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NCDEA Strategic Plan - Web Document.docx
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NCDEA Strategic Plan

An updated NCDEA Strategic Plan is currently under development.

 Please scroll below to see the 2017-2020 Plan


Strategic Plan



The nationally recognized network of professionals dedicated to the delivery of conservation.


To strengthen conservation district employee professional capacity and influence national conservation policy by providing leadership and proficiency.


Goal #1:

Provide resources for conservation district employees via the NCDEA website, webinars, and other avenues

  • Provide website and social media updates

Who:  NCDEA President and designated officers

Pathway:  Updates to NCDEA Executive Director (ED) who will forward to Webmaster (WM)

When:  Monthly

  • Solicit feedback from employees on their individual and state association needs

Who:  NCDEA Regional Representatives  (RRs)

Pathway:  Via e-mail or personal contacts, reports made at NCDEA meetings

When:  Semi-annually

  • Promote partners’ webinars

Who:  ED

Pathway:  RRs to ED to Board email list for sharing  

When:  Monthly, or more frequently as needed

  • Provide 3 training and informational links on NCDEA website

Who:  Chair of Professional Development Committee

Pathway:  Solicitation of examples from Board members, submitted to ED and forwarded to WM

When: Quarterly

  • Promote NCDEA website via monthly state success stories

Who:  RRs

Pathway: Request from state contacts, sent to ED, forwarded to WM

When: Continuous, target goal of 2/year/region

  • Provide examples of training curriculum online

Who:  RRs

Pathway:  solicit from state contacts, forward to ED to WM and links provided to RRs

When:  Continuous, target seven or more annually

  • Represent partners on USDA-NRCS National Employee Development Board

Who:  NCDEA President Designee

Pathway:  Designee provides updates semi-annually to NCDEA Board

When: Four times/year

Goal #2:

Develop a process to improve and coordinate the core partner’s contact databases

  • Request partner EDs to meet @ staff level to plan and coordinate

Who:  ED

Pathway:  ED will schedule and coordinate meetings

When:  By January 1, 2017

  • Develop a draft MOU with core partners to coordinate efforts to populate district database

Who:  ED

Pathway:  Submitted to Board for review and comment

When:  February 2017 NCDEA Board Meeting

Goal #3:

Increase number of state district employee associations

  • Who:  NCDEA Executive Board

Pathway:   Identify need, create implementation and prioritization plan with input from appropriate RRs.  Target 2 new associations/year

When:  February 2017 NCDEA Board Meeting

Goal #4:

Expand & Improve Networks and Communication (Internal and External)

  • Develop a clear communication plan

Who:  Communications Committee

Pathway:  Recommendation report

When:  February 2017 NCDEA Board Meeting

  • Develop & Accelerate Public Relations/Marketing, including NCDEA branding

Who:  Communication Committee

Pathway:  Recommendation report

When:  February 2017 NCDEA Board Meeting

  • Make regular contact with State Presidents

Who:  NCDEA President and RRs

Pathway:  Personal contact and e-mail

When:  Quarterly

  • Encourage state leaders to share information

Who:  RRs

Pathway:  Personal contact and e-mail

When:  Quarterly

  • Provide assistance to states to improve their communication networks

Who:  RRs

Pathway:  Provide website link updates to contacts

When:  Continuously

  • Establish relationships and reach out to national partners, maintaining two way communication

Who:  NCDEA President and designees

Pathway:  Report information and feedback at NCDEA Board Meetings  with goal of two new contacts/year

When:  Semi-annually

Goal #5:

Encourage & Promote Professionalism of District Employees

  • Provide assistance/guidance to states on training

Pathway:  refer to Goal #1

  • Develop a NCDEA training policy and messaging  that helps express the professionalism of District Employees

Who:  Professional Development Committee

Pathway:  Recommendation report

When:  February 2017 NCDEA Board meeting

  • Commit to acknowledging professionalism through increased participation in NCDEA training, Scholarship, and Awards Programs

Who:  NCDEA Professional Development, Scholarship and Awards Committees

Pathway:  Committees work with RRs to promote with goal of two regional applications per program per year

When:  February 2017

  • Provide templates and or examples of tools used such as skills assessment, professional development plans, training plans, etc.

Who:  All NCDEA Board Members and partners,

Pathway:  via request from ED, information to WM and links back to RRs and partners to share with contacts

When:  continuously, progress report at February 2017 NCDEA Board Meeting

  • Distribute training opportunities including on-line examples

Pathway:  Please refer to Goal #1

Goal #6:

Maintain & Build Representation and Partnerships

  • Maintain and enhance NCDEA membership in National Conservation Partnership (NCP) with the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), National Association of State Conservation Agencies (NASCA), and National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils (NARC&DC)

Who:  NCDEA President, ED

Pathway:  Regular Communications; minimum of quarterly NCP Leaders Meetings

When:  Continuously

  • Build and continue professional relationships with districts, state associations of conservation districts,and state conservation agencies

Who:  All NCDEA Board Members

Pathway:  Personal and electronic contacts

When:  Continuously, review status with NCDEA Board semi-annually

  • Build and continue professional relationships with USDA NRCS, USFWS, FSA, and other federal conservation agencies

Who:  All NCDEA Board Members

Pathway:  Personal contact electronic contacts

When:  Continuously, review status with NCDEA Board semi-annually

  • Provide leadership for including underrepresented partners, working across boundaries, + adapting to changing partnership dynamics

Who:  Professional Development Committee

Pathway:  Breakout session at NACD Annual Meeting

When: February 2017

  • Provide support for the Envirothon

Who:  NCDEA Board

Pathway:  Provide continued financial support as budget allows, ED to send survey to districts to collect information on involvement, success stories posted on NCDEA website

When:  Provide progress report semi-annually

Goal #7:

Work towards every state and territory building a fully functioning partnership  (In concert with other National Conservation Partnership members)

  • Collaborate with partners to assist in developing and strengthening state partnerships

Who:  NCDEA President

Pathway:  Regular communication

When:  As appropriate, with reports at NCDEA Board meetings

  • Provide mentoring opportunities between and among states

Who:  NCDEA Board

Pathway:  Share successful processes to build Board member capacity

When:  Report at NCDEA Board meetings

  • Address special situations with a team approach to resolving/advancing specific state partnerships

Who:  NCDEA President

Pathway:  Communication with NCP signatory partners

When:  As needed

  • Share success stories

Who: RRs

Pathway: Submit to ED who will forward to WM with links provided back to NCDEA Board to forward to contacts

When:  As opportunities arise

Goal #8:

Build Board Capacity and Maintain Effective Operations

  • Develop and maintain effective policy and procedures

Who:  NCDEA Board

Pathway:  Review and possible amendments of policies and procedures

When:  Annually at June NCDEA Board meeting

  • Continue to build NCDEA financial capacity

Who:  NCDEA Board, ED

Pathway:  Increase dues paying states by two/year.  Increase grant levels

When:  Annually, report on progress at June NCDEA Board meeting

  • Continue to ensure that NCDEA representatives serve and participate on NACD committees

Who:  NCDEA President, ED

Pathway:  Designation as appropriate

When:  Report updates semi-annually at NCDEA Board meetings