Logan-Rogersville School District
App, Software, & Cloud-Based Resource Request
The Logan-Rogersville School District recognizes the value of technology integration and encourages faculty and staff to select resources that increase learning opportunities. Only Apps, Software, and Cloud-Based resources that are appropriate to meet instructional goals and meet legal requirements to protect student privacy and data will be approved. The District has adopted a set of Standards when evaluating new Apps, Software, and Cloud-Based resources. Before submitting a request for approval of an App, Software, or Cloud-Based resource, faculty and staff must first discuss the desired resource with their instructional coach and consider the following:
- Has the new App, Software, or Cloud-Based resource been discussed with your instructional coach? Before submitting a formal request (found below) for an App, Software, or Cloud-Based resource, faculty must seek the assistance of their building’s instructional technology coach with the evaluation and vetting of new digital resources. Instructional coaches and literacy/math specialists shall review all App, Software, or Cloud-Based resources before a final request for resources is submitted through the link below.
- Does the new App, Software, or Cloud-Based resource comply with District policy?
- Has the District already vetted and approved a similar App, Software, or Cloud-Based resource? If so, faculty and staff should use the already approved tool.
- What impact will the new App, Software, or Cloud-Based resource have on instruction and student learning? Is it engaging? Does it have strong relevance to the curriculum and instructional goals?
- Has the new App, Software, or Cloud-Based resource been used or reviewed? It is important for faculty and staff to fully understand the student experience when using the tool to ensure that it works and is appropriate for the intended age group.
- Is the new App, Software, or Cloud-Based resource compatible with student devices and the District network? Although the technology department will review all requests for new Apps, Software, or Cloud-Based resources for compatibility issues, faculty and staff are encouraged to review whether requested technology resources will work within the District’s existing technology infrastructure.
- Have the Privacy and Terms of Use for the new App, Software, or Cloud-Based resource been reviewed? Faculty and staff are encouraged to review the Privacy and Terms of Use before seeking District approval. Teachers should be aware of any personal information that might be requested if a student account is required to login.
Once all of the above has been considered, an App, Software, & Cloud-Based Resource Request may be submitted.
If the new resource is approved, please allow at least three weeks from the date of completion of this form for the new App, Software, or Cloud-Based resource to be fully functioning. Purchased and free Apps, Software, or Cloud-Based resources may require extended time for review, purchasing, and device/network integration. If the requested App, Software, or Cloud-Based resource is denied, you will receive notification and explanation for the denial.