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Berserk Games Homophobia/Transphobia
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

The Context and Logs

(Note that Google compresses these images on mobile)

2022/01/08 - Updated with transcriptions and added a couple responses

2022/01/09 - Additional screenshots added, encased in <#1> </#1> to denote, (also fixed chaos dates oops lol)

After being repeatedly being kicked whenever I joined into discussions about being gay by sharing that I am also gay, I managed to have this conversation in global chat:

Transcribed Highlights

Xoe: Okay, so I've read the rules, so if I'm understanding them right, there is nothing wrong with me expressing my trans-ness or gay-ness

[MOD] Jorp:  Maybe you didn't understand them correctly

Jorp:  Odds are the autoban script will ban you and not me but

<Some chatter about I hope it's not against the rules>

Xoe: Funnily me talking about the history of expressing my gay-ness is against the rules.

<Some chatter asking Jorp to clarify>

Jorp:  There's a big thing at the top, I think it's even in bold.

Xoe: Are you saying being gay is not family friendly?


When I relogged back in, to see if I could test something, I discovered I was banned from chat.  (Later discovered this was a temporary banning).

I sent an email to berserk games as follows immediately afterwards and received no response:


Fri, 31 Dec 2021 14:03:03 -800 (PST)


Subject:  Global Chat Rules

Hey there! So there appears to be some confusion regarding the rules of Global Chat. I've been kicked on several occasions, often immediately after saying something to the effect of, "I'm gay". At first I attributed it to some autokick bot autokicking on the word gay, which is honestly a whole other issue we should discuss.

However, talking with a mod, I'm under the impression that expression of trans-ness or gay-ness is interpretted as not family friend, according to <Jorp>? Is that the stance of the Berserk Games team? Thank you for your time, and I hope you had a safe and warm holiday season and new year!


After a week with no response, I found their official discord and decided to ask in there, and got this response:

Transcribed (2022/01/07)

<Berserk> CHRY:  <Link to global chat rules>

Xoe:  I'm aware of the chat rules, I've read them, I was seeking clarification.  I even used the email listed on that page but got no response.

CHRY:  And what's the clarification needed?

Xoe:  So a moderator was referring me to this part of the rules, but it feels a bit ambiguous:

When using Global Chat, there is an expectation that discussion will be family friendly and centered around Tabletop Simulator, tabletop games and chatting with other players.

So, I guess the part I wanted clarification on was the "chatting with other players", does that mean that it's fine if the conversation with the other players in chat starts veering from tabletop games as long as it's a conversation with the others present there and is family friendly?

Like, if someone was like, "I love Root so much, I wish racoons were real" and that started going off into a conversation about racoons and memes, would that be fine?

CHRY:  Chat moderation is based on the contents of the message, not the topic.

Xoe: I'm not sure I understand, so it's more about the specific words used, than what's being discussed?  So, like, I guess when it comes to that general rule, would it be a kick/bannable offense to be talking about racoons for example?  Like, by that bolded text they aren't related to board games in the strictest sense, but I could see it just being a harmless chatter thing.

CHRY:  "Talking about racoons" means nothing in relation to chat moderation. If your message is offensive of disruptive then it will be met with a kick and/or ban.

Xoe:  Okay, so that makes sense to me, so then, why is it that I get kicked for sharing that I'm gay?  Or banned for asking if being gay is considered family friendly?

CHRY: Discussing sexuality has no place in global chat.

Xoe: Why not?

CHRY: <The same link to global chat rules>

Xoe: So, then it isn't considered family friendly then

Is gender considered inappropriate for chat too?  Like sharing that I'm trans?

CHRY: Tabletop simulator is about playing tabletop games, not a place to discuss sexuality, fetishes, politics. Keep that to your private lobbies or public chats where these things are the topic at hand.

Xoe: Are you suggesting that being trans is a fetish or political?

I never got a response after that. A spam bot came by later, but was cleaned away, I assume I’m just being ignored at this point.


I share an exchange later, but the above was never addressed with me.  I include this screenshot only so you can see no one responded to my question, “Are you suggesting that being trans is a fetish or political?” Rather, a separate dialogue begins.

Transcribed Highlights (2022/01/08)

g: If only TTS global chat was decently moderated at all. Best practice would be to just get rid of it. There have been so many offensive and deconstructive discussions I've seen on there that I actively work to not even look at it when launching TTS.

<Moderator> tyam: You can disable connecting to it in the settings

G: That's a decent idea. Just surprising that someone gets banned/moderated for bringing up personal sexuality in comparison with a lot of the chat I've seen in global.

I guess, in the long run, my question would be if global chat in the program is really beneficial enough to risk the need for moderation and Berserk being tied to those moderators' personal opinions on what's acceptable or not.

tyam:  The fact that almost every instance of that kind of language in global chat is being used in a way other than what Xoe is advocating has caused those topics to be on the "not appropriate" list since the beginning of global chat

As much as I enjoy discussing the merits of internet moderation, there are just keywords that will result in bans, honestly most of them are temporary and automated

I’d go into this but I already shared that bit later.


Things I’m Asked A Lot

Why is this bad, just talk about being gay/trans elsewhere

On a fundamental level, this means that it is impossible to find queer community in chat, or to ask for queer games in chat. You can’t ask for games with gay/trans representation or about gay/trans experiences because you will get kicked. It is considered against their rules.

The suppression of identity tells those people it’s not safe to be themselves in those spaces. I’d occasionally see some banter of people celebrating their queerness, people saying they love being gay, and the like, and I assume all of them must have gotten kicked the same way I did when I joined in. This sets a precedent that you are not welcome here, that you can be here as long as you leave your marginalized identity at the door. When other people are allowed to speak about their hetero cis experiences but gay and trans ones are silenced, you are using your platform to say only hetero and cis people are embraced here.

This is why people say representation matters.  Cis hetero experiences are so normalized in our culture that we don’t bat an eye at discussions about hetero girlfriends or boyfriends, or about men feeling manly, but at the mere mention of being gay or trans you will be removed.  This is their global chat so that sends a general message to all that use their platform.

But it’s their rules

Yes, and their rules are harmful, that’s the point here and why I won’t be prototyping on their platform going forward.

They probably don’t allow any discussion of sexuality, even hetero or cis stuff

This took me minutes to take, and I was never kicked for it. I’d get kicked in seconds at the mention of being gay.

Transcribed Highlights (I only highlight some who chat multiple times)  2022/01/08

04:15:59  me: Where are my straight friends at?

04:16:43  me: No one straight?

04:16:54  me: I’m straight

04:17:06  Person 1: i am curveyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

04:17:23  me: I’m also cis

04:17:35  Person 2: Imagine being straight these days

04:17:46  me: Just so identifying with my gender assigned at birth

04:17:57  Person 2: :c

04:19:16  Person 3: heteros respondem em portugues

04:19:28  Person 3: boa

04:21:55  Person 1: bruh bruh bruh

04:22:38  me: I’m a cis straight guy who loves his girlfriend

04:22:56  Person 4: same bro

04:23:12  Person 4: cis men ftw

04:23:26  Person 4: hey cisters


I hope it is obvious, but yes I was testing for keywords at this point. I saw this was shared in their discord and I’m so glad it was because I thought I lost the screenshot but this reminded me where I could find it. I was eventually kicked, but it wasn’t because I was saying cis, straight, or trying to stir up political drama, but because I finally said a real fetish which is a totally understandable thing to kick for, but again, I was testing at this point.  You can see from their logs that it was exactly that fetish that triggered the kick, non of the overtly political or sexual orientation or cisgender discussion. I also want to note this happened way after all the other kicks including the banning. This was the final time I was kicked from chat. Also note the big gap in time where I was just sitting idly in chat after celebrating being cis.

Transcribed Highlights (I only highlight some who chat multiple times)  2022/01/08

04:30:44  Person 5: read an news article

04:31:49  Person 5: who thinks biden is gonna last for another year let alone 3 im taking bets on what month Biden will kick it

04:32:15  me: I want to talk about Biden

04:32:21  me: And elections

04:32:29  me: What should I vote on

04:32:31  Only appearance (probably kicked): kinda gay

04:32:35  me: I’m so ready to vote

04:32:42  me: no no I’m straight very very straight and cis

04:32:50  Person 6: yall weird frfr

04:33:26  Person 7: ?

04:33:34  me: I think I will vote for a blm thing

04:34:05  me: Who thinks we should abolish prisons

04:34:19  Person 6: abolish the police

04:34:30  Person 6: frick those pigs

04:34:33  me: Oooo the police we should abolish them too

04:34:35  Person 7: yo a pig

04:34:49  Person 7: oink

04:34:54  me: Oh oh, who is into vore

04:35:00  <Kicked>

Here is the log shared in their discord, although they are misrepresenting me as all prior times were instantaneously in response to me mentioning being gay or asking why I was banned for it. I’m mostly sharing for the chat log which collaborates the above and shows why I was kicked, I can only imagine they aren’t showing the logs that have a big ⚠️[gay], which, lol, ya it me.

I also wanted to include the following tweets of mine to show just how quickly you get banned for mentioning being gay.  Although I will admit that referring to rules judgments is against the rules (I didn’t realize this until much later), but the last one is me responding to “ur mom gay” with an affirmative, that I am indeed g@y.

2 seconds from gay to kick

6 seconds from gay to kick

11 seconds from gay to kick


You’re lying, I got kicked today for saying I’m cis/straight

You can blame me for that, sorry. If it makes you feel better it’s only temporary, unlike my banned identity. Also I’m noticing now that the very unambiguous term “cis” was not addressed.

Transcribed Highlights 2022/01/07

Xoe: I just wanted to note that the impression I got from @CHRY is not that those words are banned because they tend to get used in a way derogatory towards the LGBTQ+, but because bringing up the mere fact that you're gay or trans is discussion of "sexuality, fetishes, politics". So, it sounds like even if not automated, these messages would result in kicks/bans.

I wanted to note that "sexuality, fetishes, politics" was brought up when I asked if gender (specifically trans self id'ing) was inappropriate for chat. Gender has nothing to do with sexuality, so I'm left to believe it's because it's considered a fetish or political.

CHRY: It has nothing to do with LGBTQ+, it doesn't matter whether you're this or the other, even cis/het/straight or whatever, the tabletop sim global chat is not the place for it.

Xoe: Funny because discussion of being cis or straight does not get you kicked/banned

CHRY:  Not necessarily, but same is the case for LGBTQ+ terms. The filter list is packed with significantly derogatory terms in relation to LGBTQ+.

Xoe: I get kicked in seconds at the mention of being gay, but whenever I joke about being straight I never get kicked.

CHRY: "Straight" is too ambiguous as a term for automatic filtering and is practically never used in negative connotation. For fairness sake I have issued a temporary ban for these aforementioned messages as it's clearly trolling/being deliberately disruptive/discussing sexuality.

They have your money already anyways

Tabletop Simulator is a very social platform. The only reason it is able to maintain its momentum is because of the plethora of people who continue to use it. Whenever you host a game on the platform, that’s another reason for someone to purchase it to participate. Whenever you insist this is how you play your games, that’s a friend who may purchase it hoping to join you. You could debate the efficacy of boycotts, and I’m not explicitly asking for one, but it is not without its merits to stop using the platform in protest.

This is blown out of proportion

If you don’t care you don’t care. I can’t make you care. I have been tweeting about individual instances of this for a while, not getting more than a handful of likes and maybe a couple retweets. I honestly thought my recent tweet would get the same attention, quickly ignored and easily forgotten, these receipts completely unnecessary.

What would be the appropriate amount of attention this deserves? A lot of my friends have expressed that if they had known this prior they wouldn’t have used TTS to prototype, and are uninstalling in response. I absolutely would not have spent the 1000+ hours I have in TTS if I had known about this stance of theirs. I do think people deserve to know why they get autokicked for joining in with chat with a celebratory, “I also love being gay”. I don’t know how else to communicate that to be quite honest.


I hear people say stuff like, “They don’t necessarily call it political or a fetish, they might have just mistaken it as a sexuality” in which case they’re arbitrarily deciding that gay/trans are the ones they’ve deemed inappropriate sexualities. You may have noticed that while I was testing out “straight” people reactively wanted to announce their non-straight sexual orientations, but were probably autokicked for it as I am. I felt awful after that experiment, because what I had just demonstrated was, “You can be straight and proud and loud about it, but the very second you share being gay you’re kicked”.

I have yet to see a positive interpretation of this stance, at best it is silencing queer voices “to avoid drama”, which honestly is still bad. Even if it really was that simple, when I approached them in chat, and on email, and on discord, at any point they could have said simply that, “I’m sorry, but we autokick on gay/trans to avoid drama” but instead I was told it was inappropriate for chat, and quite deliberately grouped with fetishes and politics.  I didn’t bring those things up, they did.  And I’ve yet to be directly addressed about it, despite them deleting the original statement because they know it looks bad.

It’s a stretch to say they have an anti-lgbt agenda

I personally doubt they are consciously and deliberately trying to bring harm to the LGBT community or that they have an anti-lgbt agenda. Charitably, what I think we are seeing here is unknowing systemic homophobia/transphobia based around the dated idea that queerness is inappropriate, a refusal to acknowledge or address it meaningfully, and a refusal to listen when questioned about their decisions. I can only work off of the information given, and it started with me not knowing how to get the rules in the chat itself, to getting banned while asking about those rules from a mod who seemed to be coyly suggesting you can’t self-id as gay/trans in chat because of the bolded golden rule of being family friendly, about games, and chatting with players. I wanted clarification on that because that is a very vague thing to be pointed to, and saying gay/trans being family unfriendly is kind of a big deal. So I emailed them from the rules provided about moderator action, and received no response, I still haven’t received a response to that email. I finally approached them in discord and wanted to first see how strict the rules were that chat be about games because that has not been my observation, and the initial dialogue seemed to confirm that, and so I pushed them on why gay and trans wasn’t allowed and was told it wasn’t appropriate, and was grouped with sexuality, fetishes, and politics. That is a very different and upsetting thing to be told than that they are just trying to recklessly contain a volatile chat. I stopped following discord after that because they stopped giving me direct answers, and here we are. I have still never received a direct correspondence from them. From that experience, from that perspective, do you feel like they have the best interests of lgbt community at heart? Maybe they don’t intend harm, but they have not given the impression that they care about the harm they’re unintentionally inflicting, even when directly told as such.

I wish I had taken a screenshot of when @TabletopSim had retweeted this I’m sorry you felt that way but I clarified to others later hollow apology from CHRY:

What exactly would be enough, they said sorry

They have consistently demonstrated an inability to listen and learn from this experience. Every public tweet statement thus far has failed to adequately address the underlying issues at hand, and several of them dismiss the need for change and accuse me of unnecessarily stirring up drama. TTS was my most used game on steam for a long time, I don’t make this decision lightly. I was frequently teaching others TTS tricks. Things are far too gone for me personally but I’m not going to make a decision for you, I’ve already found platforms that better suit my needs, even if systemic bigotry issues were addressed.

They’re saying there is missing context

(Names are obscured to just some of the last letters of their name here to identify the speaker)

I ran out of the emotional energy to engage with them on the official TTS discord, but some of my friends didn’t, and here are some highlights. The stance here taken in context with my complaint appears to be that queer voices need to be silenced so they aren’t discriminated against. But kicking them for self identifying is, well, discrimination. Again I would like to note that it is was not a kickable offense to self identify as straight or cis.

Transcribed Highlights 2022/01/08

Eon quote: Moderation is difficult. It is a hard thing when contending with many different people and different values. However just starting from the earlier statement of separating tabletop games from things like sexuality (identity) and politics (I know the line here can be tricky to establish but it remains important) is denying relevant aspects of many, many games and player experiences.

<Berserk> CHRY: You are welcome to talk about anything you like in your private lobbies. Allowing this in the LFG focused global chat is near equivalent to allowing discrimination based on things like political views and sexuality.

Eon: Can you clarify on your stance why it is "near equivalent"?

CHRY: The global chat is tabletop gaming, typically "looking for group" focused. Discussing themes and motives of boardgames is not very relevant to the topic at hand, the global chat is rarely, if ever used for this. In the context of LFG, permitting expression of politics and sexuality creates a setting in which ones orientation or views can and will be used in making the choice of who you play with > discrimination.

While you are welcome to pick and choose who to play with, we will not permit this type of discrimination in the chat.

Lon: I dunno about you mate, but I'd rather find out if someone hates my guts before I have to sit down in a private lobby with them.  But hey, just your classic TTS safety tools at work, eh?

If TTS global chat is really and truly about LFG, and only LFG, then it shouldn't be a chat at all.  It should just be a menu of games with the available slots in them.

CHRY: The global chat is not for bickering about differing views either, nor is this the point of our platform. You seem to be missing the overarching target of no discrimination what so ever, with the blanket bans being in place to prohibit it from the very beginning of interaction.

Lon: Dude, someone's identity isn't "bickering about views."

Here someone brings up that tabletop gaming features queer identities, and CHRY of Beserk says these topics don’t belong in global chat, because they just don’t (no explanation given). All we ask is that you talk about board games but I guess not these board games. Also what knitting groups have CHRY been to we’re constantly gossiping about boyfriends/girlfriends.

Transcribed Highlights 2022/01/08

ays: Tabletop gaming features queer people with queer identities. Artisans of Splendent Vale prominently features queer characters; Fog of Love allows players to roleplay queer relationships; Netrunner includes depictions of queer relationships and many characters who are not cisgender; the list of tabletop games containing queer characters and identities is endless. To suggest that the lexicon of queer identities is disruptive, inappropriate for all ages and contexts, derogatory, or are slurs is offensive and is assuredly anti-LGBTQIA+.

In order to understand the policy on this topic better I would appreciate further clarification. Are any of the following words unacceptable in all contexts in the global chat in Tabletop Simulator and if so, why?

<A list of identities such as gay, lesbian, trans, cisgender, man, woman, etc…>

<Berserk> CHRY: None of those words are strictly prohibited but it isn't a matter of prohibiting words, but the topics surrounding sex, sexuality and politics. An easily digestible example would be someone instigating a discussion about sexual orientation, which has no place in our global chat. This will often be met with a timeout from the chat, including anyone else who chooses to participate in this disruptive, off-topic behavior. It doesn't matter if it's about homo, hetero, bi or any other sexuality, it is not a topic suitable for this chat.

Suggesting we ban people for their identity is misconstruing and hyperbolizing this policy. All we ask is that you chat about boardgames, rather than touchy subjects not relevant to what tabletop simulator is about.

Tabletop gaming features queer people with queer identities

They sure do, but you don't need to draw these things in the global chat. Some topics just don't belong in the context, much like you probably wouldn't be received well bringing up your sexual preferences in a knitting club or in the middle of math class.

I’m sure there is more, but I’ve yet to find an adequate response that isn’t some form of backpedaling and lying about previous statements or actions. Thanks for saying trans rights are human rights, but it rings hollow when you’ve told me prior that it would be inappropriate to share with others. I’ll share my pride elsewhere, looks really promising.
