

9:00 am

Mandatory Graduation Practice

Wayne Community College - Moffatt Auditorium

June 10, 2023

12:00 noon

Ceremony Starts at 1:00 pm

Graduation Ceremony

Wayne Community College - Moffatt Auditorium

Cap and Gown Ordering and Delivery - April 6, 2023 

Seniors who still have not ordered their cap and gown may pick up an order form from Mrs. Sasser in guidance or call the Herf Jones office directly @ 919-581-0355. Seniors may not participate in the graduation ceremony without the WPAHS cap and gown graduation ensemble.

Cap and Gown Pictures - April 26, 2023

Strawbridge Studios will be here on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 to take graduation cap and gown pictures. This is an early dismissal day, so our schedule will be altered.

Senior Picnic - April 26, 2023

The senior picnic is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26 at 1:00 pm and will be held on the WPAHS campus. All seniors are invited and encouraged to attend. All food, drink, and activities will be provided. If any parents are interested in donating items for the picnic, we will gladly accept. More information will go out before spring break on the picnic and how parents can get involved if they want to help with donations. The picnic is not open to outside guests, lower classmen, or family members (including WPA siblings); the event is for our seniors and staff members only. In the event of inclement weather, a rain date will be determined.

Senior Fee - Deadline April 29, 2023

As is, and has always been, a senior fee is collected each spring from each graduating senior for several purposes:

The senior fee for this year is $25 per graduate.  The fee must be paid by Friday, April 29, 2023.  Payments are accepted daily at the school from 7:15 am to 3:15 pm and can be made by check, cash, credit card, or CashApp.

*Please note: students must pay the graduation fee in order to attend the prom. If a student opts to not attend the prom, the fee must be paid before the student can attend graduation practice on June 9. Students who do not attend graduation practice, will not be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremony.

Junior/Senior Prom - May 6, 2023

This year’s senior prom is being held on May 6, 2023 from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm at Lane Tree Country Club. Only current WPAHS juniors and seniors may purchase tickets, which will be sold at WPAHS during the following dates (note: ticket price increases each subsequent week):

WPAHS students are permitted to bring a guest pending the pre-approval process. More detailed  information will be sent out as the event gets closer.

Athletic Awards - May 11, 2023

Athletic Awards for the spring will be held on May 11, 2023. More information will be forthcoming from Coach Moore, as well as individual team coaches.

Senior Walk - May 12, 2023

With this being our first graduating class, we are starting the tradition of a senior class walk through the elementary and middle schools. This year’s walk will take place  on Friday, May 12, 2023. Students who wish to participate will wear their cap and gown ensemble  and assemble in the high school gym by 1:10 pm. Once lined up, we will leave the high school at 1:25 and seniors will be escorted as a class over to the lower schools (where it all began for many of them) to server as positive role models and examples to the younger scholars of how ‘cool’ it is to work hard and be high school graduates!  We will walk first to the elementary school, next to the middle school, and then back to the high school.This is a student event only. We cannot open the lower schools to parent participation, but parents are welcome to view from the parking area as the students walk to each school and take pictures and/or video.  

Academic Awards Night - May 16, 2023

Academic awards night will be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 6:00 pm. This will be an evening awards ceremony where we will recognize seniors for their academic accomplishments and distinctions. We will also recognize the junior marshalls at this ceremony. All award recipients will be given an invitation, but the ceremony is open to anyone who wants to attend: WPA students, friends, family members. Please note: not all students will be receiving awards at this event, but all are welcome!  The ceremony location will be decided at a later date, but it will be on the WPA campus. Questions regarding the Academic Awards Ceremony should be directed to Mrs. Sandy Sasser by calling the high school, or via email at The following are some (but not all) of the recognitions that will be included:

Mandatory Graduation Practice  - June 9, 2023
WHEN: Friday, June 9th, 8:30 am - until finished (approximately 12:00 pm)
WHERE: Wayne Community College, Moffatt Auditorium

Graduation practice is MANDATORY for all seniors who are participating in the graduation ceremony on June 10th. Seniors should report by 8:30 am so that attendance can be taken, instructions can be given, and any outstanding fees can be collected before practice begins. Please note the following important items:

**Tickets for the graduation ceremony will be distributed to seniors at the end of practice.

Graduation Ceremony  - June 10, 2023
WHEN: Saturday, June 10th, at 1:00 pm    
WHERE:  Wayne Community College, Moffatt Auditorium  

SENIORS MUST ARRIVE DRESSED BY 12 noon with gowns unzipped and regular clothes fully visible. Please report directly to the student lounge to the left of the auditorium NO LATER THAN 12:00 pm.

Dress Code for Graduation/Cap and Gowns:

Try on your cap and gown BEFORE the day of the ceremony, to ensure that it fits properly. If there are any issues, contact Herf Jones office directly @ 919-581-0355 (our rep is  Jay Kornegay). Do not wait until the day of graduation to check your cap and gown!

Hang up your gown at least a week before the ceremony so that the wrinkles will fall out.  Do not attempt to iron, you will destroy the material!

Getting Dressed:

*Note: only cords for NC Scholars, Honor Graduates,  and Beta Club are permitted to be worn to the graduation ceremony.


The auditorium will open for guests to begin seating at 12:00 noon. Guests are not permitted to enter the venue early and reserve seats prior to this time, as the auditorium will be locked.

The auditorium doors will close promptly at 1 pm.  Anyone who arrives after 1:00 pm will have to view the ceremony from the overflow rooms, if seats are available. No exceptions will be made. There is no admittance to the auditorium once the graduates have entered, which marks the beginning of the ceremony. 

Standing in aisles, in the back of the auditorium, or on the sides of the rows is not permitted, per Wayne Community College policy and the Fire Marshall. If you must step out or deal with a restless child, you will need to move to the lobby area.

All children under the age of 12 MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times  in both the auditorium and overflow areas.

Lapped infants, toddlers, and children will need a ticket. This is non-negotiable due to maximum capacity regulations set by the college. Every guest entering the auditorium will need a ticket to enter, regardless of age. Please understand, capacity is based on bodies, not seats. WPA has no authority to overrule the college policy on maximum capacity.

As each graduate’s name is called, we ask parents/guests to lighty applaud. Please remember, this is a distinguished ceremony, not a pep rally. We understand your family is proud and excited, but we want each family to see their student and hear their student’s name being called, so please avoid excessively loud and disruptive behavior that could negatively affect others . Balloons, posters, and any other objects that may block the view of the stage are not permitted to be brought into the auditorium, and we will not have a place to hold these items for guests or graduates.

Ticket Information:  


The process for selecting student speeches for the graduation ceremony will be open to all members of the class of 2023. In late April, all candidates for graduation will have the opportunity to vie for a speaking role in the ceremony by submitting a written speech to a preselected committee of WPA staff members. The committee will select the top 2 or 3 speeches from those submitted and invite those students to present during the ceremony. There will be some guidelines for students to follow, as well as an opportunity to work with a staff member to make necessary edits and revisions, if necessary, and ample opportunity to practice in preparation for delivery on graduation day.

There will be other students who are selected for speaking parts or roles based on their school affiliations (i.e. SGA, class officers, ranking, etc..) and/or talents/interests (i.e. singing, benediction, presentation of the colors, etc…).


Official diplomas are given out after the graduation ceremony. The item handed to  graduates on stage during the ceremony is only the hardback diploma cover. After the ceremony, students will be able to pick up their actual diploma certificates at a table set up in the atrium of Moffatt Auditorium; this is the final diploma.

Important note: The commencement program and diploma are ceremonial documents and are not intended to be the official verification of graduation. The appropriately signed and verified high school transcript is the certification of a Wayne Preparatory Academy High School graduate.


Official graduate transcripts will be issued along with the final diploma at the pickup table following the ceremony. This is the only transcript graduates will receive from the school free of charge. If additional transcripts are needed at any time, students may email Mrs. Sandy Sasser at the high school ( The cost of additional official transcripts from WPAHS is $2 per copy.

Handshake Photos:

Strawbridge Studios will be at graduation to take handshake photos for each senior as they cross the stage and receive their diploma. We will distribute a flyer at the diploma table in the WCC atrium after the ceremony that will contain Strawbridge’s website and a QR code so parents can find their graduate’s photo(s). Photos will be uploaded and available on the site for purchase within 48 hours after graduation. All orders and payments are handled through Strawbridge Studios; WPAHS is not responsible for orders, payment, or problems with orders or photos.

Handicapped seating: 

If any guests are in need of special accommodations for auditorium seating, those requests may be made via email to Ms. Weber ( or Ms. Skinner ( no later than May 15, 2023. There are marked handicapped  spaces in the college parking lot, but they will be on a first-come-first-served basis.


Immediately following the ceremony, WPAHS staff will host a small reception in the college atrium. We invite all graduates and their families/guests to join us in celebration of our new (and first ever) high school graduates! Parents are free to take personal photos around the campus, but the auditorium will be closed immediately after the ceremony.


Staying Connected to Graduation Updates and Information:

  1. Senior meetings:

        *Additional Meetings will be scheduled if needed

  1. WPA Website:
     “High School” Tab > “Graduation” Tab (this will be available by 3/10/23)
  2. Class of 2023 Remind:  please join if you haven’t already
    Send a text to 81010 (in the number line)
    Type @gseniors23 (in the message line)
  3. Parent Group Email List:  sign up at parent meeting March 6, or email to be added to the parent group email list.
  4. WPAHS Facebook Page - updates are continuously added; please follow our HIGH SCHOOL Facebook page.
  5. Questions:
  1. Please be aware that changes may need to be made throughout this process, but will always be shared via REMIND and/or Facebook and/or the graduation tab on the WPA website and/or by email notification.