(A close up of the Wrestleworld logo is shown as the camera begins to zoom out)

(The camera reveals it to be a bird’s eye view of the Wrestleworld ring as the camera continues to ascend)

(The sound of old school commentary of professional wrestling matches begins to play as the camera zooms out further to a shot of the Wrestleworld Arena)

“We have a new Champion crowned!”

“What an incredible night!”

“Two of the best athletes competing--”

(The camera continues to rise as it reveals all of the Wrestleworld location from above, as its speed grows faster)

“Don’t you dare change that dial!”

“He wins it! He wins it!”

“You have never seen professional wrestling quite like this ever before--”

(The camera leaves the surface of the Earth quickly as the World itself fills the “O” in the title “Wrestleworld” where the camera finally stops)

… Greatness By Design

(A recap of ARCADIA is shown; featuring highlights throughout the entire 3 Week Event; such a Nobi defeating Babayka, Sweet Melody retaining the Campeonatos de Parejas, Layne Driver controversially beating Scott Oasis, Cynthia Rose dethroning Colt Montoya for the European Championship, Arata Asakura ending Animus, Allesandro Devastation’s retention of the American Dream Championship over Stephanie Matsuda, Reginald Dampshaw III conquering Jaydayne Pendragon, and Christopher Sabertooth’s victory over Emmanuelle to become the new Shogun Champion)

(Chants of “WRESTLEWORLD! WRESTLEWORLD! WRESTLEWORLD” can be heard echoing from the capacity crowd as the camera transitions slowly to a shot of the inside of Heavens Arena. The entire set has been updated, as well as the ring with new colors and designs. In the ring itself, a proud-looking Jaywalker with visible bandaged injuries from ARCADIA, is shown dressed in a suit with a microphone in hand)

(Jaywalker takes several moments to look around at the sold out Heavens Arena; taking in the adoration from the fans)

Jaywalker: Ladies and gentlemen… I am your Director of Wrestleworld… And I am here to personally welcome you to a new beginning! Welcome to Book THREE of Wrestleworld!

(The crowd erupts with cheers as Jaywalker nods in agreement to their excitement)

Jaywalker: I can’t even begin to tell you what it is I’m feeling right now! I wish I could put it into words… It’s a--a mix of a lot of things, really. You can call it joy… Call it happiness… Hell, call it relief. It’s an indescribable relief to be standing here, still in charge of my home - of MY vision! I fought to bring this company to life! I fought to make this entire World come to fruition! And I fought to keep it! So hell yes, you’re damn right I feel relieved!

(The crowd claps and applauds as Jaywalker begins to walk around in the ring)

Jaywalker: And I think it goes without saying that a lot of things changed at ARCADIA. We saw blood feuds come to their brutal end. We saw gold retained by the formidable Champions. We saw brand new Champions crowned by laying it all on the line and never looking back. But I think I’d be remiss in my duties if I didn’t address the biggest change of them all… Know what that is?

(The crowd cheers in response to Jaywalker’s question as he holds up the microphone for them to be heard)

Jaywalker: …. That’s right… Our biggest change… We have a brand new arena for DOMINION! Wrestleworld will never be the same!

(Jaywalker chuckles as he looks around)

Jaywalker: Alright, alright, yeah, I should probably also mention that Claudia Michaels is NO LONGER the Architect for the American Dream Championship!

(The crowd erupts with cheers)

Jaywalker: So if you’re wondering what that means for the future of Wrestleworld, allow me to fill you in. Claudia Michaels no longer being around firstly means… There will be no further power abuse for the American Dream Championship Division.

(Jaywalker looks up towards something)

Jaywalker: It means there will be no more custom “Queen’s Balcony” for our Architect to get drunk in.

(Jaywalker waves “goodbye” to the now missing Queen’s Balcony in Heavens Arena)

Jaywalker: It means that we don’t have to listen to Robbie in the Sky Booth screaming at the top of his lungs over her every time she shows up.

(The crowd cheers as Robbie V is shown with a scowl on his face in the Sky Booth with an awkward Felix Mosby next to him)

Jaywalker: But most of all… It means the biggest change of all here in Wrestleworld… It means that we now need to appoint a brand new Architect for the American Dream Championship!

(The crowd cheers as Jaywalker smiles)

Jaywalker: It’s a new day here. A new era. I want someone that will bring prestige and honor to the American Dream Championship. And I’m not going to wait around to find someone to fill that role. Instead, you’re going to be introduced to them right here tonight! In this ring! And we won’t be the only ones to welcome this new Architect either. I’ve told each and every other Architect here in Wrestleworld a mandate that they are to be here as well in this ring, for the start of Book 3, to help me welcome our new Architect! So without further adieu, allow me to introduce to you all of the Architects who will be returning for Book 3 to continue their duties! First, let’s welcome a man who I have a great deal of respect for. He’s someone who has been a great part of the J-Dynasty and has done everything in his power to make the Shogun Championship the most honorable in all of Wrestleworld! Ladies and gentlemen… Jaydayne Pendragon, your Shogun Architect!

(“Just Another Hero” by Yuki Hayashi plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Jaydayne Pendragon makes his way out to the stage through the LED doors - dressed in formal attire as he makes his way down to the ring)

Felix Mosby: Always great to see Jaydayne Pendragon! He may not have been the original Shogun Architect, but he took on the role proudly and has not looked back! I don’t think anyone can deny how good the Shogun Division has been since he took over!

Robbie V: You’re gonna just kiss the ass of every single person who steps in that ring during this, aren’t you? Who cares about Pendragon?! Who cares about any of this?! Hell, Pendragon lost, yet AGAIN, at ARCADIA! He’s useless! This is stupid!

Felix Mosby: Alright, alright, we all know why you’re upset, just relax, Robbie! Try to keep your personal feelings out of this!

(“Just Another Hero” fades out as Jaydayne enters the ring and shakes Jaywalker’s hand before stepping aside)

Jaywalker: And next to come out here… While they may not be everyone’s favorites, and may even have a good deal of hate from quite a few people out there, I don’t think anyone can deny that they’re one of the greatest duos to have ever stepped inside a ring. While there was always a question of maturity regarding their selection as the Architects for the Campeonatos de Parejas, I believe that they have been the right people to push it towards being a very special Division that has held its own throughout Wrestleworld. So welcome out here, the Architects for the Campeonatos de Parejas… Drake Jaeger and Tiberius Jones…. Drake & Jones!

(“Bite The Bullet” by contRoVersy plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Drake Jaeger and Tiberius Jones excitedly push their way through the LED doors and out to the stage, both dressed in colorful suits as they make their way to the ring)

Felix Mosby: I think Director Jaywalker summed it up pretty nicely there regarding Drake & Jones, actually! Like em or hate em, there’s no denying that Drake & Jones have been an interesting aspect of Wrestleworld as Architects and have definitely pushed the Tag Team Division!

Robbie V: Are you serious right now? They’re idiots! Both of them! The definition of moron! They don’t bring the energy of Architects! They bring the energy of The Three Stooges! Only the world would implode if there was a third person like them! They’ve been nothing but pests!

Felix Mosby: Well you’re somewhat of an expert on Tag Teams yourself, so I suppose you’re entitled to your opinion there!

(“Bite The Bullet” fades out as Tiberius and Drake both shake Jaywalker’s hands at the same time awkwardly before stepping away to the side)

Jaywalker: Right… And the last of our returning Architects, he is a man who has brought his own unique flavor of authority to the role. He wasn’t someone who I was entirely familiar with when he first arrived here, but his in-ring presence outside of North America speaks for itself. The man who brought him to my attention, Dr. Erik Vance, believed in him to take on the task of being the Architect for the European Championship and it has made it a very… Unique Division, to say the least. So introducing now, along with Dr. Erik Vance… Wrestleworld’s European Architect… Babayka!

(“Air-Raid” blares all throughout Heavens Arena)

Felix Mosby: Well, no matter how you feel about any of these Architects that Jaywalker has brought together to help run Wrestleworld, it cannot be denied that they all bring their own unique flavor of authority to the table! Babayka perhaps more than anyone else!

Robbie V: That’s the nicest way I’ve ever heard someone be called a freak. Just call em like you see em, Felix! He’s a freak! A mask-wearing freak!

Felix Mosby: Well, that’s one way of putting it, I suppose, but… Where is he?

(“Air-Raid” continues to play as no one seems to be coming out to the stage)

Felix Mosby: Rather odd, there doesn’t appear to be any sign of Babayka or Vance…

Robbie V: Well let’s give Babayka the benefit of the doubt, his leg HAS to be shattered after Nobi literally ran over it with a car!

Felix Mosby: Yeah, but…

(No one continues to come out as a visibly bothered Jaywalker looks on along with the other Architects in the ring)

Robbie V: Hell if I know…

(“Air-Raid” finally fades out as a confused Jaywalker looks around for answers at the Crew Workers at ringside)

Jaywalker (no mic): Well? Where the hell is he? Where’s Vance?

Crew Worker (no mic): He doesn’t appear to be here, sir. He didn’t show.

Jaywalker: Didn’t show? What the hell do you mean he didn’t show?

Official (no mic): He wasn’t backstage.. Neither of them are. No one has seen them.

Jaywalker: … Well one of you go find them! Go straight to the Carnival, get them, and bring them here!

(The Official and Crew Worker look at one another before looking back at Jaywalker)

Official (no mic): What if they don’t come back with us?

Jaywalker: Then I at least want an answer for why the hell they aren’t here! Now go! NOW!

(The Official and Crew Worker leave as an upset Jaywalker tries to regain his composure)

Jaywalker: Well… Unfortunately it seems as though we will not have ALL of our Architects present for this moment. That will be dealt with. But let’s not let it ruin the moment. This is all about bringing aboard the new American Dream Architect. And while I may not know this man personally, I’ve heard nothing but great things about him. He’s someone that I’ve been informed thoroughly about and assured that he can be trusted.

Felix Mosby: So it’s a ‘he’!

Robbie V: Of course it is, Jaywalker is nothing but a sexist.

Felix Mosby: What?

Jaywalker: I know HE is at least here tonight, and we’ve kept him waiting backstage for long enough, so let’s let him come on down here and personally introduce himself to his fellow Architects, the Wrestleworld Faithful here in attendance, and the millions more watching at home! Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you, the NEW Architect of the American Dream Championship… SERGEANT Jack Ranger!

Robbie V: Who?

(“Remember the Heroes” by Sammy Hagar plays all throughout Heavens Arena as the LED doors open to reveal a man with a beard and a shaved head, dressed in a suit with military medals visible on the suit. He comes out to a mixed reaction from the fans as he looks around, taking in the sights, before finally making his way down to the ring)

Felix Mosby: Wow, now this is certainly a surprise!

Robbie V: Huh? Seriously, who the hell is this guy supposed to be?

Felix Mosby: I can’t say I know him TOO well, but I’ve heard of Jack Ranger from his time on the independent scene, and while he was very talented for being relatively new to professional wrestling, I certainly wasn’t expecting THIS!

Robbie V: You’re joking right? You can’t be serious. You can’t honestly be telling me that this muppet, Jaywalker, just appointed a Goddamn NOBODY to replace Claudia Michaels as the American Dream Architect! You can’t actually be telling me that’s what’s happening right now!

(Jack Ranger makes his way up to the ring, climbing the stairs, walking the apron, and confidently entering through the ropes as he immediately shakes hands with Jaywalker)

Felix Mosby: Well from the sounds of it, Jaywalker has heard nothing but good things about this man, and I’m sure he’s done his own research as well! You may not like it, but it seems as though it’s a new era in Wrestleworld after all!

(Jack Ranger extends his hand to shake hands with Jaydayne Pendragon and the reluctant pair of Drake & Jones)

Robbie V: This is a joke! This has gotta be a joke! I could think of a million different people that could be taking on this job! And Jaywalker picks some no name?! Please! Should have known this place would go to hell the moment Claudia left!

(“Remember the Heroes” fades out as Sgt. Jack Ranger looks around; being handed a microphone. As Jaywalker begins to speak, Jack stands perfectly in attention, waiting to be given permission to speak)

Jaywalker: No need for that. At ease, Sergeant. I don’t think it’s my place to introduce you to all of these people. Instead, I’ll let you go ahead and do it yourself.

(Jack Ranger nods and looks around as he finally begins to speak)

Sgt. Jack Ranger: … I--

(“Power” by Kanye West and Jay-Z abruptly plays as a visibly angry Jaywalker looks on while the other Architects take notice)

Felix Mosby: Oh boy, this can’t be good…

(After several moments, Allesandro Devastation - dressed in a suit with a microphone and the American Dream Championship - steps out through the LED doors and to the stage with a visible scowl on his face)

Robbie V: As if this night couldn’t get any worse, now we have to see this guy’s ugly mug too? Is this just “People who Claudia hated” Night or something? Let’s wrap this up already!

(Allesandro makes his way down to the ring as Jaywalker visibly mouths words in his direction while Sgt. Jack Ranger looks on)

Felix Mosby: It’s clear that the American Dream Champion himself has something on his mind! I take it he won’t be giving his own warm welcome to the new Architect…

Robbie V: I wouldn’t be shocked if he did, maybe he’s here to kiss this guy’s ass as much as you will!

(“Power” fades out as Allesandro steps into the ring. Jaywalker immediately steps in Allesandro’s way as the two men stare down)

Jaywalker: I don’t know who exactly you think you are, but carrying that Championship doesn’t give you any right to interrupt something you weren’t invited to.

(Sgt. Jack Ranger puts a hand on Jaywalker’s shoulder)

Sgt. Jack Ranger: Mr. Director, permission to handle this?

(Jaywalker hesitates, but ultimately steps out of the way as Jack Ranger steps up to Allesandro)

Sgt. Jack Ranger: It’s clear to me that you’ve got something you’d like to say, Mr. Devastation. While I don’t agree with the way you’ve gone about it, as the new Architect for that American Dream Championship, I’ll listen to whatever it is you have to say. But once we settle whatever this is, I ask that you show some respect to our Director and promptly leave at once.

(Allesandro looks at Jaywalker before looking back into the eyes of Jack Ranger)

Allesandro Devastation: You think I want to be out here? I’ve got business of my own outside of this industry to handle. I don’t come out here for anything but important matters. And I really don’t give a damn what it is you people are doing. Whether you or anyone else likes it or not, I am still the American Dream Champion of this company. Tyranny still reigns supreme, Captain America, and since Claudia Michaels is no longer running things, you’re the guy to see. I’m gonna make things crystal clear for you to understand. I’ve proven myself as the rightful, undisputed, unrivaled American Dream Champion around here. I proved it the very night that I made this Championship mine. I proved it again when I retained it the first time. When I retained it the second time. The third time. And most of all, when I beat everyone’s hero, Stephanie Matsuda, at ARCADIA… Just like I said I would. And yet, I’ve continued to hear the whispers. I’ve heard the talking heads in the media. I’ve heard these mongrels you call the “Wrestleworld Faithful” echoing it. Refusing to acknowledge me as the American Dream Champion. Every single one of them should be silent and watch me carry this Championship for as long as this company remains alive. But I’m here so you don’t make the same mistake Claudia made. The same mistake all of those people want you to make. I beat Matsuda once and for all. Decisively. Conclusively. End of story. Done. So I want you to tell me… Show how honorable you are and give me your word… That Stephanie Matsuda will not be getting another shot at the American Dream Championship so long as it’s in my possession. Just say those words and that will be the end of that. You’re the Architect now, so it’s time to get to work and do right by your Champion.

(Jaywalker mouths words to Allesandro, who ignores him while Jack Ranger nods and looks around before finally preparing to respond)

Sgt. Jack Ranger: Mr. Devastation, the moment I was called upon and appointed to the job of being the American Dream Architect, it was my duty to understand every single aspect about it. That included understanding you. That’s what I do, and that’s what I’ve always done. As you can see, I was in the military and took great pride in serving my country. I took great pride in being prepared, studying, and knowing every aspect of my fellow soldiers, the brass, and most of all, our enemies… Every aspect. So of course, the same applied to this job. I’ve come to know a lot about Jaywalker, and about my fellow Architects. I’ve come to know a lot about you too, Mr. Devastation. I know all about your family, all about what you’ve done here, and exactly what kind of person you are.

Allesandro Devastation: And what kind of person am I?

Sgt. Jack Ranger: A narcissistic individual that’s here through nothing but nepotism and needs that American Dream Championship to feel validated.

(Allesandro gets in Jack’s face as Jaywalker gets ready to step in. Jack once again gestures to Jaywalker that he has it handled)

Sgt. Jack Ranger: You won that Championship by attacking the Champion after they had just retained it in a brutal contest. You’ve exploited every dirty tactic possible to keep that Championship around your waist. You carried that Championship not like a Champion. You carried it like a coward…

(Allesandro mouths inaudible words in Jack’s face)

Sgt. Jack Ranger: … That is, until ARCADIA. I watched you finally do your job and compete fairly in an Outlaw environment. You didn’t need to steal anything. You didn’t need any intervention. You won on your own. And that is something I can actually respect. I believe Stephanie Matsuda is the type of person to agree on that despite the bad blood between you. I believe that now that the dust has settled, she acknowledges you as the American Dream Champion. And more than that, I acknowledge you as the rightful American Dream Champion. So yes, you’ll get what you want. Stephanie Matsuda will not be challenging you for that American Dream Championship again. You have my word.

(Allesandro continues to stare down with Jack before slowly backing away and nodding)

Allesandro Devastation: That’s more like it. There’s the respect I deserve. Do yourself a favor and keep that word, because I’m gonna hold you to it. And as long as you’re a man of your word, I’m gonna be a man of mine. I’m done here.

(Allesandro begins to take his leave as everyone else looks on)

Sgt. Jack Ranger: But I’m not, Mr. Devastation.

(Allesandro steps as he nearly went through the ropes. He slowly turns around, looking back at Jack)

Allesandro Devastation: You’re not what?

Sgt. Jack Ranger. You may very well be done here, but I am not. I understand why Mr. Jaywalker didn’t want you out here to interrupt this welcoming committee for me, but I’m actually glad you’re here. I actually have more I’d like to inform you of.

(Allesandro looks visibly confused; asking Jack what he’s talking about)

Sgt. Jack Ranger: Don’t worry, I’m keeping my word. You won’t be challenged by Mrs. Matsuda. However, in case you aren’t aware, there’s a very special upcoming event called “Violent Ends”. And at Violent Ends, we will showcase you and that American Dream Championship, and all eyes will be on this division. I take that very seriously. Now as I told you earlier, I’ve studied you and I believe I understand you very well. I wasn’t wrong to say that you need that Championship to feel validated. Even now after winning at ARCADIA, it still gets under your skin that there’s people who don’t accept you as Champion. You don’t want to simply win. You want to be ACKNOWLEDGED. You want people to kneel in your presence and accept you as their Champion. I can’t say I subscribe to your “Tyranny”, but I’m more than willing to give you the opportunity to truly silence those naysayers. So I have a challenger in mind at Violent Ends.

Allesandro Devastation: … Who? What, you?

Sgt. Jack Ranger: Of course not, don’t be silly. I wouldn’t hesitate to step into the ring with you, but my duty as an Architect isn’t to put myself first. It’s to elevate others. It’s to give opportunities to others. In fact, opportunity is the very essence of “The American Dream”, wouldn’t you agree? That’s what makes the United States of America great. So I’m offering opportunities. I suppose I didn’t say it right before. I don’t have a challenger in mind, Mr. Devastation. I have challengers in mind.

(Allesandro looks visibly annoyed and still confused as the crowd begins to stir)

Sgt. Jack Ranger: And right here tonight, there will be not one, not two, but THREE qualifying contests to determine the first participants that will challenge you. Stark or Graham Baker. Rosanna Vendetta or Devon Slayton. Nobi or Reginald Dampshaw III. Those 6 competitors will fight for their own special opportunities tonight. The winners of each of those matches will qualify as challengers for you… And those three will join two others… Against Allesandro Devastation for the American Dream Championship at Violent Ends… In an Elimination Chamber.

Felix Mosby/Robbie V: WHAT?

(The crowd erupts with cheers as Jaywalker smiles while Allesandro glares at Jack)

Felix Mosby: No way! Wow! What an announcement! Sgt. Jack Ranger, the new American Dream Architect, just announced an Elimination Chamber for the American Dream Championship at Violent Ends! What a way to start off his run as Architect!

Allesandro Devastation: … Alright, I guess that settles it. I told you not to make a mistake that Claudia would. Now you’ve gone and made me look bad by doing something no different than she would. You’re gonna learn, soldier boy, this ain’t your division. It’s mine. This isn’t a democracy. It’s Tyranny. Remember that.

(Allesandro takes his leave as Jack Ranger looks on)

Robbie V: Some ominous words from the Champ, but I can’t help but laugh! This guy is no Claudia, but I can welcome seeing Allesandro have to defend his Title against FIVE other people in an Elimination Chamber!

(Jack Ranger turns back to Jaywalker)

Sgt. Jack Ranger: Mr. Direct, we can continue this ceremony now, if you want.

Jaywalker: No need. I can’t think of a better way to introduce our new American Dream Architect than that! Ladies and gentlemen, Sgt. Jack Ranger!

(Jaywalker holds up Jack Ranger’s hand as the other Architects look on while the crowd cheers)

Felix Mosby: What a start to his run as Architect! What a start to tonight’s show and Book 3! A massive announcement for the main event of Violent Ends! And it seems we’re going to find out tonight who the first 3 competitors will be to join that Elimination Chamber Match! Sgt. Jack Ranger is all about opportunity, and what an opportunity they have! Don’t go anywhere, we’ll be back with our first action of the night when Book 3 returns!

(Allesandro storms off to the backstage area while Sgt. Jack Ranger is still being welcomed by Jaywalker and the other Architects in the ring as the camera fades to commercial)


(The camera cuts back to Heavens Arena as Book 3 returns from commercial)

(“Lateralus” by TOOL plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Ace Sky makes his way through the LED doors and out to the stage)

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!.... First, making his way towards the ring…. From Houston, Texas!.... Weighing in at 185 Pounds!.... He is “ The Sky Soldier”... ACE SKKKKKKYYYYYYYY!!

Felix Mosby: Following a hard fought battle at ARCADIA, I’m surprised to see Ace Sky is still up and kicking! After all of the pain that he has been through at Parabellum, I’d think he’d need some more time to recuperate but it seems he is still here and he is not letting the outcome of that insanely convoluted match break his spirit in his Wrestleworld journey! And he is ready to face the Shogun Champion of Wrestleworld! Who knows, he might get a Championship shot out of this after showing such promise!

(“Never Look Back” by Run The Jewels plays throughout the Heavens Arena as Christopher Sabertooth comes out through the LED doors with his signature black leather jacket, with the Shogun Championship around his waist as the fans cheer him on.)

Announcer: And making his way to the ring… From Aberdeen, Washington… Weighing in at 210 lbs… He is the Wrestleworld SHOGUN CHAMPION… “The Last Real Wrestler”... CHRISTOPHERRR SABERRRTOOOOTHH!!!

Robbie V: You can just hear the pride in the cheers of the audience tonight for Sabertooth. At ARCADIA, Sabertooth’s battle against Emmanuelle was extraordinary to say the least as he fought side by side with Havoc, but in the end Sabertooth succeeded, and now he stands before us as the Shogun Champion, and not only that, but this is his second Championship reign in Wrestleworld. Let’s see if he keeps this momentum going as he goes against the Galaxy Guru tonight!

(The competitors stand across each other ready to begin the match. The referee calls for the bell)





Robbie V: That’s ball game!

Referee: ONE!!!!!!......... TWO!!!!!!!!!!........ THREE!!!!!!!!


(“Never Look Back” by Run The Jewels plays all throughout Heavens Arena as The Referee holds up Sabertooth’s hand in victory)

Announcer: The Winner of this contest by pinfall…. CHRISTOPHER SAAAABBBEEEERRRRTTTOOOOTTTHHH!!!!

Felix Mosby: Making quick work of Ace Sky! That was impressive from the newly-crowned Shogun Champion! What a way to start off his reign! Sabertooth isn’t screwing around! He wanted to show his dominance here tonight in a big bad way!

(“Slaves to the System” By The Veer Union plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Christopher Sabertooth suddenly takes notice in the ring)

Felix Mosby: Woah, hold on now! What’s this?!

(After a few moments, Arata Asakura calmly steps through the LED doors and out to the stage, dressed in a suit with sunglasses on, carrying a microphone in hand as he promptly makes his way down to the ring)

Felix Mosby: After the absolutely brutal Castle of Glass Match Arata Asakura put on to finally vanquish Animus, I honestly wasn’t sure if he’d be back this soon, but here he is! The first ever Shogun Champion is on his way to the ring while the current Shogun Champion looks on!

Robbie V: And these two have a good deal of recent history with one another too, they just teamed up together not that long ago at Cero Miedo in the Campo de Batalla, capturing the win together. Sabertooth seems as unsure as everyone else as to what business Asakura has out here.

(“Slaves to the System” fades out as Arata enters the ring through the ropes and walks around the ring while Sabertooth looks on)

Arata Asakura: Chris… As you know, you and I obviously have some history together… More importantly, I have a lot of history with that Shogun Championship you’re wearing right now.

(Arata smirks as Sabertooth adjusts the Shogun Championship on his shoulder)

Arata Asakura: Relax… I’m just saying that that happens to be a Championship very near and dear to me. It was my entire existence in this company practically from the moment Wrestleworld came to life. I know how much it means and how much value it has. It’s the most prestigious Championship in this entire company, if not in all of wrestling. And while Emmanuelle is probably somewhere licking her wounds right now and certainly isn’t mature enough to say that, I’ll go ahead and do it myself…

(Arata Asakura extends a hand to Sabertooth)

Arata Asakura: Congratulations on becoming the Shogun Champion.

(Sabertooth looks hesitant, but slowly accepts the handshake from Arata)

Arata Asakura: I’ve been watching your journey along with everyone else. Sure, you were once one of the most dominant people this company has ever seen, but obviously you don’t attribute that to yourself. You give Havoc the credit for that and your European Championship reign. No, this Shogun Championship… It’s all you. You overcame all the doubts. You ripped through all the people that said you couldn’t make it back to the top without Havoc. You overcame your demon once and for all at ARCADIA, Chris, and I respect the hell out of that.

(Arata takes a moment to think as he paces around some more before turning back to Sabertooth)

Arata Asakura: And I respect that so much because at ARCADIA, I overcame a demon of my own. I’m sure you were watching when I put down Animus once and for all. I exposed Raoul for what he truly is and I finished him. We both finished our own personal business at ARCADIA. But not for one second during all of my battles with Animus did I not have that Shogun Championship still in the back of my mind, Chris.

Robbie V: Oh boy, here we go…

Arata Asakura: I lost that Championship to Emmanuelle back at War of the Worlds, but I wasn’t the same man I am right now. I wasn’t the same guy who took this company by storm and became the best damn Champion and first EVER Champion it’s ever had. I wasn’t that person then. Animus was full of crap, but he was right about something. He got in my head. He poisoned my mind. He made me weak. And it ultimately cost me the Shogun Championship not once, but twice. You better believe I still live and breathe that Championship, but I couldn’t do anything as long as he was around, so I fought. I fought tooth and nail and I went to war with him until there was nothing left of him. He’s in my rear view mirror now, Chris. It’s a new day here in Wrestleworld in a lot of ways. I’m a new man. I’m better than I ever was, and right now there’s only ONE thing on my mind…

(Arata Asakura slowly points to the Shogun Championship on Sabertooth’s shoulder as Sabertooth looks at him)

Arata Asakura: Again, Chris, congratulations on winning the Shogun Championship. You overcame a lot to get here. You earned it. But you take a look at that Shogun Championship, and you won’t see any ounce of you on it. You won’t see any ounce of Emmanuelle on it. You sure as hell won’t see any ounce of Jacob Senn on it. You look at it and you will see MY fingerprints on it. You’ll see MY presence embedded into it. No matter whose possession it falls into, Chris, that Championship has one owner and one owner only… And you’re looking at him.

(Arata and Chris stare down before Arata continues)

Arata Asakura: They say “the more things change, the more they stay the same”. Sure, it’s a new era around here. New Champions like yourself. New American Dream Architect. New Book. But there’s one constant here in Wrestleworld, Chris: Me as Shogun Champion. That Championship you’re holding right now - it’s about honor and prestige, sure. It’s about fighting spirit. But more than anything, it’s about tradition. You wanna know what tradition is? When this company came to life, Book 1, I challenged Brian Daniels for that Shogun Championship immediately, and I won. When this company changed for the first time and transitioned to Book 2, I challenged Jacob Senn for the Shogun Championship immediately, and I won. Well, Chris… Things have changed yet again. Here we are. Book 3. And right now, in front of the whole world, I’m challenging you for the Shogun Championship.

Felix Mosby: Wow!

Arata Asakura: And I don’t want it at Violent Ends, Chris. I want it immediately. Next Chapter. Chapter 34. Christopher Sabertooth versus Arata Asakura for the Shogun Championship.

(The crowd erupts with cheers as Sabertooth doesn’t take his eyes off of Arata, who removes his sunglasses to stare down with him properly)

Arata Asakura: So I’m gonna extend my hand one more time. It’s as simple as that, Chris. We know each other pretty well. We know how this goes. We don’t need Pendragon out here. You’re the Champion. What do you say?

(Asakura extends his hand again as Sabertooth looks at it. After several moments, Sabertooth accepts the handshake. Asakura immediately pulls him closer by the hand as they get in each other’s face)

Arata Asakura: You beat me to get to that Shogun Championship, Chris. I haven’t forgotten that. I hope you savored the flavor, because it will never happen again. Next Chapter, the Golden Dragon takes his kingdom back.

(Both men break from the handshake as “Slave to the System” picks back up while they stare down before Asakura exits the ring)

Felix Mosby: And just like that, the stakes are raised even higher in Book 3! Wow! I didn’t see any of this coming! Arata Asakura seems revitalized and ready to take back the Shogun Championship! But he’ll have to go through Christopher Sabertooth first, and that isn’t gonna be any easy task!

Robbie V: Yeah, but you gotta admire the confidence radiating off of Asakura. You can tell he believes every single word he said tonight. He mentioned Chapter 1 where he abruptly challenged Brian Daniels for the Shogun Championship, well that just brought flashbacks of that to me. That felt like deja vu all over again!

Felix Mosby: Absolutely, and what a huge challenge this will be for the newly-crowned Christopher Sabertooth! The greatest first challenger possible! He better hope history doesn’t repeat itself! Arata has been Shogun Champion in every single Book so far, and he aims to do it yet again! I absolutely cannot wait!

(Christopher Sabertooth looks on from the ring with the Shogun Championship while Arata Asakura takes his leave backstage as the camera fades to commercial)


(The camera cuts back to the ring where Crazy Violet, Lillie Saint, Nobi, and Stephanie Matsuda are all shown already in the ring while “Parasite Eve” by Bring Me The Horizon is playing throughout Heavens Arena)

Felix Mosby: Welcome back to Book 3, ladies and gentlemen, as we have here now in the ring the reunited group of The World’s Finest for the first time in what feels like eons! It’s been so long since we last saw them all come together that I can’t even remember when it last was! But nonetheless they all look good!

Robbie V: I think they’re missing a couple of people though… But regardless, the last thing I wanna see out here is someone else who defied Claudia Michaels like Matsuda did - parading around like she deserves to be out here.

(“Parasite Eve” is suddenly cut off as “Wings” by Little Mix suddenly plays all throughout Heavens Arena)

Felix Mosby: Well speaking of the two members still missing, here they come now! Looks like they wanted an entrance of their own!

(The other members of The World’s Finest look on as April Song and Hana Nakajima both make their way through the LED doors and out to the stage; both dressed in casual clothing and carrying the Campeonatos de Parejas)

Robbie V: I may not be much of a fan of April Song either, but I can at least respect the attitude these two have shown for months now since War of the Worlds. They spent a long time being just another team going through the motions until they took the bull by the horns and stepped up their game.

Felix Mosby: I’m not so sure I’d personally condone the attitude and tactics Sweet Melody has resorted to, but it can’t be denied it’s brought them more success than ever!

(“Wings” fades out as Hana and April enter the ring together; both holding up their half of the Campeonatos de Parejas before they, along with the other members of The World’s Finest, are given microphones)

Stephanie Matsuda: Well first thing’s first… I think I speak for everyone when I say it has been wayyyy, waaayyyyy too long since The World’s Finest has been together! How long has it been? Several months at least. I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all had our own paths to walk for a long time now. And even along the way we lost one of our own when Reno Dumont retired. It hurts to know that we weren’t there to see him off, but he knows it’s nothing but love from us and he’ll always be a member of The World’s Finest. The landscape of Wrestleworld has changed not once, but twice since we were last all together. But we’re still the same group that came together to defend this company from the likes of The Underworld. When it comes down to it, we’re still the same group that went to war in the Trial of Seven and won. Sure, a lot has changed. For instance, our own little ones in Vi and Lillie have grown up and been doing their own thing on DOMINION, and they’ve been killing it!... And killing each other at ARCADIA! Hell of a match, you two, and it couldn’t have made me prouder to see you guys stick together and overcome all of that.

(The crowd cheers for Violet and Lillie as they nod and Stephanie hugs Violet)

Stephanie Matsuda: You’ve come a long way, Violet. Of course, on my end, it didn’t go as great as I’d hoped. I held the American Dream Championship with honor and did everything I could to defend it, and yeah, in the end, I lost it and wasn’t able to get it back. I gotta live with that and accept it. It is what it is. Not everyone is out here getting fairytale endings. But some do, like my man, Nobi, here. This man sunk down into a deep, dark place. He fought back out of that abyss and overcame his demons like no one else can. And while I may not be coming after that American Dream Championship anymore, Nobi here happens to have a chance to qualify for the Elimination Chamber for his own shot at the American Dream Championship right here TONIGHT!

(The crowd cheers as Stephanie pats Nobi on the back)

Stephanie Matsuda: You got this, man. It’s your time now.

Nobi: Thank you. It’s been a tough road, but I think I’m ready for this. I’m ready to get to the way things were.

(Stephanie turns her attention to Sweet Melody with a smile on her face)

Stephanie Matsuda: And how could we forget the biggest change of them all? Take a look at what we got here! Sweet Melody achieved their goal and they did it in spades! The World’s Finest has the reigning Campeonatos de Parejas themselves!

(Stephanie goes around to get between Hana and April as she puts an arm around them both)

Stephanie Matsuda: We all knew what you two were capable of as a team. And yeah, yeah, I know the last thing you want is me putting my hands on you, April, but we haven’t shown you two any love since you became Champions. And hell, you put on an incredible Dyad Escalara to retain those Championships at ARCADIA! We need to celebrate that! The World’s Finest is back together, and we’re each as good, if not better than we’ve ever been! I think I speak for everyone when I--

April Song: No, no --

(April and Hana both pull away from Stephanie as Stephanie looks on, along with the others)

April Song: Actually, I don’t think you speak for us.

Stephanie Matsuda: You alright?

April Song: We’re just fine. Maybe you speak for Nobi. Maybe you speak for Violet and Lillie. But Stephanie, you don’t speak for Hana and I.

Stephanie Matsuda: It would seem as though Sweet Melody would like the floor. Go ahead and say what you got to say.

Hana Nakajima: No, we don’t have “the floor”. We’re far from the floor, because we broke through the glass ceiling a long time ago and we have not looked back.

April Song: Yeah, see, we’ve got a lot to say actually. Cause when we played by how The World’s Finest is supposed to do things, it didn’t get us anywhere. It made us look like we were nothing but background dancers for the likes of Stephanie Matsuda. When we took matters into our own hands and did things the way we knew they needed to be done, it brought us success. It brought us the gold that we deserved for a long, long time. And it wasn’t with your help, Stephanie. It wasn’t with The World’s Finest. It was on our own. Nobi was on the verge of getting thrown into the nuthouse and he got over it without The World’s Finest. Lillie and Violet were on the verge of imploding and overcame it without The World’s Finest. But you, Stephanie - you failed. You failed and failed BECAUSE you didn’t have The World’s Finest.

Stephanie Matsuda: April, I think you need to calm down. Nobody’s saying--

April Song: You remember Dreamworld, right? Cause I sure as hell do. I remember losing to you in a Triple Threat Match for the American Dream Championship. I remember people holding you up and celebrating you. More importantly, I remember all the people who determined after that, that I was nothing but the second in command in The World’s Finest. That this group belonged to you. I agreed to this as Co-Leaders, remember? But Hana and I - we were doing nothing but taking a backseat to you. All because you were the Champion. Well guess what. You’re not Champion anymore. And the rest of you never have been. WE’RE the only Champions in The World’s Finest.

Stephanie Matsuda: I don’t think I understand, what exactly are you trying to say?

April Song: I’m saying that maybe you shouldn’t act like you’re the leader here. Maybe you shouldn’t pretend like this is YOUR group. Maybe you shouldn’t speak for everyone here. Maybe we should. Maybe if everyone else here started playing the game we’ve been playing it, we wouldn’t be reuniting for the first time in months. We wouldn’t be talking about the tragedies each of us had to overcome like some pathetic AA Meeting. If you all had been doing things like we’ve been doing them, maybe Nobi wouldn’t have nearly lost his humanity. Maybe Lillie and Violet would be considered a real Tag Team.

Lillie Saint: Hey, alright, I don’t think you need to go that far at all. Violet and I ARE a real Tag Team. We’ve been working hard and regardless of ARCADIA, we know what we’re capable of.

Hana Nakajima: You two had to nearly kill each other just to cling to the last thread of being a team. That is not how a real Team operates and you know it.

Violet: Lillie and I went through a lot, but that doesn’t make us any less of a Team. We know each other and we understand each other. ARCADIA made us stronger.

April Song: You two really believe that bullshit? This is why you both belong on DOMINION, far away from actual Tag Team Titles that you can contend for. You’ve made it clear that you’re not even in our league.

(Violent suddenly takes over as she tries to rush into Sweet Melody, only for Lillie to try to hold her back)

Felix Mosby: Oh boy, things are getting bad! Things are not looking so great for The World’s Finest!

(Stephanie tries to hold April back, only for Hana to push into Lillie. Lillie and Violent both try to come at Sweet Melody as Stephanie holds back Sweet Melody while Nobi holds back Crimson Bouquet)

Felix Mosby: Nobi and Stephanie are doing all they can to keep these two teams from breaking out into an all out brawl! This certainly hasn’t gone the way they were hoping!

(“Bite The Bullet” by contRoVersy plays all throughout Heavens Arena as everyone in the ring looks on)

Robbie V: Oh God, not these two idiots again…

(Drake & Jones make their way out to the stage with microphones in hand)

Drake Jaeger: Alright, cut the music!

Tiberius Jones: Cut it! CUT IT!

(“Bite The Bullet” fades out as The World’s Finest looks on from the ring)

Drake Jaeger: Ahem… TJ, you know what I love more than anything?

Tiberius Jones: Asian chicks.

Drake Jaeger: Well, yes, that, but I also love it when people do our jobs FOR us.

Tiberius Jones: I couldn’t agree more, Drake. Both about Asian chicks and also that other thing. I mean, imagine if we had two actually take a look at all the Tag Teams in this company and sift through them to select a challenger for the Campeonatos de Parejas! Can you imagine?!

Drake Jaeger: I know, that’s like… Three Teams! Jesus! Kill me now!

Tiberius Jones: That’s a ton of work we’d have to go through. We’d have Jaywalker on our asses telling us to get it done and find new challengers pronto.

Drake Jaeger: But once in a while, a miracle happens! The challengers just kinda fall into our laps and we don’t have to do shit but come out here and make it happen!

Tiberius Jones: So in case you Detectives in the ring haven’t connected the dots yet, let’s make it clear for all of you. First of all, we don’t have a rat’s ass about The World’s Finest.

Drake Jaeger: It’s also a stupid name.

Tiberius Jones: Very. But to each his own. We don’t care about your little group or that you’re all here to reunite and make it feel so good. What we DO care about is that you have the Campeonatos de Parejas… AND another team in your group. And it looks like you’ve got a little beef to settle right now, so let’s just make it happen, shall we?

Drake Jaeger: So at Violent Ends, Sweet Melody will put the Campeonatos de Parejas on the line again… Against their little World’s Finest pals, Crimson Bouquet! Just pretend this is a talk show and this is our extreme method of counseling for you to all work out your issues!

Tiberius Jones: I like that. I’ll be Dr. Phil.

Drake Jaeger: And I’ll be Oprah.

Tiberius Jones: The greatest Tag Team in TV history. But yeah, good luck and if you guys have any issues or complaints regarding this match, feel free to drop a slip into our “Fuck Off” complaint box available backstage.

Drake Jaeger: Have fun!

(Drake & Jones toss their microphones and take their leave as Sweet Melody and Crimson Bouquet stare down in the ring)

Felix Mosby: Another huge Championship contest announced for Violent Ends! It’ll be The World’s Finest against The World’s Finest! Crimson Bouquet will get their first ever shot at the Campeonatos de Parejas against Sweet Melody! Now that’s gonna be interesting!

Robbie V: I’m all for ANYTHING that could result in The World’s Finest finally collapsing! It’s long overdue!

Felix Mosby: I’m sure you are, Robbie, and you may not be far off either. Things are not looking so good for The World’s Finest, especially now…

(Sweet Melody and Crimson Bouquet get separated again by Stephanie Matsuda and Nobi as the camera fades to commercial)


(The lights in the Heaven’s Arena go down as the piano opening to The Rising plays out through the speakers, Action Bronson's adlibs echoing off the walls as fog floods out from the entrance ramp. The silhouette of Baker can be seen through the fog as the opening lyrics play out;)



(Baker hypes up behind the fog right as the chorus breaks out, bursting forth and taking a long swig from a tallboy.)





(Baker punts the can into the ground, sending it soaring into the crowd before he pulls his t-shirt off and throws it somewhere into the crowd. He makes his way toward the ring, eyeing it up as he does so before leaping up onto the apron. He wipes his boots off as he enters, before posturing to 'punch' himself in the face.)

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL!!! Introducing, first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania… Weighing in at 245 lbs… He is “The Guillotine” GRAHAMMMM BAAAAKERRRR!!!

Robbie V: Looks like Graham Baker is met with a mixed reaction from the audience as he marches down to the ring with the same energy. Had had quite an impressive performance in the Key of ARCADIA match, but it didn’t end the way he had hoped, but he understands that the opportunities don't end at ARCADIA and Book 3 could be his for the taking!

(“Remember The Urge” by The Gazette plays throughout the Wrestleworld Arcade as Stark comes out through the LED Doors, wearing his signature red wrestling gear with a smirk on his face. )

Announcer: And making his way to the ring…From New York City… Weighing in at 210 pounds… He is the “Red Rain”.... STAAAARRRRKKK!!!

Felix Mosby: Meanwhile, Baker isn’t the only one looking for a face to punch after ARCADIA. Stark is right here too to ensure that he rises again! And this should be an interesting one-on-one contest between these two. Goodluck to both of them!




Felix Mosby: ALLESANDRO CATCHES HIM!! HE’S GOT HIM! ALLESANDRO LAUNCHES BAKER WITH A BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX ON THE FLOOR!!! Allesandro looks like a man possessed right now! He gets up!! He’s yelling for Stark to get up!! Stark is struggling! He’s rising up to his feet…

Robbie V: ALLESANDRO BURSTS FORWARD!!! KEY OF THE KINGS LAW!!!!!!!! A BRUTAL SPEAR CONNECTS!!!!! STARK IS LAID OUT!!! He’s not done!! Allesandro gets up!! Baker is struggling to get up!! HE’S ON HIS FEET AS ALLESANDRO CHARGES AT HIM NOW!!



(Sgt. Jack Ranger comes out with a team of Security as they quickly rush to stop Allesandro, who tries to fight back)

Felix Mosby: If Allesandro wanted Jack Ranger’s attention, he certainly got it! He may very well be protesting his decision for Violent Ends, but he better watch it! He doesn’t know what this new Architect is capable of!

(Allesandro is finally contained by the several Security Guards)

Sgt. Jack Ranger: Get him out of here! Get him out of here right now!

Robbie V: I think you’re wrong! I think it’s this Sgt. Jack Ranger that needs to understand what Allesandro is capable of! We just witnessed it! He better watch it with this guy! This Chamber Qualifier just turned into a massacre at the hands of the American Dream Champion!

Felix Mosby: Absolutely appalling! I don’t think there’s gonna be a match after all, not after this! We’re being told to go to break!

(Allesandro stares down with Jack Ranger as he’s hauled away by Security as the camera transitions to commercial)


Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the ring at this time...EMMANUELLE!

(“Cash Flow” by Ace Hood plays as Emmanuelle, with a new look and flanked by her entourage makes her way to the ring to a mixed reaction from the fans.)

Felix Mosby: One of the most controversial and entertaining title reigns in WrestleWorld came to an end at Arcadia as Emmanuelle’s iron grip on the Shogun Championship was finally broken in an emotional rematch with Chris Sabertooth and Havoc.

Robbie V: Notice you said “and Havoc”. That match wasn’t even a fair match for Emmy. She had to fight in what was essentially a handicap match-

Felix Mosby: Essentially a handicap match!? Come on! Her entourage kept getting in the way, so THERE was your handicap match! But now as she stands in the ring an uncrowned queen, what’s going through her mind right now? The loss of the Shogun Championship impacted her to the point she cut her hair nearly completely bald out of shame. The crowd is letting her hear it a bit and Emmy strangely enough has a wry smile on her face, as if she was expecting it.

Robbie V: The real question is why is she out here? Is she out here to ask for her rematch or is she moving on to something else?

(Emmy takes off her cap, revealing her much shorter haircut to the crowd, who mostly jeer the apparently humbled Starlet.)

Emmanuelle: So...are you all happy? I put on another classic for you, I lost my title to a lunatic. I even felt a bit humiliated afterwards. Mean Ol Emmy got her comeuppance at Arcadia, that’s what you’re all thinking, right? Good. I hope you all enjoyed that because that’s the last time I’m ever going to be disgraced like that. You’re never, EVER going to see me so vulnerable as long as I wrestle here.

(As the crowd starts booing and taunting Emmy, her entourage claps wildly, cheering her on as she continues.)

Emmanuelle: I’m sure that a lot of you are under the impression that my time is over, that I’m going to just fade quietly into the background and not be much of a factor in WrestleWorld. That I’m going to go the way of the countless others in professional wrestling who have tasted success then just faded away. Should I remind the Architects, the champions of this company...and ALL OF YOU of the following: I should by right have a rematch with the Shogun Champion seeing as I’m the former champion and I’ve already beaten him once. I’ve also beaten the newly-crowned European Champion and I’ve beaten half of the Campeonatos De Parejas already in Hana Nakajima. I have a legitimate claim not only to MY Shogun Championship, but two other titles as well. Needless to say, I am not going anywhere.

Felix Mosby: As much as these people don’t like it, she does have a point. While title matches for former champions certainly aren’t guaranteed, it’s really difficult to say that Emmanuelle shouldn’t be in the thick of any title scene in WrestleWorld.

Emmanuelle: Now, there is one issue that needs to be addressed. I don’t think that I wrestled Chris at my full potential. He was able to not just embrace his inner demon, but overcome it. As much as I don’t like him, as much as I want to reclaim my title...I respect that. He was able to come through with his job on the line. And while I’m not going to be as stupid as to put my career on the line, I think it’s time that I prove that I’m willing to face my baggage and...deal with it accordingly.

(The crowd murmurs in confusion as Emmy turns to face the members of her Entourage who are standing around, completely baffled by her words. None of them see the tall, powerful figure of a young woman jumping over the barricade and sliding into the ring. When they turn around, two of the bigger men are taken down by a vicious double lariat.)

Felix Mosby: WHAT THE HELL!? Who is….who the hell is this Amazon of a woman?

Robbie V: I don’t know who she is but she’s laying complete waste to Emmy’s group of associates! Two of the girls have their heads slammed together...another one eats a running big boot! Emmy’s just sitting there watching, I- I don’t understand!?

Felix Mosby: Emmy’s not lifting a finger to help her so-called friends as another member eats a running powerslam for his troubles. And that singles out just one last member...the smallest, weakest of them all...and this monster of a woman has her by the hair!


Emmanuelle: I’m sorry. I didn’t want to do this, but I don’t really have a choice. You all have been holding me back. I was relying on you all to help me dispatch Christopher, but the lot of you weren’t even up to the task of keeping a man with an identity crisis from taking something from me. So now I’ve had to go and find actual help, an actual bodyguard. This lady right here is Sonya, my new entourage. I was going to just do this behind the scenes-


Emmanuelle: -but I felt that doing this in public, as brutally as possible, would be a better way to send a message. Sonya...if you would dispose of this worthless garbage, please?


Robbie V: I can’t believe what I’ve just seen. Emmy is not known to have a lot of friends, hell her entourage is the only people I’ve seen her so much as smile at.

Emmanuelle: Now that the trash has been disposed of, let me make this plain: Pendragon, I’m not asking. I’m DEMANDING a rematch for a title that you shouldn’t have made me defend in the first place. The quicker you act, the fewer bodies will join the pile of trash outside the ring at this very moment. The longer you drag your feet, the more people are going to suffer. I strongly suggest you act sooner rather than later.

(Without another word Emmanuelle drops the mic, the crowd throwing debris into the ring and booing her and Sonya heavily as they exit. One of the still-conscious members of the entourage is reaching out to Emmy, but only eats a boot to the face from Sonya for his trouble.)

Felix Mosby: Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m seriously concerned that a much darker, far more dangerous version of Emmanuelle may be unleashed because of that Shogun title loss.

Robbie V: Yeah. If she did this to her **friends**, what the hell would she be willing to do to her enemies?


("Play Destroy" by Poppy blasts throughout the arena as Rosanna Vendetta walks out through the LED doors wearing her signature black leather clothing and boots. She makes her way to the ring with a confident look on her face as she skips down the ramp while.)

Ring Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL NEUTRAL RULES!! ...it is Violent Ends American Dream Elimination Chamber qualifying match…Introducing, first, from the Temptation Paradise… Weighing in at 137 lbs… She is "The Black Rose"... ROSANNNNAAA VENNNNDETTAAA!!!

Robbie V: Here comes the last saving grace of Wrestleworld, the woman who will steer the ship now after the tragedy that happened at ARCADIA with Claudia!

Felix Mosby: Rosanna is a talent in of herself that has become much more well known in the world than being anyone's daughter, a multiple-time champion who no doubt wants to start picking up gold here in the land of Wrestleworld!

("Perfect Strangers" by Dimmu Borgir begins to play throughout the Heaven's Arena as Devon Slayton marches forward with a focused look on his face, looking around at the crowd.)

Announcer: And her opponent, from Tokyo, Japan… Weighing in at 254 lbs… He is "The Ripper"...DEVONNNN SLAYYYTONNN!!!

Felix Mosby: The Ripper, what a nice name for such a dangerous fighter. I hope Rosanna is prepared.

Robbie V: Of course she is! This isn't London, and Rosanna is not a wandering girl to be taken off into the night by the Ripper!


Felix Mosby: Rosanna is circling Devon with skips as he tries to keep an eye on her from the middle of the ring, as she pretends to be about to jump forward to meet him in the middle of the ring multiple times.

Robbie V: What a display! My daughter is trying to show Devon how to do proper leg work in that ring!

Felix Mosby: Devon tiredly calls for Rosanna to meet him in the middle of the ring for a lock-up. Rosanna complies by stopping her skipping and jumping in the middle of the ring. However, she, instead of locking up, slaps him in the face! That's just disrespectful!

Robbie V: She's got him riled up now!

Felix Mosby: Devon furiously goes after Rosanna! But Rosanna lays down to the mat and trips Devon to the ground! Then Rosanna gets up and dropkicks Devon, who was trying to get to his knees!

Robbie V: Rosanna is such a great speedster, and she goes for a pin!

Referee: On-kickout!

Felix Mosby: Not even a one count! Devon is a fighter!

Robbie V: Rosanna is just trying to wear him down slowly!

Felix Mosby: Rosanna is on fire, as she tries to hit a Pele Kick as Devon raises! But Devon catches her leg and locks in an Ankle Lock!

Robbie V: NO!

Felix Mosby: But before he can get it truly wrenched in, Rosanna scurries to the ropes and gets the break! She's telling the referee to tell Devon to stay away from her!

Robbie V: Rosanna is such a ring general, making the referee know his part in this in-ring action!

Felix Mosby: She for sure has shown she knows how to manipulate things to her advantage as she's matured as a wrestler. Devon is looking in pure annoyance at these actions. He refuses to fall for her bating and patiently waits for Rosanna to meet him in the middle of the ring.

Robbie V: Rosanna accesses the situation as she prepares to lock up with Devon for real.

Felix Mosby: As they lock up, Devon begins to overpower Rosanna, and manages to get her stuck in the corner!

Robbie V: This isn't good!

Felix Mosby: And begins Knife Edge chopping her in the chest! That has to hurt! And when he's done having his way, he Belly to Belly Suplexes her to the ground and goes for a pin!

Referee: ONE! T-Kickout!

Felix Mosby: Rosanna isn't about to put away easy either, as she makes an authoritative kickout! He's got Rosanna by the hair as he rises to his feet!

Robbie V: What is that punk doing?

Felix Mosby: Rosanna makes an angry expression as she responds by sending the tip of her fingers into the throat of Devon in rage! What an ugly throat thrust! The referee needs to get these two under control!

Robbie V: He deserved that!

Felix Mosby: Now a furious Rosanna catches him with a Circle of Hell! Planting him into the mat!

Robbie V: Rosanna isn't the type of person you'd like to see mad! You don't want to see anyone with Michael's blood in them in a bad mood!

Felix Mosby: The Vendetta's aren't known for their kindness either, and Rosanna's showing it now as she hits a Judas' Kiss' that rocks Devon! I think his eyes have rolled to the back of his head as he collapses onto his back, and she makes an aggressive pin!

Refere: ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THRE-KICKOUT!

Robbie V: WHAT???? That was a three ref! What's going on around here!?

Felix Mosby: It was extremely close, but Devon did manage to get a kick out! Rosanna is still giving him a look that can kill as she backs up and goes for that famous Felina Curb Stomp!

Robbie V: She gets the foot the back of the head!

Felix Mosby: No! He managed to catch her with a Cutter as he sprung up with extraordinary neck strength! Both competitors are down!

Robbie V: But dammit, Devon has stopped her momentum with this levelling of the playing field!

Felix Mosby: Both competitors get to their feet and meet up to fight again, but Devon gets her with a one-two punch! That wobbled her! Then the Bicycle High Knee followed by a Spinning Back Fist followed by a Spinning Back Kick followed by a Running Knee Strike to the head of a kneeling Rosanna! The infamous "Hot Streak" combination! Devon goes for the pin!

Referee: ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T-Kickout!

Robbie V: Rosanna is giving Devon a break by sliding out of the ring and allowing their be room for their recovery!

Referee: One! Two!

Felix Mosby: Give me a break! Devon doesn't want any kind of break. He wants to fight! He won't allow Rosanna to pace herself and control things. He'll bring the fight to her! He's on the outside, and Rosanna spots him. She runs away!

Robbie V: She's just showing athleticism! She runs the corner, catches the ring post to slide in and out of the ring catching Devon by the neck and hitting a Hurricanrana!

Felix Mosby: Unbelievable! That's crazy! She just destroyed Devon on the outside with the most graceful move I've ever seen! She springs up like an angel and skips into the ring as the referee continues to count!

Referee: One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six!

Felix Mosby: Devon slides back into the ring! And as soon as he gets up, Rosanna is all over him, hitting him with dropkick after dropkick until Devon is launched into the corner and falls on his behind! Rosanna then hits a Bronco Buster! Rosanna is just going off! She's dragging him out of the corner now and going to that top rope!

Robbie V: We're a family of the best high flyers when we choose to be!

Felix Mosby: Beautiful Nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robbie V: The Ripper cowardly dodges her move!

Felix Mosby: That was not a nice landing as Rosanna hurt her knees! And now Devon is behind her; he's trying to go for that dreaded Deadlift German Suplex! But Rosanna has her grip on the ropes! She's trying to fight it! She takes off one hand to try elbowing Devon! But Devon powers through and breaks her grip with a devastating German!


Felix Mosby: You may be right! The end is nigh!! Rosanna drags a battered and beaten Devon back up! Berating him right to his face! Rosanna slaps him across the face!! Another slap!! She pulls him in! LOOKING TO END IT HERE--

Robbie V: HALO BREAKER!!!!!!!!


Referee: ONE!!!!!!!......... TWO!!!!!!!!!......... THREE!!!!!!!


(Devon Slayton’s theme plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Rosanna kicks out a second too late)


Felix Mosby: What a victory! What a match that was! Devon Slayton has just upset Rosanna Vendetta tonight and earned his spot into the Elimination Chamber!! Incredible! Devon--



Felix Mosby: Ares Vendetta has just smashed a steel chair into the back of Devon! Where the hell did he just come from?! Ares lands another chair shot to the back, what a disgusting display!

Robbie V: Ha, that's right, pick him up for her Ares!

Felix Mosby: HALO BREAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rosanna has just laid out Devon with help from her brother! A furious Rosanna is yelling at a knocked out Devon, until Ares calms her down! Damn right, get out of here!

Robbie V: They've sent a message, he may not have won this battle, but you never go to war with a Vendetta! Now that coward announcer has something to say to rain on the parade, but Devon won't hear it!

(Ares and a cold staring Rosanna are shown walking down the ramp as Devon stirs after the attack as the scene goes to commercial.)

(The camera transitions backstage to a visibly annoyed Jaywalker in his Office as an Assistant walks up to him)

Jaywalker: Tell me something good. I’ve already had to make sure that Allesandro left the arena and won’t be back in tonight after everything he’s done. What do you have for me?

Assistant: Mr. Director, about the Babayka situation…

Jaywalker: Are you serious? What now?

Assistant: The two men you sent to the Carnival to bring Babayka here...

Jaywalker: Yes? Did something happen to them?

Assistant: No, they’re alright, but… I’ve been informed by them that there’s a situation and they will more than likely not be able to get Babayka.

Jaywalker: What about Vance?

(The Assistant shakes her head as Jaywalker sighs)

Jaywalker: Alright. Why? What’s the deal?

Assistant: I don’t know, sir, they were vague. Like they weren’t sure themselves.

Jaywalker: What?

(Jaywalker shakes his head and looks around)

Jaywalker: Have someone get me a ride.

Assistant: What? For what?

Jaywalker: What do you think? I’m going down there myself and I’ll find out what the hell is going on here. They may not be able to get a hold of Babayka or Vance, but I guarantee I will. I’m going to the Carnival.

(Jaywalker storms out of the Office as the concerned Assistant looks on as the camera fades to commercial)


(The camera cuts back to Heavens Arena as The Mac n’ Murphy Connection’s theme plays all throughout it)

Announcer: The following Tag Team Contest is scheduled for ONE Fall!.... First, making their way to the ring…. They are the team of… TEDDY MAC…. TRAVIS MURPHY…. THE MAC N’ MURPHY CONNEEEEEECCCCTTTTTIIIIOOONNN!!!!

Felix Mosby: We heard that the former Campeonatos de Parejas would be competing here tonight, and it looks as though Travis Murphy is good to go for in-ring action despite the damage he took to his throat at ARCADIA, but you can just see the fire and determination in their eyes as they make their way down here!

Robbie V: That’s right, and you could see it in their eyes as well during the commercial with what we saw backstage. Let’s take a look now.

(The camera shows what happened moments ago as The Mac n’ Murphy Connection are shown speaking to Drake & Jones backstage)

Travis Murphy: So let me get this straight… You actually have someone for us to compete with tonight? You’re not screwing with us?

Drake Jaeger: Would I lie? Come on!

Teddy Mac: Yeah, you actually would.

Travis Murphy: You definitely would.

Tiberius Jones: Well we can assure you that we found some very talented luchadors for you to compete with. That should tide you over.

Teddy Mac: You know we want a rematch with Sweet Melody.

Drake Jaeger: Yeah, well, Sweet Melody has new challengers now. You guys wanted competition, so we’ll give it to you. Now go on.

(Teddy and Travis look at one another before shrugging and starting to make their way to the stage, only to be stopped as they run into Rosanna and Ares Vendetta making their way backstage. The two teams stare down)

Travis Murphy: Must be a couple of badasses to beat up one guy, two on one. Proud of that?

(Ares gets in Travis’ face while Rosanna gets in Teddy’s face. The two teams stare down before SPAWN walks away with smirks on their faces. After a few moments, The Mac n’ Murphy Connection continue on their way to the stage as their music starts to play)

(The camera cuts back to The Mac n’ Murphy Connection coming down to the ring)

Announcer: And their opponents!.... Currently in the ring… They are the team of Lou Chadoor and Dora Lewcha… THEY ARE THE TEAM OF LOS LOCAS LOCALS!!!....

(The camera shows two unimpressive-looking “lucha libre wrestlers” standing in the ring as Travis and Teddy look reluctant to get in the ring)

Robbie V: Felix, what in the hell is this team in the ring?

Felix Mosby: I believe they are called Los Locas Locals!

Robbie V: I don’t think either of these two are actual wrestlers… I don’t think they’re even Mexican… And I’m pretty sure one is a man, isn’t “loca” a feminine word?

Felix Mosby: Yes.

Robbie V: Right… This should be one for the ages…


Felix Mosby: Looks like it’ll be Murphy starting this off with Lou Chadoor as Lou immediately charges at him! Murphy effortlessly lifts him up! Walking Lou over to his team’s corner to tag in Teddy! Teddy climbs up and down to the middle rope… LEAPING OFF FOR A CURB STOMP WITH A SIDEWALK SLAM FROM TRAVIS!!

Robbie V: Dora Lewcha leaps over the ropes and charges at them now as they both get to their feet! TRAVIS ROCKS HER WITH A ROLLING ELBOW!! IMMEDIATE ENZUIGIRI FROM TEDDY!!



Referee: ONE!!!!!!!.......... TWO!!!!!!!!!!!......... THREE!!!!!!!!!!


(“Bawitdaba” by Kid Rock plays all throughout Heavens Arena as the visibly unsatisfied pair of Travis Murphy and Teddy Mac get up to have their hands raised by the Official)


Felix Mosby: Well, unfortunately, if these two men came here tonight looking for some competition to fill the void left by the Campeonatos de Parejas, I think they better keep looking! That was effortless!

Robbie V: Los Locas Locals… That is who they just beat, Felix. I don’t think they need you to point that out for them.

Felix Mosby: You can see they may have more on their mind than meets the eye, especially after running into SPAWN backstage, but as for tonight, nobody is standing in their way! Congrats to both of them!

(Travis Murphy and Teddy Mac pace around, visibly bothered as the camera fades to commercial)


(The camera shows Christopher Sabertooth in his locker room, dressed in casual clothes with the Shogun Championship on the bench behind him as he finishes packing to leave for the night)

???: Hey there.

(Sabertooth looks up, picking up the Shogun Championship and putting it on his shoulder as Stephanie Matsuda walks in)

Christopher Sabertooth: What’s this all about? You want a shot at the Shogun Championship too?

Stephanie Matsuda: Well… You know me, Chris, I certainly wouldn’t mind getting a crack at it myself. But no, that’s not why I’m here.

Christopher Sabertooth: What can I help you with?

Stephanie Matsuda: Well, I know you’re busy and all with being the Shogun Champion. Congrats by the way.

(Sabertooth nods)

Stephanie Matsuda: But I’ve had something on my mind since ARCADIA.

Christopher Sabertooth: And what would that be?

Stephanie Matsuda: Well, I got to thinking about things. I realized that I’ve been so focused on myself and all the stuff with the American Dream Championship, that somewhere along the way I lost sight of The World’s Finest. It’s a group very important to me, and one I feel is very important to Wrestleworld itself.

Christopher Sabertooth: And?

Stephanie Matsuda: And… We clearly need something to help bring us together as a single unit. We need something new to keep this machine moving and to help protect all of Wrestleworld. And then I thought about you and how well we did together as a unit at Cero Miedo. I thought about you and how much you’ve overcome here in Wrestleworld to earn your way to being the Shogun Champion. I thought--

Christopher Sabertooth: Steph… Let me just… Stop you there. Look, I get it. I know what you’re gonna ask. You want me to join The World’s Finest. I get it. I get where you’re coming from. I’m a fan of The World’s Finest and I do think they’re important to Wrestleworld, but… I don’t think I’m someone they need, and I don’t think they’re what I need either. So I appreciate it and all, but--

Stephanie Matsuda: Chris… We’ve known each other for a long time. Way beyond Wrestleworld. I wouldn’t be asking you if I didn’t think it were beneficial to the both of us. It’s obvious why it would help us, but you? Well, as much as you probably don’t want to admit it, if you had someone like The World’s Finest behind you, you might not have had as much trouble as you did with Emmanuelle and her little Entourage. You would have been Shogun Champion well before ARCADIA. I think you being in The World’s Finest helps us both out, and certainly helps out Wrestleworld. So you don’t need to answer yet. Just think about it. That’s all I’m asking.

(Stephanie pats Sabertooth on the chest before walking off as Sabertooth looks on. The camera transitions back to the ring)

("As a Butterfly" by Dead by April hits as Nobi makes his explosive entrance.

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...it is Violent Ends American Dream Elimination Chamber qualifying match…..under Neutral Rules! Introducing first, making his way to the ring weighing at 251 pounds, from Hollywood California……..He is the White Knight, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Felix Mosby: Here comes the White Knight! Both men in this match overcame Architects at ARCADIA, and Nobi seems to have gotten a whole new lease on life! For a man who hasn't had peace since the arrival of The Professional in Wrestleworld, it is something else to see the light return to his life!

Robbie V: Look how easily he seems to be able to sleep at night despite what happened to my lovely Claudia, the heart of the American Dream he's fighting to qualify for tonight! I hope you're happy, Nobi!

("Jerusalem" by Emerson, Lake & Palmer hits as the lights go out and soon, a blinding white light showers the audience. Two hooded figures come out. They both stand side by side, a large snake coiled over their shoulder. The lights go out once more before the dark, technical music kicks in.)

"And did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon England's mountains green

And was the holy lamb of God

On England's pleasant pastures seen"​

(Dampshaw slowly comes out, standing between the two hooded figures, the snake now resting on all three shoulders. Reginald begins laughing and then commands the two figures to return to the back. Dampshaw then shoots his eyes back to the ring and begins walking down the ramp. He notices the camera and stares directly into it as he is walking.)

Announcer: Next…..From Ryde, Isle of Wight, England, weighing in at 225 lbs, he is "The Time Lizard".....REEEEEGGGGINNNNNALLLD DAAAAMMMMMPPPSSSHAAAWWW III!

Felix Mosby: Here comes another man who beat an Architect at ARCADIA, the bizarre Time Lizard!

Robbie V: So many Architects lost at ARCADIA, but only the wrong one lost their job! I hope Reginald tears Nobi and afterwards that chamber apart!

"Bring me my Bow of burning gold

Bring me my arrows of desire

Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold

Bring me my Chariot of fire"​

(Reginald slowly enters the ring and walks over to a turnbuckle. He climbs onto it and closes his eyes with his arms outstretched. He looks back at the camera, laughs and yells)

Reginald Dampshaw III: Behold! The Time Lizard!


Felix Mosby: The match begins with both parties meeting in the ring as Nobi calls for a clean lock up. But as they get close to locking hands, Reginald twists his body, locking Nobi's arm between his armpit and elbowing him in the face with the other arm!

Robbie V: Both men defeated architects, but they have come from different places to get this point as men, and Reginald is no white night! He will do anything necessary to get ahead in this business!

Felix Mosby: Nobi is undeterred as he begins trying to lift Reginald from the back! But Reginald struggles and lets go of Nobi's arm as he twists around and stares Nobi face to face.

Robbie V: Reginald's quite a terrifying maniac from time to time, but Nobi has been dealing with his kind since he arrived in Wrestleworld!

Felix Mosby: Nobi tackles Reginald with explosive force and gets him into the corner! Now Nobi is doing major shoulder thrusts into his stomach!

Robbie V: Reginald is throwing hammers down onto Nobi's back trying to stop this, but Nobi's like a raging bull that's seeing red!

Felix Mosby: Nobi lets Reginald almost fall forward after all that damage, and then catches him with a bulldog! Pin!

Referee: ONE! T-Kickout!

Robbie V: Reginald won't go away that easy!

Felix Mosby: Nobi is still on him as he tries to Deadlift Suplex Reginald from the floor! And he succeeds! Reginald goes flying into the mat!

Robbie V: Reginald wisely rolls out of the ring and tries to recuperate on the outside after that assault from the White Knight!

Referee: ONE!

Felix Mosby: Nobi gives chase, rolling out of the ring to, and trying to get his hands on Reginald!

Robbie V: But Reginald instantly rolls back into the ring to avoid that confrontation!

Felix Mosby: Nobi gets into the ring too, but is met by Reginald kicking down at him like the wretched reptile he is! Stomping a mudhole into one of the faces of the American Dream division!

Robbie V: It'll be Reginald's division if he wins this match and qualifies for the chamber; Reginald is a champion-calibre wrestler for sure!

Felix Mosby: Reginald drops a knee into the back of the neck of Nobi! What a savage asshole! That can take someone out! Reginald keeps his knee on his neck as Reginald stares off with a crazed look in his eyes!

Robbie V: What a likeable guy!

Felix Mosby: Nobi is trying to do a push-up, trying to get Reginald off him, and Reginald is shocked by the strength!

Robbie V: Wise as a time lord, Reginald doesn't let this be completed as he stands up and hits the ropes!

Felix Mosby: And as Nobi gets to his knees, Reginald comes in with a dropkick to the face! Now Reginald goes for a pin!

Referee: ONE! Kickout!

Robbie V: Wow. What a powerhouse, Nobi didn't even let that go to a two count!

Felix Mosby: Reginald tries kicking at Nobi to stop his momentum, but Nobi catches the leg and clotheslines Reginald to the ground! And now Nobi locks in a Sharpshooter!

Robbie V: Nobi's an underrated technician, but he's showing some of his submission style right here with this hold!

Felix Mosby: Reginald was wise, having lunged to get close to the ropes as soon as Nobi was turning him around, he's so close to the ropes as Nobi sits on his back! Reginald is in pain, but he's so close to the ropes!

Robbie V: When a grown man is sitting on your back, those ropes can seem to be miles away! But Reginald is fighting to get to it as the referee asks if he's giving in!

Felix Mosby: Slithering like the creature he is, Reginald has made it the ropes! Of course Nobi gets off him instantly after the rope break.

Robbie V: What a sucker.

Felix Mosby: That's one man's opinion, but Nobi watches as Reginald is looked after as he tries to get up by the ropes! The referee is asking of Reginald can continue, while Nobi isn't buying Reginald's inability to stand, but as Nobi comes in Reginald goes for an eye poke while the referee is distracted!

Robbie V: Nobi catches his hand before the fingers reach his face!

Felix Mosby: But Reginald then head butt's Nobi in the skull! Now they're both woozy! Reginald manages to get the best of this as he's the first to stabilize and it's Nobi with a Knee Trembler knee! Nobi falls to the floor!

Robbie V: Turnabout is fair play, as now it's Reginald who locks in a Boston Crab!

Felix Mosby: Nobi's in a bad spot here, as Reginald is all on that back! Reginald is yelling at Nobi like a mad man to boot!

Robbie V: Nobi's got that upper body strength and tries to crawl his way forward!

Felix Mosby: Nobi fights through the pain and gets to that bottom rope! He makes it to the ropes!

Robbie V: But Reginald is not a sucker and is not breaking the hold in kind! He's keeping that hold locked in to make Nobi pay!

Felix Mosby: The referee is yelling at Reginald to stop, and now begins a count!

Referee: One! Two!

Robbie V: Nobi is crawling underneath the ropes and trying to reach the outside, and he makes it out as Reginald lets up as the referee is fully in his face now!

Felix Mosby: Reginald pushes by the referee, and goes to the ring apron!

Referee: One! Two!

Felix Mosby: Reginald drops down on Nobi with an Axe Handle!

Referee: Three!

Robbie V: Reginald didn't have the best landing, as he nurses his knee while Nobi is rolling in pain!

Referee: Four! Five!

Felix Mosby: Nobi is starting to get to his feet by the steps, as Reginald comes in with a knee!

Referee: Six! Seven!

Robbie V: And Nobi moves as Reginald's knee smacks into the steps!

Referee: Eight!

Felix Mosby; Nobi lands a punch into Reginald's face!

Referee: Nine!

Robbie V: As Nobi notices the count, Reginald doesn't seem to register as he strikes Nobi in his madness!

Referee: …….TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robbie V: What????

Felix Mosby: The referee calls for the bell as these two men continue to brawl on the outside!


Announcer: This match has been deemed a draw by double count out!

Robbie V: I don't think that decision has registered between both men as they continue to brawl!

Felix Mosby: Someone, please stop these two!

(Wrestleworld security runs onto the scene as the view goes to commercial break.)


(The camera cuts to a Press Conference Room with a large Machina Productions logo in the background. Dozens of journalists converse while photographers flash their cameras)

Layne Driver: Welcome, everyone, welcome.

(The people in attendance silence themselves as Layne Driver - dressed in his attire - walks out to the podium with a solemn look on his face)

Layne Driver: A lot of you are wondering why I called for another State of Wrestleworld Address tonight. I think it should be pretty obvious. At ARCADIA, I walked out victorious over Scott Oasis, just as I said I would. I defeated him not for myself, but for all of Wrestleworld. Now, I never expected to get a thank you from any of the Wrestleworld Faithful. I never expected a thank you from anyone in the locker room. I never expected a thank you from anyone in the Front Office. No one. Because I am selfless enough to not need anyone thanking me. It’s as simple as that. It’s like they say… When you’ve done something right, people won’t be sure you really did anything at all. That is the way life is when you’re Layne Driver, and it’s the way I want it. I don’t need anyone praising me for all of my hard work and effort to keep this company safe. I am The Landlord of Wrestleworld, no matter what. It’s as simple as that.

(Layne takes a moment to think; visibly upset)

Layne Driver: But I am not here tonight because I wasn’t given a thank you. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. I’m here tonight because all of these people saw me defeat Scott Oasis, and then had the audacity to attempt to invalidate my victory. They began to throw their stones. They hurled insults and criticism at me for the way the contest ended, as if I’m some con man who schemed his way to winning. As if I would ever stoop to such a low. Do you… Do you people have any idea what it’s like to work hard at something all your life… To fight so hard to earn your place in the world… To finally find a home, and an identity… And then have people ostracize you when you do your job and do what’s right?  But you know what? I know what it really is. It’s not those people that I care about who are criticizing me. It’s not the fans I care for that are trying to put an asterisk on my victory.

(Layne looks around; visibly disgusted)

Layne Driver: It’s obviously Scott Oasis’ OWA lackeys and their toxic fanbase that have invaded the sacred grounds of my home to try to convince everyone else in the world that my victory was no real victory. That Scott Oasis was never truly beaten by Layne Driver. That OWA is superior to Wrestleworld and that Layne Driver cheating to prove otherwise failed miserably. This is nothing short of a conspiracy against me and all of Wrestleworld, and I will not stand for it. And right now, I would like to bring out the man who was supposedly the “reason” behind this controversy. A young man who bravely came out there only to do his job that night at ARCADIA. A man who I respect the hell out of. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Wrestleworld Official, Jake Connor.

(Jake Connor quietly makes his way out to the podium to join Layne)

Layne Driver: Jake has nothing to say to anyone tonight, but I told him he needs to come out here for everyone to see him. This young man has worked just as hard as I have to become a Referee. When the Referee for the match was caught in the crossfire of a heated battle and got taken out, this young man rushed out there to take over and become a part of history that would shape Wrestleworld for the better. Instead, he too has been berated and attacked by the OWA toxic soldiers who want to sweep this devastating loss under the rug. I commend this man, Jake Connor, for what he did. For taking on a great responsibility and simply doing his job. You people should be thanking this man for saving Wrestleworld. And you know what? I think with Book 3, it’s high time we start to change things for the better. For the betterment of Wrestleworld. I mean, how many of these Referees are considered even human? How many are addressed by their actual names? How many are given credit for being the absolute best at their job? Well I will not allow Jake Connor, nor anyone else to be harassed, bullied, and blacklisted by these horrible creatures summoned by Scott Oasis and his people. With Book 3, I will fight harder than ever for this company to make it better. And I will find a platform to help me do exactly that, no matter what it takes. No matter what the cost. I’ve been on the sideline far too much. Enough is enough, and it’s time for a change!

(Layne begins to take his leave with Jake, but stops himself as he looks back at the camera)

Layne Driver: And as for you, Scott Oasis. I know you’re watching. I know you can’t help yourself, because it’s clear you’re obsessed with me and Wrestleworld. I would be too if I were as empty inside as you are. But I’m going to be the better man here. I’m going to wish you well in the future. I respect your in-ring abilities. I respect a lot of what you’ve done. But I have one piece of advice to you… If you ever start to miss Wrestleworld, you may not be allowed back here… But you can always just award yourself the OWA “Outlaw Championship”. Thank you, everyone, and goodnight.

(Layne Driver takes his leave as the camera transitions to the ring)

("I Feel Love (Every Million Miles)" by The Dead Weather starts to play in the arena as Cynthia Rose makes her way through the LED doors and down the ramp carrying the European Championship over her shoulder, alongside Percy.)

Announcer: The following contest is a Champion vs Champion match scheduled for ONE FALL… From Hickory, North Carolina… Weighing in at 110 lbs… She is the Wrestleworld European Champion… “The Bell-to-Bell Tinkerbell”... CYNNNTHIAAA ROSSSEEE!!!

Felix Mosby: Look at that! Look at Cynthia Rose with a bright smile on her face! She just walked out of ARCADIA as the European Champion and everyone is just happy to see her finally carrying the gold! She went through so much drama just to get to this point, and so many obstacles that everyone thought would get in the way. Cynthia and Colt Montoya had quite an intense match up at the Day 2 main event! Colt Montoya stepped out of Wrestleworld knowing that the title is in good capable hands!

(“Queen for Queen” by Motionless in White begins to blast throughout the arena as Hana Nakajima and April Song come out together with the Campeonatos de Parejas around their waists, and the crowd starts to give a negative reaction. They walk down the ramp, looking up to the ring where Cynthia stands.)

Announcer: And making her way to the ring… From Tokyo, Japan… Weighing in at 143 lbs… She is one half of the CAMPEONATOS DE PAREJAS… “The Commandment of Love”... HANAAA NAKAJIIIIMMAA!!!

Robbie V: Like hawks looking at their helpless prey. Sweet Melody have shown their dominance and power in their time here in Wrestleworld and they were able to come out of ARCADIA with their belts intact after a successful defense in a Dyad Escalara match! And the look on Hana’s face just shows how ready she is to put another opponent down!

(The referee calls for the bell and the match officially begins)


Felix Mosby: Here we go! It’s finally time to settle a grudge that’s been held since War of the Worlds! Hana Nakajima has been waiting patiently, desperately wanting to get the better of Cynthia Rose! She has her opportunity tonight in this huge Champion vs Champion contest! She looks absolutely ready to go! Cynthia looks ready to go as well as she immediately invites Hana to lock hands… Hana surprisingly up for the challenge as she steps up to Cynthia… Locking hands with her…



Felix Mosby: Hana breaks it up just before five! Nearly risking disqualification there! This woman was willing to basically throw everything away just to beat down Cynthia! You can see it in that wicked look on her face!

(The crowd begins to stir)

Felix Mosby: Hold on now… Look at this!

(Crazy Violet and Lillie Saint are shown making their way down the ramp; acting as if they’re cheering on Hana)

Robbie V: What the hell is Crimson Bouquet doing out here?

Felix Mosby: Violet and Lillie seem to be coming out here to support their World’s Finest teammate in Hana, but… Hana certainly looks like she wants no part of them! Hana looks furious as she yells for them to get out of here! April doing the same thing! Sweet Melody wants no part of them right now!

Robbie V: Well Crimson Bouquet argue back, they don’t look like they intend to go anywhere as Hana looks livid! She yells for them to get out of here again before turning her focus back to Cynthia! Hana turns around to her opponent--


Referee: ONE!!!!!!!!......... TWO!!!!!!!!!........... THREE!!!!!!!!!



(“I Feel Love (Every Million Miles)” plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Cynthia Rose has her hand raised in victory by the Referee while a stunned Hana Nakajima looks around)

Announcer: The Winner of this contest by Pinfall…. CYNTHIA ROOOOOOOOSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEE!!!

Felix Mosby: I can’t believe it! That came out of nowhere!! Cynthia Rose just stunned Hana Nakajima yet again! Once again she pulls off a win out of nowhere! Hana is in disbelief right now, as is April Song!

Robbie V: This is all Crimson Bouquet’s fault! This is all on them! They knew what they were doing by coming out here! They were nothing but a distraction! This is absurd! I can’t believe Cynthia got Hana yet again! That was a robbery!

Felix Mosby: Call it whatever you want, but Cynthia Rose is the victor tonight! Hana took her eyes off the prize and allowed herself to be distracted by Sweet Melody’s challengers! Nonetheless, congratulations to Cynthia! Wow!

(Jay Jones is shown making his way down a hallway backstage, dressed in a suit)

Felix Mosby: And coming up, we have the prestigious Key of ARCADIA Ceremony for that man right there, Jay Jones! Stick around!

(The camera transitions to commercial)


(The camera transitions to the ring where several unknown men are shown surrounding the ring, along with more unknown men in the ring, clustered around one area)


(Danny Lawless jumps into camera view with sunglasses on and a microphone in hand)

Danny Lawless: That’s right! We’ve saved the best for last! We made sure that the absolute most important part of this show went on at the end, and here it is at long last! You’ve all been talking about it on social media! Twitter! Facebook! Insta! Anything and everything! So many people wondering about it! Wanting to know more! Needing that sweet, sweet info! Well don’t you worry, baby birds, cause Papa Lawless is gonna feed it to you!

(Danny points up into the air as the camera shows a golden key medal hanging high up)

Danny Lawless: THAT is what it’s all about! Now I know what you’re all thinking… You’ve been wondering where Danny Lawless has been! Well don’t worry, he’s had his own thing going on since we last saw each other, but tonight is no different than when we first met! Just like the ceremony to decide who the World Cup Holder would challenge! Tonight is all about one thing and one thing only! That beautiful, prestigious, wondrous KEY! OF! ARCADIA!

(Danny Lawless jumps around as the people around the ring and in the ring remain stoic)

Danny Lawless: Now in case anyone here lives under a rock, allow me to fill you in on the sitch… At ARCADIA - the greatest professional wrestling event of all time - the world witnessed five individuals compete in a particular match… Lovingly referred to as the “Four Tribulations Match”. And only ONE person walked out victorious! ONE wrestler that proved themselves beyond all doubt! That went the distance! That had the panache! That had the athleticism! That had the grit! The total package required to deliver a performance unlike any other, and in the end… Only one remained… And tonight, we honor that victor… And Award him this Key of ARCADIA! So let’s not waste anymore time! Let’s bring out the winner… LADIES AND GENTS…. MR. JAY JOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!

(“Hello” by Pop Smoke plays all throughout Heavens Arena as Jay Jones makes his way out through the LED doors and to the stage; dressed in a suit with a grin on his face)

Felix Mosby: Well, there he is! The man of the hour, apparently! Jay Jones captured the biggest win of his young career at ARCADIA by going through Stark, Graham Baker, Devon Slayton, and Rosanna Vendetta to win the Four Tribulations Match, and what a moment this must be for him!

Robbie V: Well, Felix, on one hand, this guy is essentially a protege of Claudia and owes everything to her. On the other hand, he didn’t do anything to help Claudia at ARCADIA, so frankly he can go fuck himself. BUT I think if Claudia were here, she’d want me to root for him. So congrats to him.

Felix Mosby: That was… A rollercoaster there, Robbie. But nonetheless, I’m glad you’re on his side, I think…

(“Hello” fades out as Jay Jones enters the ring and shakes hands with Danny Lawless)

Danny Lawless: Congrats, bro! You earned this! You EARNED this, big man! I knew you had it in ya! But hey, I’m just the host here. The REALLY important man here to congratulate you is right over there, so I’ll leave it to him!

Robbie V: Who?

(Jay Jones turns to the crowded men nearby in the ring. Several of the men begin to move out of the way to reveal a man that was standing behind them. A bald man in a black suit with a goatee. He steps forward with a microphone in hand, looking at Jay Jones)

Mr. Sunday: Mr. Jones… It is a privilege to meet you in person. I’ve heard much about you, and I was very impressed by your performance at ARCADIA.

(Mr. Sunday shakes Jay Jones’ hand)

Mr. Sunday: You must be wondering who exactly I am. I happen to be the owner of ARCADIA. I was there to witness the entire event and I can say without a doubt, no one impressed me quite like you did. You proved to the entire world that you are truly the future of this industry. And while I may not be all that familiar with professional wrestling, I do know talent when I see it. I certainly know an investment when I see one. I have all the confidence in the world in you, and I want you to know that this…

(Mr. Sunday gestures to the Key hanging above the ring as it begins to descend towards them)

Mr. Sunday: This beautiful Key… It’s not merely some reward for winning a match. It’s not some mere medal to add to your resume. It is called the Key of ARCADIA for good reason. Because it is truly the Key that opens ARCADIA to no one else but you.

(Jay Jones looks on; visibly unsure as Mr. Sunday removes the Key from the hook and holds it)

Mr. Sunday: That means that whatever you desire most, I assure you ARCADIA will make it happen. That is what it means to be the holder of the Key of ARCADIA. So without further adieu… Jay Jones… I present to you what you have rightfully earned…

(Mr. Sunday puts the Key Medal around Jay Jones’ neck)

Mr. Sunday: The Key of ARCADIA!

(All of the unknown men in attendance, Danny Lawless, and Mr. Sunday clap as Jay Jones embraces it and picks up a microphone)

Jay Jones: Thank you… All of you are much too kind… I don’t want to take away from anything you all said, because you put it better than I ever could have. You all perfectly summed up just how deserving I am of this honor. And rest assured, I will take you up on that offer, Mr. Sunday. This Key of ARCADIA… This means more than some accolade. Maybe that’s all it was to the four competitors I beat, but not to me. Maybe it means nothing to everyone else in this company, but not to me. To me, this… This is the key that opens the door to my future. To my path of becoming the face of this company. A lot has changed. Book 3 is upon us. The winds of change are picking up… The paradigm is shifting… It’s a brave new world… And it’s all led by Jay Jones. Get used to this.

(Jay Jones smirks as he stares into the hard camera while the people around him clap once more while “Hello” picks back up)

Felix Mosby: And there you have it! Jay Jones has officially been awarded the mysterious Key of ARCADIA. What does that entail? I’m really not entirely sure, but it’s certainly interesting…

Robbie V: He didn’t even thank Claudia for all that she’s done for him! That ungrateful little brat! Congratulations, whatever!

Felix Mosby: Jay Jones could be right. Things are changing in Wrestleworld and he could be at the forefront of it all! Who knows what’s to come, but I absolutely cannot wait to see it! What a night it’s been! And Book 3 has only just begun!

(The camera transitions to Jaywalker in the backseat of a car that’s being driven. He looks at his phone until the car finally comes to a stop)

Jaywalker: Are we here?

(The Driver of the car is heard getting out as there’s nothing but silence while Jaywalker waits)

Jaywalker: Well?

Driver: Yes, sir, I think you want to see this.

(The Driver opens the door as Jaywalker steps out of the car. Jaywalker looks around the darkness until his eyes adjust more)

Jaywalker: Where the hell is it?

(The Driver grabs a flashlight and turns it on; looking around until he points to something)

Jaywalker: What?

(The camera shows the flashlight beaming on the unlit sign of the Wrestleworld Carnival. Jaywalker grabs the flashlight and makes his way to the Carnival)

Jaywalker: What is this?

(Jaywalker looks around with the flashlight as he enters the Carnival; walking to the center with the Driver behind him)

Jaywalker: What exactly am I looking at here? Where is everyone?

Driver: They’re gone, sir. All of them. The others said the same thing… Not a soul around. There hasn’t been anyone here for days. It’s as if they all just disappeared...

(Jaywalker looks around more, trying to see if anyone could be hiding in the shadows. Looking everywhere he can. Trying to find any sign of life. But the Carnival remains lifeless; abandoned)

Jaywalker: What happened here?

(Jaywalker keeps looking around as the camera zooms out on the empty Carnival, further and further until the camera cuts to black)