
Netball is a sport loved and played in many countries. Most people say that netball is a difficult sport to learn. There is no running with the ball allowed so it’s different from many other sports. Netball was first played in England 1895. From there it was played in many other british commonwealth countries. Netball is generally played in winter time, and is played by a wide variety of ages. Things we will be explaining is the skills you use during netball, muscles that get worked while playing and finally how to play.

There are countless amounts of skills that are compulsory to play netball, here are a few. A key skill is coordination. Catching and throwing is worked by coordination, your eyes and arms have to work together to search for a good place to pass the ball for your team members. Fast reflexes are something most netball players have. For example, you could receive a swift, unknown pass from your team mate and are expected to catch the ball. You have to get off the centre line rapidly to beat your buddy to the ball. Agility and fitness is another skill needed to succeed in the sport of netball. You need to keep on your toes, and chase your player around the court, fitness is an easy way to keep up with your player while dashing around the court. Additionally, consistently jumping for the intercept or sprinting to get to loose ball before your opposition. Being fit makes playing netball extremely easy, being able to run and jump on court without your lack of fitness making you tired and psyching yourself out.

Do you have an open mindset while playing sport? Well that skill is crucial while playing netball. You have to be strong minded, not letting rude talk psych you out. You have to block everything out and focus solely on the ball and your player. You need to easily take corrections and adjust your style of playing if told too. Your not only helping or making yourself look good, you are helping out your team. Netball is a team sport and you have to be determined to help out your team and do well. Sometimes you may be behind by a lot, but you have to persevere and be resilient through tough times with your team.  

Most muscles are used while playing netball. You use your calves and thighs to accelerate through the air to get the ball before your opposition. Also by using your leg muscles you can switch direction faster to get away from your opponent. You need some stomach muscles to hold yourself up if you get bumped off balance. Abs prevent you from stepping, and hold you up in a stable body position. Your stomach muscles and legs, work together to hold you up while leaning over your partner from 3 feet away. Another set of muscles used is your biceps, triceps, and forearms they assist you completing efficient passes to your team members. Most muscles in your body are needed in netball to exceed your highest potential.  

How to play?

Netball is an extremely hard sport to get into, if you start later than others in your team. It’s difficult to get the hang of it considering all the starting and stopping involved in the game. There are 7 main rules.

  1. You can’t run with the ball (stepping)
  2. You can’t hit anyone hard or push them out of the way
  3.  (contact)
  4. You can’t touch the ball twice, so you can’t catch the ball you to yourself (replay)
  5. You can’t go out of your designated area (offside)
  6. You can’t hold the ball for more than 3 seconds (held ball)
  7. You can’t throw it over a third without touching the ball in that third (over a third)

The aim of the game is to pass the ball to your teammates to get it down the court to your goal shoot or goal attack, from there they will try and shoot the goal. If they do, then the ball goes back to the center circle. The pass changes every time, it doesn’t matter if they just scored.

Netball is a fast growing sport and now you know a lot of key things about it. Netball involves a lot of skills it also uses and builds muscle throughout your body. This explanation has explained how to play and the rules of netball. You also now know the skills you need to be a successful player. We hope this helped better your understanding of how and what you need to play netball. Enjoy this incredible sport!

By Jodi & Amy

776 words.