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“Sorry, I’m just in a bit of disbelief…” You trail off, “You’re so pretty, and we’re in your room now-”

“You’re so silly!” Amy interrupts you as she slaps your shoulder, “And that look on your face is so cute, how could I not bring you over to my house??”

“You’re so right!” You chuckle, “Wait, you said you moved in here last week? I thought I saw Mr Stevens here the other day…”

Amy looks a bit flummoxed by your question, and takes a bit longer to answer than you expect. So after a few moments of awkward silence, you decide to forget the question.

“What were we talking about again?” You ask with a laugh, staring into Amy’s confused eyes and making her smile cutely.

“Does it matter??” Amy giggles, swaying back and forth with her slender arms behind her back.

It’s a bit more of a hint than you’re ready to take, and you hungrily approach the new girl on the block prepared to ravish her.

That’s when you hear the front door open, and it makes you jump back in surprise.

“What's wrong? That’s just daddy, he’s not gonna bother us…” Amy giggles, exaggerating the movements of her hips to make you forget about anything else.

“Your dad doesn’t mind you bringing over new boys from school?” You ask devilishly, bringing your face close to Amy’s as her flowery scent fills your nostrils.

“He asked me to.” She licks her lips flirtatiously, puckering them as you try to casually digest her dirty talk.

He asked her to??

“Wait, are you shrinking??” You demand and jump back, stunned as the beautiful girl before you loses several inches of height before your very eyes.

Amy’s face condenses, squeezing into a cute circle as her shirt is ripped open by a sudden ballooning of her modest breasts. She moans loudly as her clothes accommodate her morphing body, a stretchy tank top barely helping to support Amy’s bouncing breasts as her inflating rear is covered by a more frilly miniskirt.

“Enjoying the show?” A familiar voice asks from behind you, making the hairs on the back of your neck raise as the realization dawns on you.

“Mr Stevens?? Is this your granddaugh- niece?!” You quickly correct yourself, hoping to not offend the sensitive man’s age.

“That’s the Mrs you were just fooling around with, I figured you would appreciate it after I caught you last week…” Mr Stevens trails off, a sinister glint in his eye as you attempt to process his statement.

“I’m… I’m so sorry about that, and like I apologized when I- Wait, this is your wife???

No! Mrs Stevens was a lot more… ahem-” You stop yourself again from offending the chuckling elderly man, “Amy’s my age, and your wife is… closer to your age…”

Your surprise is subdued by the fear instilled in you last week, when Mr Stevens threatened your life after catching you peeping on his suntanning wife. The last thing you wanted to do is be caught in his house, about to strip down the woman he claims to be his wife.

“I married Amy over three decades ago, and never was a man so rude to us as a couple…

We decided to teach you a lesson, so our wizard friend hexed our marriage. Now I have total control over Amy’s mind, body, and whoever lusts for her. After this I’ll change her back to my loving wife, and you’ll never be a bother again…” Mr Stevens laughs, eyes glowing as you feel… your pants start to pull up between your butt cheeks?

“What the hell?” You gasp, a breathy sound emanating from your throat that makes you blush, “Please tell me I’m not…”

You look over to Amy desperately, hoping for just a moment of reality to conform to your expectations as Mr Stevens laughs maniacally.

Amy’s eyes are locked in a distant stare though, like she can’t hear or see anything happening in the room. Her breasts jiggle and bounce as she vigorously gyrates and hops, a cute smile on her face as you hear her bubble butt clap behind her.

She distracts you from the wedgy now practically lifting your ass in the air, until your hips start to bend over against your will. Your shoulders and spine arch as fat spills behind you, legs becoming vulnerable to the open air as your jeans shrink into short shorts. They squeeze you painfully, forcing you to unbutton the tight denim as sheer stockings cinch around your thickening thighs.

Your vision shifts as your eyes take over a larger proportion of your face, and you feel your lips swell as a breeze drifts across your chest. The strength of your bent forward torso is then tested, making you brace your back as hormonal fat pools just beneath your tingling nipples.

You look down to see two areolas poking through a thin crop top, though they’re quickly hidden by a soft bra that caresses your budding bosom. Then the border of your vision darkens, and you smell makeup as it’s caked into your face.  

“Please stop!!” You beg in a ditzy tone as hair flows down your back, “I’m sorry for peeping, I’ll never do it again!!”

“That’s right, never again.” Mr Stevens smiles, snapping his fingers and making your brain ice cold for a brief moment.

“Whoa… That was weird…

Where am I?” You innocently ask, chubby belly jiggling as you turn toward the mirror behind you.

“You’re home, dear.” You hear a maternal voice respond, “Wait, this isn’t my body…”

The man in the doorway laughs hysterically as the busty woman talking to you explores her body with her hands, moans getting louder as she dives deeper into her curves.

“I have to remember to thank Frank for this one…” Daddy mumbles to himself, “You think you’re having fun now, Amy? Just wait till our daughter’s not around!”

Your father laughs as your mom beams lustfully, but all you can focus on is the pudge in your belly. The sounds of your mom’s moaning just sink into the background as you look in the mirror, disappointment flooding your mind as you try to posture yourself sexily.

“Something wrong?” You hear your father ask, and you turn around as a sparkling new idea pops into your head.

“Well um, you know, I was like, thinking…” You trail off nervously like the shy little girl you always were, “Since you can like, change mine and mom’s bodies… Could you make me thin and sexy?” 

You try to look cute and deserving for daddy, brushing some hair behind your ears with a manicured finger as your shorts strain against your size- you can’t even keep them closed after a big lunch!

“Anything for you, sweetie.

But I’m afraid after this change I’m gonna have to make you forget about my powers, I don’t want you getting spoiled by them, alright?” Daddy asks, a cautious smile on his face as you agree enthusiastically.

And then with a snap of his fingers you forget everything, a confused look etched across your face as your parents caress each other.

“Like, it’s totally cool that you guys like, show affection and whatever- but could you like, maybe do that somewhere else?” You ditzily ask, eyes rolling as the nagging desire to film yourself exponentially builds into an almost painful itch.

“Of course, honey!” Your mom giggles, her cringy schoolgirl costume making you wish you moved in with Trey already…

Maybe this is their way of telling you to move out?

You shake the negative thought, trying to stay positive as your parents finally leave you alone. You take out your phone right away, and turn on a top trending song before placing your phone down to record yourself.

“I’ll totally send this to Trey now, and like, save it in my drafts for later. This has such rainy day viiiiiibes!!” You giggle to yourself, panties getting wet as you think about Trey’s girthy cock tenting his pants as he watches your video.

Maybe you’ll just call him right now…