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Anne-Lise Coste

Lives in Sète, France


born in Marignane, near Marseille FR, in 1973


studied at Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Marseille FR


studied at Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Zurich CH

Her drawings and texts have the immediacy of graffiti, and allow her to express subjective moods mixed with political criticism and literary sentences. With a dada-influenced language and intensely lyrical images, her work exudes irony, rebellion and emotion. She creates seemingly decorative compositions that actually offer us a catalogue of contemporary anxieties, where the immediacy of the gesture of drawing combines a strong poetic sense with an element of social critique.

Solo exhibitions


Upcoming Solo show at Kiasma, FRAC Montpellier, FR


Solo exhibition at Paper Positions in Berlin with Reinhard Hauff Galerie, Berlin DE

Solo presentation Drawing Now Art Fair with Lullin + Ferrari, Paris FR

Emoji peace dove Emoji red heart Emoji blue butterfly, NoguerasBlanchard Barcelona ES

Anne-Lise Coste, NoguerasBlanchard, Madrid ES

Anne-Lise Coste, Le berceau, during Art-o-rama 2023, Marseille FR

I ❤️ l’imaginaire, Librairie L'Échappée Belle, Sète FR




No god, No boss, No husband, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH


Poem Police, Kunsthaus Baselland CH (Cat.)

Post Modern Classic, Galerie Elisabeth & Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE


TOUT EROS, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH

Nous Danserons, URDLA, 22.3 bis 21.5, Villeurbanne FR

Les Vitrines, Institut Français, Berlin DE


Poème, Pute, Police, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam NL         

Anne-Lise Coste, La Mazade, Saint-Mamert du Gard FR

LA LA CUNT, Dortmunder Kunstverein DE (Cat.)

Bazooka, Château d’Assas du Vigan FR


La vie en rose, CRAC OCCITANIE Sète FR

Thinking of you (body and soul), NoguerasBlanchard Madrid ES

Sors Le Monde, Fondation pour l’Art Contemporain Claudine et Jean Marc Salomon, Annecy FR


Ton Crâne, Mon Crâne, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE

La femme parfaite, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH

Anne-Lise Coste, Cooper Cole, Toronto CA


La conquête de l’espace,la chute des feuilles, les neiges éternelles, l’avancée des déserts, la puce électronique, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam NL

Le Lieu multiple, Montpellier FR

MORE BONES, Halsey McKay, New York USA

things are getting better all the time... (with David Chieppo and Dieter Hall), Helmhaus, Zurich CH (Cat)

La force des choses. Christine Carotenuto and Anne-Lise Coste, Atelier, Vic le Fesq FR


Bones, Halsey McKay, East Hampton USA

L’ART DE LA JOIE, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE


Blue Water, NoguerasBlanchard, Madrid ES

Dear Life, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH


The Chance to Feel, Ellen de Bruijn Projects, Amsterdam NL

Anne-Lise Coste,Susanne Hilberry, Detroit USA

Anne-Lise Coste, Milan, IT


Haiku, Galerie Halsey-Mckay, East Hampton USA        

Guernica, Eleven Rivington, New York USA


Gare de l’Est, Esslinger Kunstverein e.V., Esslingen DE

m,l,e, toomer labzda gallery, New York USA


Être en vie - l’infini, NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona ES

Être en vie - le feu, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam NL

d5919bcc3aeeb621e64dafo6b703c106, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE

noir noir noir, Museo de Bellas Artes de Santander, Santander ES

Seduce & Destroy, Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Detroit USA


A cage is a cage is a cage, Galerie Gregor Staiger, Zurich CH

, Galerie Art Attitude Hervé Bize, Nancy FR

5 days 5 years, NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona ES


To Molly et Twombly, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE

Liberty, Ellen de Bruijne, Amsterdam NL

Merde, merde, merde, you + you+ you, tell me tell me tell me, Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Detroit USA

Anne-Lise Coste, Anton Kern Gallery, New York USA


Instantané (69): Anne-Lise Coste, FRAC des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou FR

Save Picasso, NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona ES


One day, Galerie Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam NL

La vie sur Terre, Galerie Art:Concept, Paris FR

Qui suis-je, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE


Parmi les singes et les signes, Kunstverein Lingen, Lingen DE

F R A N C E, NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona ES

Anne-Lise Coste. Le Retour des Colonisés, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam NL

Can, Centre d’Art Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel CH

You-me, Kunsthalle St. Gallen, St. Gallen CH


Contre la saturation du visible, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE

loin, loin, loin, Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus CH

Anne-Lise Coste, Galleria Laurin, Zurich CH

FRANCE, Galerie Philippe Pannetier, Nîmes FR

Anne-LIse Coste, Anna Helwing Gallery, Los Angeles US


Anne-Lise Coste, Wuthering Heights, Malmö SE

Anne-Lise Coste, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam NL


Fallen from Grace, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE

(with Uwe Max Jensen) Galerie Nicolas Krupp, Basel CH


Exposition Française, Galerie Philippe Pannetier, Nîmes FR


Anne-Lise Coste, Museum im Bellpark, Kriens CH


The Projectroom Is Everywhere, Galerie Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe DE


Ugly Can Happen, Kleines Helmhaus, Zurich CH

Group exhibitions (selection)


Poetic Intention, MACBA, Barcelona ES

NON Objectified, curated by Kathy Battista, Verplanck, NJ, USA  till 15 December
Like a crossword saying — you should take a breath now, with Marl Brun and Nora
Guislan at DOC, Paris FR till 2 June 2024
Rewilding: Opening exhibition of the new Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel CH until 18 August 2024
You Must Be Joking, BCMA, Arts Projects Space, Berlin DE


Le Retour, Musée régional d’art contemporain, Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée FR

Publication by Anne-Lise Coste in the exhibition Over the Rainbow, Centre Pompidou, Paris FR

Anne-Lise Coste in associated projects at Le berceau, Art-o-rama, Marseille FR

Gathering, The Corner Gallery, NY US

The Habit of Being, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH

WORDS, Nicole Klagsbrun, New York USA

Stick n Poke, Fomo Art Space, Zurich CH

Soft Touch, Sultana Summer Set Arles FR

La Force des Choses, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH

sur le fil, URDLA, Villeurbanne FR

AOULIOULÉ, Musée régional d’art contemporain Occitanie/Pyrénées-Méditerranée, Sérignan FR


Colleccíon MACBA. Preludio: Intención poética, MACBA, Barcelona ES (ongoing until 2024)

Museums in exile, MO.CO Montpellier FR

Battre la mesure, FRAC, Musée Mobile dans la région des Pays de la Loire, FR

Group show of the collection, Musée régional d’art contemporain, Sérignan FR

Showroom on the occasion of the 16th Lyon Biennale, URDLA, Villeurbanne FR

Your Taste on the Lips, FeldbuschWiesnerRudolph Galerie, Berlin DE

Aus den Fugen. Momente der Störung 2, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst Zürich, CH

And Now the Good News (Works from the Nobel Collection), Pera Museum, Istanbul TR

For every word an emergence of entropy and a call for reconstruction, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam NL

Text, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH


Sol ! La Biennale du Territoire – #1 un pas de côté, MO.CO.PANACÉ, Montpellier FR

"Old" Masters, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE

Le Grand Bleu, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich, CH

Spring in your step, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH

A future unknown to me except as the whisper of a plea, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam NL

Parar la fresca, NoguerasBlanchard in Fonteta ES


Cancer de la gorge, two artists show with Fabienne Audéoud, Le berceau, Marseille FR

No Condition is Permanent, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH

Atlas, The Broodthaers Society, New York City USA


Galerie Nicole Klagsbrun, New York USA

Write Me A Letter, Works on Paper, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam NL

Mondes merveilleux, Galerie Hervé Bize, Nancy FR

When the facts change, I change my mind, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH

Tainted Love / Club Edit, Villa Arson, Nice FR

Ding / Unding. Die Entgrenzung des Künstler*innenbuchs, Graphic Collection ETH Zurich, CH

Everybody is looking for something, Camila Oliveira Fairclough, La Salle de bains, Lyon FR


Flatland, NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona ES

Night, Shortly, Halsey McKay at Susan Inglett Gallery, New York USA

With Other Eyes: 10 Years Lullin + Ferrari, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH


Body, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE

Tender Comrades, Studioli, Rome IT

Inside Intensity, Kurhaus Kleve DE

Simultan / Simultaneous, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH

True Lies, Night Gallery, Los Angeles US

Group Show, Numéro 5, Montpellier FR


Du und ich Hospitalhof Stuttgart, Stuttgart DE

Keep Your Eyes Open , Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH

Watchdog-Lapdog-Playdog, NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona  ES


Changing Perspectives, Lullin + Ferrari, Zurich CH

Only Lovers, Le Coeur Paris, Paris FR

Thirty Nine Years, Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Detroit USA

Icons(s), Maison Particulière, Brussels BE

Road to Ruin, Simon Cooper Cole Gallery, Toronto CA

Family Guys, Otto Zoo Gallery, Milan IT

I don’t care, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE


BLACK BOARD - WHITE PAGE, Kantonsschule Zurich Nord, Zurich CH


Endless Vacation, Cooper Cole Gallery, Toronto CA

Artists against Aids (with auction), Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle, Bonn DE

Drawings from the MACBA collection, Caixa Madrid, Madrid ES

Art-o-Rama, NoguerasBlanchard, Marseille FR Bromert Art Collection, Roggwil, Bern CH

LISTE Basel with NoguerasBlanchard and Ellen de Bruijne, Basel CH

Laat je haar neer (Let Your Hair Down), Boijmans van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam NL

Art Brussels, Brussels BE

Mein Revier|My Territory, Kunst Raum Riehen, Riehen CH

Living with art, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE

Brooklyn Museum Auction, New York, USA

Print Portfolio, White Columns, New York USA


Benefit Exhibition, Brooklyn Museum of Art (BAM), Brooklyn USA

Benefit Exhibition, White Columns, New York USA

Benefit Exhibition, Robert Wilson Foundation, New York USA

Critical Episodes (1957-2011). Macba Collection, Macba, Barcelona ES

Anne-Lise Coste / Molly Stevens: New work, studio 509, New York US

Gare de L’Est, Esslinger Kunstverein, Esslingen DE

I glove U, Reynolds Gallery, Richmond USA

The Quality of Presence, Chelsea Hotel, New York US

30 Days of Peace, Love and Painting, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam NL

Buy my bananas, Kate Werble Gallery, New York USA

Le vicomte pourfendu, Macelle Alix, Paris FR

Living with Art, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE

Spring / Break Art Show, Old School, New York USA


Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York USA

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE

Hysteria, Laughter and a Sense of Seriousness, Galerie Gregor Staiger & Karma International, Zürich CH

Voici un dessin suisse, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau CH


Untitled: Über Erfolg in der Kunst, Substitut - Raum für aktuelle Kunst aus der Schweiz, Berlin DE

Anne-Lise Coste, Galerie Art Attitude hervé Bize, Nancy FR

Salon du dessin Contemporain, Carrousel du Lovre, Paris FR

PRESS ART – Sammlung Annette und Peter Nobel, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Salzburg AT

Out of Line, Slag Gallery, New York USA

Voici un dessin suisse 1990-2010, Jenisch Museum, Vevey y Musée Rath, Geneva CH

Collection 3, Fondation Salomon, Alex FR

PRESS ART – Werke aus der Sammlung Annette und Peter Nobel, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen CH


PALINDROM, Hermes und der Pfau, Stuttgart DE

Shining by Absence, NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona ES (curated by Jacqueline Uhlman)

curated by_vienna 09–Beginnings, Middles, And Ends, Christine König Galerie, Vienna AT

curated by_vienna 09–Beginnings, Middles, And Ends, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna AT

Shifting Identities—Swiss Art Now, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius LT

Event Horizon, Raster, Warsaw PL (curated by Karma International)


Doméstico’08, El papel del artista, Madrid ES

Blast from the Past (part 2), Art Attitude Hervé Bize, Nancy FR

Violência Institucional e poetica, Fundación Serralves, Porto PT

Shifting Identities, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich CH

Order. Desire. Light. An Exhibition of Contemporary Drawings, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin IE


Words Fail Me, MoCAD Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit USA (curated by Matthew Higgs)

Destroy Athens: 1st Athens Biennial 2007, Athens GR (curated by Xenia Kalpaktsoglou, Poka-Yio and Agustine Zenakos)

COSMIC Dreams, Centro Cultural Andratx, Andratx ES (curated by Friedericke Nymphius)

Overtake. The Reinterpretation of Modern Art, Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork IE

Collection migros museum für gegenwartskunst Part I, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich CH

Learn to read, Tate Modern, London GB


Under Pressure, Galerie Art Concept, Paris FR (curated by Bill Cournoyer)

Aller / Retour 2, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris FR (curated by Fischli/Weiss)

The Youth of Today, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Frankfurt DE (curated by Matthias Ulrich)

Midnight Walkers, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel CH


Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem, Holland NL

Swiss artists, Buchmesse, Warsaw PL


Global World / Private Universe, Kunstverein St. Gallen, St. Gallen CH

Centre d’Art Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel CH (catalogue)

D Troubles, Halle für Kunst e.V., Lüneburg DE

Galerie Donzé Van Saanen, Lausanne CH

Galerie Laurin, Zurich CH

In Erster Linie..., Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel DE

twinkle, twinkle, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE


Zeichnen. Eine Konfiguration, Museum Im Bellpark Kriens, Luzern CH

Urban Diaries – Young Swiss Art, Arco 03, Comunidad de Madrid, Madrid ES

In Portraiture Irrelevance Is Ugliness, Museum Schloss Hardenberg, Velbert-Neviges DE

Werk-und Atelierstipendien der Stadt Zürich 2003, Helmhaus, Zurich CH

Galerie Karrer, Zurich CH

Lee 3 Tau Ceti Central Armory Show, Villa Arson, Nizza FR

Paint, Galerie Bob van Orsouw, Zurich CH

The bourgeois show – sociala strukturer i stadens rum, Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg SE

Luck is for Losers, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam NL


Energies de Resistance, Attitudes, Geneva CH

The Collective Unconsciousness, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich CH

Zeitmaschine, Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern CH

Persönliche Pläne, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel CH

Protest! Respect!, Kunsthalle St.Gallen, St.Gallen CH

Unloaded – Coming Up For Air’Art, Bunker, Oberschan/Wartau CH

8th Baltic Triennial of International Art, Vilnius LT

In Portraiture Irrelevance Is Ugliness, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart DE

Violence The True Way, Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich CH


Binz 39, Zurich CH

Wald/Explosion, Helmhaus, Zurich CH


Mixing Memory and Desire, Neues Kunstmuseum Luzern, Luzern CH (catalogue)

Flexibilitätsversuche, Museum Friedericianum, Kassel DE (catalogue)         

Präsentation der städtischen Ankäufe, Helmhaus, Zurich CH (catalogue)

Cute, Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zurich CH


Freie Sicht auf’s Mittelmeer, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich CH (catalogue)

Körper: Tanz/Performance, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Luzern CH


FRAC île-de-france, Paris FR

Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, CH

Collection of the City of Zürich, Zürich, CH

Erasmus University, Rotterdam, NL

FRAC, Loire, FR

Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Barcelona, ES

Kunsthalle Lingen, Lingen, DE

Kunsthalle Glarus, Glarus, CH

Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE

Selected artist’s writings, publications, Archives and websites

AWARE Archives of Woman Artists, Research and Exhibitions for Anne-Lise Coste:

Some of Us, première anthologie des artistes contemporainexs, (l’ouvrage réunit plus de 2500 documents et archives, visuels d'œuvres, vues d'expositions, depuis le début des années 2000 jusqu'à nos jours. Dressant un panorama, à la fois rétrospectif et prospectif, de la diversité des scènes artistiques en France. L’anthologie participe à la visibilité de plus de 400 artistes à travers une sélection de leurs œuvres et expositions, 2024

Dessin dans l’art contemporain: 80 artistes, Featuring works by Anne-Lise Coste, 2022

Sors Le Monde, Hippocampe Editions, Lyon, 2019

Oil Paintings and Pastel Drawings, Lullin + Ferrari, Nieves, Zürich, 2018

Pussy Drawing Riot, Nieves, Zürich, 2016

Où Où suis-je, Ed. Patrick Frey, Zürich, 2014

REMEMBER, Artist Book, Ed. Patrick Frey, Zürich, 2008

Annelise Coste: 18 Heads of 2006, Kunsthalle Lingen, Lingen, 2006

POEMABOUT, Ed. Patrick Frey, Zürich, 2005

Le Parc Automobile Européen, Nieves, Zürich, 2004

Non, Artist-Book with 108 Drawings by Annelise Coste, Ed. Patrick Frey, Zürich, 2003

Selected Bibliography and Articles

M. Arnold: “Anne-Lise Coste – Das Herz öffnen oder Grenzen schließen?'' Kunst Bulletin 5/22, p. 20 (May 2022)

“Anne-Lise Coste at Noguerasblanchard”, Contemporary Art Daily (May 2015)

M. Navarro: “Azul Tormenta”, El Cultural (April 2015)

M. FitzGerald: Post Picasso. Contemporary reactions, Fundació Museu Picasso de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2014

A. Willemin: “Artistes made in Switzerland”, Migros Magazine (13 January 2014)

ARchiTECHturE, Ed. Patrick Frey, 2013

S. Zizek: “The Real of Violence, Cynicism, and the ‘Right of Distress”, The Synthome 14 (Summer 2013)

K. D. Hamer: “Contemporary Art is Alive and Kickin’ in East Hampton”, Flash Art Online (August 2013)

M. Kerr: “Anne-Lise Coste”, Time Out New York (2 August 2013)

“Critics’ Picks”, Time Out New York (26 June 2013)

D. Fishman: “Anne-Lise Coste @ Eleven Rivington”, White HotMagazine (July 2013)

N. Lee: “Critics’ Pick: Anne-Lise Coste Eleven Rivington”, Artforum (June 2013)

“Anne-Lise Coste at Eleven Rivington”, Mousse Magazine Online (2013)

S. Qui: “In the Studio with Anne-Lise Coste”, the WILD Magazine (December 2012)

“Anne-Lise Coste, Ian Kiaer: Le Vicompte Pourfendu”, Paris Art (6 June 2012)

G. Balbona: “Anne-Lise Coste se suma al Espacio MeBas”, El Diario Montanes (10 July 2011)

S. Qui: “Between Painting and Text”, Artlog (March 2011)

D. Radrizzani: Voici un dessin suisse 1990 - 2010, Musée Rath, Geneva, Aargauer

Kunsthaus, Aarau y JPR|Ringier, Zürich, 2010

M. Peran: “Anne-Lise Coste”, Artforum (September 2010) p. 345

JP. Gavard-Perret: “Supports et Surfaces: Annelise Coste”, Arts-Up (April 2010)

M. Stevenson: “A Talk with Anne-Lise Coste”, The Donkey Trail (17 February 2010)

D. Becch, C. Harrison, W. Hill: Art and Text, Black Dog Publishing, London, 2009

P. Colombo, E. Juncosa, C. Lampert: Order. Desire. Light. An Exhibition of

Contemporary Drawings, IMMA Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, 2008

C. Becker: Shifting Identities, JRP|Ringer, Zürich, Kunst heute; Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich, 2008

U. Loock (ed.): Institutional and Poetic Violence, Museu Serralves, Porto, 2008

P. Llano: “Violencia institucional y poética”, EXIT Express (June 2008)

I. Lafont: “Un bombardeo de signos“, El País (22 April, 2008)

Destroy Athens: 1st Athens Biennial 2007, Futura Publications and Athens

Biennial, Atenas, 2007, pp.90-91

Experiments in Pop - Aufbruch in eine neue Alltäglichkeit, Stiftung Sommerakademie im Zentrum Paul Klee, Berna, 2007, pp.48-49, 63, 66-67

M. Hollein, M. Ulrich (ed.): Die Jugend von heute, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, 2006

“Anne-Lise Coste: La Vie sur Terre”, Paris Art, 23 (October 2007)

C. Spinelli: “Annelise Coste“, Weltwoche (20 Julio 2006) pp.62-63

Kunstpreis, Lingener and Coste, Anne-Lise, Kunstbulletin (November 2006) pp.85-86

C. Roy: “Portrait: Annelise Coste“, De Marseille a Zürich (19 September 2006)

K. Dankow: “Annelise Coste“, Contemporary Magazine, Issue #83 (June 2006)

J. Bufill: Annelise Coste, La Vanguardia (13 mayo 2006) p.44

A. Molina: “Gallo que no canta...”, Babelia, El País (29 April 2006) p.18

“Kunst zum Runterladen“, Kunstbulletin, (April 2006) p.89

R. Christofori: “Annelise Coste“, Frieze (October 2005) p.30

D. Von Burg: “Annelise Coste im Kunsthaus“, Kunstbulletin (April 2005)

Lasko, CAN - Centre d’Art Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, 2004

Global World / Private Universe, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen, 2004

Art Bunker, Edizioni Periferia y Art Bunker Show, Lucerne, 2003

Zeitmaschine Oder: Das Museum in Bewegung, Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern, 2002

G. Jetzer: Personal Cosmologies. Drawings by Annelise Coste and Andro Wekua,

Kunsthalle Basel y Persönliche Pläne, Basel 53/2002

P. Kaiser: “Bezeichnungsprozesse. Annelise Coste im Museum im BellparkKriens“, Kunstbulletin (April 2001) pp.24-25

U. Loock: Mixing Memory and Desire, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne, 2000

B. Curiger: Freie Sicht aufs Mittelmeer, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich, 2000

J. Steiner: “Fouiller entre les mots“, Parkett, Nº57 (1999) pp.202-203

Limmatstrasse 214

CH-8005 Zürich

t. +41 (0)43 205 2607