Three Cards
A game of practicing your craft and growing your coven.
Phase One: Learning Divination
Phase Two: Practicing Your Craft
Phase Three: Teaching Divination
Appendix 1: Tarot Card Meanings
Appendix 2: Tarot Rank and Suit Meanings
This is designed as a game, but it is a game about Tarot, divination, witchcraft, and spirituality. As such, it might fit into your existing spiritual practice. Game is perhaps an inaccurate word, but as a game designer it is the one i know. This is a set of rules and rituals with a desired experiential outcome. But the tricky thing about game (experience?) design is that as a designer, i can only provide structure for an experience. You, the player (participant? witch?), are actually having the experience. i cannot control how you feel; i cannot control how you act; i cannot control how you interpret this game (set of rituals).
This set of rituals is designed to help you learn how to use Tarot as a method of divination. This game is split into three phases: Learning Divination, Practicing Your Craft, and Teaching Divination. In the Learning Divination phase, you will practice reading Tarot cards—often with the assistance of a table or your Covenmates. In the Practicing Your Craft phase, you will be on your own building and reinforcing your divinatory skills. In the Teaching Divination phase, you will practice explaining your understanding of the Tarot cards to your Covenmates.
Part of learning is teaching and sharing what you have learned. It is through this process that we internalize our understanding of the topic we are studying. We only become experts when we are able to teach others and share our knowledge and understanding.
Part of practicing your craft is building and maintaining a habit. It is encouraged for you to aim to do daily Tarot readings and meet with your Coven at least once per lunar cycle. It is okay if you aren’t able to do a reading every day or meet with your Coven every lunar cycle.
Finding a Coven can be as easy as asking a friend or two to play this game with you. Or you can join an existing group playing this game. Your Coven does not have to practice witchcraft; this is simply the game’s term for a group of players.
If you are unable, for any reason, to find or make a Coven, that is okay! You can learn and practice your craft by yourself. Hopefully by the time you finish Practicing Your Craft, you will be able to find or make a Coven.
An Altar is a place for you to perform rituals. The best Altar for this game is one with a flat surface large enough for you to place your Tarot cards, roll your Knucklebones, and write in your Grimoire.
This may be your first time reading Tarot cards; that is okay! Consult Appendix 1: Tarot Card Meanings for interpretation or Appendix 2: Tarot Rank and Suit Meanings to derive your own interpretation.
Card Name | Upright Meaning | Reversed Meaning |
0 THE FOOL | New beginning, freedom | Naivete, fear of change |
I THE MAGICIAN | Manifestation, creator, inspired action | Disconnection from personal power, manipulative |
II THE HIGH PRIESTESS | Intuition, self-knowledge | Disconnection from intuition, refusal to look within |
III THE EMPRESS | Receiving love, creativity | Disconnection, creative blocks |
IV THE EMPEROR | Inspired action, personal power | Inability to take action, reactive, defensive |
V THE HIEROPHANT | Teacher, tradition | Rigid beliefs, refusal to learn |
VI THE LOVERS | Relationship, alignment | Disharmony, imbalance |
VII THE CHARIOT | Inspired action, momentum | Inability to move forward, stagnation |
VIII STRENGTH | Overcoming obstacles, endurance | Apprehension, lacking confidence |
IX THE HERMIT | Wisdom, solitude | Loneliness, isolation |
X WHEEL OF FORTUNE | Cycles, change | Delays, setbacks |
XI JUSTICE | Truth, balance | Imbalance, unfair treatment |
XII THE HANGED MAN | Waiting, shifting perspective | Impatience, inertia |
XIII DEATH | Transformation, release | Clinging to the past, refusing to change |
XIV TEMPERANCE | Moderation, harmony, divine timing | Imbalance, pushing for results |
XV THE DEVIL | Sabotage, addiction | Release, liberation |
XVI THE TOWER | Upheaval, sudden change | Hanging on, fear of letting go |
XVII THE STAR | Hope, healing | Loss of faith, disconnection from source |
XVIII THE MOON | Dreams, illusions | Bypassing difficulties, refusing to acknowledge the truth |
XIX THE SUN | Clarity, optimism | Pessimism, confusion |
XX JUDGEMENT | Awakening, acceptance | Self-doubt, resentment |
XXI THE WORLD | Successful completion, reaping rewards | Incomplete action, delayed celebration |
ace of pentacles | New beginnings, abundance | Delayed abundance |
ii of pentacles | Balance, stability | Tension, irresponsibility |
iii of pentacles | Success, new doors opening | Burnout, lack of confidence |
iv of pentacles | Building stability, conserving resources | Materialism, controlling behaviors |
v of pentacles | Focus on lack, feeling physically or financially depleted | Moving on from challenges |
vi of pentacles | Generosity, sharing resources | Generosity with strings attached, inequality |
vii of pentacles | Growth, patience | Impatience, procrastination |
viii of pentacles | Hard work, productivity | Burnout, overworking, being undervalued |
ix of pentacles | Success, enjoyment | Materialism, lack of appreciation |
x of pentacles | Wealth, family, inheritance | Loss, breaking with tradition |
page of pentacles | Manifestation, solid beginnings | Procrastination, lack of a solid plan |
knight of pentacles | Long-term abundance, steady progress | Hesitation, complacency |
queen of pentacles | Generosity, dependability | Materialism, unreliability |
king of pentacles | Wealth, generosity | Greed, self-centeredness |
ace of swords | Clarity, new ideas | Confusion, indecision |
ii of swords | Indecision, self-protection | Manipulation, blocked intuition |
iii of swords | Sadness, pain | Recovery, releasing pain |
iv of swords | Rest, introspection | Restlessness, avoiding self-reflection |
v of swords | Conflicts, arguments | Releasing, letting go of grudges |
vi of swords | Moving forward, embarking on a healing journey | Difficulties in moving on, staying in place |
vii of swords | Deception, strategy | Disorganization, paranoia |
viii of swords | Feeling trapped, restriction | Release, hesitation |
ix of swords | Anxiety, worry | Hopelessness, despair |
x of swords | Endings, new beginnings | Delayed endings, hanging on to the past |
page of swords | Enthusiasm, eagerness to learn | Gossip, defensiveness |
knight of swords | Truth seeking, assertive | Pushy, aggressive |
queen of swords | Decisiveness, honesty | Criticism, defensiveness |
king of swords | Intellectual ambition, leadership | Control, judgement |
ace of cups | New love, relationships | Depletion, disappointment |
ii of cups | Partnership, union | Disharmony, breakup |
iii of cups | Celebration, togetherness | Feeling emotionally drained, overindulgence |
iv of cups | Apathy, stagnation | Refusal to change, stuck in a bad mood |
v of cups | Grief, sadness | Silver linings, moving on |
vi of cups | Harmony, memories | Nostalgia, living in the past |
vii of cups | Possibilities, daydreaming | Illusions, confusion |
viii of cups | Walking away, moving on | Hanging on, avoiding change |
ix of cups | Satisfaction, abundance | Overindulgence, arrogance |
x of cups | Happiness, fulfillment | Disharmony |
page of cups | Love messages, playfulness, emotional intelligence | Immaturity, oversensitivity |
knight of cups | Emotional offerings, speed | Perfectionism, disappointment |
queen of cups | Nurturing, feminine energy | Suspicion, emotional distance |
king of cups | Emotional stability, empathy | Unreliability, lack of boundaries |
ace of wands | Inspiration, creativity | Hesitations, delays |
ii of wands | Choice, future plans | Impatience, lack of planning |
iii of wands | Expansion, growth | Delays, disappointments |
iv of wands | Celebration, special events | Returning to the joy of the present |
v of wands | Competition, rivalry | Exaggeration, finding a solution |
vi of wands | Victory, recognition | Delayed success |
vii of wands | Defensiveness, assertiveness | Hypervigilance, feeling defeated |
viii of wands | Movement, quick action | Slowing down, exercising patience |
ix of wands | Persistence, self-reliance | Giving up, delays |
x of wands | Overwhelm, burdens | Pressure, exhaustion |
page of wands | Impulsiveness, sense of adventure | Unreliability, hastiness |
knight of wands | Fast action, passion | Self-doubt, hesitation |
queen of wands | Creativity, ambition | Feeling unworthy, creative blocks |
king of wands | Power, authority | Abuse of power, bullying |
Tarot Suit | French Suit | Alchemical Element | Cardinal Direction | Energy | Meaning |
Pentacles | Diamonds | Earth | North | Feminine | Physical manifestation, receptivity, wealth |
Swords | Spades | Air | East | Masculine | Conflict, knowledge, action, conversation |
Cups | Hearts | Water | West | Feminine | Relationships, subtlety, receptivity, purity, inner peace |
Wands | Clubs | Fire | South | Masculine | Passion, enthusiasm, drive, energy |
Rank | Act | dani meaning | Biddy meaning |
ace | Act I | Potential | New beginnings |
ii | Act I | Growth | Partnership |
iii | Act I | Stability | Creation |
iv | Act II | Complications | Stability & foundations |
v | Act II | Low point | Conflict & change |
vi | Act II | Recovery | Harmony & growth |
vii | Act III | Strategizing | Attainment & understanding |
viii | Act III | Complications | Mastery & power |
ix | Act III | Victory | Fruition & fulfillment |
x | Act III | Completion | Completion & ending |
page | Court | Apprentice | Ready to explore a new opportunity or project |
knight | Court | Expert | In pursuit of a mission, action-oriented |
queen | Court | Authority | Mature, receptive, and leads from a place of inner power |
king | Court | Authority | Mature, dominant, authoritative, and leads from a place of outer power |
Buckland, Raymond. Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft, Llewellyn Press, 2002.
Caponi, Stefanie. Guided Tarot, Zeitgeist, 2020.
Esselmont, Bridgit. Everyday Tarot, Running Press, 2023.