Global Nodes Meeting 2023

Tuesday, 17 October

08:15: Registration

08:45: Opening remarks and logistics

Supporting Nodes through GBIF Capacity Development Programmes

Chairs: Anne Sophie Archambeau & Maheva Bagard Laursen

09:00: Setting the scene:

  • GBIF’s capacity development framework
  • Recommendations from the Nodes Committee Chair’s report that relate to capacity development

09:20: “Idea Storm” activity and facilitated discussion on three topics:

10:30: Coffee/Tea

Developing Capacity within Regional Communities of Practice

Chairs: GBIF Regional Representatives

11:00: Regional breakout groups:

  • Africa
  • Asia & Oceania
  • Europe & Central Asia
  • Latin America & Caribbean
  • North America

12:30: Lunch

Expanding our Data Model: Opportunities and Implications for Nodes

Chairs: Nodes: David Jennings & Tim Robertson

13:30: Setting the scene:

  • Update on data model work
  • Report back from Australia & New Zealand eDNA workshop

14:00: Lightning talks from nodes on experiences with data model work and facilitated discussion

14:50: Poll to gauge interest in GBIF supporting the translation of metadata

15:00: Coffee/Tea

Future Development of GBIF Regional Support Teams

Chairs: Anabela Plos & Mélianie Raymond

15:30: Setting the scene:

  • Introduction to the regional support teams and their activities
  • Experiences from the Asia team

16:00: Visions for the regional support teams from the GBIF regional representatives and facilitated discussion

17:00 Closing remarks and group photo