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English translation: "ASL - A sad report and a funny one."
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Do you know YouTubers Diamond and Silk?  They were two conservative black women.  They were crazy, but I agreed with them on many things.  They fought social media censorship.  

Recently, Diamond died.  Liberals celebrated this.  That made conservatives mad.  I wasn’t a fan of Diamond and Silk, but I feel sorry for Silk.  

In December 2022, Diamond went to the hospital for an illness.  Liberals speculated that she had COVID.  Silk said Diamond died because of the COVID vaccine.  

Many people were shocked at Diamond’s death, but I wasn’t.  I didn’t quickly blame her death on the COVID vaccine.  Liberals said she died from COVID.  

I said, “Wait a minute!”  Look at pictures and videos of Diamond and Silk.  What do you see?  Two healthy women?  I don’t see that.  I see two overweight women.  Many people who are overweight get heart disease and high blood pressure.  Diamond died from high blood pressure.  

Your health is important.  You need healthy foods - whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fruits, and some meat and milk.  Exercise is also important.  If your diet isn’t healthy and you don’t exercise, you can get high blood pressure and heart disease.  

Now for a funny report.  

I live in Michigan.  If you live in another state, you might not have heard of this.  In southeast Michigan is a city called Royal Oak.  It’s a rich city.  It has many big, expensive houses.  

Here in Michigan, the winter is cold and snowy.  Recently, we got a lot of snow.  Every year in January, Royal Oak holds an event called Winter Blast.  People gather for music, skating, sledding, and other winter events.  

In 2023, the city planned the Winter Blast for February 3 - 5.  They postponed it to February 17 - 19, due to cold weather.  The forecast is calling for morning temperatures under 10 degrees.  They are postponing a winter event, due to cold weather.  That’s interesting.  

What is Royal Oak waiting for?  80 degrees?  I think that will melt the snow and ice.  In Michigan, we should all have warm clothes: coat, hat, gloves, pants, boots, and a scarf.  People who don’t have those should move to Arizona or Florida.