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WES Handbook 2023-24
Updated automatically every 5 minutes



HANDBOOK7 South 1st Street

Wyandotte, OK   74370

         Phone (918) 678-2299        

                                      Fax (918) 678-2827                        

A copy of this handbook can also be found at this link….

Table of Contents

Student Arrival                                                                        3                

Student Attendance                                                                3

Tardy Policy/Early Check-out                                                        3

Student Dismissal                                                                        4

School Visitors                                                                        4

Parties, Classroom Snacks, and Drinks                                        4

Recess                                                                                5        

Dress Code (including MS Dress Code)                                        5

Textbooks and Library Books                                                        6

Internet/Technology Acceptance Use Policy                                        6

Student Behavior Expectations                                                        6

Discipline Plan                                                                        7

Wyandotte Elementary Discipline Matrix                                                 8-13

Bullying                                                                                14

Cyber-Bullying                                                                        14

School Bus Regulations and Rules                                                15

Cell Phones                                                                                         16

Parent-Teacher Conferences                                                                 16

Report Cards                                                                        16

Student Health                                                                        17

Parent Contact                                                                        18

Teacher Requests                                                                        18

Student Belongings                                                                18

Deliveries                                                                                18

Field Trips                                                                                18

Late Work Policy                                                                        19

Distance Learning Days/Virtual Days                                                19

Parent Right To Know                                                                20

Roxanne McCain

   Elementary Principal

Amy Fritchey

Elementary Assistant Principal


Students should not arrive at school prior to 7:30 a.m.  As students arrive they will be directed to the gym where they will be supervised until 7:40 a.m.  At 7:40 a.m. students are sent to class.  Breakfast is served in the classroom from 7:40-8:00.  Students need to be seated in their classrooms by 8:00 or they will be counted as TARDY.


The Wyandotte Board of Education believes that attendance is a key factor in student achievement.  Thus, any absence or tardy from class represents an educational loss to the student.  We realize that some absences may be beyond a student's control, the board has adopted a policy that students cannot be absent more than ten (10) days each semester.  

There are two types of absences:  excused and unexcused.  All excused absences must be verified by parent/guardian during the absence or immediately upon return to school.  If the school does not receive a phone call or documentation from a parent, doctor, etc., the absence is considered unexcused.  

It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school if a child is to be absent.  The school will contact those students’ parents who do not call by 10:00 a.m. If no contact is made by the parent, a note or phone call the day the child returns to school must be made for the absence to be excused.  If a student is absent for 3 or more consecutive days professional notification/documentation will be required (i.e., doctor’s note, court docket, etc.)  The student may promptly make up all work missed without penalty.  It is the responsibility of the student, on the day of return, to make arrangements to see that their work is made up.  Students will be given one day for every day missed to make up any work.

The law requires the school to notify the District Attorney when a student is in violation of the school district’s attendance policy.   A student who accumulates four unexcused absences and/or tardies within a four-week period or ten unexcused absences/tardies within a semester is in violation of the attendance policy and shall be referred to the District Attorney as truant.  


“Truancy” is an unexcused absence of a child for a school day or any part of a school day.  In other words, a child who is late or tardy to class is truant. The arrival time for students is no earlier than 7:30 a.m.  Students should be in their classroom ready to learn by 8:00 a.m.  Students are considered tardy if they are not seated in the classroom and ready to begin at 8:00 OR if they leave before the last dismissal bell rings.  If a parent/guardian chooses to pick up a student early, they will need to be signed out from the elementary office.  You will need your driver’s license to sign the student out using the SchoolSafeId kiosk.


It is extremely important that the school is given directions as to what a student will do at the end of the school day.  Prior arrangements need to be made.  Please notify the school office prior to 2:30 p.m. if changes are to be made.  No change can be made without a written or verbal notification by the parent or guardian.  Please do not notify the teacher with changes.  This information has to go through the Elementary School Office.  Students who are parent pick-ups will be dismissed at 2:55 from the parent pick-up/drop-off area.  Bus Riders are dismissed shortly after 3:00.  Bus riders will walk with their teachers to the bus.  


All visitors at any school facility must obtain a visitor’s pass at the building office.  This is done through the electronic system, SchoolSafeId.  This program requires that you scan your driver’s license so please be sure you have that available when visiting the school.  In order to provide our students with a reasonable opportunity to study and learn, we do restrict classroom visitations to a minimum.  When dropping items off at the school for your child, you will be asked to leave them in the office.  


All treats brought into the classrooms must be store-bought, pre-packaged and/or commercially prepared.  No home-baked food items will be allowed.  Parents should check with the classroom teacher before sending snacks or treats to be sure there are no allergies or nutritional restrictions in the classroom.  If a parent is sending snacks or treats for a birthday, teachers should be informed ahead of time.

Students are permitted to bring a water bottle from home to keep them hydrated throughout the day.  Students may only have water in their water bottles, unless otherwise permitted by the teacher.  

Parties will not be open to parents and family members, as in the past.  Teachers will have up to 2 designated home room parents for each party that will organize and coordinate snacks, games, and activities with other classroom parents ahead of time.  If you are asked to send party snacks or items, they may be sent with your child or brought to the office the morning of the party.    

Private birthday and party invitations should not be passed out at school unless each class member is invited.  


We expect each child to go out at recess time.  Please monitor weather forecasts to ensure that your child is dressed appropriately.  We do go outside for recess if the temperature is above 32 degrees.  Usually if a child is too ill to go outside, he or she is too ill to come to school.  Should your child need to stay in, a note to the teacher is required.  If your child needs to stay in for an extended amount of time (more than 2 days) a doctor’s note is required.  


Appropriate dress and personal appearance is conducive to the desired learning environment.  Any dress or appearance judged to be distracting or disruptive will be dealt with on an individual basis.  As students enter the 4th and 5th grade, their dress code will follow that of the Wyandotte Middle School.  The final decision concerning questionable dress or appearance will be made by the administration.

Wyandotte Middle School Dress Code is as follows:

 The following are specific rules:

         1. All undergarments or anything worn as an  undergarment should remain unseen.

2. Young men and women should wear shirts that  cover their entire torso and chest area.

3. Administrator or designated staff discretion will  be used as needed on the length of shorts,  dresses, skirts, etc.  

4. Short and pant waistband must be worn at hips  or above and have no holes, rips, or tears above  the fingertip line. Excessively baggy clothing  must be worn with belt or suspenders.  

5. Students wearing leggings, yoga pants, or similar  fitting clothing must wear a shirt long enough to  completely cover the buttocks, reaching the  same length in front while in motion.

6. No clothing that displays or infers, including but  not limited to, themes of tobacco, drugs,  alcohol, obscene language or gestures, violence,  or racial, ethnic, sexual or other disparaging  slurs.  

7. All students are required to wear shoes. (No bare  feet.)

8. Hats, caps, and other headwear (within reason) are allowed to be worn in the hallways, but once in the classroom, teachers have the authority to ask such items to be removed changed April 11, 2022 (Exceptions  may be made for students with religious beliefs  requiring head covering, medical reasons, or  dedicated hat days approved by administrators). Headbands and other utilitarian hair devices are acceptable in most situations with discretion in questionable situations being made by building administrators. (changed effective September 14, 2021)

This dress code will exclude extra-curricular activities  where the dress code for each sport/activity will be  determined by the sponsor. But students may be excluded  from an activity/sport for failing to follow the sponsor’s or  coaches’ guidelines/rules for appropriate dress for the  activity.

Final determination of what is appropriate is to be made  by the building principal.


All books and educational materials are the property of Wyandotte Public Schools.  If these are lost or mutilated by a student, the parents will be responsible for paying the cost to replace them.  The principal will make the ultimate decision regarding payment for the book or materials.  Upon receipt of payment, the damaged book or materials will become the property of the parent. Students may be denied participation in special activities until payment is made or the books/materials are replaced.



All students and parents will need to read and sign the One-to-One Device User Agreement in order to have access to technology use at school.  Students who do not follow this policy will be subject to loss of technology privileges.  There is an annual damage waiver fee of $20 per device to be paid to Wyandotte Public Schools.  The One-to-One Device User Agreement will be sent home at the beginning of the year to be completed and returned before students are eligible to use the devices.  


I show respect for myself…

I show respect for others…

I show respect for our school and environment by following the rules and directions…

        In the Classroom

        In the Halls…

        In the Lunchroom…

        On the Playground…

        In the Restroom…

        During Assemblies…


The school’s primary goal is to educate, not discipline.  When the behavior of an individual student comes in conflict with the rights’ of others, corrective actions are necessary for the benefit of the individuals and of the school.  All students will be treated fairly and in an equitable manner.  Disciplinary action will follow our Wyandotte Elementary Discipline Matrix.  The building administrator will assess each situation and act accordingly based on the information available.  This means administration has the ability to go above and beyond the consequences listed based on the situation presented.  

It should be noted that…..

Felony charges may be filed against any person(s) committing an aggravated assault or battery upon any school employee. (House Bill 1765)

If a student is suspended for his/her behavior, parents have the right to appeal the suspension decision to the Suspension Appeals Committee.  Notice of an appeal must be given within 24 hours (weekends excluded) of the time of suspension.  


Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4



*Dress Code Violation

*Sleeping in Class

*Disruption of Class


*Not following directions

*Refusing to work

*Back talking/arguing

*Sale of unauthorized items

*Uncooperative Behavior

*Disrespect toward staff or


*Electronic Device violation

     (does not include cell


*Early instance of bullying type


*Leaving school building/  

      grounds without


*Consistent use of

      inappropriate language or


*Inappropriate touching/hitting/


*Throwing objects

*Pushing/Shoving/Rough Play


*Physical Fighting

*Pattern of bullying activity

      (hitting, kicking, slapping,  

      rude comments, lewd or

      inappropriate comments,


*Tobacco violation (includes

      chewing tobacco,

      e-cigarettes, cigarettes,

      and all paraphernalia

      associated with their use)

*Consistent violation of the

      same school policy



*Vandalism/destruction of


*Making any reference to a

     threat to school staff or

     student body regardless of

     supposed intent

*Use or possession of alcohol

*Drug use/possession/


*Physical assault

*Sexual harassment



*Extreme misconduct/

     Illegal activity

*Extreme violation of

     cyber-bullying and online

     sexual misconduct

*Assault of a staff member

*Making a violent threat to

     school staff or student body

     which indicates intent to


The building administrator will assess each situation and act accordingly based on the information available.  Administration has the ability to go above and beyond the consequences listed based on the situation presented.  

Category 1

First Referral

Second Referral

Third Referral

Fourth Referral


  • Verbal Warning by teacher

  • Classroom consequence (laps, etc.)

  • Teacher makes parent contact
  • Verbal Warning by principal

  • Recess Detention

In Behavior Room

  • Teacher makes parent contact
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • Half day detention

In Behavior Room

  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1 day detention in

Behavior Room


  • Verbal Warning by principal

  • Recess Detention in Behavior Room

  • Teacher makes parent contact
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • Half day detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1 day detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 3 days detention in Behavior Room

The building administrator will assess each situation and act accordingly based on the information available.  Administration has the ability to go above and beyond the consequences listed based on the situation presented.

Category 2

First Referral

Second Referral

Third Referral

Fourth Referral


  • Verbal Warning by principal

  • Half day detention in Behavior Room

  • Teacher makes parent contact
  • Teacher makes parent contact

  • 1 day detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 3 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1 day Out-of-School suspension followed by 3 days detention in Behavior Room


  • Verbal Warning by principal

  • Half day detention in Behavior Room

  • Teacher makes parent contact
  • Teacher makes parent contact

  • 1 day detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 3 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1 day Out-of-School suspension followed by 3 days detention in Behavior Room

The building administrator will assess each situation and act accordingly based on the information available.  Administration has the ability to go above and beyond the consequences listed based on the situation presented.

Category 3

First Referral

Second Referral

Third Referral

Fourth Referral


  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1-3 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 3-5 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1-2 days Out-of-School suspension followed by 3-5 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 3 days Out-of-School suspension followed by 3-5 days detention in Behavior


  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1-3 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 3-5 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1-2 days Out-of-School suspension followed by 3-5 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 3 days Out-of-School suspension followed by 3-5 days detention in Behavior

The building administrator will assess each situation and act accordingly based on the information available.  Administration has the ability to go above and beyond the consequences listed based on the situation presented.

Category 4

First Referral

Second Referral

Third Referral

Fourth Referral


  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1-5 days Out-of-school suspension followed by 1-5 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1-10 days Out-of-School suspension followed by 1-5 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1-10 days Out-of-School suspension followed by 1-5 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 5-10 days Out-of-School suspension followed by 1-5 days detention in Behavior Room


  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 1-10 days Out-of-School suspension followed by 1-5 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 5-10 days Out-of-School suspension followed by 1-5 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 5-10 days Out-of-School suspension followed by 1-5 days detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • 10 days Out-of-School suspension followed by 1-5 days detention in Behavior Room

The building administrator will assess each situation and act accordingly based on the information available.  Administration has the ability to go above and beyond the consequences listed based on the situation presented.

Cell Phone Violation

First Referral

Second Referral

Third Referral

Fourth Referral


  • Teacher makes parent contact

  • Phone will be sent to the office

to be returned at end of the day

  • Recess detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • Phone needs to be picked up by parent

  • Half day detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • Phone needs to be picked up by parent

  • One day detention in Behavior Room
  • Principal makes parent contact

  • Phone needs to be picked up by parent

  • One day Out-of-school suspension followed by 1 day detention in Behavior Room

Updated 09/15/2023

The building administrator will assess each situation and act accordingly based on the information available.  Administration has the ability to go above and beyond the consequences listed based on the situation presented.


Statement of Legislative Mandate and Purpose

This policy is a result of the legislative mandate and public policy embodied in the School Bullying Protection Act, 70 Okla. Stat 24-100.2.  The Oklahoma Legislature requires school districts to adopt a policy to prevent harassment, intimidation, and bullying in an effort to “create an environment free of unnecessary disruption” and also requires districts to actively pursue programs for education regarding bullying behaviors.

As used in the School Bullying Prevention Act, “harassment, intimidation, and bullying” means any gesture, written or verbal expression or physical act that a reasonable person should know would harm another student, damage another student’s property, place another student in reasonable fear of harm to student’s person or property, or insult or demean any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any student.  Harassment, intimidation and bullying include, but are not limited to, a gesture or written, verbal or physical act.  Such behavior is specifically prohibited.  

Any incidents of harassment or bullying should be promptly reported to administration so that appropriate actions can be taken. 


Cyber-bullying is the use of electronic information and communication devices to willfully and repeatedly harm either a person or persons through the medium of electronic text, photos, or videos.  Bullying of this nature creates a hostile, disruptive environment on the school campus and is a violation of a student’s right to be safe and secure.  Cyber-bullying and harassment will not be tolerated.  Actions deliberately threatening, harassing, intimidating an individual or group of individuals, placing an individual in reasonable fear of harm or damaging the individual’s property; or disrupting the orderly operations of the school, will not be tolerated.  

The online activities and technologies often used by students engaged in Cyber-bullying include but are not limited to social networking sites, chat rooms and discussion groups, instant messaging, text messaging, computers, cell phones and personal digital devices, digital cameras, cell phone cameras, and web cams.  As new technologies emerge, they too may be included with the above forms of electronic communication.  

If the conduct occurs off school grounds and causes or threatens to cause a substantial disruption at school or interferes with the rights of students to be secure, school administration may impose consequences.  The Administration may also report the Cyber-bullying or Harassment to the police.


The provision of school bus transportation is not a right of the students, but is a privilege extended by the board of education.  Because the potential for property damage and personal injury is great, there are rules governing the conduct of school bus passengers.  Bus drivers shall report all discipline problems to the student’s principal.  Students who do not follow the rules and regulations will not be permitted to ride the bus.  

Please read the following bus rules carefully…

        Prior to Loading (on the road and at school)--

  1. Be on time at the designated school bus stop.
  2. Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus.  
  3. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter.

        While on the bus--

  1. Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times after entering and until leaving the bus.
  2. Assist in keeping the bus safe and sanitary at all times.
  3. Remember that loud talking and laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver’s attention and may result in a serious accident.
  4. Treat bus equipment as you would valuable furniture in your own home.
  5. Bus riders should never tamper with the bus or any of its equipment.
  6. Leave no books, lunches, or other articles on the bus.  
  7. Keep books, packages, coats ,and all other objects out of the aisles.
  8. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children.
  9. Do not throw anything out of the bus window.
  10. Bus riders are expected to be courteous to fellow pupils and the bus drivers.
  11. Bus riders are not permitted to leave their seats while the bus is in motion.
  12. Horseplay is not permitted around or on the school bus.
  13. Keep absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing.
  14. In case of a road emergency, children are to remain on the bus unless instructed otherwise.

After Leaving the Bus--

  1. When crossing the road, stop at least ten feet in front of the bus, check traffic, watch for the bus driver’s signal, then cross the road.
  2. Students living on the right side of the road should immediately leave the bus and stay clear of traffic.
  3. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children.
  4. The driver will not discharge riders at places other than the regular bus stop, except by proper authorization from the parent or school official.

        Extracurricular Trips--

  1. The above rules and regulations will apply to any trip under school sponsorship.
  2. Pupils shall respect the wishes of a competent chaperone appointed by the school officials.
  3. The driver of the bus will be assigned by the Director of Transportation.



Cell phones are not to be used or seen during the school day.  This includes before school and lunchtime.  The first violation will result in the phone being sent to the office for the remainder of the day and the student will be assigned a recess detention.  Upon the second violation, the student’s parent or guardian must come to school to claim the phone and the student will be assigned a half day office detention.  If a third violation occurs, the student’s parent or guardian must come to the school to claim the phone and the student will be assigned a one day suspension.  Any additional violations will result in a one day suspension per violation.  Violations of this policy will be treated as any other student discipline issue.


Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled during the 1st and 3rd nine weeks periods.  Parents should feel free to schedule conferences when needed with the faculty through the school office.


Report cards will be issued following each 9-week period.  No report will be issued to a student who owes fees or excessive lunch money.  Teachers in grades 3 through 5 will post 2 grades per week in each subject area.  Parents are able to access student grades through the Parent Portal on Wen-Gage.  Parents are encouraged to contact the elementary office to receive a username and password to gain access to Wen-Gage.  Report Cards in PK through 2nd grade are standards-based, which is more of a checklist of skills mastered and cannot be accessed through the Wen-Gage Parent Portal.

Progress Reports are sent home half-way through each of the 9-week quarters for grades 3 through 5 to keep parents informed of student progress.  


Student health issues will be addressed by the CHC SEK School Health Nurse.  


No student shall be admitted to Wyandotte Public Schools unless and until certification from a licensed physician or authorized representative of the State Department of Health is presented to the school administrators that such child has received or is in the process of receiving the immunizations required by the State Department of Public Health unless an exemption has been granted from the immunizations on medical, religious, or personal grounds.


If a student is required to take medication during school hours or if circumstances exist that indicate it is in the best interest of the student that a non-prescribed medication be dispensed to that student, the school nurse, principal, or principal’s designee may administer the medication.  CHC SEK and Wyandotte Public School must have an Authorization for Medications/Procedures to be Administered completed and on file for medication to be administered.


CHC SEK and Wyandotte Public Schools also requires all students to have an Annual Health Info Update form completed and on file.  This form is sent home within the first 5 days of school to be completed each year.


In order to obtain emergency medical care, a medical release form signed by the parent/guardian must be on file.  If a medical release is not on file, emergency medical care will be provided in life-threatening situations only.  Pupils injured in accidents on the school grounds or while under supervision of the school will be taken to their family physician or an emergency facility for treatment, after making every effort to contact parents of the injured student.  The board of education shall not be responsible for any accidents.  Accidents shall be reported to the office.


Wyandotte Public Schools has a NO LIVE BUGS Policy.  Student head checks happen once a month.  If a student is found to have NITS in their hair, parents will be notified that treatment is needed.  If students are found to have LIVE bugs in their hair, parents will be contacted for pickup and home treatment must occur.  Students who are sent home with LIVE bugs will be re-checked upon returning to school.


It is very important that we have current phone numbers on file for parents and guardians of students.  Wyandotte Public Schools uses Thrillshare as an All Call system to notify parents of school closings, activities, etc.  Teachers also use SeeSaw to communicate with parents in their classrooms.  Another form of communication is the school website, and our Wyandotte, Oklahoma Elementary School Facebook page.  A monthly newsletter is also sent home during the first week of each month.  Notes and important papers are sent home in Wednesday Folders each week.  


Wyandotte Public Schools does not take teacher requests.  Class lists are compiled using a variety of factors.  Class lists will be released in August, prior to school starting.


It is not the responsibility of the school for the loss of items brought from home by the students.  While playing, students may have a tear in clothing or personal item broken.  The school district prohibits children from bringing toys, electronics, etc. unless prior authorization is arranged.  Items possessing a monetary or personal value should be left at home.    


Flowers and/or balloon arrangements, candy and other gifts cannot go home on buses. Wyandotte Elementary School will not accept deliveries for students on the day of parties or holidays, such as Valentine's Day.  


During the school year students may have the opportunity to participate in a class or group field trip.  Information and permission slips will be sent to parents and/or guardians by the classroom teacher.  It is important to note that all students must ride the bus or school vehicle to the field trip with the class or group.  However, it may be possible that a student can be checked out by a parent and leave with the parent from the field trip.  

It should be noted that students could be excluded or removed from a field trip for discipline reasons.  Wyandotte Elementary discipline procedures and consequences will be followed even when students are off campus for a field trip.

If it is noted on the permission slip that your child will need to have a sack lunch provided by the school, the student’s account will be charged.


Students in grades 3 through 5 are subject to a late work policy.  Students are required to adhere to due dates for assigned work.  If a student turns in work late, that work is subject to a penalty.   


In the event that there is a Distance Learning Day planned or school is moved to a virtual format due to inclement weather students are expected to complete their assignments through Google Classroom or with the Paper Packet that may be sent home.  If student work is not completed on the Virtual/Distance Learning Day students will be expected to complete the work during their recess on the following day or a “zero” may be given on the assignment.  

Revised June 2024


1st & School Street P.O. Box 360 Wyandotte, OK 74370

Superintendent (918) 678-2255

High School (918) 678-2222 Middle School

Elementary (918) 678-2299 Fax (918) 678-3906

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that all schools receiving Title I funds must inform parents of their right to ask schools about the qualifications of their child’s teachers and qualifications of any paraprofessional serving their child.

Your child attends a school that receives federal Title I funds.  You have the right to request the following information which will be provided to you in a timely manner, if you request it:

If you would like to receive any of the above-mentioned information, please make the request in writing to your school’s principal.

Our teachers are committed to helping your child develop the academic knowledge and critical thinking your child needs to succeed in school and beyond.  I encourage you to support your child’s education and communicate with their teacher on a regular basis.  By partnering, families and educators can provide your child with the best education possible.


Roxanne McCain

Wyandotte Elementary Principal