Group 4 :

1. Rahayu Okabriyanti Achmad (1588203029)

2. Julianti Siringoringo (1588203093)

A. Definition of Code, Code Mixing and Code Switching

• A code is a system that is used by people to communicate with each other. When people want to talk each other, they have to choose a

particular code to express their feeling

• Code-mixing is the change of one language to another within the same utterance or in the same oral/written text. It is a common phenomenon in societies in which two or more languages are used,usually without a change oftopic.

• Code switching is switching situation from one code to another (Suwito, 1985: 68). Code switching not only occurs in the form of language change but also may happen in the change of the variant of language.

B. Kinds of Code Mixing and Code Switching

1. Code Mixing

Based on the language or variant elements inserted in other language, code mixing can be classified into two kinds. a. Inner code mixing b. Outer code mixing

2. Code Switching

Based on the scope of switching where languages take place, Soewito (2004:114) divides code switching into two kinds, internal code switching and external code switching. Each type will be describing bellow: a. Internal code switching b. External code switching

C. Causes of Code Mixing and Code Switching

1. Talking about a particular topic

2. Expressing group identity

3. For prestige (to soften or strengthen request or command)

4. To exclude other people when a comment is intended for only a limited audience

5. Rival in speaking

6. Time and place in speaking

D. Examples of Code Mixing and Code Switching

• Example 1 Surat ini berisi permintaan borongan untuk memperbaiki kantor sebelah. Saya sudah kenal dia. Orangnya baik, banyak relasi, dan tidak banyak mencari untung. Lha saiki yen usahane pengin maju kudu wani ngono. (...... Sekarang jika usahanya ingin maju harus berani bertindak demikian).

• Example 2

Vinod : mai to kuhungaa ki yah one of the best novels of the year is. 

(saya akan mengatakan bahwa ini adalah satu novel terbaik)

• Example 3

P: I was surprised when I heard you speak Bahasa Indonesia just now. I think you are the right person for the interview. Mudah- mudahan tidak terlalu lama. Bisa kita mulai sekarang?

R: Well, boleh. Apa yang ingin (baca: inggin) Ibu


P: Pertama-tama saya ingin tahu a few details, nama, usia, alamat pekerjaan,...untuk kelengkapan data


• Code-switching is the mixing of words, phrases and sentences from two distinct grammatical (sub) systems across sentence boundaries within the same speech event... code-mixing is the embedding of various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound morphemes), phrases and clauses from a cooperative activity where the participants, in order to in infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear with what they understand