Response to text:Diwali: What is it? - CBBC Newsround

Water safety

Read this Article.  Then highlight the correct answer from the article.

1. What month is Water Safety Awareness month?

(a) January

(b) November

(c) March

(d) July

2. Which season is most associated with water accidents?

(a) Spring and summer

(b) Autumn and winter

(c) Spring and Autumn

(d) Summer and winter

3. What percentage of Kiwis visited the coast in the past year?

(a) 32%

(b) 85%

(c) 48%

(d) 25%

4. How many people actively swim or play in the water while visiting the coast?

(a) 3.2 million

(b) 2 million

(c) 1 million

(d) 500,000

5. What is the most important thing Daniel Gerrard says about water safety?

(a) Be prepared, know the risks and your limits, and look out for yourself and others.

(b) Don't swim in the ocean or rivers.

(c) Always wear a lifejacket.

(d) Never swim alone.

6. What is the difference between swimming in a pool and swimming in the ocean or rivers?

(a) The water is colder in the ocean and rivers.

(b) There are more currents and rip tides in the ocean and rivers.

(c) There are more people swimming in the ocean and rivers.

(d) All of the above

7. What is the highest number of preventable drownings in New Zealand?

(a) 95

(b) 390

(c) 2 million

(d) 3.2 million

8. What are the four key points of the water safety code?

(a) Be prepared, look after yourself and others, be aware of the dangers, and know your limits.

(b) Check the weather, your gear, and the water conditions.

(c) Adults should always supervise young children around water.

(d) Watch out for rips, currents, snags, and rocks before swimming, diving, or fishing.

9. What is the biggest mistake people make when they're in the water?

(a) Underestimating risks and overestimating abilities

(b) Swimming in the ocean or rivers

(c) Not wearing a lifejacket

(d) Swimming alone

10. What is the most important thing to remember about water safety?

(a) Always think about water safety before heading to the water.

(b) It could save your life or the life of someone you love.

(c) Both of the above