Context – What’s Happening?

Batman interrogates the Joker

Overall Tone / Mood

Tension and high paced

Director Intentions

To show that the Joker doesn’t fear Batman

Topics / Focus

Key examples from your text

What meaning (impact) is made about the nature of (characters, events, places...)

Significance to the whole film?


  • Low Key Lighting
  • Shadows/ Chiaroscuro
  • Switches to High Key

The Joker is central in the scene and it is lit with a single lamp. Then the lights come on as Batman is revealed, and the rest of the scene plays out with a big overexposure of light

He is not afraid of dying as he knows that Batman can not kill him so he puts his life on the line because he knows Batman won’t be able to change what he does.

The Joker is not afraid of batman which is a problem because his arguably most important power is of intimidation which does not affect the joker which adds a phycological scar on Batman.


  • Slight pans
  • Dolly towards subjects in action
  • Handheld

There are tight close-ups with just a little drift to the camera as you really see the Jokers movement back and forth. That way, even in a tight frame, you have this scene of uncomfortableness

Distance & Angle

  • Over the shoulder close up shots
  • Low angle when looking at Batman
  • High angle when looking at Joker
  • POV

Having the camera in these angles we see that when the camera is looking from a low angle up at Batman, we see that he is dominating the scene. And the high angle looking down at the Joker shows that he is vulnerable in the scene.


  • Characters on the third
  • Wide-angle
  • Picture in picture

There is a point in the scene where it spills over into real physicality as Batman drags the Joker across the table. and the camera goes handheld at that point and the rest of the scene is shot handheld as Batman is spontaneous and brach in his movement.