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PSU Hiring Pause Information and FAQ - Nov/Dec 2022
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PSU Hiring Pause Information and FAQ

The hiring pause announced by President Stephen Percy on Monday, Nov. 28, 2022, will take effect immediately and continue through at least Jan. 27, 2023. The following are the specifics of the pause.

Positions affected

Positions unaffected

During the pause, a limited number of positions may be eligible for an exemption based on the following guidelines:

Any exemption requests must be submitted by the relevant VP to the President by Dec. 6, 2022. Any other E&G positions previously exempted from the hiring freeze will be paused until at least Jan. 27, 2023 (postings on the HR website will be canceled). Thereafter, positions previously approved for hiring will need to be reapproved at the VP level, before moving forward.

For process questions, please contact your HR Partner.

For approval questions, please contact your VP.


Q: Are positions paid by Other E&G (002xxx) and Management Reserve funds impacted?

A: Yes. All E&G funded positions are included in the hiring pause.

Q: Are Non E&G funds included?

A: Non-E&G positions are not included in the pause, but managers are encouraged to review all such positions carefully.

Q: If the position is exempted, will we need to do anything in People Admin?

A: No, your position will continue routing or stay posted as usual.

Q: If the position is not exempted and is paused, who will need to notify candidates that the position is not moving forward at this time?

A: Once the posting has been canceled, applicants will receive a system email from PeopleAdmin letting them know that the position has been canceled.

Q: If the position is approved to move forward in January or later, will candidates need to reapply?

A: Yes. The position will need to be re-routed and approved through the position management module and then posted. You can reach out to previous candidates to let them know they can reapply.

Q: What if I have interviews scheduled?

A: Interviews will need to be canceled for positions that are not exempted. Only positions where interviews have been completed may proceed.

Q: Does this affect promotions or reclassifications?

A: Not necessarily. Promotions may continue under the following circumstances:

Reclassifications are not affected by the hiring pause.

Q: How do I compensate my existing employees for taking on additional duties?

A: It depends on the type of employee they are and the duties they are assuming.  In keeping with existing Administrative Stipend and Supplemental Overload rules as well as AAUP’s work-life balance articles, we are providing the following guidelines to consider:

Administrative Stipends are for:

Compensation recommendations for Administrative Stipends are listed on the Administrative Stipend worksheet

Supplemental Overloads are for: