Approved Course Assessors
Once you have been invited to have your course assessed you can contact one of the following Doula UK approved assessors:
- Sarah Drawwater, Nostalgic Doula, email Sarah@TheNostalgicDoula.co.uk
- Nicole Schlogel, Essentially Birth email nicole@essentiallybirth.com
- Zoe Woodman, The Sling Consultancy email info@theslingconsultancy.co.uk
- Julie Reynolds email juliereynolds@gmail.com
- Dani Diosi Mama Serene email dani@mamaserene.co.uk
- A Doula UK course provider may assess your course (peer review).
- Suggest an assessor provided they meet above criteria. It will be necessary for them to apply before they assess your course. We will add them to this list.
Criteria for becoming an Assessor:
- 5 or more years experience of providing or assessing real-time Adult Education/Vocational Training/Antenatal Education in group settings
- 3 or more years experience of perinatal work
- Formal training in Cultural/Anti Racism, LGBTQ+ and Disability Competency/Safety/Awareness
To apply, please send your CV with evidence of the required training to admin@doula.org.uk along with a supporting statement outlining your specific relevant experience.