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BAN - Tazriya 5784
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The BAN – Beth Aharon Newsletter

Riverdale’s Sephardic-Yerushalmi Congregation @ The Riverdale Bayit

3700 Henry Hudson Parkway, Bronx NY 10463 * *


abat Paraṡat Tazriyaȯ
13 April 2024 * 5 Ḣodeṡ Nisan 5784
ה’ ניסן

Hadlaqat Nerot abat - 7:15pm

ir Haṡirim - 6:45pm

Minḣa/Qabalat abat/Ȯrvit - 7:00pm - MNS
aḣarit (Qorbanot) - 8:45am - LBM

Latest emaȯ - 9:37am

Devar Torah - 10:45am

Qiduṡ - 11:45am

Table Conversations - 12:00pm

Minḣa Gedola - 1:29pm
Minḣa - 7:00pm - LBM

Seȯuda Ṡeliit & Ṡiȯur - 7:30pm

Ṡeqiȯa - 7:34pm * Ȯrvit - 8:09pm

Tset Hakok̇avim / Havdala - 8:19pm
Ṡabat ṡel Ṡalom!
Sunday Ṡaḣarit @ 8:15am - Hodu

Rəfuaa Shəlema

Our prayers for full and quick recovery to ‘Am Yisrael wounded bodies & souls and the kidnapped brothers  & sisters, and to those who are sick, among them:

* Reuven ben Aliza * Yig’al ben Sulika * Gavriel ben Yocheved * Shoshana bat Yocheved * Yehuda Baruch Noam ben Tova Batya * Eliyorah Ruth bat Naomi Rivka * Gavriel Lev ben Yechielah * Yosef David ben Haya Golda * Zvi Hershel ben Miriam * Dalia bat Rahel * Hadassa bat Shoshana * Masha bat Miriam * Tehila bat Rachel * Tanya bat Hoda Margalit * Yehuda Efraim ben Shifra * Yehuda ben Susi * Aliza bat Hassibah * Orly bat Annet * Rachel bat Hassibah * Shulla bat hassibah * Simon bat Hassibah * Yaniv ben Sarah * Michael ben Sonia * Shachar Shalom ben Sason * Menachem Hillel ben Malka Sandra * Liraz bat Tziporah * Shaked Ben Aliza * Ilana bat Victoria * Etka Ruth bat Devorah * Juliet bat Oshrat, and to all the ḥolim and the ḥolot.

This Shabbat & Beyond

This Shabbat we read Parashat Tazriya, think on how to increase purity of body, mind, and tongue; and keep on praying for IDF’s Soldiers Victory & Safety.

Tefilat Erev Shabbat starts w/ Shir Hashirim. Time is listed on the left. Minḥa is 15 minutes later.

● The Bayit Sarah & Avraham’s Tent welcomes all community members and visitors every Erev Shabbat for communal dinner, in memory of Henry & Goldie Guttman z"l.
 All Kids Are Welcomed to participate in tefilot Beth Aharon, such as Ashre, Shema’ Yisrael, Sim Shalom, Listen to Aliyat Cohen, Say Yimlokh, Ein KəEloqenu, Adon Olam, and more...

Shabbat Bayit Groups are available to all kids of all ages from 9:30am to 11:30am, on the 3rd floor.

Special Tefila: We say prayers for Medinat Israel, its People, the Perished, the Kidnaped, the Wounded, the Safety of all IDF Ḣayalim and Ḣayalot, and for a Victory of the IDF.
Azkara: David ben Simḣa z”l, Eyal ben Varda z”l.  

Dvar Torah: Rav Dov Lerea on Parashat HaShavua and Beyond.

 Qidush this shabbat is sponsored by Beth Aharon members in honor of the IDF soldiers, and with contribution of Shoshi Alon in memory of her father David ben Simḣa z”l, and for refuaa shelema to Juliet bat Oshrat.

Add’l contributions could be made here SUPPORT ONLINE 

Table Conversations after Qidush, for those who care: Free talks on the holy and the worldly.

 Parasha Shiur between Minḣa & Maariv at the MNSC: Hillel Jaffe on Exploring Maariv of Motzei Shabbat.” Part III.

 Mila baParasha after Minḣa at the LLBM. This week: “Shabbat HaGadol-שַׁבַּת הַגָּדוֹל” - What does the name mean; what Gadol about this shabbat; and why Gadol and not Gedola, in feminine form, like Shabbat Malka? Basic (and love of :) Hebrew is sufficient.

Blessings & Thanks & More

Our Deep Condolences to the families of Israel's fallen soldiers in the Gaza ground campaign and of the civilians perished in terror attacks this week.

Many Thanks to last week kiddush sponsors, to Sara and all of you who helped in and joined and enjoyed the BA Nisan Cookie Bake.
Mazal Tov to Idan & Aliza of their marriage and the happy parents Mikhal & Roni Levi and family; To Devorah & Ben Miller on their marriage and to the happy parents June & Doron Cohen and family!

 Happy Birthday to Jonathan Mark, Thomas Jefferson, and to all the Nisan-April borns.

Matters @ Beth Aharon @ The Bayit & Beyond

Beth Aharon is Riverdale’s Sephardic orthodox congregation, located at the Riverdale Bayit (HIR) Bronx, NY, since its establishment on parashat Ḥaye Sara 5768/1998. We mark this year 25 years, in gematria  ḢIBA-חִיבָּה standing for love and affection. Beth Aharon tefilot follow the Sephardi-Yerushalmi nusa, based on the teachings of Rav Ovadia Yosef, z”l. Our community embraces Jewish worshipers of all ethnic communities (‘edot) and of any level of observance, and welcomes all individuals who are in search of the Jewish faith. We encourage our congregants to take an active-leading role in Tefila and Qriat haTorah.

Community Matters

 Ahavat Yisrael and Ahavat Haberiyot - love for the Jewish people and love for all humanity - are part of the Bayit’s and Beth Aharon’s Values. It manifests by being a warm and welcoming and inclusive community to everyone who loves Medinat Yisrael and the Jewish People.
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Contact Us at for general inquiries and to join our email listing and the BANewsletter.

Get the BAN Newsletter Email us @ to get our weekly BANewsletter.

Birkat Hashana - Show your bond, support, and affection, your ḣiba, to Beth Aharon. Become a member this year and/or take part in our 5784 התשפ”ד Birkat haShana Campaign. Your participation in tefilot and events greatly enhances our Bet Keneset and b”H makes us greater. Currently enrolled in Birkat HaShana 5784:

  לֵוִי, סִיגַל-מוֹלִינַס, אֲבִּיכְּזֶר, אַהֲרֹן, אֶלְמַעלֶם מֹשֶׁה וּבָנָיו, בֶּן-זָקֵן, בֶּן-מוּסָא, בֶּרֶבִּי, זוּכֶּר, זִימֶט, מַהְגֵּרֶפְטֵה, מוּת, מְנַשֶּׁה, סְמֹאל, סַמְיוּאֵלְס, פָּגָּ'רֶס, קָנוֹוִיץ', רוֹנֵן
Contributions: Supporting Beth Aharon tefilot and programs is much needed & welcomed! Support and DONATE ONLINE Tizku leShanim Rabot veTovot.
Questions or Help? Email

This Week’s BAN is Sponsored By





Pesa is coming: Planning to Sale your amets? What about buying less in the next few weeks, eating the amets you have, and donating the rest before Pesa. Leave the sale for businesses who deal with large inventory while making a good deed by donating food. Pesa Kasher to all!  Sale your amets here: SaleChametz

Upcoming Happenings  

Blood Drive Sunday, April 14, 6 Nisan at 9:00-3:00 at Riverdale Y. Register at Blood.Drive

Yom HaAliya is marked on 10 Nisan, Wednesday night and Thursday Day,  April 17-18, recognizing the miraculous Aliya, immigration to the Jewish State of Israel.
Shabbat HaGadol Kiddush: To ease everyone's pre-Pesa preparations we will have next shabbat, Shabbat haGadol,  April 20, a Lunchidush after tefila. Sponsors are more than welcome. Any amount is great. Email or text Tsuri.
The 3336th Pasa since the Exodus will be remembered on Nisan 15-21 plus 1 day for those who live in exile, starting Monday night April 22nd. Join BA for ALL Tefilot. The Bayit offers Free Passover Seders on both Mon. night, April 22 and Tue night, April 23. Click here to learn more and register.

Yom HaShoah Shabbat Talk: The Holocaust in the Sephardi/Mizrai World, by Zvi Paikin. Shabbat May 4, Nisan 26 before Kiddush.  

Yom HaShoah 5784 will be marked on Sunday night and Monday day, May 5-6, Nisan 26.

 Yom HaZikaron 5784 will be marked on May 12-13, Sunday Night & Monday, 5 Iyar, followed by Yom HaAtsmaout celebrations on Monday night and Tuesday Day, 6 Iyar. 

Herzel Day, Yom Hertsel, is a day which commemorates the life and vision of Zionist leader Theodor Herzl

Sat night and Sunday, 11 Iyar, May 18-19.

 Lag BaOmer is on Motsash and Sunday, May 25-26, 18 Iyar, celebrating a late-night bonfire with the Shtible and Sunday day with Riverdale Chabad at Seaton Park.
 Celebrate Israel Day Parade Sunday, June 2, Iyar 25. March up Fifth Avenue in the annual Celebrate Israel Parade. Now, more than ever, we must unite to proudly and publicly express our love and support for Israel.
The HIR Annual Dinner will table place b”H on Sunday June 2nd, Iyar 25, honoring Am Yisrael.

Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, commemorates the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967. Is marked on 28 Iyar, Tuesday night and Wednesday, June 4-5.

BA Shavuot Luncheon on Shavuot Day 1 Wednesday - Sivan 6, June 12, 2024. Stay tuned for details.
Qidush Sponsorship is available and always welcomes, full or partial, is always welcomed and appreciated. Please check your emails for schedule availability!

 The Shabulletin - Your shabbat-table newsletter, on the parasha and beyond... 5784:30

Parasha & Times

abat Paraṡat Tazriyaȯ
13 April 2024 * 5 Ḣodeṡ Nisan 5784
ה’ ניסן

Today 189 Days BaGaza

Jerusalem - Candles 6:26pm; Havdala 7:44pm
Modiin - Candles 6:37pm; Havdala 7:45pm

Miami - Candles 7:25pm; Havdala 8:18pm
Manhattan - Candles 7:15pm; Havdala 8:16pm
Moscow - Candles 7:12pm; Havdala 8:33pm
London - Candles 7:35pm; Havdala 8:48pm
Paris - Candles 8:21pm; Havdala 9:30pm

Picture of the Week

Israeli car racer raises awareness for the Israeli kidnapped, instead of trophy. Ariel Elkin, a 16 year old student from Haifa, took third place in the New Orleans Formula 4 race, this week. Instead of lifting his trophy over his head as customary, Elkin took his helmet to the stage, refusing to put it down, and then lifted it above his head in a show of support for the 133 kidnapped, held by Gazans Hamaso-Jihadists in Gaza since Shemini Atseret, 22 Tishre 5783, October 7, 2023.

The Weekly Riddle

Uncle Moshe counted in his animal farm 38 legs and 12 heads.

How many sheep and how many chickens does he have?
Guess before you take a peek. The answer is on the next page).

In The Beginning

*On Seder night*, we recite from Mishnah Pesahim (10:5): בכל דור ודור חייב אדם לראות את עצמו כאילו הוא יצא ממצרים. In every generation, every person must view himself as if he had left Egypt. As Maimonides states (Mishne Torah, Laws of Hametz and Matsa 7:1): אפילו חכמים גדולים חייבים לספר ביציאת מצרים וכל המאריך בדברים שאירעו ושהיו הרי זה משובח. Even great scholars are required to speak about the exodus from Egypt, and those who expand their discussion of what happened and what was are praiseworthy.

Cyril Zooms In

"Haughtiness lives under the same roof with solitude." - Plato

This week's parasha, Tazria (“[who] conceives”, “she will sow,” or “she will cause to grow,”) continues to discuss the laws of purity and impurity. It refers to defilement contracted by childbirth and to a condition that affects the skin, garments or homes called Tzaraat, a supra-natural plague. For Tzaraat, a temporary measure decided by the priests is quarantine because the person is considered impure. This is why for a long time, Tzaraat has been erroneously translated as leprosy. However, Tzaraat is caused by haughtiness, a character trait considered as highly despicable by God. Its direct opposite traits are humility and selflessness. This contrast is remarkably described in the haftarah for this parasha. The prophet Elisha selflessly shares food brought to him with his students during a famine. And he is tasked to cure Naaman, a non-Jewish, Aramean general, afflicted by Tzaraat. After a successful healing, Elisha refuses any reward from Naaman and Naaman renounces idolatry, leaving his spiritual solitude, and coming back to life. Interestingly, “morgue” is a synonym for arrogance and also refers to the place where the bodies of dead people are stored. If arrogance is death, then humility and selflessness are life. Wishing you and your family a selfless, restful, and joyful Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom! C.B.

‘Am Yisrael Ḣazaq Ḣai VeQayam עם ישראל חזק חי וקיים

The Gaza War, the Eighth Day War, enters its 28th week. We strengthen the hands of Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael, of Israel’s army, its security forces, its citizens, and its residents. We remember the 802 innocent civilians, and the 697 fallen soldiers, police officers, security members, and rescue personnel, who have bravely fought Jihadist evil of the highest order. We pray for the fast return of the remaining 133 kidnapped, the return of the nearly 200,000 displaced Israelies to their homes, for the full recovery in body and soul of over 12,000 injured, and for strength for the 230 widows and 532 orphans. With prayers for victory, safety, and lasting peace.

On the Parasha & Beyond…

Rav Ovadia Yosef z”l

The Blessing of the Trees

One who goes out during the month of Nissan and sees trees starting to blossom recites the blessing:
“Barukh Ata Hash-em E-lokenu Melekh Ha’Olam Shelo iser Be’Olamo Kelum U’Vara Vo Beriyot Tovot Ve’Eilanot Tovot Le’hanot Bahem Bene Adam”.

This year (5784), Rosh odesh Nissan will fall out this coming Tuesday, G-d-willing. We shall discuss the laws of reciting the Blessing of the Trees on Shabbat in a following Halacha.

Our Sages established this blessing because the budding of the trees is an occurrence of renewal that happens once a year when a person sees trees that have already dried up and Hashem revitalizes them and makes them blossom anew (Rabbenu Aharon Ha’Levi in his Sefer Pequdat Halviyim, Berakhot 43b). This blessing is recited once a year and no more.

If the Blossoming has Concluded
If the blossoming has already concluded, i.e. buds (or flowers) no longer appear on the tree and the tree has already begun to produce fruits as is common among almond trees and the like, the Blessing of the Trees may not be recited on such trees. Even if fruits have not yet begun to emerge, as long as no buds are present on the tree, the blessing may not be recited, for this blessing was established to be recited on the blossoming of trees which is only when the buds emerge. Nevertheless, if a tree has begun producing some of its fruits but some of its flowers and buds are still present, the Blessing of the Trees may be recited on such a tree.

Women and the Blessing of the Trees
Women should also recite the Blessing of the Trees during the month of Nissan. Although they are exempt from other time-bound Mitzvot, such as the Four Species on the holiday of Sukkot, they should nevertheless recite the Blessing of the Trees. The reason for this is based on what the Sefer Turei Even (Megillah 20b) has written regarding the Mitzva of bringing Bikurim (first fruits) to the Bet Hamiqdash that women too are commanded to bring

>>> Bikurim to the Bet Hamiqdash, for although Bikurim are not brought after anukah, this Mitzvah is still not considered time-bound because only a Mitzvah that cannot be performed at all times because of the essence of the Mitzvah is considered halachically time-bound. However, the fact that Bikurim are not brought past Chanukah is only because the fields are usually barren of fruits at this time; nevertheless, were there fruits to be found in the field, this would also be an appropriate time to bring Bikurim as well. Thus, this is not considered a time-bound Mitzvah.

The same would apply regarding the Blessing of the Trees, for, in essence, this blessing could be recited at any time; the reason why it is only recited during the month of Nissan is because that is when trees usually begin to blossom. Thus, the time-frame here is not the cause of this blessing and is merely a prerequisite to recite the blessing. Women should therefore recite the Blessing of the Trees as well. We shall discuss some of the laws involved with this blessing in the next Halakha, G-d-willing.

A Story – of a tail

A young man wished to marry the farmer's beautiful daughter. He went to the farmer to ask his permission.

The farmer looked him over and said,

"Son, go stand out in that field. I'm going to release three bulls, one at a time. If you can catch the tail of any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter."

The young man stood in the pasture awaiting the first bull.

The barn door opened and out ran the biggest, meanest-looking bull he had ever seen. He decided that one of the next bulls had to be a better choice than this one, so he ran over to the side and let the bull pass through the pasture out the back gate.

The barn door opened again. Unbelievable. He had never seen anything so big and fierce in his life. It stood pawing at the ground, grunting, slinging slobber as it eyed him. Whatever the next bull was like, it had to be a better choice than this one. He ran to the fence and let the bull pass through the pasture, out the back gate.

The door opened a third time. A smile came across his face. This was the weakest, scrawniest little bull he had ever seen. This one was his bull. As the bull came running by, he positioned himself just right and jumped at just the exact moment.

He grabbed… but the bull had no tail!


One Moral: Life is full of opportunities. Try and grab the first one. The next ones may not be really there.

On the Parasha & Beyond…

Biblical Quiz: Tazriya’

Kids: What is the name of the Prophet in our haftarah? Youth: What is the meaning of his name? * Teens: Who was his teacher? * Adults: How many miracles did he perform? * Rabbis: What were they? * Experts: How many people did he resurrect, and how many did his teacher?

Parasha: Tazriya - Vayiqra (Leviticus) 12:1-13:59

Historical Context: Bene Israel's 40-year journey continues. Location: Midbar Sinai. Creation Year: 2448. General calendar: 1446 bce or 1311 bce according to Seder Olam. Entering the second year of the departure from Mitsrayim. Bene Yisrael, camped in front of Har Sinai after receiving the Torah and building the Mishkan (sanctuary), are now commanded of the korbanot (sacrifices), kosher eats, purity and impurity, & other laws.
Parashort: Tazriya continues the discussion of the laws of Tumah and Tohara – ritual impurity and purity. A woman giving birth should undergo a process of purification, which includes immersing in a natural pool of water and bringing offerings to the Temple. All male infants are to be circumcised on the eighth day.

Haftara: Melakhim Bet (Kings 2), 4: 42-44, 5:1- 19

Haftit: A man from Ba'al Shalisha, identified as a site about 12 miles SW of the city of Shomron, brings the prophet Elisha‘ 100 loaves of bread. Elisha‘ makes a blessing on the food. The students of Elisha‘ are miraculously satiated with small portions of the food: From only 100 breads, Elisha‘ performs a miracle that his 2200 students were satiated. An Israelite maid servant advises Na'aman, the general of the Aramean army, to consult Elisha‘ for a cure of Tsara'at. Na'aman prepares to travel to the Jewish king, Yehoram Ben Aḥ’av, in Erets Yisrael. Elisha‘ advises Na'aman to immerse himself into the Jordan River. After initially refusing, Na'aman follows the advice of Elisha‘ and is cured. Na'aman accepts Hashem's authority.

Connection to Parasha: The Parasha elaborates the laws concerning a person or an object that have a tsara'at, and how the Kohen should handle it. The Haftara tells how the prophet Elisha‘ cured from Tsara’at, the General of Aram, Na’aman.

Speechless in the Parasha: Tazriya

The parasha talks about the future arrival at the Land of Kəna’an. How did the Israelite imagined the Promised Land, while living in the desert?

Ktav Parasha: Tazriya‘ - Nega‘ Tsara‘at

Parashat Tazriya‘ - The parasha brings up the Nega‘ Tsara‘at - a supra-natural infliction on human skin or on objects. It is not the skin disease Tsara‘at known to us as leprosy. The sages explain that biblical nega‘ Tsara‘at when appears on objects, like a house or clothes, comes as a sign of warning to the owner of these objects to act properly and/or to repent. Nega‘ Tsara‘at on people has a different source. The sages tells us that is it comes directly as a consequence for speaking leshon hara‘ לְשׁוֹן הָרָע - defamation or slander.

The Nega‘ Tsara‘at is being purified with two birds.
 "And he (the purifying priest) took for the metsora' (the afflicted person) two pure live birds." Why birds? Why not another animal, like sheep? Why not a fruit or maybe a vegetable? And why 2, why not 1?  One explanation is that the gematria (the letters’ numerical value) of tsipor צִפּוֹר is equal to shalom שָׁלוֹם - peace or wholeness. The bird thus comes as a hint to the slanderer that his/her misdoing will not be atoned for until what was corrupted with gossip will be corrected with restoration of equilibrium. Leshon Hara‘ causes unnecessary friction and separation between individuals and between communities and thus the Torah guides us that it is the ultimate duty of the slanderer to restore the peace.
But why 2 birds? Simply, one bird is killed to show the state of social death which the metsora’ person escaped from by making atonement, and one bird is set free symbolizing the freedom the person was given to reenter society.
Another explanation is that: The affliction of Tsara’at comes from speaking leshon hara', slander, which is about chattering. Birds always chatter! Also, to speak leshon-hara' you need at least 2 people, the slanderer and the listener. Thus, 2 birds are needed for the purification process, and not 1.

May we refrain from speaking and listening and reading unnecessary words, thus bringing forth harmony.

Jokes are exempt :)
Side Note 1: Why is there a picture of 2 ears of corn above? Because an ear of corn could have also been as good as birds to demonstrate the point of leshon hara’, as it has many teeth :) ... and 2 ears even more!  

Side Note 2: Leshon Hara‘ is mistakenly pronounced and written Lashon Hara‘, in the same manner that Shelom-Bayit is mistakenly pronounced and written as Shalom Bayit. The construct-possessive form renders the qamets (ah) into sheva (eh)

Shabbat shel Shalom and Ḥodesh Tov!

On the Parasha & Beyond…

A Story - of humility

This note from 18th century HaNoam Elimelekh was folded in the clothes of the Commando Brigade IDF soldier Rif Harush, from Kibbutz Ramat David z”l, who fell in south Gaza this week. May his memory be for blessing.

ovadia.jpg רב עובדיה יוסף ז"ל - Rav Ovadia Yosef z”l

Soldiers - "That's why you have to appreciate this thing. To kiss them. Every soldier you see - you have to kiss him. He gives himself up for the People of Israel. They let us study Torah, they let us pray. If it wasn't for them - could I pray?? Every moment the terrorists of Hamas can come, and the land will be filled with hamas before them, before us.

What could we do? What would we do? Where would we go? The Holy One, blessed be He, will protect our soldiers. He will give them the wishes of their hearts for goodness and blessing, so they will build loyal homes in Israel, and will be granted a length of days and years of life and peace."

 Rav Question - שאלת רב

Why is purity time after giving birth to a baby girl twice longer than after giving birth to a baby boy; and why is Mother's Day always comes before Father’s Day?

In The Good News

Indonesia announced its commitment to establishing diplomatic ties with Israel for the first time in history. The world's largest Muslim country (235 muslims million out of 270 million total) agreed to recognize Israel in order to join the OECD – which requires the consent of all member countries. The OECD is a the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development comprising 36 countries predominantly Christian and western. Indonesia will be the second Muslim country to enter the OECD, after Turkey, which joined in 1961 when it was still westernized and democratic. Israel joined the OECD in 2010.

Time to Smile

Another Solar Eclipse This Week

Biblical Quiz - Tazriya‘ Answers

Kids: Elishaע * Youth: G-d will save * Teens: Eliyahuo Hanavi (Elijah) * Adults: 16 * Rabbis: 1. The Crossing of the Jordan. 2. The Healing of the Waters of Jericho. 3. Cursing Several Young Jeering Men. 4. Filling ditches with water to win the battle. 5. Multiplying a widow's oil. 6. Promising a pregnancy. 7. Raising the Shunamite's son from the dead. 8. Rendering the poisonous stew harmless. 9. Multiplying loaves of bread. 10. Healing Na'aman's leprosy. 11. Cursing Gaichazi with Leprosy. 12. Making an iron ax head float. 13. Blinding an Aramean army. 14. Showing his servant an angelic army. 15 & 16. Elishaע resurrected two people. Experts: Elisha’ 2 persons - the son of the Shunamit and a buried man; and Eliyahu 1 person - the son of the Tsorfatit woman (not a French :)

Riddle Solved

7 Sheep and 5 chickens

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