波士頓明慧學校每週六有各種才藝課, 每週日下午一點至三點半有中文課、文化課和圓圈時間, 除.公共假期以外。以下是下一學年九月至明年六月的課程:
MHAB provides a variety of extracurricular activities on Saturday. The Chinese School is open on Sundays from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm, except holidays per the Cambridge Public Schools calendar. The Program currently offers the following courses through school year from September to June next year:
週日華語文課程 Sunday Chinese Language Courses:
華語文課程 Chinese courses | 時間 Time | 老師 Teacher | 時間 Time | 文化課 | 老師 Teacher |
雙語華語文幼小班 Bilingual beginner Chinese ( 2 ½ - 3 yr. old) | 1:00pm - 1:40pm | 常曉宇老師 Ms. Pearl | 2:00 pm -2:40 pm | 唱遊、聽故事學華語 | 常曉宇老師 Ms. Pearl |
雙語華語文小班 Bilingual low intermediate Chinese (4-5 yr. old) | 1:00pm - 1:40pm | 周慧慧老師 Ms. Christina | 2:00 pm -2:40 pm | 唱遊、唐詩 | 周慧慧老師 Ms. Christina |
華語文中班 Bilingual intermediate Chinese (5-6 yr.old) | 1:00pm- 1:40pm | 李繼偉老師 Ms. Josie | 2:00 pm -2:40 pm | 聲律啟蒙、唐詩 | 李繼偉老師 Ms. Josie |
華語文大.班 Basic Chinese & culture immersion (6-7) | 1:00pm- 1:40pm | 劉芳芳老師 Ms. Sophie | 2:00 pm -2:40 pm | 聲律啟蒙、唐詩 | 李繼偉老師 Ms. Josie |
華語文一年级 Beginner Chinese | 2:00pm- 2:50pm | 劉芳芳老師 Ms. Sophie | 1:00pm- 1:50pm | 弟子規 1 | 劉珊玲老師 Ms. Liew |
華語文二年级 Low Intermediate Chinese | 1:00pm- 1:50pm | TBD | 2:00 pm -2:50 pm | 弟子規 2 | 劉珊玲老師 Ms. Liew |
華語文三年級 Intermediate Chinese | 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm | 何麗娟老師 Ms. Betty | 1:00pm- 1:50pm | 弟子規 1 | 劉珊玲老師 Ms. Liew |
華語文四年級 High intermediate Chinese | 1:00pm- 1:40pm | 何麗娟老師 Ms. Betty | 2:00 pm -2:50 pm | 弟子規 2 | 劉珊玲老師 Ms. Liew |
週六/週曰 課外活動課程: Saturday Extra Curricular Courses:
Extra Curricular Courses | Time/day | Teacher |
親子班 Me & Mommy group dance (<5) | 10:00 - 10:50 AM (Sat) | Ms. C Zhou |
小孩中國古典舞 (with no experience) Classical Chinese group dance (>6) | 11:00 - 11:50 AM (Sat) | Ms. C Zhou |
小孩中國古典舞 (with experience) Classical Chinese group dance (>7) | 1:00 - 2:30 PM (Sat) | Ms. C Zhou |
成人/小孩中國古典舞單獨預約課程 Adult/child private lesson | 週六早上預約 Saturday morning by appointment | Ms. C Zhou |
手工藝 Arts & Crafts | 10:00 - 10:50 AM(Sat) | Ms. M Chang |
書法 Chinese calligraphy | 1:00 - 2:00 PM (Sat) (Adult) 2:00 - 2:50 pm (Sat) (Children) | Dr. R. Huang |
課程名稱 course | 課程內容 Course Description | 老師 Instructor | 程度 Level | 年齡 Age |
中國古典舞 Chinese classical dance | 本課基本的中國古典舞技巧和詞彙會通過有趣且富有想像力故事和練習進行介紹。通過對舞蹈基礎、柔韌性、技術技巧和身韻獨特元素的系統訓練,學生在探索中國文化遺產的同時會掌握這種獨特的古典藝術形式。 Students learn basic Classical Chinese dance techniques and vocabulary through fun and imaginative story-based routines & exercises. Through systematic training in dance fundamentals, flexibility, technical skills, and the unique element of shen yun, (or ‘bearing’), students come to master this exceptional classical form of art while exploring China’s cultural heritage. | 周慧慧 Christina Zhou | 初級中級 Beginner Intermediate | > 6 yr |
書法 Chinese calligraphy | 本科為學習書法之基礎科目,為初學者掌握書法基礎而設,內容包括學習書法的基本知識。請自備毛筆及硯池或小碟子。老師會提供紙和墨汁。 Students will learn the basics of calligraphy and be introduced to more advanced calligraphy techniques. Students are expected to provide their own brushes and ink holders. Paper and ink will be provided. | 黄明嘉 Roland Huang | 初級、中級 Beginner Intermediate | >7 yr |
手工藝 Arts and Crafts | 手工藝的製作可以增加學生對中國文化的認同及學習中文的興趣. 本課程將配合中國節慶分別製作民俗手工藝 ,其中包括: 中國結、捏麵人、立體摺紙及其他。 Arts and crafts are an effective way to share Chinese traditions with students. Some examples include: Chinese knot, dough figurine and origami. | 甘明玲 Mingling Chang | 初級、中級 Beginner Intermediate | > 6 yr |
中國水墨畫 Chinese painting | 此水墨畫課會教學生用墨、筆法來呈現大自然中的植物及動物。植物從基礎的枝和葉,延伸到竹子,梅花,和荷花。此外還有動物如小雞,小鳥、螳螂和熊貓…等。 Students learn how to use ink and Chinese brush to portray the plants and animals in nature. From the basic branch and leaves to bamboo, plum blossom, and lotus flowers . Furthermore, animals such as baby chicken, birds, mantis and pandas. | 施人云 Grace Shih | 初級中級 Beginner Intermediate | > 6 yr |
課程名稱 course | 課程內容 Course Description | 老師 Teacher |
華語文幼小班 Beginner Chinese playgroup (<3 yr) | 本課著重小孩在老師的帶領下學習唱歌、聽故事和做手工藝。學生在輕鬆的環境下學習與其他小朋友相處和玩各種遊戲。 This class emphasizes children learning to sing Chinese folk songs, listen to stories, and engage in handicrafts under the guidance of a teacher. Students learn to interact with other children and play various games in a relaxed environment. | 常曉宇老師 Ms. Pearl |
雙語華語文小班 Bilingual low intermediate Chinese (4-5 yr.old) | 本課使用《生活華語K1》為教材,著重識别正體字的學習。小孩會在遊戲、唱歌、手工藝和戲劇裏學華語。 “Living Mandarin” stresses on word recognition. Children learn Chinese in a fun way by using games/puzzles, rhyme & songs, arts and crafts and acting out. | 周慧慧 Ms. Christina |
華語文中班 Bilingual intermediate Chinese (5-6 yr.old) | 本課使用《生活華語K2》《生活華語K3》為教材,著重識别正體字的學習。小孩會在遊戲、唱歌、手工藝和戲劇裏學華語。 “Living Mandarin” stresses on word recognition. Children learn Chinese in a fun way by using games/puzzles, rhyme & songs, arts and crafts and acting out. | 李繼偉老師 Ms. Josie |
華語文大班 Basic Chinese & culture immersion (6-7) | 本課使用《學華語向前走基礎册》為教材。基礎冊是為了讓學生順利銜接第一冊而設計的。Let's Learn Chinese's Starter Book starts with a communication model, allowing students to learn the sounds of the language orally. The Basic Book is designed to serve as a bridge between the Starter Book and Book 1. | 劉芳芳老師 Ms. Sophie |
華語文一班 Chinese & culture book 1 | 本課使用《學華語向前走一》為教材,著重正體字的學習, 兼顧注音及拼音, 並搭配簡體字標注。單元一主題為「學校與學習」。.此教材 以第二語言教學概念為基礎,內容包括會話課文、生詞表、句型練習、兒歌韻文及遊戲。標音符號為注音及拼音,並搭配簡化字標註。我們的課文內容以日常生活對話為主軸,可有效增進學習者日常生活中聽、說、讀、寫能力。 Each volume of “Let's Learn Chinese” has a different theme. Volume 1 focuses on “school and studies”. The series is built around everyday conversations, our texts incorporate communication, culture, connection, comparison, and community. This series can help students effectively on their Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and increase their cross-cultural understanding. | 劉芳芳老師 Ms. Sophie |
華語文二班 Chinese & culture book 2 | 本課使用《學華語向前走二》為教材,著重正體字的學習, 兼顧注音及拼音, 並搭配簡體字標注。單元一主題為「環境與我」。此教材 以第二語言教學概念為基礎,內容包括會話課文、生詞表、句型練習、兒歌韻文及遊戲。我們的課文內容以日常生活對話為主軸,可有效增進學習者日常生活中聽、說、讀、寫能力。 Each volume of “Let's Learn Chinese” has a different theme. Volume 1 focuses on “school and studies”. The series is built around everyday conversations, our texts incorporate communication, culture, connection, comparison, and community. This series can help students effectively on their Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and increase their cross-cultural understanding | TBD |
華語文三班 Chinese & culture book 3 | 本課使用《學華語向前走三》為教材,著重正體字的學習, 兼顧注音及拼音, 並搭配簡體字標注。單元三主題為「數字與生活時尚」。此教材 以第二語言教學概念為基礎,內容包括會話課文、生詞表、句型練習、兒歌韻文及遊戲。我們的課文內容以日常生活對話為主軸,可有效增進學習者日常生活中聽、說、讀、寫能力。 “Let's Learn Chinese” Volume 3 focuses on “numbers and lifestyle”. The series is built around everyday conversations, our texts incorporate communication, culture, connection, comparison, and community. This series can help students effectively on their Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and increase their cross-cultural understanding. | 何麗娟老師 Ms. Betty |
華語文四班 Chinese & culture book 4 | 本課使用《學華語向前走四》為教材,著重正體字的學習, 兼顧注音及拼音, 並搭配簡體字標注。單元四主題為「飲食舆文化」。此教材 以第二語言教學概念為基礎,內容包括會話課文、生詞表、句型練習、兒歌韻文及遊戲。我們的課文內容以日常生活對話為主軸,可有效增進學習者日常生活中聽、說、讀、寫能力。 “Let's Learn Chinese” Volume 4 focuses on “Food and Culture ”. The series is built around everyday conversations, our texts incorporate communication, culture, connection, comparison, and community. This series can help students effectively on their Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and increase their cross-cultural understanding. | 何麗娟老師 Ms. Betty |
華語文五班 Chinese & culture book 5 | 本課使用《學華語向前走五》為教材,著重正體字的學習, 兼顧注音及拼音, 並搭配簡體字標注。單元五主題為「氣候與環境」。 “Let's Learn Chinese” Volume 5 focuses on “Climate and Environment”. | TBD |
線上小孩私課/小組華語班 Online private/group lessons | 本課使用全球華文網的精選書互動教材為主。教材使用是跟據學生的華語程度、歲數和需求而定。 Online classes will be using Huayu World interactive special selections. The choice of book will depend on the students' Chinese level, age group and need. | 劉珊玲老師 Ms. Liew |
圓圈時間 Circle Time
課程名稱 course | 課程內容 Course Description | 老師 Teacher |
圓圈時間 Circle Time | 為了在學校建立一個積極的社區,所有學生和成年人都需要感受到歸屬感和有意義。圈子的做法是建立和維護一個健康的社區,讓所有成員都感到相互聯繫和受到尊重。要有歸屬感,就必須被人看重並做出貢獻。學生上完課之後分享和交流這一天學了什麽,哪裏做得好,哪裏需要改進。培養學生時刻都在向內找,想着自己的一舉一動對別人有沒有負面的影嚮。 To build a positive community in a school, all students and adults need to feel a sense of belonging and significance. The practice of a Circle is to build and maintain a healthy community in which all members feel connected and respected. To belong, one has to be seen, to be significant and to contribute. Students share and communicate what they have learned during the day, what went well, and where they improved. We train students to look inward constantly, checking if their actions have a negative impact on others. | 劉珊玲老師 Ms. Liew |