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Earbud Revenge
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

When the school nerd left someone had to take his place, and bully’s naturally drifted toward you. You never paid attention to it before but these guys are brutal, and none more harsh than Billy. He made sure to torment you before each period, sometimes just wedgying you in the middle of the hallway!

“Not anymore…” You grumble to yourself, programming a mini computer chip and placing it in a headphone wire.

The next day you swap Billy’s earbuds, trying not to smirk as he puts them in his ears. They power on from being plugged into any device, and you programmed them to play a Wiccan feminization chant on repeat. You wait for Billy’s transformation to begin, his big biceps should be shrinking already!

Wait… Why are you thinking about his strong biceps?

Your eyes open wide as you focus hard, only barely able to hear the loud Wiccan chant now playing in your ears. You don’t remember even plugging the headphones in, but you now notice that they’re in your phone and ears. You quickly take them out of your ears, blinking hard as your mind is whiplashed back into reality.

“What’s wrong with you, loser? Porn too loud??” Billy laughs, making the entire class erupt as you blush.

You’re too shaken up to try with the earbuds again, fearing the Wiccan magic that almost changed your entire life. You spend the rest of the day trying to forget the feeling of being attracted to Billy, but it remains a prominent thought in your head. It distracts you as you wait in line for lunch, and soon you’re using boredom as an excuse to imagine if you hadn’t taken out the earbuds. You then shiver at the emergence of such a thought, have the earbuds corrupted your mind?

You eat lunch alone, scared to speak to anyone now that you’re the biggest loser in school. Your last class ends soon after, and Billy approaches you with a put on grin.

“Did I ever get your number? I wish I could text and call you after school sometime…”

You can’t believe what you’re hearing, and from such soft lips! It- Whoa! You grab at the side of your head, in disbelief when your now delicate fingers hit earbud wires. Maybe that warning on the Wiccan site about revenge and unintended consequences should’ve slowed you down, but you never thought the magic would be so powerful and tricky!

A phone number you never heard spills from your mouth as your hand lets the earbud wire go, and you fear full control of your body may never come back.

Your clothes slowly shrink as you walk home, your jeans now short shorts that barely cover your ass cheeks. Your tee shirt becomes a hybrid sports bra with sagging cups, your chest still flat as a board and hairy. All the fat in your body seems to be moving around slowly, migrating from the most abundant places to the ones in feminine need. Your belly flops out over your tight shorts, but only for a bit. It doesn’t take long for the weight to redistribute, leaving your torso and spreading around to give you abundant curves.

Your bra fills as your thighs thicken, and you finally get home as all your body hair fades away. You run up the stairs against your will, boobs bouncing wildly as you try to stifle laughter. The first thing you do is look in a mirror to see your body, moving the headphones out of the way to see your toned tummy.

Your eyes follow the wire up to your ears, and you’re suddenly aware that you’re transforming into a bimbo. You try to yank the earbuds out, but there’s a strong magnetic force keeping them in your ears. You strain a bit, and feel the magic pump through your veins harder as you increase effort.


It doesn’t hurt when the earbuds come out, but you do feel a bit uncomfortable in the new silence.

“O my god, finally!! O I’m way too late!! I can’t believe I played with this magic stuff, I don’t even remember ever plugging this into my phone!” You exclaim as you unmindfully rub your crotch, “My dick’s so small now too, I gotta find a way to reverse this quick before I fall into the bimbo spell again!

I am pretty hot right now though… would it hurt to take a few pictures first?” You ask aloud, lips puckered as you smile and blush slightly.

No. No pictures. You have to reprogram the headphones and get back to your old body, this revenge backfiring is getting out of hand.

You get back on the Wiccan site and search for a masculinity spell, it’s a pretty simple one but it can only be done to others. Maybe Billy could come over and do it… Wait, that’s not- O no…

You have the earbuds in again!!

What’s the problem though? Didn’t Billy want you to be sexier? That was the whole point right?

“No!! This has to… like, stop… Stop being so…” You trail off in a haze as you look around the room, “Ew, it’s so manly in here, I- Omg! The Wiccan site?? I’ll just like, totes cast a few spells!”

You smile and turn up the volume on your headphones, increasing power to the bimbo incantation happening in your ears. You feel a happy smile form on your face as your mood is elated, and you spend the rest of the night turning your house into a teenage girl’s dream.

You fill the closet with pretty outfits, beautiful dresses, and sexy cosplay costumes. The kitchen becomes an instagram studio, and every wall turns pink with frilly molding.

Your shorts tighten as your hips extend outward, and your boobs grow too big for your shirt. You undress before wrapping a black ribbon around your neck and chest, the smooth fabric making you shiver as you put on a new outfit. You wrap more ribbon around you as your mind is engulfed in a pink cloud, your lips plumping up as your butt stretches the shorts behind you.

“My stomach was like, so totally toned before! What happened?” You pout, lowering your waistband to reveal smooth hips instead of the sexy muscles from just minutes ago!

And you expect to feel a bit of drag from the shorts on your manhood, but instead you’re wedgied in a whole new way. Only now do you notice the forming womanhood deep in your core, leading to wet puffy folds that crave penetration.

A knock at the door brings you back to “reality”, and you prance to the door with a giggle.

“Billy?? O I’m so lucky you’re here, I was like, just about to- I like need something from you!!” You say, grabbing Billy’s hand and bringing him to your room.

“I like, need you to help me with this spell, I totes can’t do it alone but I just like, want to turn on a man! No! I mean into a man!”

“” Billy sees on the monitor, pushing you out of the way before going through the site

“Wow, you've been using these spells? This one has a download link… O shit, that’s what’s going in your headphones?? You already downloaded this Bimbo incantation?? No way…” Billy trails off as he reads the spell effects, then making you giggle as he turns up your earbud volume.

You can hear the incantations loud and clear now, and lean back with a relieved sigh as your body balloons. Billy waits till after you grow too large for your shirt, only helping you take out the headphones when your bra is about to explode. He then lets you restyle your wardrobe with some basic spells, and curses your knowledge to make you forget about everything Wiccan.

You look around the room in state of confusion, your last memory being a bullied teen. Why do you feel so good? Why is your body so… “soft…” You moan as you caress your body, and Billy just chuckles as the headphones insert themselves in your ears. You forgot to change your bursting bra, and it erupts as your breasts double in size.

It’s impossible to pay that any attention though, your entire body pulsates with euphoria as you become a true bimbo.

Your curves finally settle and the headphones pop out of your ears, spent and unusable after all the power they exerted. You excitedly try on a tight thong and wonderbra, giggling as Billy gawks at your jiggling body.

“Maybe like, you take me somewhere that’s totes fancy and fun tonight? I’m like, ready to go!!”

Billy doesn’t even respond, a ravenous look on his face as your body reacts. You lean in as he grabs your hips, pressing your plush boobies into his muscular chest.

“My pussy’s on fire babe! Maybe we just like, stay in toni-Aiiiighh!!” You cut yourself off, squealing as Billy suddenly slips his cock between your folds.

“Warn a lady first…” You practically drool, melting in his arms as he plants a passionate kiss on your plump lips.

“With a girlfriend like you and these powerful spells, school’s gonna be pretty exciting…” Billy trails off, his powerful thrusts making you whimper as an orgasm builds up.

Your nipples harden as Billy rips off your wonderbra, and you bite your bottom lip as his cock bulges inside you. Just like it started, it ends without warning. You cry out as hot cum fills your pussy, but that soon turns to lustful panting as you milk Billy’s cock for every last drop.

“That was so much fun!! Can I like, suck your cock to get you hard again?? O and my friend Amy wanted to like, totally meet you, and maybe cuz she’s really hot and stuff we can…”