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Comfort Call - Quick Tips.docx
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Quick Tips for Comfort Calls

Designed for Child Welfare Agencies and Professionals

These quick tips are designed for child welfare caseworkers supporting comfort calls. The understanding and implementation of your agency's Comfort Call policy should be the foundation of your practice.

Name the Goals

Discuss Logistics

Explain how comfort calls are conducted in your agency. Jurisdictions may expect the case worker to participate in the call as a facilitator or listener, while in other jurisdictions this decision will be made by the parent, resource parent and caseworker together.

Safety Considerations

The expectation is comfort calls are made unless there is an outstanding circumstance for it to not occur. It is the caseworkers role to help the resource family find a safe way for the call. For example, setting up a Google Voice number could be done by the resource parent or the placing worker makes the call from their phone being in the same place with either the birth or resource parent.

During the Call

Addressing Hesitance or Resistance

After the Call