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Substitute Handbook
Updated automatically every 5 minutes



This handbook is not a contract of employment or an offer for a contract of employment. It is not a promise of employment for any length of time or under any particular conditions.

All substitutes are employed at-will and employment may be terminated by either party at any time, with or without cause. The Bainbridge Island School District reserves the right to amend or

abolish this handbook, in whole or in part, at any time, with or without prior notice.

This handbook supersedes any previously issued Substitute Handbook(s), and effective November 17, 2020. The provisions of any such previously issued handbook(s) are null, void, and of

no effect.

No employee or representative of Bainbridge Island School District, other than the Superintendent acting with the authorization of the School Board of Directors has the authority

to offer or promise employment for any length of time or under any particular condition.



Assignment of Substitutes        3

Red Rover        4

Inclement Weather/School Closure        6

Reporting to and Completing an Assignment        7

School Locations        8

Accepting Assignments        9

Canceling Assignments        9

Guidelines for Substitutes        9

Release of Students/Visitors        9

Professionalism, Dress, Accessories and Grooming        10


Pay Periods        11

Time Card        11

Assignment Errors        12

Retirement Credit        12

403(b) Accounts        12


Substitute Evaluations        13

Notification of Reasonable Assurance        13

Temporary Leave from Substitute Pool        13

Removal from the Substitute Pool        13

Due Process / Discipline / Substitute Performance        14

Long Term Assignments        14

Consideration for Multiple Job Assignments        15

Job Duties        15


BISD Policies / Compliance        16


Assignment of Substitutes

The Bainbridge Island School District uses an online substitute management program [] in concert with our Substitute Coordinator to process

absences and assignments. Substitutes can accept jobs in one of three ways:

  1. An employee may pre-arrange the assignment with a substitute and either add the assignment to the system themselves or through contact with the Sub Coordinator.
  2. Substitutes may access the Red Rover program using their ID and Password to choose an available assignment. Classified substitutes - although all types of support positions are visible on the screen, substitutes are only to accept positions for which they have been hired to work. See Job Descriptions for a list of positions.
  3. Substitutes may receive early morning wake up calls (starting at 6:00 AM) from the Sub Coordinator for same day assignments.

Bainbridge Island School District's substitutes are at-will, temporary employees who perform services on an as-needed basis at district discretion. The  Bainbridge Island School District

makes no representations, warranties or assurances regarding any minimum number, duration, or frequency of work assignments to be offered during the school year.

Once employed as a substitute, notification of change of status for assignments or resignations should be communicated to Kendra Burnett, (206) 780-1070.


Red Rover

Inclement Weather / School Closure

Substitutes are not currently included in the District's emergency phone system. Substitutes assigned to sub on a questionable weather day can verify school closures as follows:

Reporting to and Completing an Assignment

Substitutes will be expected to maintain the regular employee's work schedule, whatever that may be. School start times vary from school to school, so pay attention to the times listed in the Red Rover program or provided by the Sub Coordinator.

School Locations

(1) Bainbridge High School

9330 NE High School Rd

Bainbridge Island, WA  98110


(2) Commodore Options School (Odyssey K-8, Mosaic K-8, Eagle Harbor High School)

9350 NE High School Rd

Bainbridge Island, WA  98110


(3) Woodward Middle School

9125 Sportsman Club Rd NE

Bainbridge Island, WA 98110


(4) Captain Johnston Blakely Elementary School

4704 Blakely Ave NE

Bainbridge Island, WA  98110


(5) Lizzie Ordway Elementary School

8555 Madison Ave NE

Bainbridge Island, WA  98110



(6) Captain Charles Wilkes Elementary School

12781 Madison Ave NE

Bainbridge Island, WA 9 8110


(7) Sonoji Sakai Intermediate School

9343 Sportsman Club Rd

Bainbridge Island, WA 98110


Other Locations

(8) Transportation

9451 New Brooklyn Rd

Bainbridge Island, WA 98110


(9) District Administration Building

8489 Madison Ave NE

Bainbridge Island, WA 98110


Accepting Assignments

Substitutes are expected to record their unavailable work periods in Red Rover so the Substitute Coordinator only calls for emergency absences when the substitute is available for work.

Canceling Assignments

It is understood that emergencies and illnesses arise for substitutes as well as employees. A substitute who has previously accepted an assignment and is unable to fulfill the assignment should contact the Sub Coordinator immediately, and/or cancel out of the job through Red Rover. Missing an accepted assignment without immediate notification to the Sub Coordinator may be grounds for dismissal from the substitute pool.

Guidelines for Substitutes

Certificated Personnel

Guest teachers are expected to be on duty 30 minutes before and after the students' school day in order to allow time to find the office, sign in, find the classroom, locate the lesson plan, prepare the room and instructional materials, and otherwise prepare for a successful day of substitute teaching. When students have been dismissed for the day the guest teacher should check the room to ensure it is restored to the way they found it and leave a detailed note for the teacher.

Classified Personnel

Substitutes are expected to be at their assignment at the time specified in Red Rover or given by the Sub Coordinator. Classified personnel should allow sufficient time to find the office, sign in, locate their assigned work area and introduce themselves to the teacher and/or supervisor and receive instructions.

Release of Students/Visitors

No substitute should ever release a student from class without specific authorization from the school office. Any parents or visitors to a building must report to the office and obtain an appropriate pass before visiting any classrooms.

Professionalism, Dress, Accessories and Grooming

Substitutes are to strictly adhere to lesson plans, classroom/school procedures, and comply with any instruction or directive from the principal, any school administrator, or designee. Substitutes are also expected to conduct themselves with professionalism and cordiality in all interactions and communications.

Appropriate professional appearance is essential for a strong working and learning environment that is conducive to high student and staff performance. Professional attire is encouraged where appropriate. Dress according to the accepted assignment, refraining from:

Any school administrator has the authority to determine the appropriateness of dress, accessories, or grooming and may require a substitute to be removed from an assignment.


Pay Periods

Pay periods are monthly-paid on the 15th. In the event the 15th of the month falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, pay will arrive on the prior Friday. Direct deposit is required. Please fill out the authorization form and provide a blank check or savings deposit slip. Substitutes will receive a pay stub in the mail. Please check the information on the pay stub to be sure it is correct.

Payroll advances will not be authorized.

Time Card

Substitutes are to report directly to the school office to sign in.

District staff makes every effort to maintain accurate records of the assignments accepted and filled by substitutes. Due to the nature of the assignments which may occur in multiple schools for many different employees, errors may occur. Substitutes are encouraged to keep an accurate calendar record of each completed assignment and to check their record in Red Rover before the end of each month. The district will determine the resolution to any discrepancy between district records and substitute records. Adjustments to correct under or overpayment will be made in the next scheduled payroll, unless circumstances warrant running a corrected payroll.

Questions about pay may be directed to the Payroll Officer, at 206-780-1062.

Inform the Human Resources Department immediately in writing about any change in address, phone number, or legal name.

When a certificated substitute works a total of four hours or less on any assignment, payment will be made on a half-day basis. Red Rover will show the substitute reporting time for the

half-day assignment. The certificated substitute is to remain on duty for the duration of the classes scheduled for coverage during the half-day assignment. If it appears that the scheduled half-day assignment will exceed four hours, the certificated substitute is to immediately notify the school office for instructions on how to report the additional hours.

Assignment Errors

Should a substitute be scheduled by school personnel and verified in Red Rover for an assignment in error and show up for that assignment, that substitute will be paid for a minimum of four hours if certificated, two hours if classified. The school or district will attempt to assign the substitute to another absence or to other duties similar to those assigned, as determined by Human Resources. If the substitute declines the alternative assignment then no cancellation payment will be made. If an assignment is canceled before the substitute arrives for the scheduled assignment, no payment will be made.

Occasionally an employee who has pre-arranged a substitute forgets to add the pre-arranged substitute to the system, and another sub (typically another individual on the employee's preferred list) takes the assignment. Please be aware that in these instances the pre-arranged substitute will be entitled to the assignment. Every effort will be made to assign work to the substitute who selected the position online.

Retirement Credit

Substitutes wishing to earn Washington State Retirement System service credit must apply directly to the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) for this credit. Substitutes will pay

contributions directly to DRS. Substitute contributions to the plan will not be tax deferred. The Substitute Coordinator has additional information, or substitutes may go directly to Phone: 1-800-547-6657, 1-360-664-7000

403(b) Accounts

Substitutes may elect to have a portion of their monthly pay deducted on a pre-tax basis. That contribution can go to either a 403(b) Plan or the Washington State Deferred Compensation Program. If interested, please contact the Payroll Office for more information.


Substitute Evaluations

Certificated substitutes may request at any time to be evaluated by the teacher and/or principal of the school in which they substituted.

Notification of Reasonable Assurance

As each school year comes to an end the district assesses its need for substitutes to return the following school year. Substitutes receiving a notification of reasonable assurance letter must sign and return one copy, with their intent to return clearly marked yes or no. Substitutes who fill assignments for other districts must also sign and return a Sexual Misconduct Disclosure Release for each district worked for. Certificated teachers whose certificate expires over the summer months must turn in an updated certificate to the District Office before resuming work with the district.

Substitutes who receive a letter but do not return it will be placed on inactive status for the first month of school. Inactive substitutes who have not contacted the Substitute Coordinator by the end of the first month of school will be removed from the substitute pool.

Temporary Leave from the Substitute Pool

Occasionally a substitute needs to take an extended leave from the substitute pool for reasons such as maternity leave, seasonal work, or personal reasons. Substitutes needing to take time off

without being removed from the substitute pool must contact the Substitute Coordinator. Absences for a few weeks do not require Substitute Coordinator approval, and can be accomplished by marking those days unavailable in RedRover.

Removal from the Substitute Pool

Substitutes work at the pleasure of Bainbridge Island School District. As at-will temporary employees of the district whose services are utilized on an as-needed basis, substitutes may be removed or may resign from employment and the substitute list with or without cause at any time.

Substitutes are required to work at least twice per month or will be placed on inactive status and must call the Sub Coordinator for reactivation within 30 days. Any substitute who does not contact the office to request reactivation will be removed from the list. Once removed, a substitute wishing to return to substituting must reapply through the district, adhering to all current requirements, including but not limited to a new background check and employment verification.

Due Process / Discipline of Substitute Performance

The building principal or designee is the substitute' s supervisor during the fulfillment of an assignment. However, substitutes are temporary employees of the district under the general supervision of the Human Resources Department. The first level supervisor and primary contact for substitutes is the Substitute Coordinator. Any issues that cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the substitute coordinator or the substitute shall be referred to Human Resources, Personnel Director, for final resolution.

If multiple complaints about a substitute are received, the substitute may be required to meet with the Human Resources Director. The director will review the complaints and make a determination, including but not limited to, restricting the individual from a classroom or building, or removing the individual from the district's list of substitutes.

In the case of complaints that the district deems sufficiently serious to warrant immediate action without prior warning, the substitute will not be assigned to substitute in district schools until the Human Resources Director has completed an investigation. Upon completion of the investigation, the Human Resources Director will take such action as deemed appropriate, up to and including removal from the district's list of substitutes.

Complaints include, but are not limited to, a request that a substitute should not return to a particular class or building and complaints from students or staff.

Long-Term Assignments

A certificated substitute who accepts an uninterrupted assignment for the same employee for more than 19 consecutive days will be paid in accordance with the salary schedule in the Bainbridge Island Education Association Collective Bargaining Agreement beginning with the 20th day of the assignment.

If for any reason the principal believes the performance of a substitute in a long-term assignment is not meeting expectations, the principal may recommend a change to a different substitute.

Consideration for Multiple Job Descriptions

Certificated substitutes who would also like to be available for classified assignments may contact the Substitute Coordinator.  When subbing as a classified employee, record keeping and compensation are hourly rather than half and full day amounts.

Classified substitutes are interviewed and hired for specific positions: bus driver, para educator, and food service worker. Although the online system lists all support positions, classified substitutes may only accept positions for which they were hired. For example, custodial substitutes may not accept a job as a paraeducator. Paraeducators may not accept a job as a food

service worker, and so forth.

A paraeducator may work in general education, special education, lunchroom, and recess duty. Substitutes desiring to work in food service, custodial, clerical, or as a bus driver must receive training pertinent to fulfilling that assignment and must be interviewed and hired for each position in order to accept assignments to those positions.

Job Duties

Certificated Substitute (Guest Teacher)

Guest Teachers maintain an orderly classroom/learning environment and deliver instruction based upon the best available research and practices in teaching and learning. The guest teacher must be able to follow existing teachers' plans.

Para educator - General

Para educators assist students in a general education classroom or library.

Para educator - Special Education

Special Education services and support are provided through BISD for eligible students aged 3-21. Classroom models include developmental preschool, resource room, functional academics, behavioral, and adult living programs.

Para educator - Recess / Lunchroom Attendant

Substitute monitors playground, lunchroom, equipment and facilities for the purpose of providing for the safety and welfare of students and resolving conflicts. The substitute reports observations and incidents relating to students' behavior for the purpose of communicating information to teachers, parents, and administrators.

Job Duties (Continued)

Secretary or Office Assistant

Depending on the assignment, duties include a variety of routine clerical tasks, assisting in telephone and receptionist duties, basic computer knowledge using Microsoft Office applications, database management software and/or district email system. Most substitute office professionals will be expected to interact with staff, students, parents, and the general public.


The substitute is responsible for the care, cleanliness, and custody of the facilities and equipment. The position requires that the custodian keep the facilities in a condition that safeguards the health and safety of the students and staff, as well as maintains the mechanical system and external conditions necessary for effective learning.

Food Service

The substitute serves food and handles payments from students and staff. The substitute food service helper assists in maintaining a sanitary and safe environment, including work materials and food items, for the purpose of ensuring a safe and sanitary area and complying with required health and legal standards of operation.

Bus Driver

Substitutes operate school buses in all types of weather conditions, transport students and other authorized persons to and from school and drive for on field and extra-curricular trips as authorized by school district management.


Substitutes agree and commit to the following:

  1. Help keep our schools healthy! Stay home if feeling sick and/or recently testing positive for COVID-19.
  1. Substitutes who test positive for COVID-19 must stay home and isolate for 5 days. Repeating initial tests does not change this requirement. See the What to do if a person is symptomatic flowchart for more information. 
  2. Substitutes returning from 5 days of isolation should wear a well-fitted mask from days 6 to 10.
  3. Substitutes are also encouraged to test before returning to work. If they continue to test positive for COVID-19 after day 5, they must isolate for the full 10 days.
  1. Follow district and school policies and procedures.
  2. Comply with and follow all directives of school administrators and staff.
  3. Respect the confidentiality of students and staff.
  4. Be a positive role model, accepting each person and encouraging the best interactions.
  5. Be a good listener, patient, flexible, and non-judgmental; allow students to make mistakes.
  6. Reinforce student successes.
  7. Remain calm and collected in frustrating or stressful situations.
  8. Overcome setbacks or disappointments.
  9. Respect culture, religion and lifestyle diversity, and conform to **federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin (including language), sex, sexual orientation (including gender expression or identity), creed, religion, age, veteran or military status, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide/service animal.
  10. Support, not replace, the role of parents or guardians.
  11. Read and understand the following policies and procedures, found at http://, or request copies from school offices.

Key Points from Policies and Procedures:

The district will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation including gender expression, identity or marital status, the presence of any sensory or mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability (RCW 49.60 Law Against Discrimination). The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs will be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.

The Bainbridge Island School District believes in fostering an educational environment that is safe and free of discrimination for all students, regardless of sex, gender identity, or gender expression. To that end, the district recognizes the importance of an inclusive approach toward transgender and gender-expansive students with regard to key terms, communication and the use of names and pronouns, student records, confidential health and education information, communication, restroom and locker room use and accessibility, sports and physical education, dress codes and other school activities, in order to provide these students with an equal opportunity for learning and achievement.


This policy is a component of the district’s responsibility to create and maintain a safe, civil, respectful and inclusive learning community and will be implemented in conjunction with comprehensive training of staff.

The district prohibits sexual harassment in any form by employees. The term “sexual harassment” may include:

The district is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents/legal guardians, volunteers and patrons that is free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. As defined in by the RCW or WACs, “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to, one shown to be motivated by any characteristic in RCW 28A.640.010 and 28A 642.010, or other distinguishing characteristics, when the act:


Nothing in this section requires the affected student to actually possess a characteristic that is a basis for the harassment, intimidation or bullying.


“Other distinguishing characteristics” can include but are not limited to: physical appearance, clothing or other apparel, socioeconomic status and weight.


“Intentional acts” refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act rather than the ultimate impact of the action(s).


BISD Policies / Compliance

For information on Bainbridge Island School District policies and procedures, visit the website at:

Bainbridge Island School District Human Resources | 8489 Madison Ave NE | Bainbridge Island, WA  98110                                   

Substitute Coordinator | Kendra Burnett | 206-780-1070 (Direct Line) | (206) 842-2912 (Sub Line) |