FPG  Action 3.3 Your Statement

Action 3 - Acceptance & Surrender

Compose a Personal Growth Statement and make a daily commitment to speak it into life, remembering to include acceptance and gratitude for yourself, your life and the world right now.

Composing Your Statement

Now you have prioritised your aims, it’s time to compose your Personal Growth Statement! Below is a selection of carefully deliberated examples of phrases you can use.

Everyone chooses to write and say their Personal Growth Statement in different ways. Some people choose to write and say their statement as an affirmation, incantation or prayer, etc.

If you’re experienced with this kind of practice, think about how you can incorporate the below examples into your own words.

You should choose what feels best to you. If you aren’t sure what feels best for you yet, just go ahead and use the examples as they are.

Suggested Statement Sections

It can be most helpful to split your statement into the 3 sections already defined in Action 3.2 Prioritising Aims:

  1. Gratitude
  1. For the things in your life that you are happy or satisfied with.
  1. Acceptance
  1. For the things in your life that you cannot change.
  2. For the things you can change.
  3. For the things that can change.
  1. Priority Aims
  1. What you are working towards changing.


Using the points that you defined in Action 3.2 Prioritising Aims, apply those points into the following examples when writing your statement:



Priority Aims

When writing your aims in this part of the statement you should always write them in past or present tense, as if they have already happened.

Speaking Your Statement Into Life

The Personal Growth Statement should be spoken out loud, to oneself. You can do this with your eyes closed or open, maybe looking at yourself in a mirror if you wish.

You will find it helpful to either:

This way you can speak all of the aspects of your statement into life every day without forgetting anything. After practising this action for a period of time, you may find that you can remember your statement by heart and say it in its entirety whenever or wherever you choose.

Attitude / Intention

Some people choose to speak their Personal Growth Statement into life as an affirmation, incantation, prayer, or even a magic spell!

Intention is everything. You should speak your statement genuinely as if you mean it - with authenticity.

Some parts of your statement you may want to say with absolute certainty, vigour and passion. Other parts you should say with humbleness and humility.

Body Language

Some people chose to assimilate their humility by getting on their knees to pray or putting their head to the floor as if they are in the ‘child’s pose’ in yoga.

Some people choose to place one or both of their hands upon their heart.

Some people choose to use empowering body language to physically express the words into life.

You should do whatever feels best and works for you.

Place & Time of Day

It is best to say our statement in the morning before we start our day, or at night before going to bed.

If you normally say your statement in the morning but don’t have time one day, you could say your statement when in the car or in the shower.