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XXweb 2016-dental-hygiene-graduate-stipend-terms-of-reference.docx
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Dental Hygiene Graduate Research Fund (DHGRF) Student Stipends- Terms of Reference

1. Eligible students will be registered as a full-time graduate student in the School of Dentistry Medical Sciences Graduate Program (MSc or PhD) at the University of Alberta; a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;

2. Masters students may be eligible to receive up to $2500 per year for a maximum of two years, while registered as a full-time student.

3. Doctoral students may be eligible to receive up to $4000 per year for a maximum of four years, while registered as a full-time student.

4. If a graduate student receives other stipend awards totaling $10,000 or more in a given year, the student will no longer receive further funding from the DHGRF. It is the responsibility of the graduate student and the student’s supervisor to report to the Chair of the DHGRF upon receipt of other awards as described.

5. DHGRF Adjudication. The committee will be composed of two tenure-stream faculty members from the School of Dentistry external to the Dental Hygiene Program, one tenure-stream faculty member in the Dental Hygiene Program, and the Director of the Dental Hygiene Graduate Program.

a. Members will be appointed by the Director of the Division of Dental Hygiene and approved by the Chair, School of Dentistry.

b. Proposals will be reviewed and recommendation for funding will be made. Final approvals for funding allocation will be made by the Chair, School of Dentistry in accordance with spending and financial policies of the University of Alberta.

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