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Applicant Privacy Notice

Effective Date: March 12, 2024


This Privacy Notice applies to all job candidates who apply for one or more Mozilla positions. If the job candidate is offered employment, the Mozilla Employee Privacy Notice or Mozilla Foundation Privacy Notice will then also apply.


This Privacy Notice describes Mozilla’s policies and practices regarding its collection and use of your Personal Information (as defined below) and your privacy rights.

In this Privacy Notice the terms “Mozilla”, “we”, “us”, and “our” refers to the Mozilla Corporation and its parents and subsidiaries globally. Each legal entity of the Mozilla group is responsible as data controller for the processing of Personal Information relating to its own employees.

Mozilla has its headquarters in the United States. If you apply for a Mozilla position and reside outside of the United States, your Personal Information may be transferred to and stored on servers located in the United States or another country outside your country of residence. By submitting your application, you acknowledge that your data may be transferred outside of your country of residence for processing by Mozilla in accordance with this Privacy Notice, as further described below.

Defining Personal Information

For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, “Personal Information” includes the definitions of “personal information” and “personal data” under applicable privacy and data protection laws.

Personal Information does not include:

  1. Publicly Available Information. Information that is lawfully made available from government records, information we have a reasonable basis to believe is lawfully made available to the general public by you or by widely distributed media, or by a person to whom you have disclosed the information and not restricted it to a specific audience.
  2. Deidentified Information. Information that is deidentified in accordance with applicable laws.
  3. Aggregated Information. Information relates to a group from which individual identities have been removed.

Security & Data Protection

To help protect the privacy of Personal Information in our care, Mozilla maintains reasonable and appropriate administrative, physical, and electronic safeguards. However, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Information.  Mozilla will not sell the Personal Information, including any Sensitive Personal Information (as defined under applicable law), we collect about our applicants for employment or share it with third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising.

Data Integrity, Purpose Limitation, and Storage Limitation

We endeavor to ensure the Personal Information we process is current, accurate, and complete so that we can process it reliably. You can always correct your Personal Information to help assure the integrity and accuracy of the information you provide us.

Mozilla will not use your Personal Information for any purpose that is incompatible with this Privacy Notice unless:

We will only keep or retain your Personal Information for as long as we need it to fulfill the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice or as otherwise required by law.

Why Does Mozilla Need This Information?

Mozilla collects and processes your data for the following reasons:

  1. It is necessary to enter or potentially enter into a contract with us. Either you have asked for something to be done so you can enter into an employment contract with us (such as a job application) or it is necessary for actually entering into an employment contract with you.
  2. The processing is necessary under a legal obligation (e.g.:  work authorization verification, including via third party service providers and voluntary collection of gender identification data in California).
  3. The processing is necessary to protect your vital interests (see Data Integrity & Purpose Limitation above).
  4. Mozilla’s legitimate interests, including improving the diversity and inclusivity of our applicant pipeline and tracking our efforts towards our Diversity and Inclusion initiatives.

With the exception of certain information that is necessary to fulfill our contractual or legal obligations, your decision to provide Personal Information is voluntary. If you choose not to provide certain information, we may not be able to process your job application.

How Does Mozilla Collect this Information?

Generally, we collect Personal Information directly from you (such as during the application process). However, in some instances, the Personal Information we collect has been inferred about you based on other information you provide us, through your working relationship with Mozilla, or from third parties (e.g., LinkedIn).

When we collect your Personal Information from third parties and not from you, it is because:

What Personal Information Do We Collect?

We collect and process different types of Personal Information about you in accordance with applicable law. Typical information, which may depend on your location, includes:

What Do We Do With Your Personal Information?

Mozilla uses your Personal Information in order to manage all aspects of your potential employment relationship with us. The types of activities include:

Who Do We Share Your Information With?

Your Personal Information will be shared with Human Resources, hiring managers and Mozilla staff who may participate in the interview and offer process. Your Personal Information may also be shared with third parties as provided in this privacy notice (e.g., third-party work authorization providers). If voluntarily provided by you, demographic data will be aggregated and shared with our Diversity & Inclusion team for public reporting. If you accept a position, we may also share this information with the People Team, IT and Legal.

The types of unaffiliated parties we may share your information with are:

International Transfers

Mozilla is a global organization. For the purpose of processing your application, we may transfer, store, or process your Personal Information in a country different from the one in which you reside or apply, ensuring that your data is processed according to local laws and Mozilla’s privacy commitments, including as described in this Privacy Notice. Additionally, for transfers to countries not subject to an adequacy decision by the European Commission or that do not provide the same level of data protection as your jurisdiction, we have implemented appropriate safeguards, such as Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), to ensure that your Personal Information is adequately protected. You can request a copy of these SCCs by emailing us at

Your Rights

Residents of certain jurisdictions may have additional rights under applicable privacy laws, including the following:

You can access, correct, or delete Personal Information as described below. Your ability to access, correct or delete Personal Information is not absolute. There are instances where applicable law or regulatory requirements allow or require us to refuse to provide some or all of the Personal Information we hold about you. In addition, the Personal Information may have been destroyed, erased or made anonymous.

Accessing Your Personal Information

You can access your Personal Information via your Greenhouse job post.

If there is personal data you want to review, verify or correct that is outside Greenhouse but is in Mozilla’s control, please contact to request the revision or correction or submit a request here.

Correcting Your Personal Information

If you believe your Personal Information is incorrect, incomplete, or outdated, you can usually correct that information via your job post in Greenhouse. If the information is in a system that does not provide you direct access, you may request the revision or correction of that information by contacting or by submitting a request here.

If it is determined that Personal Information is inaccurate, incomplete or outdated, Mozilla will revise it. If necessary, we will also inform agents, service providers or other third parties who may have also have this information so records in their possession may be corrected or updated. We reserve the right not to change any Personal Information Mozilla considers accurate.

Deleting Your Personal Information

You can request we delete the Personal Information that Mozilla holds about you. Contact for help with these requests or submit a request here. Please state that you are a job applicant.

Any request by you to delete your Personal Information will not result in deletion of any information submitted directly by you to a third-party provider (e.g., placement firms etc.) If you require the third-party to delete any of your Personal Information, you must contact the third party directly to request such deletion.

Objecting to or Requesting the Restriction of Processing

You can object to, or request the restriction of, the processing of your personal data that Mozilla uses for its legitimate interest. Contact for help with these requests.

Data Portability

You can move, copy, or transmit personal data you provided to Mozilla for processing related to our performance of your employment application. Contact or submit a request here for help with these requests.

Third-Party Services

As noted above, Mozilla uses unaffiliated third-party service providers to perform services on our behalf, such as Greenhouse for applicant data, TrustID for work authorization, and HackerRank & CoderPad for code challenges. The use of these services or websites are governed by the vendor’s privacy policies. To learn more about how data is handled by the application or service provider, please read the applicable privacy policy for Greenhouse, TrustID, HackerRank, and CoderPad.

Resolving Concerns/Questions/Contacts

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the handling of your Personal Information, please contact your recruiter. Alternatively, you may report complaints or concerns to Mozilla at or by submitting a request here.

Europeans who believe a privacy complaint is unresolved have the right to lodge a complaint with Mozilla’s Data Protection Officer or the supervisory authority of their Member State. The DPO’s details are as follows:

Bird & Bird Privacy Solutions

Bird & Bird DPO Services SRL

Avenue Louise 235 Box 1

1050 Brussels


Changes to Privacy Notice

We may change this Privacy Notice at any time. The effective date of each version of this Privacy Notice is identified above.