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Get out. Hide. Fight. - Training video transcript
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Toronto Metropolitan University Community Safety and Security.

Get out. Hide. Fight.

Training video transcript

This transcript is for the Get out. Hide. Fight. training video produced by Ryerson University. For more information and to access the video, visit

Text on screen: Get out. Hide. Fight. How to respond to an active attacker on campus.

Narrator: Toronto Metropolitan University is located at one of the busiest intersections in North America. With thousands of people moving through our campus daily, our top priority is the safety and security of our community.

Many partners are working together to make our campus safe, including TMU’s Community Safety and Security team and the City of Toronto’s Emergency Services. Even with these supports in place, safety is everyone’s responsibility.

This video production is a dramatization of three options you can use to respond to an active shooter situation. While the chances of this occurring are extremely low, active shooter situations can cause confusion and panic. It's important for TMU community members to have this knowledge in case it happens.

One day, it could help save your life.

Text on screen: Warning, sensitive content

Narrator: Please be advised that this video production is dramatic and realistic. Some viewers may find it upsetting.

Text on screen: Shooter on campus. Know you can survive.

Narrator 1: Gear fills a duffel bag.

[Sound of zipper.]

Narrator 1: University students work in a library, and a woman converses in sign language. Nearby, a weapon is pulled from the bag. As students walk down hallways, and open lockers, the weapon is assembled. An instructor teaches a class.

Text on screen: The unthinkable happens.

Narrator 1: A man wearing dark clothing stalks an empty corridor aiming an assault rifle. Nearby, students walk down a hallway.

[Sound of gunshots ring out.]

Student 1: Gun!

Narrator 1: The man arrives and shoots a fleeing student.

[Sound of gunfire.]

Narrator 1: The others turn and run. In the library, students look up from their books and laptops, and remove their headphones.

Student 2: I think that was a gun.

Narrator 1: A student glances back.

Student 2: Run!

Narrator 1: The shooter reloads.

Student 3: Did you hear that?

Narrator 2: Every second counts. Not sure if that’s gunfire? What else is happening? Check for crowd reactions, shouts, screams.

[Sound of shouts and screams.]

Narrator 1: The students begin to leave.

Narrator 2: Trust your intuition, it sounds like it could be a gun, react as though it is. Planning can save your life. Be familiar with your environment. Knowing your options ahead of time, means you can act with a clear mind when fear and adrenaline kick in.

Narrator 1: A group of students flee.

Text on screen: Scan and assess your situation. Consider your options. Act. Get out now, if you can.

Narrator 1: Students sprint down a corridor.

Narrator 2: Active shooter situations and evolve quickly.

Staff member 1: Quiet!

Narrator 2: You will need to react fast.

Staff member 2: Let’s go!

Narrator 2: If you believe you can escape safely, do so immediately. When you are safe, call 911.

Student 4: There’s a shooter on campus.

Narrator 1: Two students make their way to a stairwell. Outside, two unmarked police vehicles pull into a parking lot. The armed officers emerge in full SWAT gear.

Police officer 1: I’ve got people coming out.

Narrator 1: Staff and students run from the building.

Police officer 2: Where’s the shooter?

Staff member 3: I think he’s in the library.

Police officer 1: Okay. Get behind our truck.

Narrator 2: Follow the directions of police.

Text on screen: Choose a safe exit.

Don’t attract the shooter’s attention.

Protect yourself first before helping others.

Narrator 1: Hide. Barricade your hiding place.

[Sound of shouts and screams.]

Administrator: Come here, now!

Narrator 1: An administrator guides people into a classroom, and an instructor takes his students to a storage room.

Narrator 2: Find a secure room or space.

Narrator 1: They lock the classroom door.

[Sound of lock turning.]

Administrator: Shut the lights.

Narrator 2: Turn off the lights. Cover windows.

Administrator: We have to stay out of the line of fire.

Narrator 2: Lock the door and barricade it if you can.

Instructor: Someone’s shooting. We’re going to lock down, we’re going to remain safe.

Narrator 2: Improvise. Stay out of the line of fire.

Narrator 1: The instructor secures the storage room door with his belt.

Narrator 2: Get under desks or behind tables. Mute your phone and be quiet. Wait for police to come to you.

Narrator 1: The Shooter checks the classroom door, then moves on. In the storage room, students hide behind furniture.

[Sound of gunshot.]

Narrator 1: They look up.

Instructor: Ok everyone silence your phones.

Narrator 1: Continuing to advance, the Shooter aims his rifle at the storage room door.

[Shooter rattles the door.]

[Sound of breathing and footsteps.

Narrator 1: The instructor listens, eyes wide. In the neighbouring classroom, the administrator does the same. Behind her, student huddle together, whimpering.

Text on screen: Turn off the lights. Lock and barricade doors. Stay out of the line of fire. Be quiet.

Narrator 1: The last resort: fight. In a full lecture hall.

Instructor 2: Please remember that…

Narrator 2: If you can’t get out or hide, your last resort would be to fight.

[Sound of gunfire.]

Instructor 2: You! Turn off the lights.

Student 5: Quick! Get under the desks.

Instructor 2: Everybody! Hide!

Narrator 2: Whether you are alone or with a group, be ready to fight for your life. Commit to aggressive action. Mentally prepare yourself to physically fight. It would be a fight for your life. It’s your decision.

Narrator 1: The students hide before the Shooter enters the lecture hall.

[Sound of gunshot.]

Narrator 1: He’s tripped by a chair!

[Sound of gunshots and screams.]

Narrator 1: A student clubs him with a fire extinguisher! The Shooter drops and three people tackle him!

Narrator 2: Disarm and incapacitate the shooter, anyway you can.

Narrator 1: They keep the Shooter on the floor, away from his rifle.

Instructor 2: Got his arm!

Text on screen: Improvise weapons from nearby objects. Commit to an aggressive physical attack. Stop the threat.

Narrator 1: Choose action over fear. The police make their way up a stairwell.

Narrator 2:  If you’re safe in your hiding place, stay there and let police come to you.

[Sound of knocking at a locked door.]

Narrator 1: It’s the Police Service, announce your presence.

[Sound of the lock opening.]

Narrator 2: Remember a primary duty of police is to stop the shooter, and then tend to casualties.

Narrator 1: The police open the door.

Police officer 3: What we need you to do is follow our direction. Everything is going to be okay. We’re going to get you to exit the room, nice and slowly, one at a time.

Narrator 2: Do whatever you can to get through this., Odds are you will never face the unthinkable, but if you do, keep the odds in your favour.

Narrator 1: People gather outside.

Narrator 2: Planning can save your life. Having options empowers you and helps control your fear. Be familiar with your environment. Assess your situation. Make a decision and act.

Text on screen: Get out. Hide. Fight.

Administrator: We’re all okay. We’re all okay.

Text on screen: In an emergency, call 911

Text on screen: TMU Security is available 24/7, External phones: 416-979-5040, Internal phones: 555040

Text on screen:

Text on screen: Dramatization produced by the Image Works for the Campus Alberta Risk and Assurance Committee (CARA).