Note: All times listed below are on China Standard Time (CST)


This system is really shitty

wish that bucktoothed lying dumb whore bitch would fucking die already

I barely have any follows on this new account and she wants to choke it to death before it even has a chance to fly.

fucking hideous

she lied and acted like I reported her shit into deletion when she just wanted to redo the post and buy engagement for it so now it’s got 2K likes instead of only a couple hundred like before- and he actually showed up for her when I had no posts up

he has a wife too and kid too

what the fuck

so disgusted

dumb piece of trash

this is the reason why I lost bitchthrills

guys doing shit for my enemies and rendering my accounts obsolete so mods take them

fucking stupid

he kept showing up to get bienfate back last month now everything he's doing is gonna make me lose accounts again

fucking imbecile I fucking loathe him

disgusting old man

what- always gotta make it look like i'm upset over YOU?!??! scumbag piece of trash YOU AINT SHIT TO ME FAGGOT


she doesn't show up during my posts and neither does he

and then when I also don't want to show up during her posts he shows up and makes me lose followers since I have nothing up except stories and she lied to make it look like her shit was reported off when she deleted it herself the same way she removed all her other posts that are now back on her grid


it's really ugly

all these girls who post content they're Really not supposed to on ig are losing engagement so they buy views and likes and pay for promos on promote-your-thirst-trap accounts

I bet they're blocked from buying followers too since I see that rodent faced bitch has been dropping followers

guys should be happy I'm not showing up on my finsta after him

ought to be getting more engagement on my tags



bucktooth asskiss




the food looks good in all those hoes stories

but I hadn't had any appetite all day just cuz that son of a bitch did that

 I delete stories when I lose followers



good grief you fucking idiots

 If you don't want me to deleting stories? if you want me Adding stories??? you need to be giving me followers instead of taking followers away what the fuck do you think that's gonna do

You think I'm going to post stories if I lose followers? are you kidding me?? someone just told me they don't like my content why would I post more.



mentally ill retard go kill yourself narc asskiss

she's pretty but she's boring

I don't like her voice and she needs her makeup else she'll look old and aged

another jin's oak

actually meisa is prettier

she just looks like meisa with makeup on but she's got a bigger chin and her eyes are shaped different without a liquid cat eyeliner doing the job for her

actually no she doesn't look like her

she looks like this Indian actress whose name I don't recall

and she's all dslr zooms like mole decade plus ago

wears the same baggy wide legged pants to hide her stick

no flowers don't dream why would she ask such an inane rhetorical question for

is she trying to sound deep?

close thy ears cuz 3 too loud huh

I already don't like her.

she's pretty in photos though

she should model instead of act since her voice is just ick

and idk if it's a side effect of acting from not sure how young to now? but she's way too commercialized and it's not an attractive sell

I feel like I see the same everywhere in southeast Asian countries like Thailand Vietnam the Philippines, so forth

their actors all act the same on TV advertisements

super peppy/happy to a point of unreality

just comes off real fake

and she's making her ig into that instead of what an ig is supposed to be—a photo diary.

but to each their own design

I can tell she's lived a life of being told what to do though. She's got no novel ideas of her own

what she posts is all just shit you see go viral

Vomiting cats and green fire?

why cats. cuz so many people on the net like cats? so mainstream…just don't.

prolly Googled all that

now I'm wondering if queef had eyes on her and posted all those Indians in her tags because of her but not sure since it looks like she just opened her gram

queena looks so fake

like she's not supposed to be there doing a shoot.

I think she should get her account taken since she bought her followers and only now after getting to 10K is she no longer buying followers.

g.racechen was taken

it's not right. I'm so much older than her

why do I have to deal with the stress of monitoring my page numbers with an account under 10K

iphone is turned off and drying rn from the water in screen 2 days ago

I was gonna go to the apple store yesterday but weather was bad in the AM and then when I woke up i just had no appetite no energy so fatigued I could only lay in bed.


drop dead you dumb bitch

she's actually for real buying likes

If you look at who's liked her shit it doesn't even add up to 200

I was just curious went to look at her second to last post she did and it had so few likes I went to compare with her latest

and it's got around the same


so that's what buying likes mean? you don't actually see the accounts but the numbers go up incrementally?

my iphone account should NOT be losing followers just cuz it's offline drying

wow and this is for Every post too

maybe I need to go check with a verified account and see if ig limits the amount of likers shown or not


disgusting son of a bitch tool making me lose followers just cuz he's being about whichever girl I seem to loathe the most on docs




go on update his numbers to 4 since he just added 2 people to make it look like he's the reason I'm upset and wishing for her death

lameass piece of trash


If I want to vent??? I'M ALLOWED TO

He clearly isn't the right person for me if he puts his own rep before my appetite.

Yea I'm really fucking pissed

I post so I can have appetite and energy

I don't even post on my finsta and that mofo ain't grateful

instead? anytime his swine nosed ex who I don't watch any longer posts shit sending him signals he switches up and is about whoever he knows I don't like so his ex can be assured he don't feel nothing for me



who would've ever checked his ex

she's married already and yet still sending signals to her ex

vomit inducing

If mascara is makeup then YES you are wearing makeup. also? that mascara's not clear. everyone can see the clumping and drastic color difference from her lower lashline

idk why she's even trying to lie

she's also wearing eyeshadow and eyeliner and got the lip kit on

DAM that bitch DAF

why is she photoshopping selfies on the couch? obviously redid her nostrils

look at the shape.

not to mention removing the gloss off of the first two pics to make it look like she's not wearing anything on her lip

failed on the fourth pic

I think she's trying to claim that I use mascara and clear brow gel

What a joke

I don't even have money for food and train fare since I'm saving up for a ticket back to the u.s. and braces that I've yet to get on top of all the money for both my grandparents in a senior assisted living home now.

Why would I spend it on makeup. let alone circle lenses

does that bitch even know what she's talking about?

look how much eye whites are showing when I'm sleep deprived in my X-ray reel for example

why's she digging out pics from 5 years ago to repost

it's not like she's gotten any grams deleted

assless too what's the point even

the photoshopped abs?

is That why I did the lame ass shake on the stairs? cuz that's exactly how she dances?

as in- nothing jiggles?

and where and how do some girls get words off my unpublished docs from

sickening? who else uses that though

more than a little disturbed at this lack of privacy

I see some very grotesquely photoshopped work

so the bitch is stick- and we know this cuz we see vids

but she photoshops her pics to look bigger than me in my videos


some of them are Really on this abs thing huh

why not just Work for them

and then take a video

how many hours go into photoshop in that laptop of hers

she's so so skinny I believe she's skinnier than I am in my meals deprived state over here

so you'll see skinny bitch abs

a starter pack where there's no abdominal muscles, just what's there underneath the sac of skin

they really try huh?

whoa who's "we"

and nobody would be Startin if they didn't hear somebody start with them first

why does she copy everything saline and queef do

and then when I post the screenshots it looks like i'm talking about her even tho I've never seen her ugly* before today


she looks like a goddamn oompa loompa

and I'm furious I see a Nov. 17 post

clearly photoshops her cleavage else the exterior outline of boob below would look the same as the boob above

why is she using the account to promote herself

cuz none of the people they feature are dimes why

so not cool. I see people gloating in the week after bitchthrills went and everything turns red




Goddamn you’re fucking annoying

The spacebar isn’t working on my laptop. I think we covered that two months ago.

Stupid fucking son of a bitch

didn't even realize I added myself

maybe a reflex after taking ollie off plane mode

or cuz that account lost follows

how annoying

ain't checked shit don't pretend I did neither

just got out the shower and wanted to take some selfies but didn't feel like hitting the lights since it's sunrise and falling asleep here

No drip but check these abs



always some dipshit retard doing differences with stories I redid so one of the versions is deleted and nobody sees the stamp so Nobody supposed to know it's a difference except for me YEA GO DROP DEAD FOOL BITCH

what a dumb bitch

butterfly effect?

now she's tryna turn any and everything guys do about my first work of art Papillon French for butterfly into her?




Just stop causing aneurysms you sick bastard

Whoever you are

I swear to God karma gonna get you for that

You’ve been following my docs and know what’s going on

You know that certain updates making certain girls look good cause brain damage or rage seizures to occur for me and yet you do them anyway whenever I see what some bully’s been doing and talk about her since she’s always trashing me

Calling me a pig talking about how I’m in bed all the time talking about my hairline pulling up bitches who can’t dance when I post a dance reel posting about cheap ramen from convenience stores it’s FUCKING HEINOUS UTTERLY REPULSIVE

And the what- I see something to say on her and then do so and get zapped in the brain cuz some sick fag wants to take sides here???????

Boy you best watch out

You’re gonna meet a guy who does Exactly everything that hideous faced bitch does to me

Yea- the one who needs her filters just to take one pic or video

And then? Even gotta photoshop and FaceTune it after so she can’t ever post nothing on site

All sort clips real short few seconds not even 10 seconds always careful to not turn too fast we never see all angles cuz she’s gotta put a fucking adjustment layer over her filters video changing her chin size eyes size nose shape erasing the nostril lines

Go ask a Chinese girl

I didn’t grow up there I don’t know what they all do but those guys over there know what it’s like to see somebody’s streams and video and yet meet somebody entirely different looking

You’re literally the guy zapping the guy in the other room DESPITE hearing his screams within earshot

It’s disgusting.

God should cut your life off for that cuz you’re putting my moms’s little girl’s life in danger

Fucking trash

Why the fuck’s my activity being restricted again

Fucking annoying

Can’t even add myself to make it look like I’m not butthurt over some lame bitch trashing me


So disgusted with them

Just because she’s got her shower clip up don’t mean I gotta follow her example

If she wants to get her account taken then that’s on her

What’s ugly is that in past just cuz I saw the guys were spending a lot of time watching hoes and all so my guardian Angel just naturally had me want to go do the same? copying other girls like Kaye and her friend Ray?

They took my accounts.

While 40 years old next year plastic implants prostitute JM gets to keep her full nudes exhibitionist side account and main

Just cuz she’s got a verified check

yea you damn right it’s injust

I worked as a cashier in kfc in high school as a summer job

9 hours there after a shift at Long John Silvers totaling to 14 hour days


Fucking lame

Who gaf if that ugly whore does a minus

She shouldn’t have put her number on me after E with the wife showed up anyway

Just disgusting

What- a guy shows up outside of my post within the hour right after her and she gloats about it?? Bitch ought to get shut down

What- is that just the thing to do? Gloat and then second day passes do minuses so more guys can show up?

Why should my account lose follows over that dumb whore

It’s disgusting

I’m not the one showing up to backstab guys on my main here

just because I'm tolerant enough of a guy's every day bullshit sending signals to all these girls don't mean I gotta be treated lesser since I don't cuff you like other girls do

If my guardian angel sees that That's the type of shit what gets rewarded and works out for hoes? best watch it cuz Imma start doing exactly what they do

yea see how vomit inducing that shit is?

her si magazine spread that she used a color filter for and then I did the same-just with clothes on-in nomonsieur and the account got taken

back the fuck off dipshit

I just don't see any new likes coming in so I don't want it on my grid

already have it reshared

fucking hideous how I wake up to followers gone that I gotta spend the rest of my evening getting back

just cuz some Ugly hideous faced trash posts a bunch of stories to act like that's what guys tail



英文都不會說還敢說我什麼hairline balding


自己都戴假髮 必須要用濾鏡才能露臉


天天也自己都沒去工作還說我什麼沒錢要去吃泡麵 不要臉一個賤畜 你們男生看不透嗎


現在在用以前上傳的視頻和在限動用的emojis 去說我壞話




it's a dessert day!





最好笑就是她以為用hiphop r&b 歌從男友那邊拿得就會讓她感覺比較酷啊?但自己平常一首歌都不會去找去聽




I don't need to be about cew

dafuq for

when I'm about him he's about other girls

look what he did showing up for bucktooth main post when I only had a tag on the iPhone account

made it about mole and bucktooth Just cuz they were insulting him not wanting him to show up for my abs clip from 2 years ago that everybody already seen with under 20 likes

I can't believe I didn't have my analytics installed on Ollie wtf??

how is that even Possible

what was I using to view then? couldn't have just been iphone

some clips I just don't think are that great

maybe look stick or something with the thumbnail that needs fixing first but I want the memory still

so I put it in reels.

 I wish I could have speech to text'd everything that I just said while brushing my teeth in the bathroom just now.

 Let's start off with the basics and then expound on it after I've gotten everything down on paper

Everybody's got guardian angels.  And these guardian angels all know each other

If you go back thru somebody's highlights you can see certain things that they post where they attack me but you actually never realize that because it's like how could they be attacking you if they didn't know you backed it oh well yeah her angel knew me back then.

 And then when we know of each other / find out about each other? we just don't like each other because there's already this feud, this enmity going on.

 Of course this is a theory of mine that I need to be pulling on solid evidence for- which, I do have but obviously I can't spit out 100000 pages of evidence immediately in the next minute

 Just keep your eye out for shit like that

 In the meantime? I'm gonna get my day started because I just woke up.

That bitch has an enormous face and she's picked a gorilla behemoth sized drag Queen to stand next to in video but you see the facts when you stick her next to somebody her age.

I'm sickened by fake bitches who I gave the chance to but once again slapped the hand I offered away

you see what she does? any thirst traps I story she views immediately- oh except now I'm following her on a new finsta that she refuses to follow me back on.

I removed her off both accounts cuz I don't want to deal with her shit no more

I noticed when I viewed her story on the android account and didn't unfollow her for not following back? she immediately posted more stories as if trying to get me to unfollow her so she could look like she was an issue with me and wyf and that's "why I unfollowed her lame self"

nah bitch your ugly ass couldn't be an issue between me and a pig even if you tried throwing yourself at the pig too

she's got a husband already too doesn't she. 多麼噁心以為因為她也是中國人我什麼男生也會想追她啊


I bought brown eggs for my family this AM

so fucking expensive cost an arm and a leg but I want them to eat better

my moms’s lost weight too




是看不懂數字呀 年齡都寫了妳是又瞎眼又智障啊