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Distance Learning Activité 11 - 15juin-19juin
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

~ Activité 11 - 15 juin - 19 juin, 2020 ~

Parents, please choose the activities that fit best with your routine at home and feel free to modify to suit your child’s and your family’s needs on any given day. Please remember that 15 minutes in french per day is enough, whether the child has completed the task or not. Students are welcome to join “Parlons Français avec Mme Wood” Google Hangout time on Wednesday and will never be obligated to share orally.  Students can also refer to the Bonjour juin! GoogleSlides in their French Folder and the many excellent links on the St. Emily website for more French resources, or contact me directly if they want more to do when they are done.  Merci beaucoup to those who have shared your wonderful work and your support with distance learning.  ~ Mme Wood

Bonjour juin! Slideshow  Bonjour, juin!                English-French dictionary

le lundi 15 juin

le mardi 16 juin

le mercredi 17 juin

le jeudi 18 juin

le vendredi 19 juin


Montrer et raconter OU Ton choix

(Prepare an item for Show and Tell on Wednesday OR any journal entry of your choice.  Write 3-7 sentences in french about it OR write about this picture of Sarah.)

Ex. C’est _______.

Il/Elle est _______.

Je l’aime parce que ________.

English-French dictionary

Sciences Sociales

Les communautés globales - projet final


Email Mme Wood if you would like to be added to the schedule to present your project June 17, 18, 23 or 24. (Your choice - you do not have to.)

Les communautes globales 8 - 1 juin-18juin

Google Hangout

Montrer et Raconter (Present your Mon journal you prepared on Monday or your Social Studies project, if you wish to.)


Even if you are logged in to the hangout you are NOT obligated to speak. **Children will be given 10 minutes at the end of our time together for “physical distance recess” to connect with each other (with Mme’s supervision).**

Sciences Sociales

Les communautés globales - projet final


Les communautes globales 8 - 1 juin-18juin

Google Hangout

Projet de SS

(Present your Social Studies Project if you wish to.)

Email Mme Wood if you would like to be added to the schedule to present your project June 18, 23 or 24. (Your choice - you do not have to.)

La fête des pères

It’s Father’s Day on Sunday... 

Fais une carte pour papa, grand papa, un oncle, un grand frère ou maman.

(Make a card for Dad, Grandpa, Uncle, Brother, Mom, anyone who would like a card!)

Fais un dessin pour ton journal.

(Draw your journal entry.)

Aimes-tu les montagnes russes? Pourquoi?

Do you like roller coasters? Why?

Official 360 POV - Yukon Striker - Canada's Wonderland


Méditation Guidée


(Be sure to check out the code in the slide deck for Book Creator to try writing your own summer french book!)

Lecture/Écriture (Reading/Drawing)

L'ete - je lis et je dessine

Excursion à Paris

Paris 360° Experience | Escape Now

Virtual Field Trip to Paris - En Francais


(Be sure to check out the code in the slide deck for Book Creator to try writing your own summer french book!)

Dis “Bonjour, comment ça va?” au téléphone ou FaceTime avec un(e) ami(e), un(e) cousin(e) ou un grand parent.

La révision des  adjectifs


Vendredi - j’ai fini!(finish anything from previous weeks or choose an activity you haven’t tried yet). 

Regarde le livre “Le canot” et les images - qu’est ce qui va arriver, penses tu?

Lis (Read) “Où est Gus?” (press the green arrow to have it read to you).

Le canot

Cherche (Look for) des connections - texte à texte (text to text), texte à soi (text to self), texte au monde (text to world).

Le canot

Try reading “Le canot” yourself or to a sibling or parent.

Le canot

Create a scene from the book using a drawing, lego, clay, playdoh, paint, chalk on the driveway or stuffies.

Le canot

L’histoire me fait penser à…

(The story makes me think of…)

Le canot