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Mona Elementary School – School Improvement Plan 2016-2017


Mona Elementary School Desired Results for Student Learning:   100% Graduation Rate.  Every student at grade level proficiency in the core.  College and career/job ready.

Growth Goals 2016-2017:  Overall 2% increase proficiency for all students/appropriate growth (as indicated by assessment tool) for all students.

Language Arts (measured by DIBELS, CORE Phonics, Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark, JSD Elementary Writing Assessment, SAGE, individual teacher SLOs).

Mathematics (measured by SAGE, individual teacher SLOs).  

Science (measured by SAGE, individual teacher SLOs)

Performance Target:

Planning/Action Strategies 2016-2017 Focus:

Measures of Success:

Professional Development

Academic achievement for all students.  Appropriate quality instruction in every classroom for all students.

All teachers will continue development of instructional pedagogy, knowledge of curriculum and assessment tools, and successful use of Juab School District Unit and Lesson Planning Documents, and evaluation tools.

*Utah Effective Teaching Standards

-Observer Tab Tools (Utah Teacher Self-Assessment, Utah Teacher Professional Growth Plan, Utah Teaching Formative/Summative Observation, Conference, Stakeholder Matrix and Drop In)

  1. Professional Literature Study –  CORE Phonics, Words Their Way (Series), Mechanically Inclined, Everyday Editing.
  2. Participation in District In-Service opportunities: Mona PD in Canvas/Micro Credentials, Innovation Specialist.   School Focus: -technology, writing,  (continued): mathematics, K-3 reading
  3. PLC participation weekly (school)
  4. SLO  Student Learning Objectives,  AICE (2 teacher trainers, K-6), Personalized Learning Leads (2 teacher trainers K-3, 4-6)
  5. Standards-Based/Mastery Learning – Utilizing Mastery Connect – Curriculum Maps, preparation for Standards-Based reporting.
  6. Instructional Assistant Training – weekly
  1. School Improvement Plan/evaluate progress mid-year and year-end.
  2. Successful completion/application of Professional Development courses.  (Teacher evaluation/Walk Through Data/Teacher Self-evaluation goals.)
  3. Review PLC goals/agendas/ and communication forms.
  4. Review SLO implementation.
  5. Review team Standards Maps (district and school) and work in Mastery Connect (curriculum maps, trackers, formative assessments.


*Including K-3 Reading

Quality instruction for all students in vocabulary, phonemic awareness, reading fluency, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and text structure based on scientific research utilizing the Utah Tier Model.

Develop and implement comprehensive literacy program.  Components include: tiered instruction, intervention and enrichment, phonemic awareness, oral reading fluency, comprehension, word work (phonics, spelling, vocabulary), writing, and assessment.  

  1. MES Literacy Framework/ Continued revision with Utah Core Standards and data study
  2. Writing Instruction/JSD Elementary Write
  3. Utilize Utah Compose resources (Grades 3-6)
  4. DIBELS Next-Progress Monitoring (continuing), PD with Small Group Advisor and Item Level Advisor tools.
  5. K-6 Continue implementation Intervention/Enrichment Block Schedule – Focus discussion “What will change due to Blended Learning environment?”
  6. Technology/HB 315 – Waterford 4 x weekly (Kindergarten & Grade 1), iReady  (Reading) grade 2-6.
  7. K-3 Early Intervention Program/BURST reading, Early Steps, Next Steps tutoring
  1. The following assessment tools will be administered to measure reading and writing skills:  -DIBELS Next  (K-6),                                 -Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment K-4                                   -JSD Elementary Write K-6 Rubrics                                                    -Classroom formative assessment
  2. Grade Level Writing Portfolios.
  3. Quarterly evaluation of Intervention/Enrichment Block Schedule.
  4. Quarterly evaluation of K-1 technology and K-3 Early Intervention implementation – Waterford data.
  5. SAGE LA end of year Grades 3-6.  
  6.  i-Ready individual student growth data.    


Continued development of mathematics curriculum, scope and sequence addressing: number sense, patterns and algebra, measurement, geometry, data and probability, concept development, and use of manipulates.

Implement mathematics instruction that facilitates students developing problem solving, critical thinking, and reasoning strategies in addition to Core vocabulary.

  1. MTSS/Needs based Math groups – grades K-6
  2. MES Mathematics Framework/ Continued revision with Utah Core Standards and data study
  3. Align Utah Core Mathematical Practices with daily instruction
  4. Technology – iReady (Mathematics) K-6

  1. The following assessment tools will be administered to measure mathematical skills:                                                            -Classroom formative assessment                    -enVision/ Pre – post yearly assessment, Topic tests, quarterly benchmark tests
  2. Quarterly evaluation of K-6 math groups/needs based groups.
  3. SAGE Math end of year Grades 3-6.
  4. iReady individual student growth data.


Develop art understandings and appreciation.

Integrate core arts (visual, music, dance, and drama) instruction appropriately throughout the curriculum.

  1. Elementary Music Instruction Grades K-6* one instructional period weekly
  2. Beverly Taylor Sorenson Learning Arts Program  Grades K-6 – Visual Arts, one instructional period weekly (1/2 year)
  3. “Great Artist Program” Grades K-6 monthly (1/2) year
  1. Individual, grade level, and school performances.  (i.e. musical performances/programs, Reader’s Theater, displayed art.)
  2. Evaluate collaboration model (classroom teacher and BTSLAP teacher).
  3. Art components incorporated as part of formative assessment across curriculum.


Establishment of safe and effective school learning environment.

MES community will continue to address overall school safety.

  1. Establish high expectations for behavior and safety in each classroom and the school
  • Elementary School Counselor/school plan  
  • Mona School Rules/Mona School Safety Rules  - focus radKIDS safety rules
  • radKIDS grades 2 and 4, NOVA grades 6
  • White Ribbon Week/ digital citizenship K-6, Cyber Civics grade 6      
  • Frequent classroom instruction and practice of emergency procedures, safe school and bullying policies
  1. Review/monitor walking and transportation routes – SNAP (Safe Walking Route)
  2. Continue attendance Juab ALERT @ Mona City Council/Prep meetings participating in emergency planning
  1. Staff including school counselor, PAC, and SCC discussion/report of school climate and safety.
  2. Evaluation of school plan with counselor.
  3. Demonstration of effective emergency procedures during fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills in collaboration with Juab County Sheriff ‘s Office and other local agencies.
  4. Yearly update of school safe walking and transportation routes.

Parent Involvement

Increased opportunity and achievement for all students.

Foster and increase parent/community involvement at MES for all students and programs.

  1. Utilize all available resources,( i.e. ParentLINK, school website, PowerSchool, Facebook, Twitter, student notes, student planners, school handbook, monthly PAC newsletter, email, etc.) to communicate effectively with parents and school community
  2. Plan and work collaboratively with parents/school community to meet individual needs of students
  3. Encourage parent/community involvement by providing opportunities through school events, programs, and committees
  4. Share educational information/resources

  1. Volunteer/visitor data collected and reviewed yearly.
  2. Parent-Teacher-Student conference attendance.
  3. Parent Survey – Utah Education Policy Center.
  4. PAC/SCC monthly meeting attendance.