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LIB IFO unit Sept MINUTES.docx
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Metropolitan State University

LIBRARY IFO Faculty Association (FA) Meeting MINUTES

Meeting Date: Fri., Sept. 8, 2023        Time:  10am-noon        Location:  Zoom

Convener: Christine Larson

Recorder:   Christine Larson

Present: Michelle Filkins, Kat McLarn, Becca Peters, Ruth Zietlow, Jennifer DeJonghe, Alec Sonsteby, Christine Larson

To aid in council packet formation, please indicate when a topic was discussed and no motion was made so that we can differentiate these from topics which were not discussed (or not discussed adequately) due to lack of time.




Call to order; agenda check


V.A. Contract settlement.

Voting Sept. 7-13

V.B. Proposed FA Budget

For approval.

CFC Motion: Restore funding for the CF organizing budget to the 22-23 level. Seconded. Passed unanimously.

MOTION: Approve budget as presented by the FA Treasurer. PASSED.

V.C. Appointment of volunteers

V.D. Draft FA Safety and Security Committee

Library supports proceeding with second reading next month.

MOTION: Adopt committee charge. PASSED.

V.E. Career Readiness Project (CRP)


MOTION: The Career Readiness Workgroup requests IFO support for an initiative under development to promote the integration of career readiness into curricular and extracurricular learning activities. The initiative is equity focused and aims to serve all Metro students, regardless of major. Participation on the part of community and resident faculty would be voluntary.

RATIONALE: The Career Readiness Project (CRP) is intended to be an effective initiative to mitigate the current challenges of student retention and engagement while addressing the current student and alumni self-reported gaps in their student journey experience prioritizing the areas of career preparation and bridging the college to career experience. By Career Readiness (CR) we mean the process by which students come to achieve a level of proficiency at and ownership in articulating their career competencies through their education. The CR approach recognizes that many CR competencies are already implicitly fostered in university education. In essence, the CR approach strives to intentionally and explicitly integrate the competencies into coursework.  Faculty who opt to engage in the initiative would be provided development to develop aspects of their own pedagogy around career readiness.

VI.A. CARRY-OVER MOTION.  Committee representation: At-Large or unit-based?

VII. NEW BUSINESS from Committees and Councils

VII.A. CF Caucus motion on FA representation

CF Caucus Motion:  In order to address the challenges and inequities experienced by the CF VP, last year and in previous years, and in consultation with the Restructuring Workgroup convened last year to address those challenges and inequities, we propose the following changes to the Metro FA Constitution and Operating Procedures. 

Rationale: As part time, contingent faculty with no continuing contract rights, there should be two CF VP's for a few reasons. First, Community Faculty make up the majority of faculty at Metro, both in terms of credits taught and by headcount. Traditionally, RF have dominated elected positions in the FAC, and functionally, RF control the agenda and priorities of our union. Adding an additional CF VP would be a meaningful step to promote democracy in our union and to alleviate a glaring inequity. Second, CF struggle to serve in the role of CF VP because that singular position has more closely represented tokenism than true representation when, again, CF represent such a large proportion of faculty at Metro. Oftentimes in meetings, the CF VP is the lone voice for contingent labor and is oftentimes ignored, not taken seriously, the victim of classism, etc. A relevant experience was mentioned in the spring 2023 resignation email offered by a former CF VP. This proposal would take meaningful steps to alleviate that injustice. Third, because many CF are working elsewhere to make ends meet, there are often demands on their time that conflict with the needs of the CF leadership role. Finally, because CF are such a diverse and dispersed group (with no office space on campus), with some of the biggest needs due to low pay, lack of job security, stability, and protection, and lack of benefits, it makes sense to add an additional CF VP to further share representation within the FA executive structure and duties.

There are concerns about paying for more credits of compensation out of FA budget. This would have a significant impact on the budget.

There was also confusion over the roles of CF convener and the second CF VP: are these the same person?

MOTION to Approve proposal. FAILS. 

VII.B. and C. COM Motions

COM Motion: Request up to $150 budget for each in-person meeting for food/drinks. Moved. Seconded. Approved

COM Motion: If any contested committee appointments remain after the IFO Council meeting, those slots will come back to COM IFO for a vote.  Moved. Seconded. Approved

MOTION: Approve COM’s food budget. PASSED.

VII.D. and F. CLA Motions:

Motion: The Faculty Advisory Committee for community engagement should be reinstated and staffed entirely by faculty. It should work with the new CEC. 

Rationale: CEC has a history of not taking faculty work seriously, is there going to be real shared governance with the new CEC? The FAC was disbanded and showed a lack of shared governance. What’s the overall charge of the CEC?

Motion: Change language to in all committees from Ethnic Studies Department to “ethnic studies program.”

Rationale: This is the title of the program now that it is part of the larger EGHP department.

Please refer to Constitution Committee to update Operating procedures with Ethnic Studies Program language.

MOTION: Support Faculty Advisory Committee for Community Engagement motion. PASSED.

MOTION: Support change of names to Ethnic Studies program. PASSED.

VII.E. and G. LIB Queries

LIB Query Is community engagement council on hiatus or is it the faculty advisory group. Will the faculty advisory group meet if the council is on hiatus

FA President’s note: The University President would like to have the CEC involved in developing the vision, direction, and strategy for its work. As such she wants all of the faculty on the faculty advisory group to be in the CEC this year to have a broad point of view.

LIB Query: Questions of clarity regarding University Councils: 2) Regarding Public Safety and Security Committee. Will this follow the former representation structure (one rep from each campus) until the FA Safety and Security Taskforce has completed its work to create an FA Safety and Security Committee?

FA President’s note: No, because we were decreased to 3 representatives. However, we can look for a diversity of campuses to be represented. The library representative from last year was only temporary. However as we make up our own 3 rep composition we can dedicate one slot to the library.

LIB Query: How do faculty confirm their ongoing appointments to statewide groups?

FA President’s note: I have a list from statewide and would be happy to check for you. Please reach out to me (Cindy Harley).


CCSPA Motion: That the Metro IFO-FA find a way to honor and reward our Metro State Negotiator for his hard work this summer. Past ideas include a paid weekend getaway, but IFO could entertain other ideas, as appropriate. Seconded. Motion Carries.


Rationale: We thank all faculty volunteers and representatives to governance and union work.

VII.J. Discussion: Board of Trustees Outstanding Educator Award nomination


See packet for links to responses

A. Increasing # of Instructional Designers

B. Differential pay for CF

C. Quality Initiative project related to HLC accreditation

D. Reassign time / program coord / data accuracy

E. CLA CF and PDRs/course cancellations

F. Campus-wide calendar of events.

MOTION: We affirm the need for an increase in Instructional Designers. PASSED.

Rationale: Instructional Designers provide important support to teaching and learning, especially in an increasingly online or hybrid environment.


IX.A. Action items

Policies/procedures up for review:

Computer reassignment, email, graduate programs, organizational dept structure.

MOTION: We oppose language in the Email Policy 1050 that “The University expects that students and employees shall receive and read email in a timely manner. Timely response to email communication shall be defined by the department/operating unit in which the employee works.” PASSED.

Rationale: A Policy is not the place for language about suggested best practices, and we are concerned that this language might be used against students or staff in discipline or review, as well as leading to inconsistent practices across the University.

MOTION: Refer review of the Computer Reassignment Policy/Procedure to the FA Technology Committee. PASSED.

Rationale: We have concerns about the quality and specifications of faculty equipment and lack of guidelines for approving alternatives.

IX.B. Informational items

1. Finance and operations

2. Human resources and search updates

3. Provost’s updates

4. Student Services updates.

5. CIO

6. OEI

7. Strategic enrollment and marketing

8. IT info for faculty, students, staff.

Library queries:

1) in CFO update: “See attached updated FY24 budget and FY25 projections as of 8.28.2023.” LIB note: The FA appears not to have been provided the budget.

2) in CFO update: “Provided CFO coins to those who had recently performed superbly. Will take lessons/input to A Team Leader Retreat in October to solidify our goals and expectations for FY24.“ What are CFO coins and what is the “A Team” (assume not the TV show)?

Note:  PDF of faculty info from IT is not rendering legibly.



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