Corbridge Middle School PE Equipment and Safety Policy

Corbridge Middle School

PE Equipment and Safety Policy

Name of Policy

PE Equipment and Safety Policy

Named Person(s)

Mark Blatherwick

Review Committee

Last review date

July 2023

Next review date

July 2024


To ensure the safety, welfare, inclusivity and wellbeing of all pupils in Physical Education lessons and create a safe learning environment.

Additional information regarding PE Kit

Pupils should be aware of the time of year and bring the kit that is appropriate to the season. PE lessons are taught in wet and cold conditions as long as it is safe to do so, pupils should have kit appropriate for these conditions.  Gloves appropriate to the activity are allowed, for example rugby gloves are acceptable for a rugby lesson as they have grips designed to aid catching the ball. Cotton gloves would not be suitable in this situation.

If the weather is cold pupils are welcome to wear base layers, or other items of clothing underneath their normal PE kit. This must not be their school uniform in case it gets wet or muddy.

It is advised the pupils bring an additional pair of socks to change into after PE lessons if not wearing school football socks for lessons.

Pupils with long hair should have it tied back with a suitable soft item to prevent entanglement in apparatus and to prevent their vision from being obscured. This could include a plain beanie style hat, hair band, or hair bobble.

Where a pupil has not brought their PE kit they will be provided with a kit that is the best fit from what is kept in the PE department and participate in the lesson. Where this presents an issue for an individual it will be referred to SLT.

Pupils unable to take part in due to Medical Reasons or Illness

If a pupil is unable to take part in the practical aspect of a lesson due to medical reasons or Illness they must inform school via the school office or write a note in their journal. They will spend the lesson in the medical room.

Safety in Specific activities

It is advised that pupils wear the listed safety equipment mentioned below to minimise the risk of injury in lessons.

To support pupils in having the right equipment for PE, the school will offer a loaning system. Parents will receive a letter of how this will operate but will effectively involve providing a small deposit for the loan of football socks and a pair of shin pads for the module of work.


To ensure the safety of all pupils (not just the wearer) all jewellery must be removed for PE lessons.  Should pupils wish to have their ears pierced it is advised that this is done in the first week of the school Summer holidays as they will be required to be removed for PE lessons and taping is not sufficient.

‘Piercing retainers’ are suitable if preferred as they are made of soft plastic and have flat sides on both sides, thus reducing the risk of injury.

Pedometers have become increasingly popular. In line with the Physical Education publication Safe Practice: in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity. (2020) these can be worn in non-contact activities if under a sweatband.


Pupils will be required to get changed at the end of PE lessons unless there are circumstances within school that require them to stay in PE kit.

Issues not covered in this policy

Where issues are not covered in the policy the school will follow guidance from The Association for Physical Education publication Safe Practice: in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity. (2020)