NYRIF Submission Guidelines
Rheumatology fellows from across the U.S. and Canada are invited to submit abstracts showcasing their original basic research, clinical research, or unusual clinical cases. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to give a poster presentation at the 2024 NYRIF Symposium - West in San Diego, CA to be held on September 25, 2024. Stipends will be awarded to help offset travel expenses.
- Fellows-in-training in an ACGME-accredited rheumatology training program in the U.S., or in an accredited (RCPSC) rheumatology program in Canada
- Interns and residents-in-training in an accredited program within the US or Canada who have an MD, DO, or MBBS degree; a special interest in rheumatology; and a relevant submission
- Unusual and fascinating clinical cases
- Results of ongoing or completed clinical trials
- Scientific observations or partially or fully tested scientific or clinical hypotheses relevant to rheumatology
All abstracts must be received via online submission by 11:59 PM CST on July 31, 2024
- A brief title that clearly describes the study
- The name of the main author/presenter
- Current institutional affiliation(s), including the city and state or province.
Note: Contact information should be included in the CV and not in the abstract.
- The author’s classification (fellow, intern, resident)
- The specific formatting requirements for the abstracts are described below
IMPORTANT: All abstracts must contain a disclosure (COID) stating whether the research was funded or supported in any way by commercial interests (e.g., grants from a pharmaceutical or other company). If there was funding provided by a commercial source, then the abstract must disclose the name of the company and the role of the funding agency. If the abstract was not funded or supported by any commercial source, then please put, “No Disclosures” either under the Author’s name and institutional affiliation or at the end of the abstract. The presence or absence of commercial support MUST be noted, or the abstract will be REJECTED.
We provide an online Conflict of Interest Disclosure form here: COID Form
Note: Some of the instructions have changed from previous years, so please read them carefully even if you have previously submitted an abstract
The abstract and the presenting author’s curriculum vitae should be submitted electronically online at the NYRIF Registration Portal following the steps below. Detailed instructions regarding the formatting and using the online system can be found at: NYRIF ABSTRACT SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS.
For the online submission:
- You will need to create a new account and provide your contact details in the NYRIF Portal. You must register for an account in order to submit an abstract.
- Click the ABSTRACT SUBMISSION button and complete the form.
- Select one person as the Presenting Author. This individual will be the main author who will receive correspondence regarding the abstract, and will be the one who receives the travel award for that abstract.
- Use the full name (no initials) for the Presenting Author to ensure that the submission is processed correctly and that the award is given to the correct person.
- Upload the abstract.
- Upload the CV of the Presenting Author. Please include Contact Information on the CV.
- Complete the conflict of interest disclosure (COID) questions. The COID form can be found here.
- Electronically sign the COID submission.
- All three documents (Abstract, CV, and COID) must be submitted in order to receive the discounted registration
- If you receive a green box validating your submission, your submission is acceptable. If you receive a red box, there are errors in your submission that need to be resolved. The documents will not be submitted unless the errors are addressed, and the submission will remain incomplete.
- A maximum of two abstract submissions are allowed per Presenting Author. Repeat the ABSTRACT SUBMISSION steps above for your second submission. Be sure to use exactly the same name (no initials) for both submissions.
- Once the abstract has been submitted, monitor the My Abstracts page to see if your submission is approved. This should take only a few minutes.
- Once your submission is approved, you can continue with your discounted NYRIF and CCR registration by clicking the CCR Registration button and following the instructions. Detailed instructions can be found at: NYRIF & CCR REGISTRATION.
- If you have questions or are unable to upload your submission on the portal, please email nyrif@ccrheumatology.com for assistance.
- The deadline for submissions is 11:59 PM CST on July 31, 2024. Abstracts received after that deadline will be rejected.
- There will be a faculty rounding to allow each fellow to present a poster showcasing the information presented in their abstract
- Abstracts previously presented at other meetings are permitted
- Cases being presented at the CCR Thieves’ Market are also permitted.
- The expert faculty judging panel will choose the most exceptional abstracts to receive stipends of $1000 each to help cover travel and meeting expenses.
- All others who make a poster presentation will receive a stipend of $500 toward travel and meeting expenses.
- The overall top abstract in each poster presentation group will be awarded an award and a certificate recognizing scientific achievement and exceptional promise.
- Only one travel award will be given to each individual.
- You must be present onsite to receive a travel stipend.
- Presenting Authors must attend NYRIF and present a poster in order to be considered for travel awards.
- All judges’ decisions are final
Below are the requirements for all abstracts. Failure to follow these instructions may result in the rejection of your abstract.
- Please use a sans serif font (such as Arial, Helvetica or Times New Roman), with at least 11 point size
- For research abstracts, include the purpose of the study, the methods used (if appropriate), a summary of the results, and the conclusion(s) reached.
- Case reports should have a brief introduction, the case presentation, and a summary that includes the reason why your case could be important to rheumatology.
- The text body is limited to 2,500 characters (without spaces), excluding the title, author’s name(s) and affiliation(s), disclosures, and embedded tables, graphs or photographs.
- Graphs, charts, and images may be uploaded and submitted within the body of the abstract without any character penalty. Any graphs, charts, or images not submitted within the abstract body will be rejected. All images must be at least 300 dpi.
- Use only generic names for all pharmaceuticals and devices mentioned in the abstract (e.g., use “acetaminophen” instead of “Tylenol”)
- “INCOMPLETE” Submissions cannot be processed.
- Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author to present at the symposium.
- Submission of an abstract is separate from registration for the NYRIF Symposium. Failure to register for the NYRIF Symposium by July 31, 2024 may jeopardize the inclusion of the abstract.
- Please note: all abstracts and posters will appear online and be printed and distributed at the NYRIF Symposium. Poster presentations will also be recorded and available for viewing online by registrants. Please ensure that all necessary permissions for publication have been obtained prior to submission of the abstract.
- There is a limit of two abstract submissions per Presenting Author. The submitting author is considered to be the presenting author unless another coauthor is appointed to present and CCR staff is notified of the change by July 31, 2024. The coauthor must meet all NYRIF qualifications and be registered as a NYRIF Symposium attendee.
- Only one travel award will be given per person, even if both abstracts are considered to be meritorious.
- Two investigators may not submit the same research; abstracts that appear to be replicate versions of a single study will be rejected. Submissions will be checked for duplication and both abstracts that appear to be duplicates will be rejected.
- Only one travel stipend will be issued per abstract.
- Investigators should submit the abstract to only one category. A submitter must choose the category that best encompasses the abstract’s focus. Be sure to review all the abstract submission options before selecting and starting the submission process. Categories may be added, combined, or deleted at the discretion of NYRIF, depending upon submissions.
- Follow all instructions for completing the submission. For research abstracts, be sure to
structure the content into Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion sections. Other
submission types may require a slightly different structure.
- Clarity of expression will be considered in the review process. The overall quality of language used should assure comprehension by the reader.
- Please write out all non-standard abbreviations the first time they are used, and avoid using abbreviations in the title whenever possible
- If authors' names appear on more than one abstract, their names must be spelled identically on each abstract in order to facilitate proper indexing. Do not list authors with initials only.
- After July 31, 2024, the system will be closed, and complete abstracts will be forwarded for the review process. An author may not revise or resubmit an abstract in order to make changes or corrections after this deadline.
- Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before they are submitted. Your abstract will be published exactly as submitted.
- The abstract may be withdrawn or, if already accepted, the error may be indicated during the presentation. If you choose to withdraw an abstract after the submission deadline, this request must be received in writing by nyrif@ccrheumatology.com prior to July 31, 2024. After this date, withdrawals will be accepted, but if the abstracts have already gone to the printer, abstracts may still appear in the final print syllabus.
- Adding or removing authors after the submission deadline is not permitted.
- All abstracts and posters MUST contain disclosures and a COID form must be completed and accompany the submission. No abstract or poster will be accepted without a Disclosure Statement. If no commercial funds were used for your abstract, then please state, “No Disclosures” either at the beginning under the author’s name and institutional affiliation or at the end of the abstract.