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Greeter Helper Workflow
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Greeter Helper Workflow

Hello thank you for interest in helping with Steem Greeters Project. First of all we will introduce you to the workflow of the Greeter Helper for Newcomers Achievement Program.

For Achievement 1/Introduction post,

The objective of this task is to have newcomers verify their steem account with handwritten on a paper their steem account name, steemit and recent date on it. Other personal information is not required. Make sure to look closely at their photo for any manipulation or edit for the purpose of account duplication or trying to game the community.

Your task:

Your Main Tasks

Achievement 2 - 6 (you will verify then give the tasks a Rate Point)

For achievements tasks of 2 to 6 make sure that they have followed all the required tasks that they need to put on their achievement tasks post before authorizing them to the next achievements task.

Your tasks:

For Achievement 2 to Achievement 6, we have allocated a maximum of 10% VP which is around 4$ upvote worth for each post at this time of writing.

Greeter helper may give a rating to each post on Achievement 2-6 as follow based on if the post has met all the criteria for passing the achievement with a high or low rating:

Rate 1 is 3%VP of steemcurator03

Rate 2 is 6% VP of steemcurator03

Rate 3 is 10% VP of steemcurator03

*We will adjust this rating metrics/percentage of VP in accordance with the average price of Steem every 2 weeks if needed. This is because we will not use the same metric if the price of steem is 5$ for over 2 weeks for example.

You may leave a comment after every task verification as follow or similar variation of it:

“You have been verified for this task and you may proceed to the next achievement task at your convenience. Please refer to the guide on the Newcomers Achievement Program on the Notice Board pinned post.”

Curators note: Rate 1/2/3

You may self upvote this comment at 10% maximum so it gets on top of the comments and easier for the curators/greeters to spot the verified/rating comment from you at a later time.

Verification and Rating the achievements task should be start from the oldest post to the latest post as explained on the photo

Your Daily Report on this tasks should consist of this information:

After you have read and understand clearly this Greeter Helper workflow, then please write that

“I have understand the Greeter Helper Workflow” at #greeter-helpers-discussion channel. I will then assign you a Greeter Helper badge in both discord and Newcomers Community. You then may start the tasks whenever you’re ready.


  1. I have completed my work and posted my report so I just wanted to know one thing that the 30 posts should only  consist of people whom we approve of or those one also to whom we have given suggestions for changes will also count?

Answer : Comment on suggestions for changes also counts.

  1. What if I verify an expired post today? Can I just keep the post or  need to share the expired links in discord?

Answer : Any expired posts that you have verify please put them into #achievement-1 or #achievement2-6  channels on discord then tag “@Curator expired” so they give them a priority when start the curation work.