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ROSHAMBO17: DAVIS Rock-paper-scissors (RoShamBo) Dataset 2017

Iulia-Alexandra Lungu, Tobi Delbruck

October 2017

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Dataset description

Roshambo is a dataset of rock, paper, scissors and background images [Fig 1] recorded using an event-driven camera, the DAVIS240C. The DAVIS outputs conventional global shutter gray scale image frames and dynamic vision sensor (DVS) events.  The DAVIS also includes its own inertial measurement unit (IMU) that measures camera rotation and acceleration.

Sample images produced from DAVIS DVS data; each image consists of full-rectified 2k events subsampled to 64x64 pixel images


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Dataset description

Sample images produced from DAVIS DVS data; each image consists of full-rectified 2k events subsampled to 64x64 pixel images



More about the dataset

Dataset contents

Downloading the dataset

How to extend the dataset


Publications using this data should cite the following paper:

I.-A. Lungu, F. Corradi, and T. Delbruck, Live Demonstration: Convolutional Neural Network Driven by Dynamic Vision Sensor Playing RoShamBo, in 2017 IEEE Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2017), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2017 [Online]. Available: 

More about the dataset

20 people were recorded over continuous videos for each of the three rock, paper and scissors symbols, amounting to around 5 hours of total recording time. A fourth background category was also recorded in order to capture non-hand data necessary for classification tasks.

The raw data format is AEDAT. More details about this file format can be found here.

The AEDAT files were converted to AVI movies by creating event histograms using a variable number of events (500, 1000, 2000, 4000 events per frame), using the tool (see folder for windows .exe version). The usage for  dvs-slice-avi-writer are

$ dvs-slice-avi-writer.exe

java DvsSliceAviWriter [-aechip=aechipclassname (fully qualified class name, e.g. eu.seebetter.ini.chips.davis.DAVIS240C)] [-dimx=36] [-dimy=36] [-quality=.9] [-format=PNG|JPG|RLE|RAW] [-framerate=30] [-grayscale=200] [-writedvssliceonapsframe=false] [-writetimecodefile=true] [-numevents=2000] [-rectify=false] [-normalize=true] [-showoutput=true]  [-maxframes=0] inputFile.aedat [outputfile.avi]

Note arguments values are assigned with =, not space

If outputfile is not provided its name is generated from the input file with appended .avi


The AVI movies were cut into frames with and compiled in two LMDB databases with, one for training and another one for testing. For more details about the LMDB format, check this Wikipedia entry.

Data processing included full event rectification (all events are considered positive), 0-1 rescaling and image resizing from 240x160 pixels to 64x64 pixels.

Dataset contents

The folder has the following structure :

  1. recordings

Each recording contains a single symbol and is labelled with the corresponding symbol name.

There is a folder for each number of events that was used to generate the frames.

  1. lmdb_train

It contains training and validation datasets in LMDB format, created using the script provided in the utils folder.

  1. utils

Note: remember to change the file paths in all the necessary scripts before attempting to use them.

Downloading the dataset

Use Resilio Sync (a private bittorrent protocol) to get the data at this link: 

The complete dataset download is currently about 80GB. Clicking on the link above will pop up this result, assuming you already have resilio sync installed:

Resilio Sync link result

Once you install and run Resilio Sync, you can select the option to “Selective Sync” to synchronize only part of the data.

On linux, you should copy the link above, and paste into the web GUI interface for sync by selecting the + button and selecting the “Enter a key or link” item.

Note: for linux firefox users, see this post for help to access the data, since firefox will not recognize the btsync protocol.

How to extend the dataset

  1. Install jAER: Follow the iniLabs guide to installing and running jAER:
  1. Record new .aedat files, each one with a particular class.
  2. Convert to .avi format with tool dvs-slice-avi-writer
  3. Use the provided script ( to convert .aedat files to .avi files.
  4. Create LMDB: Use the provided script ( to create the LMDBs. Both train and test LMDBs are shuffled. The data is split into 90% for the training LMDB and 10% for the test LMDB.