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SGA Administrative Handbook, Approved 20210430
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Society of Georgia Archivists Administrative Handbook

Last revised and approved by the Executive Board: April 30, 2021


President Timetable

President's Award

Vice President / President Elect

Membership Committee

Membership Committee Timetable



Annual Meeting Chairs and Committees

Program Chair

Assistant Program Chair

Program Committee

Local Arrangements Chair

Assistant Local Arrangements Chair

Local Arrangements Committee

Annual Meeting Checklist


Past President

Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee Timetable

Administrative Assistant

Communications Director and Assistant Communication Director

Communications Director

Assistant Communications Director


Provenance Editor

Provenance Associate Editor(s)

Provenance Review Editor

Provenance Editorial Board

Provenance Editorial Policy

Gracy Award

Website Manager and Assistant Website Manager

Website Manager

Assistant Website Manager

Outreach Committee

Outreach Committee Chair (formerly Outreach Manager)

Assistant Outreach Committee Chair

Georgia Archives Month Subcommittee Chair

Georgia Archives Month Timetable

Committee Members

Regional Archival Associations Consortium (RAAC) Liaison and Assistant Liaison

RAAC Liaison

Assistant RAAC Liaison

SGA Committee Chairs Administrative Responsibilities

Education Committee

Education Committee Chair

Assistant Education Committee Chair

Education Committee Timetable

Education Workshop Checklist

Mentoring Program

Mentoring Program Coordinator

Assistant Mentoring Program Coordinator

Scholarship Committee

Scholarship Committee Timetable

SGA Scholarships

Carroll Hart Scholarship

Brenda Banks Scholarship

Anthony R. Dees Scholarship

Larry Gulley Scholarship

Edward Weldon Scholarship

Taronda Spencer Award

Vendor Coordinator


  1. Purpose: Serves as presiding officer of the organization and conducts the business of the organization with the approval of the Executive Board.

  1. Term of Office: One year. Elected annually.

  1. Voting Status: Voting member.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (president at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan ( and works with Board Members to revise Timetable annually.
  3. Presides at the Annual Business Meeting and four Executive Board meetings; issues a call to Board members for agenda items to be submitted approximately one and a half weeks prior to meetings and also calls for required reports to be posted to the intranet one week prior to meetings; prepares and distributes agenda to Board members two days prior to meetings.
  4. Arranges quarterly Presidents Meetings with Past President and Vice President, typically held via conference call a week prior to each of the four Executive Board meetings.
  5. Directs strategic planning activities (including committee and task force activities and initiatives, as applicable) and monitors progress.
  6. Serves as a spokesperson on archival concerns within the region as well as nationally.
  7. Collaborates with Vice President to spearhead efforts to gather member feedback, including SGA membership survey strategies and annual (or biannual) focus groups (in-person or virtual).
  8. Works in conjunction with the organization’s Regional Archival Associations Consortium representative and shall serve as a liaison with other state, national, and regional archival organizations as needed.
  9. Handles certain correspondence as required in the conduct of SGA business, including appointment notifications, thank-you letters for donations of $50 or more, and acknowledgements to others for service to the organization. Also signs certificate awards for scholarship recipients and Fellows award recipient(s).
  10. Works with the Treasurer and Executive Board to develop the annual budget, which is submitted for Board approval at the January Board meeting.
  11. Responsible for soliciting nominees and bestowing the SGA President's Award each year.
  12. Submits a “Letter from the President” article to the SGA blog quarterly.
  13. Reminds Board members and committee chairs of their duties following two unexcused absences within the year.
  14. Between the fall Board meeting and the end of the year, prepares budget proposal for the next year.
  15. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any non-current files and turns over the current files to the incoming President.

President Timetable

The following serves as a guide to carrying out the duties of this role, although extenuating circumstances can affect the timing during which select activities might occur.










President's Award

  1. Purpose: The President's Award recognizes individuals or organizations outside the archival profession who make significant contributions to the archival profession.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. President solicits nominations for the President's Award from SGA members.
  2. President reviews nominations, selects a proposed recipient, and asks Executive Board to vote to approve the proposed recipient.
  3. President notifies recipient and prints and frames award.
  4. President presents award at Business Meeting or reception at the Annual Meeting.

  1. Procedures:
  1. The President shall make several calls for nominees for the President's Award via SGA listserv, blog, and social media.
  2. The President shall communicate his/her decision to the Executive Board for approval via a vote.
  3. The President will notify the winner and invite them to attend the annual meeting for the presentation of the award.
  4. The President will print and frame the award certificate. The President shall present the Award during the Business Meeting or reception at the Annual Meeting. If the recipient is not present, the President will attempt to make a presentation at another comparable event.
  5. The President will write a post for the SGA blog announcing the winner of the President's Award.
  6. The President may elect to recommend to the Executive Board that no Award be given. In this event, the recommendation should be communicated to the Executive Board.

  1. Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Vice President / President Elect

  1. Purpose: Presides over Executive Board meetings if the President is absent or incapacitated and assumes the role of President should the current President resign from office. The Vice President serves as Chair of the Membership Committee (See Membership Committee and Membership Committee Timetable Handbook entries for detailed Chair and Committee responsibilities).

  1. Term of Office: One year. Elected annually. The role of Vice President is a three-year commitment. The first year is spent serving as Vice President/Membership Committee Chair. The second year is spent serving as President and the third year is spent serving as Nominating Committee Chair and in the advisory role of Past President.

  1. Voting Status: Voting member.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (membership at soga dot org AND vicepresident at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Attends four Executive Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting.
  4. Consults with the President on SGA business and attends quarterly Presidents Meetings.
  5. Presides over Executive Board meetings in the absence of the President.
  6. Serves as a liaison with other state, national, and regional archival organizations.
  7. Collaborates with President to spearhead efforts to gather member feedback, including SGA membership survey strategies and annual (or biannual) focus groups (in-person or virtual).
  8. Chairs the Membership Committee and reports on the Committee’s activities at the Executive Board meetings.
  9. Reserves SGA booth for the organization’s “office hour” at SAA annual meeting and coordinates management of the booth.
  10. Arranges, if approved, SGA social gathering at SAA meeting.
  11. Maintains the SGA banner.
  12. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  13. Consults with current President in preparation to serve in said role during the following year.
  14. Between the fall Board meeting and the end of the year, prepares budget proposal for the next year.
  15. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any non-current files and turns over the current files to the incoming Vice President.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Membership Committee

  1. Purpose: The Membership Committee is a standing committee of the Society of Georgia Archivists. The Committee shall work on programs to recruit and retain members, develop membership benefits, prepare and distribute membership, and review procedures for membership sign-ups and renewals.

  1. Composition and Membership:
  1. The Vice President serves as Chair of the Membership Committee.
  2. The Committee is administered by the Chair and composed of at least two additional members, appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board.
  3. The Chair and members shall be appointed for one-year terms.

  1.  Voting Status: The Chair (the SGA Vice President) is a voting member.

  1. Reporting Procedure: The Chair reports directly to the Executive Board.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Actively promotes membership and member engagement in the Society of Georgia Archivists by developing and carrying out membership drives and planning events and programs that increase the value of SGA membership.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Oversees maintenance of SGA membership information and ensures that the membership sign-up and renewal process on the SGA website is current.
  4. Partners with and supports the Outreach Manager and Assistant Manager on outreach and engagement initiatives (except initiatives directly related to advocacy, which are the particular responsibility of the Outreach Manager and Assistant Manager).
  5. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  6. Between the fall Board meeting and the end of the year, the Chair prepares budget proposal for the next year.
  7. The Chair transfers non-current files to SGA Archivist and forwards all current files to incoming Chair.

  1. Procedures:
  1. Produces or revises the SGA membership brochure, online membership information, and promotional item, as needed. Consults with President and other Board members to determine the quantity of brochures to print and promotional items to order.
  2. Develops and mails new member welcome packages to introduce new members to the benefits and opportunities of participation in SGA. The names and addresses of new members will be forwarded to the Membership Chair by the Administrative Assistant on an ongoing basis. The packet should include a letter from the Membership Chair, a copy of the brochure, and a small promotional item (i.e. mechanical pencil) if available.
  3. Publicizes statistics about new members on a regular basis by sending a monthly announcement to the SGA list to welcome new members and mention how many members renewed each month.
  4. Equips members with the tools and information they need in order to share information about SGA and recruit new members.
  5. Promotes SGA to potential new members at the Georgia Archives Institute, Society of American Archivists annual meetings, and other meetings and events when possible.
  6. Coordinates "behind the scenes" tours (around two per year) of archival organizations or related historic sites, or other member requested programs.
  7. Organizes bi-annual meetups (social gatherings and/or professional development events), with at least one each year that includes allied professional organizations.
  8. Plans for SGA activities at SAA Annual Meetings, including SGA booth/”office hour” and social gatherings.
  9. Supports the Outreach Manager and Assistant Manager with social media and listserv engagement campaigns.
  10. Supports the Outreach Manager and Assistant Manager in making connections with undergraduate and graduate education programs.
  11. Partners with the Mentoring Committee to identify ways to connect new members with the Mentoring Program.

Membership Committee Timetable


December/Early January:









Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020


  1. Purpose: Records and maintains the official record of actions and decisions of the Executive Board of the Society of Georgia Archivists.

  1. Term of Office: Two years. Elected during even-numbered years.

  1. Voting Status: Voting member.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (secretary at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Attends four Executive Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting.
  4. Distributes a draft of the minutes to the Executive Board by email no more than 30 days after the meeting and solicits additions or corrections. Distributes corrected draft of the minutes with addendum to the Executive Board by email no later than one week prior to the next meeting. If corrections are made to the minutes at the Executive Board meeting, revises the minutes to reflect the changes and distributes the final copy of the minutes to the Board and the SGA membership no more than 30 days after the Board meeting.
  5. Once minutes are approved, shares minutes with SGA membership by emailing them to the SGA listserv.
  6. Maintains the official set of the minutes by ensuring that Board-approved final copies of minutes of the Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting are uploaded to the SGA website and that a final copy of all minutes is transferred to the Archivist.
  7. Ensures that a printed copy of the current by-laws and any revisions are maintained in the Archives of the organization.
  8. Ensures that a printed copy of the Executive Board Administrative Handbook, including any revisions, is maintained in the Archives of the organization.
  9. Updates lists of SGA officers, fellows, scholarship recipients, meeting sites and workshops; Gracy award recipients and Provenance editors, as found in the History section of the SGA website. Ensures that a printed copy of these lists is maintained in the Archives of the organization.
  10. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  11. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any non-current files and turns over the current files to the incoming Secretary.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020


  1. Purpose: Serves as the principal financial officer of SGA.

  1. Term of Office: Three years. The person elected to this position shall serve as Assistant Treasurer during the first year, Treasurer during the second year, and Treasurer Ex-Officio during the third year, with an overlap between the incoming Assistant Treasurer and the final year of service for the incumbent Treasurer. The election for the office of Treasurer shall take place annually.

  1. Voting Status: Voting member.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (treasurer at soga dot org AND sgatreasurer at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Attends four Executive Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting and presents reports on activities at the meetings.
  4. Establishes and/or maintains bank and online payment accounts, including checking, savings, certificate of deposit and other financial accounts for SGA. At the beginning of new treasurer’s term, files new signature cards. When a new president is elected, coordinates the filing of a new signature card with the bank. The act of adding new signatures to SGA’s accounts is best done immediately after the first board meeting of the year, and it is best to schedule this with the bank branch manager ahead of time.
  5. Pays bills, reimburses expenses, deposits income and keeps accurate financial records of the organization. Cashes all checks written to SGA within 30 days of receipt to SGA PO Box.
  6. Suggests, when appropriate, transfers of monies from checking to savings or other accounts.
  7. Prepares financial reports that include receipts, disbursements, and scholarship and award funds. Prepares the annual financial Management Report in January and submits it to the Board and shares it with the general membership via the SGA listserv.
  8. With information from Local Arrangements Chair, Program Chair, Scholarships Chair, and President, registers individuals with complimentary registration and hotel for the Annual Meeting (invited speakers, scholarship winners, President’s Award recipient).
  9. Puts out a call to the Board for budget proposals for the following year after the last quarterly board meeting of the year. Gathers and compiles these proposals before the end of the current year. (These proposals are to be created by outgoing officers and discussed with incoming officers. Incoming officers should review the proposed budget in January of the following year and make adjustments to the budget as necessary prior to its approval.) Circulates the proposed budget to the Board prior to the first Board meeting of the year. Said budget will be voted on for approval at the meeting or shortly thereafter via a vote by email as necessary. Monitors the budget through its implementation.
  10. Keeps up with current balances of all scholarships and awards of the organization.
  11. Coordinates with financial advisors to determine Board-approved investment strategies.
  12. Performs the IRS income tax filing yearly.
  13. Renews the following:
  1. PO Box
  2. Annual registration with the Georgia Secretary of State/Corporations Division
  3. Files Federal Taxes - 990-N
  1. During the third year of service, the Treasurer Ex-Officio trains the Assistant Treasurer in the duties of the Treasurer. There are always two Treasurer positions, allowing for greater financial accountability and faster response times for issues.
  2. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  3. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any non-current files and turns over the current files to the incoming Treasurer.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Annual Meeting Chairs and Committees

  1. Purpose: Serve as representatives of the general membership on the Executive Board, Committees, and elsewhere as needed. The Local Arrangements Chair serves as Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee and the Program Chair serves as Chair of the Program Committee.

  1. Term of Office: Two years as a staggered appointment. Each Chair is elected annually for each committee. Following their election, the person elected shall serve as Assistant Chair in the first year and work with the current chair. At the end of the first year, the Assistant Chair will then assume the role of Chair for the second year.

  1. Voting Status: The Chairs are voting members.

Program Chair

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (program at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Attends four Executive Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting.
  4. Serves as Chair of the Program Committee and presents reports on the Committee’s activities at Executive Board meetings.
  5. Works to ensure that programming aligns with and reflects SGA’s commitment to Diversity and Inclusion (
  6. Serves as a liaison with other state, national, and regional archival organizations in planning joint conferences as needed.
  7. Carries out r other duties as requested by the President.
  8. Provides general oversight for all facets of the program to ensure that deadlines are being met and that the planning process goes smoothly
  9. Trains Assistant Program Chair in duties of Program Chair.
  10. Works with Local Arrangements Chair, Assistant Program Chair, and Committee to plan Annual Meetings in advance, two years out.
  11. Prepares successive-year budget proposal and submits to Executive Board between Annual Meeting and the end of the calendar year.
  12. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President.
  13. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any non-current files and turns over the current files to the incoming Program Chair.

Assistant Program Chair

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Assists Program Chair with planning Annual Meetings two years out, gathering feedback from Annual Meeting attendees to inform planning, as well as other duties, as needed.
  2. Makes arrangements for upcoming annual meetings and begins working with Assistant Local Arrangements Chair to plan for future meetings.
  3. Assists the Program Chair with scheduling and conducting committee meetings.
  4. Rotates on as Program Chair at the beginning of the next calendar year.

Program Committee

  1. Purpose: The Annual Meeting Program Committee is a standing committee of the Society of Georgia Archivists. The Committee shall plan the program for the SGA Annual Meeting each fall.

  1. Composition and Membership:
  1. The Annual Program Committee is composed of the Program Chair, the Assistant Program Chair, and volunteers from the general membership of SGA. Together they are responsible for oversight of all components of the Annual Meeting program.
  2. The general committee members shall serve a one-year term.

  1. Reporting Procedure:
  1. The Chair reports directly to the Executive Board.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. The Committee is administered by the Chair with support of the Assistant Chair.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Develops program theme and selects speakers, presenters, and moderators as early in the year as possible.
  4. Coordinates all activities relating to speakers/presenters, both before and during the Annual Meeting.
  5. Prepares Annual Meeting information for posting on the SGA website; coordinates with Local Arrangements Chair and SGA Website Manager to post.
  6. Supports Local Arrangements Committee in promoting Annual Meeting by creating or contributing information for publicity material.
  7. Conducts post-meeting evaluation.

  1. Procedures:
  1. At the first meeting of the Committee, the Chair establishes the overall meeting timetable and establishes required deadlines (i.e. program development, invitations for speakers, creation of reimbursement forms, etc.). Chair and Assistant Chair, in consultation with the committee members, identify key duties (e.g., CFP distribution, keynote speaker selection, program booklet design) and appoint individual members or subcommittees to be responsible for each throughout the year.
  2. The committee is provided an operating budget, approved by the Executive Board, which may be used to cover such costs as program printing and honoraria, travel, and lodging for the keynote speaker and possibly the travel expenses of non-member speakers (if these expenses are factored into the budget of the meeting and these speakers live out of state). Once the meeting is over, the Program Committee Chair should carefully review all expenditures associated with the program to ensure accuracy and turn receipts over to the Treasurer so that speakers can be reimbursed.
  3. Normally the program consists of a plenary session with a keynote speaker at the beginning of the meeting followed by concurrent sessions on Thursday and Friday. Consult past programs for precedence and examples of typical programming, which can vary depending on the type of Annual Meeting, i.e. SGA-only versus a joint meeting with other organizations.
  4. Program development procedures:
  1. Choose theme, based on past evaluation results, feedback from SGA Executive Board and members, and committee discussion.
  2. Identify presentation types (including, but not limited to, workshops, presentations, and posters) and topics to specifically solicit.
  3. Prepare theme announcement/call for proposals, identify presentation types, and create a submission form.
  4. Disseminate call for proposals via local and regional listservs, SAA listservs and newsletter, and SGA social media outlets. Send reminders shortly before deadline.
  5. Review proposals, select those to include in the program, and notify submitters of decisions.
  1. Program Committee plans, designs, and prints the program booklet, though much of the content is sourced from other committees and from presenters. Tasks include:
  1. Secure an image (typically historical in nature) to use with program and advertising.
  2. Finalize session titles, descriptions, and schedule.
  3. Obtain information from Outreach, Education, Membership, Mentoring, Local Arrangements Chair, Vendor Coordinator, and Provenance editor about events or other program content.
  4. Share final program with SGA Board, Local Arrangements Chair, and presenters.
  5. Arranging for printing, if a physical booklet is desired, and coordinating payment through the Treasurer.
  1. Presenter coordination procedures:
  1. Send confirmation letters to all presenters.
  2. Secure signed agreement forms from all presenters.
  3. Confirm presentation titles, presenter names, and session descriptions for inclusion in the program.
  4. Obtain bios and provide these to moderators, if applicable.
  5. Ascertain audiovisual equipment needs of speakers/presenters and forward to Local Arrangements Chair by the deadline established.
  6. These tasks may be managed centrally by the Program Chair or Assistant Chair or completed by committee members assigned to liaise with individual presenters.
  1. Plenary speaker procedures:
  1. Program Chair should negotiate keynote speaker expenses; SGA typically offers an honorarium of $300-$500 and covers transportation, room, and board.
  2. Speakers should complete a contract outlining deliverables, expenses eligible for reimbursement, and honorarium amount.
  3. Typically, the individual designated as the keynote speaker will be asked to contribute their talk as an article for Provenance. Inform said speaker(s) of this commitment and confirm their willingness/ability to produce a publishable version of the talk by one month following the meeting. If there are additional plenary speakers, coordinate with the Editor of Provenance to determine if they should be solicited for articles as well.
  4. Forward the name of the keynote speaker(s) along with contact information and a bio to the Provenance editor as soon as they are booked.
  5. Typically only one plenary speaker is scheduled for the annual meeting as the keynote speaker, speaking at the session to be held the first morning of the conference. Use of more than one plenary or keynote address is optional.
  1. During Annual Meeting:
  1. Chair appoints a liaison among the committee’s members to each program session to greet the speakers and to ensure that things run smoothly in the session.
  2. One committee member coordinates with each group of participants in any special session or presentation category (e.g., posters or lightning talks).
  3. Liaisons should alert Local Arrangements Chair if there are problems with A/V, temperature, etc.
  4. Laptops will need to be provided by Program Committee members to use for session presentations; the number of laptops needed will depend on the number of meeting rooms and possibly other extenuating circumstances. The Committee should have an additional back-up laptop available.
  1. After Annual Meeting:
  1. Using Google Forms or a similar tool, create online post-meeting evaluation and send to SGA members and meeting attendees. Set response deadline and send reminder a few days before. Save summary report and share findings with incoming Program and Local Arrangements Chairs. The core questions should remain the same from year to year for longitudinal assessment, but additional questions can be added to evaluate specific aspects of the event. Consult with Local Arrangements Chair, Education Chair, and other organizers to identify high-priority questions.
  2. Facilitate reimbursement of travel and lodging expenses for keynote speaker and any other eligible presenters and of printing costs for poster session participants (if included in the Annual Meeting budget).
  3. Remind keynote speaker to submit article version of address for publication in Provenance and ensure editor has speaker’s contact information.

Local Arrangements Chair

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (local arrangements at soga dot org AND annual meeting at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Attends four Executive Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting.
  4. Serves as Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee and presents reports on the Committee’s activities at Executive Board meetings.
  5. Serves as a representative of the general membership on the Executive Board, Committees, and elsewhere as needed.
  6. Serves as a liaison with other state, national, and regional archival organizations for joint conferences.
  7. May be responsible for other duties as requested by the President.
  8. Trains Assistant Local Arrangement Chair in duties of Local Arrangements Chair.
  9. Works with Program Chair, Vendor Coordinator, Mentoring Committee, Outreach Committee, and Education Committee to coordinate the needs of those committees.
  10. Work with Assistant Local Arrangements Chair to plan Annual Meetings in advance, two years out.
  11. Between the fall Board meeting and the end of the year, prepares budget proposal for the next year.
  12. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  13. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any non-current files and turns over the current files and Gmail login/account information to the incoming Local Arrangements Chair.

Assistant Local Arrangements Chair

7. Responsibilities:

  1. Assists Local Arrangements Chair with planning Annual Meetings two years out, gathering feedback from Annual Meeting attendees to inform planning.
  2. Makes arrangements for upcoming annual meetings and begins working with the Program Committee Co-Chair to begin planning for the future meetings.
  3. Seeks Board vote for future meeting locations and books meeting venue(s).
  4. Assists the Chair with current meeting planning.
  5. Rotates on as Chair, Local Arrangements at the end of the Annual Meeting.

Local Arrangements Committee

  1. Purpose: The Local Arrangements Committee is a standing committee of the Society of Georgia Archivists. The Committee shall plan all aspects of the Society’s Annual Meeting (except the program) which takes place in the fall of each year.

  1. Composition and membership:
  1. The Local Arrangements Chair convenes the Local Arrangements Committee and is responsible for oversight of all components of the Annual Meeting except the content of the program.
  2. The Committee is administered by the Chair with the support of an Assistant Chair and composed of as many additional volunteers from the general membership as needed to assist in the work of the Committee. The Chair is encouraged to take proper advantage of local resources and to include several members from the host city to help with local arrangements.
  3. The members of the Committee shall serve a one-year term.

  1. Reporting Procedure:
  1. The Chair reports directly to the Executive Board.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  2. Schedules the Annual Meeting for a two-day period (generally a Thursday morning through Friday noon) in the fall (generally November) of each year. The dates and location of the next year’s annual meeting should be selected by the Assistant Local Arrangements Committee Chair and approved by the Board at the last Board meeting of the year, i.e. the one held in conjunction with the annual meeting. The dates and location of the next year’s annual meeting should be announced to the general membership during the current year’s annual meeting and the website updated accordingly.
  3. The Chair submits an operation budget to be approved by the Board which may be used to cover such costs as printing, postage, giveaway, venue (meeting space and reception), equipment rental, audiovisual support, vendors, catering, and administrative supplies. Once a Meeting is over, the Chair should carefully review all expenditures associated with the Meeting to ensure their accuracy and consult with Treasurer to confirm findings.
  4. Chair selects Meeting site and/or hotel for the Meeting according to previous Meeting evaluations and Board member input. This includes surveying hotels, selecting a headquarters hotel, reserving an appropriate block of rooms, negotiating room rate, arranging for meeting rooms, and contracting for all necessary services on behalf of SGA. These activities should get started no later than 12 months prior to the anticipated meeting date.
  5. Provides general oversight for all facets of local arrangements to ensure that deadlines are being met and that the planning process is going smoothly.
  6. At the first meeting of the Local Arrangements Committee, or during the first month of email contact, establishes the overall meeting timetable and establishes required deadlines including the Meeting announcement and publicity, hotel registration, meeting registration, catering, etc.
  7. Recommends registration fee for approval by the Executive Board.
  8. Ensures complimentary registration is awarded to scholarship recipients, speakers, and President’s Award Winner as needed.
  9. See "SGA Annual Meeting Checklist" for detailed information about registration fees.

  1. Procedures: 
  1. By the last Board meeting of the year, the Assistant Local Arrangements Committee Chair secures the next year’s meeting location and dates. Obtains Board approval.
  2. After the Program Committee establishes the theme/title of the meeting, coordinates creation of promotional materials incorporating chosen theme/title, meeting site, dates, registration info (if available).
  3. Creates online registration forms using Wild Apricot (member, non-member, student, and for other groups as needed).
  4. Coordinates opening of registration with Website Manager, Treasurer, and Program Committee Chair; ideally also with a draft program to include with the announcement.
  5. Jointly, with the Program Committee Chair and Outreach Manager, prepares and distributes Annual Meeting information and publicity to membership and non-members. Means of distribution include the SGA website, SGA blog, SGA listserv, SGA Facebook site, SGA blog, SGA Twitter, SAA listservs, Archival Outlook and/or In the Loop, and other forums hosted by SGA or other regional archival organizations.
  6. Selects caterer (if applicable), reviews menus, and makes food selections (generally includes breakfasts, morning and afternoon breaks, Thursday lunch, and Thursday night reception).
  7. Collaborates with Membership Committee to schedule optional tours of attractions, historic sites, etc.
  8. Plans all aspects of Thursday night reception.
  9. Coordinates with the Administrative Assistant in the preparation of Annual Meeting packets (if any items need to be distributed in addition to the printed program booklet) and nametags to be distributed to attendees.
  10. Coordinates staffing at the registration table at the Annual Meeting with support from the Administrative Assistant and Membership Committee members.
  11. Maintains close contact with the site's events coordinator to ensure that all deadlines are met and the event runs smoothly.

Annual Meeting Checklist

Local Arrangements

Select city and meeting dates

By October board meeting; to be approved at meeting

Select and secure meeting location (and hotel, if hotel is not also meeting venue)

Selection should start no later than 24 months prior to the anticipated meeting date

Initial meeting announcement and opening of registration

Hotel reservation deadline

Meeting registration deadline

Submit final attendee number to conference site (for room set-up) and caterer

Program Committee

Theme development and call for proposals

Ideally theme and CFP are available by mid March for posting with initial meeting announcement

Plenary/Keynote Speaker(s)

Ideally keynote speaker is selected by mid April

Program development

Ideally draft program is available by early summer

Program Committee (see Program Committee Procedures section for additional detail):

Local Arrangements Committee:

Registration fees:


Early Bird

Late/On Site










Who must register:


During annual meeting

On-Site Requirements:


Annual Meeting Wrap-Up:

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020.


  1. Purpose: Collects, arranges, and describes the archival records of the Society of Georgia Archivists and assists officers in accessing the records of the organization. Implement records management by maintaining and enforcing the organization’s records retention schedule.

  1. Term of Office: Two years. Elected during even-numbered years.

  1. Voting Status: Voting member.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (archivist at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Attends four Executive Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting and presents reports on activities at the meetings.
  4. Assists any SGA member (and others where appropriate) in accessing the organization's records.
  5. Actively collects the archival records of the outgoing board members once a year as outlined in the organization’s 2013 retention schedule (currently under revision to reflect arrangement of SGA collection). If records are not ready to be surrendered, the archivist should note the location of those records for later retrieval.
  6. Selects photographs from SGA Flickr account and makes best effort to obtain descriptive data for transfer to the Georgia Archives.
  7. Adheres to the following guidelines for processing records. (Note: this process is undergoing adjustment according to strategic plan goals and Georgia Archives digital preservation policies and procedures.)
  1. Records will be collected in four year increments, to be deposited to the Georgia Archives at the end of the following, fifth year, [Records for years 1999-2003 will be deposited in December 2004, etc.], or until two cubic ft. of processed records have accumulated, whichever comes first.
  2. Makes the best effort to collect all records for the designated time period before making a deposit to the Georgia Archives.
  3. Processes the records BEFORE making a deposit to Georgia Archives.
  4. Organizes records according to retention schedule.
  5. Removes all metal, Post-it notes, and newspaper clippings replacing with a xerox copy where appropriate. Unfold legal-sized documents.
  6. Appropriately folder and box records in legal-sized containers.
  7. Removes exact duplicates; keep two copies of publications.
  1. Maintains a current inventory listing of what the archivist holds and a current inventory listing of what the Georgia Archives holds.
  2. Files an annual report to the Board and submits the current inventory listings to the Secretary at the end of each year.
  3. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  4. These guidelines were established in conjunction with the procedures of our official repository, the Georgia Archives, and should be reviewed by the SGA Archivist and a representative of the Georgia Archives every five years (ie. 2002, 2007, etc.).

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Past President

  1. Purpose: Serves in an advisory capacity to the President and serves as the chair of the Nominating Committee. See also Administrative Handbook sections regarding Nominating Committee.

  1. Term of Office: One year.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (nominating at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Attends four Executive Board meetings and the Annual Business meeting.
  3. Chairs the Nominating Committee and presents reports on the Committee’s activities at Executive Board meetings.
  4. Manages the nomination and recognition of Fellows as well as the the appointments and election(s) of Board officers for the year, with the assistance of the Nominating Committee.
  5. Acts as liaison with Fellows of SGA; determines and maintains contact with a mutually agreed upon liaison from the Fellows and assists with the planning of their annual luncheon (and/or other Fellows activities, as appropriate).
  6. Reports on new appointments and election results at the Business Meeting, which takes place at the Annual Meeting, and announces the recognition of new Fellows at the Annual Meeting.
  7. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  8. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any non-current files and turns over the current files to the incoming Past-President.
  9. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current Strategic Plan:

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Nominating Committee

  1. Purpose: The Nominating Committee shall solicit and select candidates to run for elective office, compose the ballot and count returns via the survey instrument, and report election results to the Executive Board and to the membership at the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee also will solicit candidates for appointed positions on the Executive Board; these candidates shall be discussed by the Nominating Committee and then appointed by the Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board. The Nominating Committee Chair will notify all elected and appointed officers of their election/appointment. The Nominating Committee will solicit nominations for the annual SGA Fellows Award, appraise nominations, work with current Fellows to enable them to appraise nominations, report final slate of candidates to the Board, call for the Board vote, and present the new Fellows Award(s) at the Annual Meeting, as well. As part of its nominating and recruitment procedures, the Nominating Committee will also follow guidance set forth in the Committee’s Recruitment Practices in order to attract a diverse group of individual candidates for leadership roles and committee positions within the organization.

  1. Composition and Membership:
  1. The Past President serves as chair of the Nominating Committee.
  2. The Chair and members serve for one-year terms.
  3. The Committee is administered by the Chair and composed of two additional members who are elected by the membership. No currently serving member of the Executive Board, whether in an elected or appointed position, shall also be an elected member of the Nominating Committee.
  4. No member of the Committee may be a candidate for office in the elections managed by that committee.
  5. No member of the committee may be nominated for the Fellows Award during the year in which they serve.

  1. Voting Status: The Chair (SGA Past President) is a non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Reporting Procedures: The Chair reports directly to the Executive Board.

  1. Responsibilities - Elections:
  1. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  2. Collaborates with Membership Committee Chair to host informal in-person or virtual discussions regarding leadership opportunities in SGA, with current and past Board Members encouraged to attend.
  3. Selects a slate of candidates to present for membership vote.
  4. Provides information about the slate of candidates for the ballot.
  5. Prepares and circulates the ballot to the SGA membership via the survey instrument.
  6. Analyzes the results of the election, notifies selected candidates, and reports the election results at the Annual Business Meeting.
  1. Procedures - Elections:
  1. Officers and Terms
  1. The Nominating Committee shall consider candidates for Elected Officer positions as identified in the organization’s Bylaws ( It is the Chair’s responsibility to determine which positions will need to be filled in a given election cycle.
  1. Criteria for Candidates
  1. All candidates must be members of the Society. This can be determined through consultation with the Administrative Assistant.
  2. The Nominating Committee shall have a goal of developing a ballot balanced in various aspects including lengths and types of Society experience, of geographic location, of types of institutions represented, and other elements in accordance with the strategic plan's emphasis on diversity.
  1. Recommendations, Consultations, and Nominations
  1. The Nominating Committee shall solicit recommendations for nominees from the membership using such means as announcements at Society meetings and via the SGA blog, listserv, website, and social media.
  2. The Chair shall establish a tentative timetable, working backwards from the date of the annual meeting, taking into account special events and other things that will affect the timetable, and consulting with other Board members as necessary.
  3. The Chair shall provide the committee members with information about Election Procedures as outlined herein, as well as a  tentative timetable for Nominating Committee activities.
  4. Nominating Committee members shall consult prior to contacting potential candidates, and shall consult regularly as candidates are contacted and nominations are accepted or declined.
  5. The Nominating Committee shall develop a list of possible candidates and shall discuss specific candidates for specific offices.
  6. Any member of the committee may contact a possible candidate with the prior agreement of the committee.
  7. Any candidate contacted must be fully informed of the duties of the office for which they are nominated and of the potential time and travel requirements for that office, including attending Executive Board meetings (see Administrative Handbook entries). Candidates shall also be informed of the organization’s Bylaws and current Strategic Plan.
  1. Timetable for Ballots
  1. The ballot ideally shall list at least two candidates for each office (three candidates for the two Nominating Committee positions) and space for write-ins.
  2. Ballots shall be provided online via the survey instrument and emailed to the membership at least thirty days prior to the date on which the Annual Meeting begins.
  3. The Nominating Committee shall establish a deadline for responding to the call for a vote, and this deadline shall be clearly noted on the ballot. Ballots received after this deadline shall be considered invalid. Ballots shall be cast online.
  1. Counting of Ballots
  1. Ballots shall be counted by the Nominating Committee via the survey instrument as soon as possible following the deadline.
  2. A simple majority of votes cast for each office is required for election. In the case of the Nominating Committee, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be elected.
  3. If a ballot contains more than the allowable number of votes for any office, no votes shall be recorded for that office from that ballot.
  4. Any election difficulties or ties shall be resolved at the Annual Business Meeting by a majority vote of the members present at that Annual Business Meeting.
  1. Notifications and Announcements
  1. All Nominating Committee members shall be notified of the election results.
  2. Each candidate shall be contacted by a member of the Nominating Committee prior to the Annual Business Meeting and informed of the results of the election for the office for which they were nominated.
  3. The Chair or a member of the Nominating Committee shall make a report at the Annual Business Meeting announcing the names of officers elected and appointed.
  4. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall provide the names and contact information of newly elected officers to the Secretary, Website Manager, and President.
  5. Names of newly elected officers shall be announced via an appropriate publication platform (e.g. SGA blog, etc.) following the Annual Meeting.
  1. Procedures - Appointments:
  1. Officers and Terms
  1. The Nominating Committee shall consider candidates for Appointed Positions as identified in the organization’s Bylaws. It is the Chair’s responsibility to determine which positions will need to be filled in a given appointments cycle.
  1. Criteria for Candidates
  1. All candidates must be members of the Society. This can be determined through consultation with the Administrative Assistant.
  2. The Nominating Committee shall have a goal of soliciting a set of appointees balanced in various aspects including lengths and types of Society experience, of geographic location, of types of institutions represented, and other elements in accordance with the strategic plan's emphasis on diversity.
  1. Recommendations, Consultations, and Nominations
  1. The Nominating Committee shall solicit recommendations for nominees from the membership using such means as announcements at Society meetings and via the SGA blog, listserv, and webpage.
  2. The chair shall establish a tentative timetable, working backwards from the date of the annual meeting; taking into account special events and other things that will affect the timetable; and consulting with other Board members as necessary.
  3. The Chair shall provide the committee members with information about Election Procedures as outlined herein, as well as a tentative timetable for Nominating Committee activities.
  4. Nominating Committee members shall consult prior to contacting potential candidates, and shall consult regularly as candidates are contacted and nominations are accepted or declined.
  5. The Nominating Committee shall develop a list of possible candidates and shall discuss specific candidates for specific offices. This should be done in consultation with incumbents.
  6. Any member of the committee may contact a possible candidate with the prior agreement of the committee.
  7. Any candidate contacted must be fully informed of the duties of the office for which they are nominated and of the potential time and travel requirements for that office, including attending Executive Board meetings (see Administrative Handbook entries). Candidates shall also be informed of the organization’s Bylaws and current Strategic Plan.
  8. The chair and committee should consult with the Provenance Editor about appointments to the Provenance Editorial Board (see section 6 of Bylaws).
  1. Notifications and Announcements
  1. After the Nominating Committee has identified at least one candidate for each appointed office and consulted with the incumbents for said offices as appropriate, the Committee Chair will send a list of recommendations to the Board for vote and approval.
  2. Each candidate shall be contacted by a member of the Nominating Committee prior to the Annual Business Meeting and informed of their appointment.
  3. The chair or a member of the Nominating Committee shall make a report at the Annual Business Meeting announcing the names of appointed officers.
  4. The chair of the Nominating Committee shall provide the names and contact information of newly appointed officers to the Secretary, Website Manager, and President.
  5. Names of newly appointed officers shall be announced via an appropriate publication platform (e.g. SGA blog, etc.) following the Annual Meeting.
  1. Responsibilities - Fellows Award:
  1. The Chair solicits nominations of candidates beginning early in the calendar year; establishes appropriate deadline for receipt of nominations.
  2. The Chair and committee members ensure that current guidelines regarding the nomination and appointment of Fellows are followed.
  3. The Chair and committee members revise guidelines for nominations as necessary.
  4. The Chair and committee members determine eligibility of each Fellows nomination.
  5. The Chair collaborates with a designated representative of the Fellows to plan a meeting of current Fellows to take place in summer. The current Fellows make recommendations regarding the nominations to the Chair of the Nominating Committee after this meeting. Ideally, the current Fellows will make their recommendations prior to the July Executive Board meeting. In lieu of an in-person Fellows meeting, correspondence and discussion can take place virtually although an in-person activity is encouraged if feasible.The Chair presents the final list of candidates to the Executive Officers via email or at the summer Board meeting and calls for a vote by secret ballot on the candidates.
  6. Once the Executive Officers vote has taken place, the Chair contacts new Fellows and their employers and nominators with letters of congratulations.
  7. The Chair or a member of the Nominating Committee presents the award to new Fellows at the Annual Meeting.
  8. The Chair maintains the Fellows page on the SGA website, including updating biographies as necessary.

Nominating Committee Timetable

Note: Dates each year will need to be adjusted based on publication deadlines, annual meeting date, events like the SAA annual meeting, Executive Board meeting dates, and schedules of individual committee members.










Approved by the Executive Committee: April 2021

Administrative Assistant

  1. Purpose: The Administrative Assistant is the primary supervisor of the functions carried out by the organization’s membership management software and provides administrative support to the organization, including managing the Society’s email lists, Google Admin Suite, and P.O. box, receiving and recording dues, handling subscriptions, and processing registrations for workshops and the annual meeting, among other duties.

  1. Term of Office: Minimum of three years with an overlap of the incumbent and incoming administrative assistants. The term consists of one year as apprentice, one year solo, and one year as mentor to the incoming Administrative Assistant. Appointed by the Nominating Committee  in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. SGA Gmail
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (admin at soga dot org AND listserv-owner at soga dot org AND subscriptions at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Maintains SGA Google accounts, using Google Admin portal including usernames and passwords and changing the names associated with the accounts by January 15 of each year.
  1. Strategic Plan
  1. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  1. Mail
  1. Maintains SGA Post Office Box. Retrieves and distributes all incoming mail to the appropriate officer. The Administrative Assistant may also designate another Board member who lives near the P.O. Box to fulfill this duty.
  2. Treasurer - Bank statements, checks, invoices for payment. When forwarding checks, always include a check report detailing check numbers, itemization of total amount, etc.
  3. Communications Director - Newsletters and information from other historical/cultural organizations.
  4. Provenance editorial staff - publications for review, reprint or quote permission requests.
  5. Forwards other material to appropriate officers as needed.
  6. Verifies with P.O. Box has been paid every June. Checks with the Treasurer if issues arise.
  1. Membership
  1. Receives and processes new member applications and renewal forms including payments and scholarship/award donations (see Scholarships below).
  1. Sends all checks and cash to Treasurer for deposit.
  2. Mails Provenance issue when renewals happen after Provenance was mailed.
  1. Maintains member and registration information in the organization’s membership management software.
  1. Verifies or edits member renewal dates.
  2. Updates contact information, which feeds into the Membership Directory.
  3. Deletes duplicate registrations.
  4. Approves manual registration payments.
  5. Approves online membership applications.
  6. Other issues relating to membership and registration and general upkeep of information.
  1. Responds to inquiries regarding SGA membership.
  2. On a monthly basis forwards to the Membership Committee Chair the names and addresses of new members for new member packets.
  3. Maintains the SGA listserv.
  1. On a monthly basis adds the names and email addresses of new members for inclusion in the SGA listserv (except for those who denote on their membership form that they do not want to be added to the listserv).
  2. Maintains the SGA Board email list, which should include all Board members defined in the bylaws (including assistant roles). On December 1, adds newly elected Board members to the SGA Board email list. After the January Board meeting, removes all outgoing Board members from the SGA Board email list.
  3. Maintains email list membership, and ensures that list membership is current.
  4. Monitors listserv to block inappropriate messages or subscribers. Creates new email lists and email accounts as appropriate for committee needs.
  1. Scholarships/Awards
  1. Receives and processes manual donations to the SGA scholarship and award funds, forwarding checks and cash to the Treasurer.
  2. Records online donations in organization’s membership management software.
  3. Notifies the President when a donation of $50 or more is received and forwards the name and address of donor for acknowledgement.
  4. At the end of the calendar year, sends a list of all scholarship donations received via mail or online to the Scholarship Chair for inclusion in the SGA blog.
  1. Annual Meeting
  1. Processes and records all registrations.
  2. Tracks all payments.
  1. All checks and cash forwarded to Treasurer with check report.
  2. Notifies Treasurer of refunds due.
  1. Maintains database of registrants.
  2. Notifies manual payment registrants that their registration was received and sends receipt via email.
  3. Notifies registrants of any problems with their registrations.
  4. Responds to questions regarding registration.
  5. Other duties as requested.
  1. Workshops
  1. Processes and records all registrations, both mail-in and online.
  2. Tracks all payments.
  1. All checks and cash forwarded to Treasurer with check report.
  2. Notifies treasurer of refunds due.
  1. Maintains database of registrants.
  2. Notifies manual payment registrants that their registration was received and sends receipt via email.
  3. Notifies registrants of any problems with their registrations.
  4. Responds to questions regarding registration.
  1. Other Duties
  1. Provides contact lists to all officers for SGA activities, and to other archives/libraries/historical organizations when approved by the Board.
  2. Consults with Treasurer by budget deadline to determine the budget for the next fiscal year. Between the fall Board meeting and the end of the year, prepares budget proposal for the next year.
  3. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  4. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any non-current files and turns over the current files to the incoming Administrative Assistant.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Communications Director and Assistant Communication Director

Communications Director

  1. Purpose: The Communications Director distributes timely news, updates, and other information  regarding the activities of SGA and its members. The Communications Director manages the publication of SGA’s electronic magazine in January or February, following the annual meeting. The Communications Director also facilitates the creation of posts to the SGA blog and manages updates to the organization’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn accounts.

  1. Term of Office: First year served as Assistant Communications Director and second year as Communications Director. Appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (communications at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Attends four Executive Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting and presents written and verbal reports on activities at the meetings.
  4. Outlines a timeline for solicitation of content for blog posts and magazine articles when and how the SGA membership and column writers will be asked for content.
  5. Schedules and uploads content to the various SGA communication platforms on a regular basis (no less than two times a month)
  6. Selects material for inclusion in the blog, electronic magazine, and other SGA communication platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  7. Edits text of all articles, blog posts, etc. submitted as official communications out of SGA, in accordance with SGA Style Guide, developed and maintained by Communications Director.
  8. Designs and completes layout of electronic magazine and publishes the electronic magazine.
  9. Collaborates with SGA Archivist to arrange for the electronic magazine to be placed in the SGA dark archives for preservation.
  10. Works with other Board members or Committee leaders who need to produce communication or promotional materials in the design software system. Crosstrains the Assistant Communications Director in director responsibilities.
  11. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  12. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any non-current files and turns over the current files to the incoming Communications Director.

Assistant Communications Director

  1. Purpose: The Assistant Communications Director assists the Communications Director in all facets of production and distribution of the SGA social media and magazine. Serves as communicator to featured columnists, general membership, advertisers and other facets of SGA. In the fall of their year as Assistant Communications Director, the Assistant Communications Director begins to take on the editing, layout, and design duties of the Communications Director position to prepare the electronic magazine.

  1. Term of Office: First year served as Assistant Communications Director and second year as Communications Director. Appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Handles communications with content creators, including generating the call for content.
  2. Serves as liaison with the feature editors ensuring that their submissions are received in a timely manner.
  3. Collects news and information of value and interest to SGA members.
  4. Assigns a photographer/videographer or coordinates with other Committees to assign a photographer/videographer to document SGA events and activities. Adds photographs from SGA events to the communications at soga dot org Google Drive and shares photos with the membership via communication platforms. Notifies Archivist of new photographs for their review and inclusion in the SGA archives.
  5. Appoints regional or topical representatives to gather and report news.
  6. Works with SGA committees and Board to call attention to work being done in committees.
  7. Urges all repositories to put SGA on their mailing lists for news releases.
  8. Helps with the selection of content for the magazine, blog, and social media.
  9. Proofreads the final copy of the annual magazine.
  10. Carries out other duties as assigned by the Communications Director.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020


Provenance Editor

  1. Purpose: The Provenance Editor manages the publication and distribution of at least one annual issue of Provenance and coordinates the selection of the Gracy Award recipient.

  1. Term of Office: Three years. Appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Time Commitment: 15 hrs/month on average, with additional work required around publication

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Attends four Executive Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting and presents written and verbal reports on activities at the meetings.
  2. Appoints editorial staff which may include associate editor(s), and reviews editor.
  3. Develops and manages peer reviewer cohort.
  4. Reviews and updates Provenance's editorial policy.
  5.  Oversees all aspects of production and distribution of the journal, coordinates the activities of the editorial staff and Editorial Board, and ensures the timely production of the journal.
  6. Solicits and selects, with advice of Editorial Board, materials for inclusion in Provenance.
  7. Provides feedback to authors during the formulation of submission ideas.
  8. Assigns articles to members of the editorial staff and Editorial Board for review for content and style, keeping to established timetables and journal requirements.
  9. Serves as liaison with authors and assigned copy editor on necessary revisions.
  10. Ensures authors understand copyright attribution of works appearing in Provenance.
  11. Proofreads and edits the final galley for typographical errors, content omissions, and format.
  12. Coordinates the selection of the David B. Gracy II Award recipient annually. Works with Editorial Board in selecting the recipient, advises the Executive Board of their selection, notifies the winner and arranges for the awarding of a certificate and prize. Announces the winner at the SGA annual business meeting and in the SGA Magazine.
  13. Calls and chairs a minimum of two editorial staff and Board meetings each year.
  14. Serves as correspondent for matters related to the journal, such as granting reprint permission.
  15. Consults with Treasurer by December 1 to determine the Provenance budget for the next fiscal year and establishes pricing for individual issues of the journal.
  16. Coordinates changes and/or updates to the Bepress platform with staff at Kennesaw State University.
  17. Updates information regarding Provenance on SGA website and Bepress site.
  18. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  19. Forwards to the SGA Archivist two copies of each issue of the journal and any non-current files and turns over the current files to the incoming Editor.

Provenance Associate Editor(s)

  1. Purpose: The Provenance Associate Editor assists the Editor in soliciting, editing, and production of Provenance as a means of preparing the individual to take over the responsibilities of Editor.

  1. Term of Office: Appointed by Editor at least one year prior to the end of the current Editor’s term with Executive Board approval.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting member.

  1. Time commitment: 5-8 hrs/month on average, with additional work required around publication

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Solicits articles for inclusion in Provenance.
  2. Reviews articles as assigned by Editor.
  3. Assists in copy and final editing considering content, quality, and style set by journal requirements.
  4. Works with contributors as assigned and provides feedback to Editor.
  5. Assists Editor with use and management of Bepress system.
  6. Oversees marketing of Provenance, including advertising and exhibiting at professional meetings.
  7. Oversees publication of Provenance issues to the e-commerce platform
  8. Responds to user questions regarding the e-commerce platform
  9. Manages fees and income associated with e-commerce platform, including institutional subscribers

Provenance Review Editor

  1. Purpose: The Provenance Review Editor solicits critical assessments of books, software, websites, and other tools useful to the archival profession. 

  1. Term of Office: Three years. Appointed by Editor with Executive Board approval.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting member.

  1. Time commitment: 5-10 hrs/month on average, with additional work required around publication.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Solicits and selects, with advice from the Editor, publications or other relevant resources to be reviewed for inclusion in each issue of Provenance.
  2. Arranges for reviewers of each publication identified.
  3. Coordinates with reviewers to receive a copy of the publication, to provide guidelines and to determine deadline for submission.
  4. Edits the text of all reviews submitted for inclusion in Provenance and submits final product to the Associate Editor.
  5. Sends PDF copy of each review to the author and the publisher of the book.
  6. Provenance Subscriptions  
  1. Maintains institutional subscription spreadsheet.
  2. Processes renewals and new subscriptions. Notes institution, date of subscription order, check number, and payment amount in subscription database and Excel tracking sheet. Adds/updates addresses.
  1. Handles claims for Provenance for institutional members. Claims must be logged before mailing.
  1. Prepares invoices and renewal notices for subscription services and independent libraries and mails them by September 30.
  1. Responds to rate surveys and other information requests received from subscription services.

Provenance Editorial Board

  1. Purpose: The Provenance Editorial Board advises and assists the Provenance Editor in the editorial content of the journal and in establishing and implementing editorial policies and procedures for peer review of submitted manuscripts.

  1. Term of Office: Three years. Appointed by Editor with Executive Board approval.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting members.

  1. Composition and Membership:
  1. The Editorial Board consists of (but is not limited to) nine individuals appointed for three-year terms staggered so that one-fourth of the members are appointed each year. Board members are nominated by the Provenance Editor and appointed by the Executive Board. The Editor will submit a list of nominees at least four weeks in advance of the SGA annual meeting.
  2. Individuals serving on the Editorial Board are selected because of their knowledge of archival theory, methodology, and practice; expertise in research strategies and methodologies; and experience in archival research and publication. The Editorial Board will also reflect a diversity of archival institutions and functional expertise and the geographic and demographic breadth of the profession.
  3. Reporting Procedure:
  1. The Editor assumes responsibility for coordinating Editorial Board activities.
  2. The Editorial Board meets at least twice annually.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Assist the Editor in developing and implementing editorial policies and procedures.
  2. Solicit manuscripts to be considered for publication in Provenance.
  3. Review and edit manuscript submissions for content and style, keeping to established timetables and journal requirements.
  4. Assist the Editor in the selection of the Gracy Award recipient for each issue of Provenance.

Provenance Editorial Policy

Members of the Society of Georgia Archivists, and others with professional interest in the aims of the Society, are invited to submit manuscripts for consideration and to suggest areas of concern or subjects which they feel should be included in forthcoming issues of Provenance.

Manuscripts and related correspondence should be addressed to the Provenance Editor.

Review materials and related correspondence should be sent to the Reviews Editor..

An editorial board and/or group of peer reviewers appraises submitted manuscripts in terms of appropriateness, scholarly worth, and clarity of writing.

Accepted manuscripts will be edited in the above terms and to conform to the Chicago Manual of Style.

Contributors submit manuscripts with the understanding that they have not been submitted simultaneously for publication to any other journal. Only manuscripts which have not been previously published will be accepted, and authors must agree not to publish elsewhere, without explicit written permission, a paper submitted to and accepted by Provenance.

Letters to the editor which include pertinent and constructive comments or criticisms of articles or reviews recently published by Provenance are welcome. Ordinarily, such letters should not exceed 300 words.

Manuscript Requirements:

Manuscripts should be submitted through the Provenance Bepress site, maintained by Kennesaw State University, in double-spaced typescripts throughout - including footnotes at the end of the text. Margins should be about 1 ½ inches all around. All pages should be numbered, including the title page. The author's name and email address should appear only on the title page, which should be separate from the main text of the manuscript. Text, references, and footnotes should conform to copyright regulations and to accepted scholarly standards. This is the author's responsibility. Provenance uses the University of Chicago Manual of Style and Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language, 3rd edition (G. & C. Merriam Co.), as its standards for style, spelling, and punctuation.

Use of terms which have special meanings for archivists, manuscript curators, and records managers should conform to the definitions in Richard Pearce Moses, A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology (
Chicago: SAA, 2005).

Book Review Requirements:

All reviews should be sent to the Book Review Editor by email in text-only format and/or Microsoft Word. Book reviews should be no more than 600 words in length. If the importance of the book seems to justify more space, consult the Book Review Editor before writing the review. Reviews that exceed the assigned wordage will be cut in editing or returned to the reviewer for editing. If you realize that you cannot meet the deadline, please inform the Book Review Editor immediately. At the end of your review, please add your name, title, and institutional affiliation, as you would like these to appear in print. After publication, two copies of the review will be sent to you.

Gracy Award

  1. Purpose: SGA awards a $350 prize that recognizes a superior contribution for each issue of Provenance. Named for David B. Gracy II, founder and first editor of Georgia Archive, the award began in 1990 with volume VIII and is judged by the Provenance Editorial Board.

  1. Responsibilities of Provenance Editor:
  1. Promotes awareness of the Gracy Award among the members of the Society.
  2. Encourages selection for the Gracy Award from the Editorial Board.
  3. Reviews ballots and selects the recipient of the Award.
  4. Notifies recipient and has award created.
  5. Presents award at Business Meeting at the Society's Annual Meeting.

  1. Procedures of the Editor:
  1. Creates a ballot that will include all articles/authors for each issue of Provenance.
  2. The ballot will be sent to members of the Editorial Board who will vote on the article that best makes a contribution to archival literature.
  3. Communicates the decision of the Editorial Board to the Executive Board.
  4. Notifies the winner by mail and invites them to attend the annual meeting for the presentation of the award.
  5. Prepares a blog post and other appropriate publications announcing the winner of the Gracy Award.
  6. A certificate and cash gift of $350 will be prepared and presented to the recipient. The Editor or his/her designee shall present the Award during the Business Meeting at the Society's Annual Meeting. If the recipient is not present, the Editor will attempt to make a presentation at another comparable event.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Website Manager and Assistant Website Manager

Website Manager

  1. Purpose: Manages the Society’s website [] via Wild Apricot, a web-based content/membership management system

  1. Term of Office: Two years, staggered appointment. First year served as assistant to the incumbent (first year is served as Assistant Website Manager and second year is served as Website Manager). Appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (webmaster at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account and the shared SGA Board Google Drive.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Attends four Executive Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting and presents reports on activities at the meetings.
  4. By December 1 of each year, grants and/or removes individual Wild Apricot administrative rights for members serving on the Executive Board and/or Committees. Administrative privileges should only be extended to Executive Board members and Committee chairs, although exceptions may occur on the basis of need. Incoming Board members and chairs should be granted administrative rights in December of each year. Outgoing Board members and chairs should have their administrative rights removed following the January Board meeting.
  5. Ensures those posting content to the Wild Apricot interface maintain the consistent look and feel of the site. Edits style sheets as needed and maintains the style guide for the website.
  6. Performs regular maintenance on Wild Apricot’s file manager to monitor storage usage, weed old files, and maintain consistent, informative file names.
  7. Ensures home page of the web site is up to date.
  8. Corrects grammar, typos, broken links, and other errors.
  9. Works with other Board Members to ensure that site content is updated every year, including the following tasks:
  1. make content updates as needed/or requested by board members
  2. add or edit any coding for the site
  3. make changes to the navigation as needed
  4. keep track of web usage statistics
  5. solicit content for the site
  6. integrate social media
  7. update Bylaws after membership approval
  8. maintain domain name hosting account - Network Solutions; Renew yearly
  9. maintain web hosting and server account- JaguarPC; Renew biennially
  1. Oversees any revisions to the website list of officers or committee chairs.
  2. Maintains the Jobs webpage by adding new positions to it and purging old advertisements, as appropriate.
  3. Tracks site visits and other statistics via Google Analytics and provides relevant information in Board reports.
  4. Manages domain name registration at Network Solutions, web hosting plan at JaguarPC, as well as server space, and ensures payment of related fees by consulting with the Treasurer.
  5. Consults with the Treasurer by December 1 to determine the SGA website budget for the next fiscal year. Between the fall Board meeting and the end of the year, prepares budget proposal for the next year.
  6. Updates and maintains a transfer document with any relevant account login details, specific responsibilities, and payment renewal dates to be passed down to the incoming website manager.
  7. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  8. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any records as governed by the records retention schedule, and turns over the current files to the incoming Website Manager.
  9. Mentors Assistant Website Manager.

Assistant Website Manager

  1. Purpose: Acts as an apprentice to the Website Manager and assists with managing the Society’s website [] via Wild Apricot, a web-based content/membership management system.

  1. Term of Office: Two years, staggered appointment. First year served as assistant to the incumbent (first year is served as Assistant Website Manager and second year is served as Website Manager). Appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Adds, removes, or edits content on the website per the Website Manager’s request.
  2. Works to maintain an organized File Manager in Wild Apricot by following consistent and informative filing naming patterns for uploaded content.
  3. Assists in ensuring that the site maintains a consistent look and feel, especially as new content is added; corrects grammatical, typographical, and other errors as found.
  4. Contributes input to the Website Manager for Board reports.
  5. Updates the events calendar in conjunction with the SGA Newsletter, the Georgia Archives Month Committee, and as needed.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Outreach Committee

Outreach Committee Chair (formerly Outreach Manager)

  1. Purpose: Manages all SGA advocacy outreach activities to SGA members, non-members and like-minded organizations.

  1. Term of Office: Two years, staggered appointment. First year served as assistant to the incumbent (first year is served as Assistant Outreach Manager and second year is served as Outreach Manager). Appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board.

  1. Voting status: Non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (outreach at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Directs ongoing and issue-based advocacy, in alignment with SGA Advocacy Procedures (forthcoming), including public policy advocacy and informing elected officials about the value of archives.
  4. Spearheads Outreach campaigns to promote SGA and the Archival profession to non-members, collaborating with Membership Committee on Outreach and marketing to non-members as needed.
  5. Partners with other committees to share news of interest to the membership and promote and document SGA events and activities through:
  1. Social media: Maintains and updates all SGA Web 2.0 applications, including the SGA blog, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  2. Photography/Videography: Assigns a photographer/videographer or coordinates with other Committees to assign a photographer/videographer to document SGA events and activities. The Outreach Manager is responsible for receiving photos/videos and distributing them to the membership. Adds photographs from SGA events to the Flickr account. Notifies Archivist of new photographs for their review and inclusion in the SGA archives.
  1. At the direction of or in conjunction with the President, conducts archival advocacy activities.
  2. Spearheads Outreach campaigns to promote SGA and the archival profession to non-member persons, institutions and like-minded organizations. Collaborates with other committees to facilitate social and educational events and programming for members and prospective members. Partners with the Membership Chair and Committee on outreach and engagement initiatives (except initiatives directly related to advocacy, which are the particular responsibility of the Outreach Manager and Assistant Manager). Meets with Membership Chair and/or Committee to discuss collaborations and clarify responsibilities for joint projects, such as outreach initiatives and social events.
  3. By September 1, submits recommendation(s) to the President for the President’s Award.
  4. Between the fall Board meeting and the end of the year, prepares budget proposal for the next year.
  5. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President

Assistant Outreach Committee Chair

  1. Purpose: Assists the Outreach Manager in all facets of SGA outreach activities.

  1. Term of Office: Two years, staggered appointment. First year served as assistant to the incumbent (first year is served as Assistant Outreach Manager and second year is served as Outreach Manager). Appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board.

  1. Voting status: Non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Adds, removes or edits content to SGA social media accounts per the Outreach Manager’s request.
  2. Assists in the creation and distribution of documents for advocacy efforts, including contact lists, letter/email templates, and press releases for distribution to the membership and media.
  3. Contributes input to the Outreach Manager for Executive Board reports.
  4. Attends Executive Board meetings when the Outreach Manager is unable to attend.

Georgia Archives Month Subcommittee Chair

  1. Purpose: The Georgia Archives Month Subcommittee Chair is responsible for planning and promoting Georgia Archives Month.

  1. Term of Office: One year. Appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting / ex-officio members (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Reporting Procedure: The Chair reports directly to the Outreach Committee Chair.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (archives month at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Attend four Executive Board meetings, including the Annual Business Meeting, and present reports on activities at the meetings.
  4. Establish a budget and solicit sponsorships for the creation of a downloadable poster, two Spotlight grants of $250, and a promotional postcard.
  5. Develop a theme and design for poster to celebrate Georgia Archives Month.
  6. Maintain mailing lists for postcard, including a Georgia legislators mailing list.
  7. Promote Georgia Archives Month with allied professional  organizations in the state of Georgia, including submitting announcements, press releases, and promotional material to relevant listservs and newsletters.
  8. Publicize Georgia Archives Month events on the Georgia Archives Month Facebook page. Update Georgia Archives Month section of SGA website as necessary.
  9. Maintain the Georgia Archives Month Procedural Manual and related files.
  10. Transfer to SGA Archivist any non-current files and forwards current files to incoming Chair.

Georgia Archives Month Timetable













Committee Members

  1. Purpose. Each committee member is tasked with thinking of new ideas for events and gatherings that would promote SGA to both current members and other like-minded individuals who are not members of SGA.

  1. Reporting Procedure. Reports directly to the Outreach Committee Chair.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Assist in planning, arranging, and executing Outreach and advocacy functions with a focus on bringing increased diversity and inclusiveness to SGA activities.
  2. Support the GAM Subcommittee by promoting, planning, and implementing GAM related activities and functions.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Regional Archival Associations Consortium (RAAC) Liaison and Assistant Liaison

  1. Purpose: Serves as the Society of Georgia Archivists’ official representative to the Regional Archival Associations Consortium (RAAC) ( RAAC promotes collaboration and exchange of information among the leadership of regional archival organizations, as well as among the Regionals and the Society of American Archivists (SAA).​

  1. Term of Office: 

Three years. The person elected to this position shall serve as Assistant RAAC Liaison during the first year and then as RAAC Liaison during the following two years, with an overlap between the incoming Assistant role and the final year of service for the incumbent RAAC Liaison.

  1. Voting Status: Non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken.

RAAC Liaison

  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account raacliaison at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Attends four Executive Board meetings and the Annual Business Meeting.
  4. Attends annual RAAC meeting held in conjunction with the Society of American Archivists (SAA) meeting.
  5. Participates in chosen subcommittees of RAAC based on input from the SGA board.
  6. Records and presents activities of RAAC to the SGA board and membership.
  7. Coordinates and updates SGA entry for the SAA Directory of Regional Organizations.
  8. Serves as a representative of RAAC as necessary.
  9. Trains Assistant RAAC Liaison in third year of service.
  10. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  11. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any non-current files and turns over the current files to the incoming Secretary.

Assistant RAAC Liaison

  1. Assists RAAC Liaison as needed and learns RAAC Liaison role in preparation for taking over in second year of service.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

SGA Committee Chairs Administrative Responsibilities

  1. Upon appointment, reviews list of volunteers solicited by Membership Committee Chair at the annual meeting and selects members for the committee. Creates a list of committee members including name, address, phone, and email address and forwards the list to the President and the SGA Website Manager.

  1. Collaborates with Committee to carry out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:

  1. Sends welcome email to committee members with outline of goals for the year and link to relevant Administrative Handbook entry.

  1. The Chair (or their designee) is expected to attend four Executive Board meetings at which they will present an oral report. The Chair will also submit a written report prior to each Board meeting.

  1. The Chair is expected to attend the Annual Business Meeting at which they will present an oral report on the Committee's annual activities. The Chair will also submit a final written annual report to the SGA Executive Board prior to the Annual Meeting.

  1. Ensures that information regarding the Committee’s work (i.e. workshops, annual meeting, scholarships, etc.) is distributed to the membership through the appropriate channels (i.e. SGA listserv, SGA blog, and SGA website).

  1. Determines the Committee’s budget for the next fiscal year following the call from the Treasurer to submit budget proposals, and asks incoming Committee Chair to review the budget. The call for proposals occurs after the annual meeting and before the end of the year.

  1. Forwards to the SGA Archivist any non-current files and turns over the current files to the incoming Chair.

  1. At the end of the year, writes a thank you letter to each Committee member.
  2. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President

  1. Advises the President as to any changes that need to be made to the Committee guidelines and/or Administrative Handbook entries.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Education Committee

  1. Purpose: The Education Committee is a standing committee of the Society of Georgia Archivists. The committee is responsible for planning, conducting, and promoting opportunities for professional-level training, education, and debate sponsored by SGA alone or in cooperation with other organizations.

  1. Composition and Membership:
  1. The Committee is administered by a Chair, appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board, and is composed of at least two additional members.
  2. The members of the committee shall be appointed to a one-year term.

  1. Voting Status: The Chair is a non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Reporting Procedure: The Chair reports directly to the Executive Board.

Education Committee Chair

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (education at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Solicits suggestions and proposals for programs from members of the Society and coordinates ideas for pre-conference workshops with the Program Committee.
  4. Presents proposals for educational programs and activities to the Executive Board for approval.
  5. Plans, organizes, promotes, and conducts educational activities approved by the Executive Board, including: coordinating event schedules with the SGA calendar and other archival events; negotiating financial arrangements; selecting site or host institution; determining registration fees; assigning local arrangement responsibilities; designing and producing promotional material.
  6. Identifies annual meeting sessions that could be transformed into workshops or webinars. Revisits past SGA workshops to identify instructors interested in updating or re-developing them as webinars or other formats.
  7. Serves as official SGA liaison to Georgia Archives Institute (GAI) Board, including:
  1. Attending GAI Board Meetings as ex-officio member and reporting updates and action items to SGA Board
  2. Ensuring that SGA Education offerings synergizes with GAI educational curriculum
  3. Collaborating with SGA Membership Committee to assist with GAI reception in June
  1. Assigns committee members specific, timetable-driven tasks to support carrying out existing workshop options and to focus on development of new initiatives
  2. If grant funding is sought, the committee Chair makes a proposal to Executive Board for approval. The committee writes and submits the grant proposal, with board approval of the final draft. Once accepted, the President signs all contracts but the committee Chair prepares the final report to granting agency.
  3. Publicizes workshops via the SGA blog, SGA website, and SGA listserv; other publications and listservs; and appropriate contact lists from related organizations.
  4. Coordinates offering basic archives workshop or webinar on a regular basis around the state.
  5. On a monthly basis, coordinate with Membership Committee Chair, Mentoring Program Coordinator, Scholarship Committee Chair, Outreach Committee Chair, and Nominating Committee Chair to ensure timely communications to new members as part of the new member email outreach campaign. Follow up as needed with Committee Chairs.
  1. Procedures:
  1. Maintains a listing of activities conducted by this Committee, along with a list of Committee members.
  2. The Chair notifies the Executive Board of plans for educational events and programs.
  3. The Committee coordinates with the Annual Meeting Program Committee on proposals for educational activities planned in conjunction with the Annual Meeting, including grant funding.
  4. The Chair submits a written report to the Board following each workshop, symposium, or other activity including details on attendance, the response of attendants to the program, and any recommendations for improvement or change in the future. This report can be made in conjunction with regular quarterly reports.
  5. All financial receipts and disbursements, including registration and travel expenses, are processed through the Society's Treasurer.
  6. The Education Committee Chair, on behalf of the Society, negotiates an honorarium with the instructor to cover expenses incurred for modest commercial travel, food, and one night's lodging. The Chair should obtain a check from the Society’s Treasurer and provide the honorarium to the instructor upon completion of the workshop.
  7. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  8. Between the fall Board meeting and the end of the year, the Chair prepares the budget proposal for the next year.

Assistant Education Committee Chair

  1. Assists Education Committee Chair with Education Committee activities, planning, and assessment,  as needed
  2. Makes arrangements for workshops and programs for the following calendar year.
  3. Assists the Education Chair with scheduling and conducting committee meetings.
  4. Rotates on as Education Chair at the beginning of the next calendar year.

Education Committee Timetable













Education Workshop Checklist

Instructor and Workshop Venue:

Hotel Arrangements:

Workshop Registration Setup:


Workshop Registration:

Workshop Preparation:

Workshop Logistics:

Workshop Wrap-Up:

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Mentoring Program

  1. Purpose: The SGA Mentoring Program is designed to contribute to the success of SGA members by encouraging individual growth, creating a sense of community within the profession, promoting thoughtful and meaningful engagement with issues, and helping participants develop competencies that strengthen the position of individuals, organizations, and programs. The goals of the Mentoring Program are to: solicit mentors and protégés for the program; facilitate the mentor/protégé relationship; create and maintain guidelines that will help the mentor/protégé relationship grow and flourish; assess the program to ensure that it continues to be a viable form of professional development; and provide support for program participants if issues and questions arise. The SGA Mentoring Program facilitates mentoring relationships that last six to nine months. A Mentor Pool is maintained of available mentors, and new mentors are accepted into the pool on a rolling basis. Relationships are established as proteges request a mentor. Protégé requests are accepted on a rolling basis.

  1. Term of Office: Two years, staggered appointment. First year served as assistant to the incumbent (first year is served as Assistant Coordinator and second year is served as Coordinator). Appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent officers and with the approval of the Board. Program Coordinators should plan to serve as a mentor or advisor after completion of their term.

  1. Voting Status: The Mentoring Program Coordinator is a non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken). The Mentoring Program Assistant Coordinator is a non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Reporting Procedure: The Coordinator reports directly to the Executive Board. The Assistant Coordinator reports to the Mentoring Program Coordinator; in the Coordinator's absence, the Assistant reports directly to the Executive Board.

Mentoring Program Coordinator

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (sgamentoring at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. Recruits a diverse set of professionals in different areas of the archives profession to serve as mentors, in accordance with SGA’s commitment to Diversity and Inclusion. (
  4. Manages the SGA Mentoring Program which serves the SGA membership by facilitating mentor‐protégé relationships.
  5. Provides initial formal introduction at beginning of mentoring relationships.
  6. Administers quarterly check-ins with all mentoring pairs.
  7. Assists/troubleshoots any mentoring pairs with problems or complaints.

  1. Administers program evaluations at the end of each relationship and assesses results, with Assistant Coordinator, to identify possible program improvements.
  2. Prepares and delivers program reports and budget requests to the Executive Board.
  3. Attends Executive Board meetings.
  4. Plans and hosts mentoring meet-and-greet at the SGA Annual Meeting, collaborating with Membership Committee as needed.
  5. Plans a resume/cover letter refresher pop-up session for students, new professionals, and other SGA members at the Annual Meeting or another time during the year.
  6. Makes sure all program materials, including Mentoring Guidebook, informational flyers, and website are up-to-date.
  7. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  8. Between the fall Board meeting and the end of the year, prepares budget proposal for the next year.

Assistant Mentoring Program Coordinator

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Assists the SGA Mentoring Program Coordinator in all facets of managing the SGA Mentoring Program.
  2. Advertises the program to potential mentors and protégés through the SGA listserv and blog.
  3. Processing incoming applications from mentors and updates the Mentor Pool.
  4. Processes incoming requests from protégés including reaching out to the requested mentor, preparing mentoring agreements, and sending agreements and Mentoring Guidebook to mentors and protégés. Passes mentor/protégé pairings to the Coordinator once agreements have been finalized.
  5. Keeps mentor application and protégé request forms up-to-date.
  6. Keeps Mentoring Program webpage up‐to‐date with forms, deadlines, etc.
  7. Helps plan and host mentoring meet-and-greet at the SGA Annual Meeting.
  8. Assists Coordinator with other tasks, as needed, including reports, budget, program materials, etc.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Scholarship Committee

  1. Purpose: The Scholarship Committee is a standing committee of the Society of Georgia Archivists. The Committee is responsible for selecting the recipients of the Carroll Hart, Larry Gulley, Edward Weldon, Anthony Dees, and Brenda S. Banks Scholarships and the Taronda Spencer Award.

  1. Composition and Membership:
  1. The Committee is administered by a Chair, appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with applicable incumbent offices and with the approval of the Board, and is composed of at least two additional members.
  2. The Chair and the committee members shall serve a one-year term.

  1. Voting Status: The Chair is a non-voting / ex-officio member (but can contribute to discussions prior to a vote being taken).

  1. Reporting Procedure: The Chair reports directly to the Executive Board.

  1. Responsibilities:
  1. Checks official SGA Gmail account (scholarships at soga dot org) regularly. Creates and/or stores all documentation created as part of SGA Board service in Google Drive associated with official SGA Gmail account.
  2. Carries out applicable tasks and initiatives as directed by the current strategic plan:
  3. The Chair and committee members promote awareness of  SGA scholarships and awards.
  4. The Chair acknowledges SGA scholarship recipients through submission of posts to the SGA newsletter and with certificates at the annual conference.
  5. The Chair and Committee conduct a fundraising auction at the Annual Meeting.

  1. Procedures:
  1. The Chair updates information about SGA scholarships, submits updated information to the blog, and posts on the SGA website. The information should indicate the deadline for applications.
  2. The Chair posts information regarding deadlines for scholarships on the SGA listserv one month prior to the deadline and sends a reminder email to the listserv two weeks prior to the deadline.
  3. The Chair verifies with the Administrative Assistant that each scholarship applicant is a member of the Society in good standing, if this is a requirement of the scholarship.
  4. The Chair distributes copies of the applications to the members of the Committee for evaluation and confers with them regarding the means by which they will arrive at their decision. Committee members review the applications and select the recipient.
  5. The Chair notifies the Executive Board via email as soon as a selection is made.
  6. The Chair notifies the selected applicant by email or telephone and conveys any requirements expected of the recipients (i.e. reports for the SGA blog regarding their experience, separate application to the Georgia Archives Institute, etc.).
  7. The Chair or a committee member prepares a news article for submission to the Society’s blog announcing the winner of each scholarship.
  8. The Chair prepares a certificate for each scholarship recipient  and presents them at the SGA Annual Business Meeting. If the recipient is not present, the Chair mails the certificate to the recipient.
  9. The President is responsible for acknowledging all major contributions ($50 or more) to the SGA scholarships.
  10. The Chair solicits donations to the annual auction and works with other members of the Executive Board and the Committee to arrange and administer the auction.
  11. Between the fall Board meeting and the end of the year, prepares budget proposal for the next year.
  12. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  13. The Chair transfers all non-current files to the SGA Archivist and forwards current files to the incoming Chair.

Scholarship Committee Timetable

Note: Dates each year will need to be adjusted based on blog deadlines, annual meeting date, events like the SAA annual meeting or postal holidays, Executive Board meeting dates, and schedules of individual committee members.











Deadline for the Dees Scholarship, Gulley Scholarship and Spencer Award recipients to register.


SGA Scholarships

Carroll Hart Scholarship

Purpose: The Society of Georgia Archivists each year awards a scholarship for attendance at the Georgia Archives Institute held each summer in Atlanta. The purpose of the scholarship is to enhance archival education and membership in SGA. The scholarship is named for Carroll Hart, former director of the Georgia Department of Archives and History, founding member of the Society of Georgia Archivists, and founder of the Georgia Archives Institute.

The scholarship will cover an amount equal to the noncredit tuition for the Institute, but not to exceed $500.00, and a year's membership in the Society of Georgia Archivists. Please note that individuals must also apply separately to the Georgia Archives Institute. The scholarship recipient is required to submit a written article regarding their experience at the Institute for publication on the SGA blog.

Eligibility: Individuals eligible to compete for the scholarship are those engaged in compensated or volunteer archival work at any level in an institution in the state of Georgia, SGA members employed outside the state of Georgia, graduate students preparing for a career in archives at a college or university in Georgia, or SGA student members studying outside the state of Georgia. Preference will be given to applicants who do not have access to institutional support for attending the Georgia Archives Institute. Individuals may apply or be nominated by a supervisor or instructor.

Brenda Banks Scholarship

Purpose: The Society of Georgia Archivists will each year award a scholarship for attendance at the SGA-sponsored Spring/Summer Workshop. Past SGA workshops have addressed a variety of themes and issues faced by archivists and archival institutions, including electronic records, exhibits, donor relations, digital collections, and funding. The purpose of the Spring/Summer Workshop and the workshop scholarship is to enhance archival education. The Scholarship is named for long-time SGA member, educator, and leader Brenda Banks.

The registration fee for the successful scholarship applicant will be waived by the Society of Georgia Archivists. Recipients will be responsible for any travel fees associated with attending the workshop. Please note that the scholarship winner is responsible for submitting their workshop registration form by the registration deadline. After the workshop, the recipient will submit a brief article on the experience for publication on the SGA blog.

Eligibility: Individuals eligible to compete for the scholarship are those engaged in compensated or volunteer archival work at any level in an institution in the state of Georgia, SGA members employed outside the state of Georgia, graduate students preparing for a career in archives at a college or university in Georgia, or SGA student members studying outside the state of Georgia. Preference will be given to applicants who do not have access to institutional support for attending the SGA Spring/Summer Workshop. Individuals may apply or be nominated by a supervisor or instructor.

Anthony R. Dees Scholarship

Purpose: The Society of Georgia Archivists will each year award a scholarship to attend the SGA-sponsored Pre-Conference Workshop. The Pre-Conference Workshop is held in conjunction with the SGA Annual Meeting at various locations around the state of Georgia. Previous workshops have addressed a variety of themes and issues faced by archivists and archival institutions, including electronic records, exhibits, donor relations, digital collections, and funding. The purpose of the Pre-Conference Workshop and this scholarship is to enhance archival education. The scholarship was named by SGA members at the 2007 SGA Annual Meeting in honor of long-time member Anthony Dees.

The registration fee for the awarded applicant will be waived by the Society of Georgia Archivists. Recipients will be responsible for any travel fees associated with attending the workshop. Please note that the scholarship winner is responsible for submitting their workshop registration form by the registration deadline. After the workshop, the recipient will submit a brief article on the experience for publication on the SGA blog.

Eligibility: Individuals eligible to apply for the scholarship are those engaged in compensated or volunteer archival work at any level in an institution in the state of Georgia, SGA members employed outside the state of Georgia, graduate students preparing for a career in archives at a college or university in Georgia, or SGA student members studying outside the state of Georgia. Preference will be given to applicants who do not have access to institutional support for attending the SGA Pre-Conference Workshop. Individuals may apply or be nominated by a supervisor or instructor.

Larry Gulley Scholarship

Purpose: The Society of Georgia Archivists each year awards a scholarship for attendance at the organization's annual meeting in the fall and for a one-year membership in SGA. The purpose of the scholarship is to enhance archival education, membership, and participation in the profession. The scholarship is named for Larry Gulley, a loyal member of the Society of Georgia Archivists who gave stellar service to the organization in many capacities.

The scholarship will cover the following year's membership dues, the meeting registration fee, and a maximum of $50.00 for other expenses. The registration fee for the successful scholarship applicant will be waived by the Society of Georgia Archivists, while other expenses will be reimbursed upon submission of a statement of expenses, with accompanying receipts, by December 1 of the calendar year in which the meeting takes place. The scholarship recipient is required to submit a written article regarding their experience at the meeting for publication in the SGA Newsletter.

Eligibility: Individuals eligible to compete for the scholarships are those engaged in, compensated, or volunteer archival work at any level in an institution in the state of Georgia, SGA members employed outside the state of Georgia, graduate students preparing for a career in archives at a college or university in Georgia, or SGA student members studying outside the state of Georgia. Preference will be given to applicants who do not have access to institutional support for attending the fall annual meeting. Individuals may apply or be nominated by a supervisor or instructor.

Edward Weldon Scholarship

Purpose: The Edward Weldon Scholarship will provide the registration fee for an SGA member to attend the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting. The Edward Weldon Scholarship was established in 2000, to recognize Weldon’s leadership in furthering the preservation and access of Georgia's historical records.

Eligibility: Individuals eligible to compete for the scholarship must be members of the Society and residents of the State of Georgia. Preference will be given to applicants who do not have access to institutional support for attending the Society of American Archivists annual meeting.

Taronda Spencer Award

Purpose: Taronda Spencer was a member of the Society of Georgia Archivists (SGA) for 15 years. She served on the Board of SGA and was a perennial contributor to SGA’s many scholarship funds. Her most notable work with the organization involved bringing the annual meeting to her alma mater, Spelman College, in 2006. Ms. Spencer served as a mentor to many students (including past SGA scholarship winners) and personally influenced multiple Spelman students to enter the profession. She was also an active organizer of the HBCU Archives Institute, a charter member of the Academy of Certified Archivists, and served as Chair of SAA's Archivists and Archives of Color Roundtable, as well as a member of the Nominating Committee.

To honor her work in encouraging students at HBCUs and students of color to consider careers in the archival profession, the Society of Georgia Archivists established the Taronda Spencer Award in 2014 to support student attendance at the SGA Annual Meeting. The award includes complimentary registration to the SGA annual meeting, hotel registration, and $300 for travel expenses.

Eligibility: Individuals eligible to compete for the award are those currently enrolled as a junior or senior at an HBCU with a demonstrated interest in Archives or students of African-American, Asian/Pacific-Islander, Latino, or Native American descent currently enrolled in a graduate program with a component in archival studies.

Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020

Vendor Coordinator

  1. Purpose: To coordinate vendor participation in annual meetings and solicit funds in support of the annual meeting and scholarships for the Society of Georgia Archivists (SGA).
  2. Term of Office: Three years
  3. Voting Status: Non-voting member of the Board appointed by the President.
  4. Major Responsibilities:
  1. Serves as an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors.
  2. Attends quarterly Board of Directors meetings.
  3. Maintains regular contact with members of the Board of Directors and committee chairs, especially the Program and Local Arrangements committees and Scholarship Committee, and works with them to determine sponsorship needs and vendor opportunities.
  4. Responsible for soliciting donations and working with national and regional vendors to support SGA activities and projects, including but not limited to: annual meetings, workshops, scholarships, and Georgia Archives Month.
  5. Solicits and coordinates sponsors and vendors for the Annual Meeting.
  6. Collects and maintains an up to date database or spreadsheet of the names, addresses, telephone, and email addresses of companies and organizations who could be solicited for donations to SGA sponsored events. Updates database/spreadsheet on a regular basis.
  7. Maintains an up to date spreadsheet of potential advertisers’ names, addresses, telephone, and email addresses.
  8. Creates vendor registration form and sets costs for exhibiting and sponsorship.
  9. Responsible for soliciting and processing advertisement orders for the annual meeting program. Processing includes contacting vendors, makes sure vendors submit their request for an ad buy through Wild Apricot, follows up with the Treasurer on payment, and any follow up contact for placement of future ads.
  10. Assembles ad files and vendor contact information to share with the Program Committee Chair for publication in the meeting program.
  11. Works with other committee chairs on SGA related activities as appropriate.
  12. Transfers all records of long-term value to the Archivist at the end of term.
  13. Submits a quarterly report to the Board about a week before the Board meeting.
  14. Completes Annual Reporting Form sent out by the President
  15. At the end of the term, transfers contact database/spreadsheet to the incoming Vendor Coordinator.
  1. Approved by the Executive Board: November 2020