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Last Updated: 02 June 2017


Any reference to "we" or "us" in this document shall mean Modality Apps (Pty) Ltd. and any reference to “you” shall mean the user of Mobiloan. This privacy policy applies to Mobiloan, which is owned and operated by Modality Apps (Pty) Ltd.  We believe you deserve the utmost respect when it comes to the security and use of your personal information, so we have described how we look after your information as clearly as possible.

Our privacy policy applies indefinitely to information shared with us or collected and stored by us through the use of our software. Our privacy policy is regularly reviewed to make sure that we continue to serve your privacy interests. We reserve the right to update this privacy policy from time to time. We encourage you to periodically review this policy for the latest information on our privacy practices. We are committed to keeping your information confidential and will not share or disclose any of your information with any other 3rd party or users not belonging to your organization.  

If you have questions or complaints regarding our privacy policy or practices, please contact us at  For the purpose of the The Protection of Personal Information Act, No 4 of 2013 (POPI), the data controller is Modality Apps (Pty) Ltd.


We recognise how important it is to protect and manage the information you share with us. We use computer safeguards such as firewalls and data encryption and we only authorise access to those employees who require it to fulfil their job responsibilities. When you share data with us through Mobiloan, that information is protected by secure socket layer (SSL) encryption. Our security systems meet or exceed industry standards and we are constantly monitoring internet developments to ensure our systems evolve as required.

Collecting your information

We collect information about you in a number of ways:

In addition to the personal and financial information you submit (or we collect), we may collect information about your computer including, where available, your IP address, operating system and browser type, for the purposes of system and loan administration and product improvement.

Use of your information

Information we hold

We will hold and store the following details for your sole use and benefit:

We commit to holding your data on our systems for the duration of your service agreement with Mobiloan plus 6 months thereafter, whereafter it will be removed from our servers and returned to you at your request in the most practical digital format. All your information is always available to you though the Mobiloan App or Mobiloan Dashboard.

Information we share

We will keep your information confidential and only share it with others for the purposes explained in this policy. We have trusted relationships with carefully-selected third parties who perform services on our behalf. All service providers are bound by contract to maintain the security of your information and to use it only as prescribed in their respective privacy policies.

Currently information is shared with the following service providers:

In addition to the above we may share your information with:

How we use your information

Your data is for your sole use and benefit and we will not use or disseminate it without your written knowledge or consent.

Notwithstanding the above, your data will be used to:

Your data may also be used for other purposes for which you give your permission, or where we are permitted to do so by law, or where it is otherwise permitted under the terms of the The Protection of Personal Information Act, No 4 of 2013 (POPI).

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