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Privacy Policy for "Time's up"
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Privacy Policy for "Time's up"

Last Updated: September 18, 2023


Welcome to "Time's up," an application designed to help users control their screen time. This privacy policy describes how we collect, use and protect your personal information. Please read it carefully.

Data Collection

We collect the following data:

Data Usage

We use the collected data for:

Data Storage & Security

Your data is stored in a cloud database. We use encryption and perform regular backups to protect your data. Your data is also encrypted during transit between the app and the server.

Data Retention & Deletion

We retain your data indefinitely. Users can delete their data or accounts from the profile screen. Upon such request, the data is automatically deleted from our server within a few minutes.

User Rights

Users have the right to:

Children's Data

Our app does not target or collect data from children under the age of 16.

Updates & Notifications

We will notify users of updates to this privacy policy via email, push notifications, or in-app notifications. Updated terms will be automatically applied.

Contact Information

For any privacy-related questions or concerns, please contact our support team at