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METC MiniPod Show Notes Ep.14 Apple Clips
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METC MiniPod Show Notes


Guest Host Name

Ariel Jankord

How to Connect

On Twitter @MrsJankord

Tech Tool

Apple Clips

Summarize the Tool

Clips is a free app made by Apple. It has an easy user interface, making it more accessible for students to create and edit videos. It has free animated titles, stickers, and copyright free music built in.

ISTE Standards (Students or Teachers)

Student ISTE Standard

Creative Communicator:

Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

Specifically: 6a - Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication. Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

Tech Tool

Teacher Uses

Student Uses

Make instructional videos. Take advantage of accessibility features like creating a scrolling text while you speak.

A way to demonstrate learning. Students can make reflection videos: explaining their learning

or  instructional videos, sharing the content they have learned either to prove mastery or creating videos for others to learn from as well.

One example is teaching kids to vlog. We did this with a plant experiment in 4th grade, but compiling videos in Clips is much easier than iMovie.

Parent Communication: Show what students are doing in class in an engaging way or make a video newsletter using this tool.

Josh Stock just published a new book called Awesome Sauce, where he shares making video newsletters for parents. After finding many of his parents did read his newsletter he tried videos and saw much more success. Clips would be a GREAT, quick way to make those videos.

Video blogging: show off the cool things you are doing in your classroom to share with others.

If you are looking for video editing for littles… this is your app. Kinders pick this app up so quickly. While it’s a very different format for those of us used to a traditional time line format, kids pick this up with no problem.


Any final thoughts, tips or tricks to add before closing out

Tips: You can record in the app or import video and pictures from camera roll. If recording in the app you either hold down the main pink button or slide up for continuous recording.

Posters are your title slides. some people see the filler text and don’t realize they can edit… there are a few “posters” that the text is NOT editable.