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ADC-IARPC Semantics WG 2019-11-26

ADC-IARPC Vocabularies and Semantics Working Group

Meeting Agenda & Minutes


2019-11-26 19:00 UTC (12:00 AM MST and 20:00 CET)


Ruth Duerr is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Polar semantics

Time: Nov 26, 2019 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 655 745 1500

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Meeting ID: 655 745 1500

Preliminary agenda (and minutes)

  1. Round table (who is attending)
  1. Bill, Ruth, Shannon, Allison, SiriJodha
  1. Adoption of agenda
  1. Adopted
  1. Review of minutes of previous meeting
  1. 2019-10-15
  1. Approved
  1. Review of action items
  1. Everyone to review results of the Polar Semantics Planning Matrix and add anything from their work.sure
  1. Changed responsibility from Peter/Øystein to everyone to check the content of the matrix.
  2. The matrix is available at
  3. Ruth to send an email out to PolarSemantics and PolarData emails and repository reps re verifying their content
  1. Peter/Mark Parsons to talk to Peter Fox re students to do modelling/visualisation of the matrix from 4a work
  1. Brendan has generated a simple prototype visualization - not production ready but available here 
  2. On hold, pending review of matrix
  1. Pier Luigi to keep this group informed when the MOSAIC folks start moving on this.
  1. Keeping this open as an ongoing task
  2. Pier Luigi informed the group that he will be meeting with MOSAiC data team on August 27th. The meeting agenda is here:
  2. He has already had two meetings with PANGAEA staff to warm up the issue and there is general acknowledgement of the need for improved interoperability
  3. He has received a list of parameters, but still doesn’t quite know how to access these via the web rather than a spreadsheet - there is an internal PANGAEA system, but how that can be used for interoperation is not clear, despite the mapping of multiple vocabs/ontologies to it
  4. Pier will update minutes with names and email addresses
  1. DONE
  1. He is not sure on the relation between PANGAEA and DataONE in this context
  1. Convert to ongoing task: Linking MOSAiC parameter terminology to Polar Semantics resources
  1. Done, added as agenda item in this agenda and relevant information is moved to this agenda item for now.
  2. Closing this task.
  1. Siri Jodha mentioned that YOPP and MOSAiC are coordinating on data policy and procedures, including semantics.
  1. The YOPPSiteMIP group has a google doc with all the variables, by forecast center and observatory with columns for name in code, CF standard name, Long Name. Siri Jodha will check on when this will be made public.
  1. the version for public sharing is here
  1. MIchael Ray Gallagher has code to generate MODFs (Merged Observatory Data Files) from this spreadsheet, will make this public on github soon, a workshop is being planned for April in Boulder to help YOPP (and MOSaIC) data producers generate MODFs.  If SJ can’t attend he will work to get other reps from this community invited.
  1. Peter informed that there is an opportunity to engage at the planning stage of a related project, T-MOSAIC.  Members of ADC-IARPC Semantics WG are encouraged to engage in the newly forming T-MOSAIC data management group that will be working to develop (adopt) policy, establish “best practices” etc.  There is an opportunity to influence adoption of semantics and other DM methods/practices within T-MOSAIC.  Please contact Peter if you are interested in engaging or know someone who is.
  2. Polar Vocabularies Questionnaire.
  1. Ruth to glean from matrix any semantic info and add to questionnaire
  2. Pending, set deadline in next meeting following the Third Polar Data Forum.  Due at March meeting.
  1. Please review the following FAIR documents for next month
  1. Linking MOSAiC parameter terminology to Polar Semantics resources (Pier)
  1. Task converted from an action to an ongoing activity following discussions during the last meeting
  2. Pier Luigi has earlier informed the group that he has met with the MOSAiC data team on August 27th. The meeting agenda and minutesof that meeting is available at
  2. He has already had two meetings with PANGAEA staff to warm up the issue and there is general acknowledgement of the need for improved interoperability.
  3. He has received a list of parameters, but still doesn’t quite know how to access these via the web rather than a spreadsheet - there is an internal PANGAEA system, but how that can be used for interoperation is not clear, despite the mapping of multiple vocabs/ontologies to it
  4. He is not sure on the relation between PANGAEA and DataONE in this context.
  1. Discuss results of the Semantics Training and Hackathon session
  1. The issue of named vocabularies was tabled. Under consideration are the following:  NERC Vocabularies, YOPP CF Standard Names, ACDD attributes, GCMD Keywords, etc.?
  1. Status of responses to the Polar Vocabularies questionnaire
  1. Survey is available here:
  1. Results are here
  1. Potential input could also be gleaned from the EarthCube Resource Registry once it is in operation
  2. Discussion on how to measure FAIRness and ongoing activities/efforts in this field
  1. Awareness updates (roundtable)
  1. Next meeting
  1. Agreed to do the third Tuesday of the month, at 19:00 UTC (20:00 CET, 12:00 MST).
  2. Next meeting will be Dec. 17
  3. Since not everyone is using Slack, emails should be circulated for each meeting.