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English translation: "ASL - I didn't know he could read or write."
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Do you know former National Football League player Colin Kaepernick?  In 2016, before football games, he knelt during the National Anthem.  He refused to stand and honor America, because police officers shot a thug named George Floyd.  Since 2017, Colin hasn’t played any football, because teams don’t want him.  Colin became a professional victim, complaining that America is bad and that America is racist.  

Anyway, when Colin was young, his parents abandoned him.  A white couple adopted him.  Colin grew up in Wisconsin, but at age 4, he moved with his family to California.  At age 8, Colin started playing football.  He grew up playing football.  He played college football.  In 2011, Colin joined the National Football League.  

Throughout 2016, Colin knelt during the singing of the National Anthem.  After the 2016 football season, his team released him.  Teams decided they didn’t want Colin, and he sued the NFL.  

Several times, teams encouraged Colin to join them.  He refused.  Instead, he became a professional victim. He complained that teams didn’t want him, because they were racist.  

Anyway, recently Colin published a picture book.  In the book, Colin said that his adoptive parents are racist.  Remember that his adoptive parents helped and loved him.  Really, Colin is the racist.  

In another report, Jill Biden honored women by giving women’s courage awards.  One of the people she honored was a transgender woman, meaning that it was really a man, not a woman.  

Once again, liberals are trying to pander by canceling real women and exchanging them for transgender women.  Biological women must confront this liberal agenda.  You must let your politicians know that you will not accept their transgender agenda.  Most importantly, you must vote.  If a politician says that transgender women are real women, don’t support that politician.  Liberal Democrat politicians have proven that they hate women.