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Alice Corp Ltd (GT)

Phantom Entity System

Component Entity System

Pers : Personage

# : used as named "Number "N"


in fact, EE is not visible from the Unity editor, and even the concepts are similar, or rather, even identical,

but denote something other than it goes in the usual sense (or in the functional.)

Let's consider in more detail what it is and how it is:

1. in the usual sense, an Object consists of Fields which are called

in some way Components of an Object - almost any Object ...

in which (the main feature of all this trouble with components) is that all parts are equal

may or may not be. those. at any time, any part can be thrown out and, in theory, nothing should happen:

for example, you can throw out any part of the frame (opinion of a certain coder)

but in the Phantom Entity System, an Object consists of Components

as an Assembly from separate Parts ... (all this will be clarified what it is in the process of description)

2. for a speedy understanding, you need to go to the Global Level of Management

Global Update: all Objects as a Component System of Entities of which they are composed

- here the Essence is an integral Part of the Object - there will be a General Update

through the Global Update System : this means that all the Objects that are needed

currently – in other words Active – will receive New Data

into their Fields - into all their Essences: that is, there will be Changes of these Objects

which means receiving Data in the Essence of Objects that were formed

by Calculating Formulas (data) or other changes in the Game Application

what does Involved Objects mean: these are those that are currently Activated

although this is not quite the same as OnAction - just some kind of similarity - there may also be Non_Active


Pers : Personage

# : use as named "Number "N"

3. Well, we got access to the Global Update, but what is the use of this, as it were, and what should happen in essence:

in fact, for Objects it will be a kind of Transformation

because we are dancing from the fact that the data of the Object is Static initially, and now DD

Data Dynamic (DD) : Game Application has a lot of small Updates

globally -

ai system update,

animation system update (colliders),

physical engine update,

update collage system


there is an ai who has his own ai scene, in which there are different ai components, he knows how to update,

and update components as needed,

there is an animation system that can update its components,

which, depending on the state of the object, can set, blend, crossfade animations,

which update transforms,

there is a physical movement that has its own stage with its own physical models,

a physical component is a controller that updates transforms

there is a collage in which there is acc. components that also update transforms.

stop-stop-stop: it's just a set of everything and everything, sort of got to the free

and let's rush forward - All Update - and everything in a row indiscriminately - everything rolls

the components here update each other and everything seems to be cool ...

firstly: why did we fence the garden for the sake of - here is the collage system - and we

Component Entity System: and here if the collision system is left to itself

then it will turn into an incredibly unmanaged data stream, which, like a counter

will rattle in cycles and there will be no way to disassemble anything, here

you just need to take advantage of the dominant advantage and turn yourself

this collision system into the Anti-Collision System and take control calculations

collision-system on yourself : just organize Calculations in code for collision...

..but we seem to be getting ahead of ourselves, although in another way it may be more difficult to understand.

4. we will add some definitions like Transform and Mutable by separating them

Transform : the concept of Object Transformation - if the object is transformed

under the situation receiving Data for Himself or other Objects, but at the same time he

can attach not only Data to the Fields of Its Entities, but also add

Entities (components - here an Entity can consist of Components)

let's say the Object added the Essence "+20% Trade" - it just added a Field

which did not exist before, but was his Field Trade from which By copying

or simply the use of Polymorphism during the execution of the program formed

a new field for the Essence Torg (we specially separate the name of the Essence from Its Field)

.. where did “+20% Trade” come from - we hired a Partner using Diplomacy

which also has a Main Trade Field and its Basic Trade 20% whole without

all sorts of pluses and other things: now our Character has his

Trade = Basic Trade 20% + "+20% Trade" = 40% Trade

note that the formula actually works like this: plus in the formula in which, in fact,

formula_plus adds what is outside the brackets (what if there is a minus or even “Multiply”)

and here if it will "multiply" then is this how the formula inside the program should be:

just clear that the Bonus Function should be described separately and Basic Moments

count correctly according to the order : calculate Trade then add Bonus ...

Mutable: if the Object left only part of its Essences or even one

which go somewhere to another Object, then it will be Muteable_ID_¹ (name)

for example, in the Arena, one Character_Z21 defeated another Personage_M11 - something from that

Pers_M11 left (let's say it's a Fantasy RPG like DarkSiders) and moved to Z21

so we write: Muteable_ID_#17_from_PersM11

Mutable_ID_#17_from_PersM11 : or rather as an EntitySet in the form


in the global sense:

Logic update. Personage_M11

Transform. Personage_M11

Now Transform. Personage_M11 says Transform=EpiEnd.Mutable

then we create Mutable from Personage_M11.Transform.EpiEnd

the same


left to attach it to Character_Z21

or via Transform.List.Mutable_ID_#17_from_PersM11 (by adding to the List of Entities)

or through the Object Mutation itself: here we find that

variations how to organize this process The whole set,

as well as organization to Essence Access

5. As you can see, we have moved from the process of the total Update of Everything and Everything to Logic

that is, the Update itself comes from Logic, we will call IT

Global Update Logic : i.e. a Global Update of everything else will happen

not earlier than the Global Logic is Scanned: until it is updated

that is, we are like in TBS: turn base strategy

we will act according to Turns - on what base-platform what the Tour is organized is not so important

or by Update Time : we can set it to depend on Frame Rates (FPS) though

it's not as logical as if we installed it from Game Logic

and the Frames themselves will remain for the Animation Logic (as a separate part)

6. Nodes: this is the same Mutable that will be like a Mutable Container

7. note that we are not talking about any Classes and other things here, because

all this is described in the DB (Databases: Object DB) and in any configuration

"like in Excel Spreadsheets" or Interface Spreadsheets of the application itself (like a DB)

Character : Personage_ID Field , Personage_NameField

Entity_List_Field : Personage_ID : Address in Entity_DB

Aspect_Field : Personage_ID : Address in Aspect_DB

Graphic Display : Personage_ID : Address in DB_ObjectGraph

here Address in DB_CountObjects means that we are in this DB

we store the Address where the GraphObject itself is stored: for example, is it a 3D object or a 2D object

described in the same DB_ObjectGraph, and there the address can be entered in the Folder with *.JPG

we specify a multi-asterisk in case it's Animation

as Set of JeePags (JPG) for Animation Set : Numbering must be specified

directly on the file name (usually renamed separately)

and they will remain during the Initialization of the Application to be loaded into the RAM

Yes, in general, you can use Overlay by managing the computer's memory (but not touching it)

uploading and downloading packages as needed / containing the Optimal Data Core of the entire application

8. You can describe all sorts of Optimizations for a long time, but we will write something else:

"Game Interface"= Game Interface Manager - can be rendered while the main program is running

from a parallel thread (the thread of execution of the main program) - in other words:

it seems that a parallel program is called for execution - but in fact it will be the control system -

the fact is that in this case you do not need to do one more (not one) "window": handle 's ...

GameInterfaceManager <==>AI( Physical_of_virtual_world )<==>Special_System (SS<++> oriental_position_vision )

+ Activate_components list ---> Game Interface Manager

in general, you need to Control the List of Active Objects available to the Program, which will be

initial moment of Optimization for Coding Development ..

9. having the Picchu of the Object (graphical representation in *.jpg ) you can load it as we

and they said, but to display on the screen you need to use x y (z) positions not in Static

but already in Dynamics: but how exactly - namely, how in statics ... Fields of Object Positions


10. Object Position fields: they are not changed in the Entity Object,

we just refer to them all the time during the Global Update

for the new Animation Change and stuff, though it's just an Animation Update

which is called at some point, and there is a nuance

that Game Logic only changes the coordinates themselves in the Fields

and the Animation Update itself serves only for displaying on the Screen, referring to all the same

fields and we do not even notice how it happens, but at the same time we control the whole process

11. it remains only to take the Base Object and create a Copy of it by assigning an ID to it

where Copy.BasicObject.ID_# is just the ID_# of the object in the Unity engine

which remains only to be compared with our Object_ID_No in our database

and work with it as with our Object: moreover, the ID in the Engine is just like a TAG

i.e. TAG of Object : connection field with Object in Application like Handle

for which we hold the Object

12. and actually our Mathematical Model is reflected in the Appendix

and we get a Gameplay Engine based on the Phantom Entity System


Special Benefits : You can now control the application through Interface Menus

directly from our running Application and configure it as we like

this gives Load/Unload Objects (art and music, etc. up to Scripts)

now you can easily change shirts, no need to look for pieces of code in the Code,

in the DB of Scripts based on the Settlement System (as Trade) store Formulas

and fumble through them through the Interface Menu and in fact it turned out

also own Game Editor that Sound Designers can work with

Gameplay Designers, Level Designers, and even Sound Engineers can test their

copies-Apps sound effects and stuff without the knowledge of Coding, which in its

queue restricts access to Code increasing Project Security

also allows you to work as Far Space with a Project, and use Encodings

for RAM : in RAM you can expand the database or rather part of the database

stored in encoded form on the hard drive (yes, a lot is small here just to describe)

Config System : Various views are now available for the Game Program

Configuration Types : Game Mechanics : Various Sound Configurations

plus Graphic Support and gameplay mechanics on different formulas is also available

and everything can be done by selecting the Select Configuration item in the Interface Menu

which can be kept in the Application under the Password, after which it Appears

or from it give access to the VIP User by Access Keys (some part of it - like Maps)

the most interesting of the moments when the tasty is left for later is the Aspects

Aspects: when the Gameplay System already has enough of everything and everything

which is already very much and the most difficult moment comes when with a huge database

it becomes more and more difficult to cope: because often you want to change here and here

and to also apply to typical Objects - which turn out to be not typical at all, but even completely different, but

that have Same Type Fields or Typical Entities

which we can call MultiEntities consisting of Entities which Consist of components

(but we don’t seem to care about the components) and we turn directly to the Entity of the MultiEntity itself

and here in this matter we will be helped by Aspects who will help to do all this in our Database

i.e. in the Interface Database : IDB : when we are just flying through the Database

MultiEntity : MS

MultiEntity_#11 Aspect field <pointer_address> Aspect_MS_ID#<pointer_address> MultiEntity_#21 Aspect field

here the Aspect Field of MultiEntity_#11 is just Aspect_MS_#11 and the same Aspect_MS_#21

Aspect_MC_#11 <pointer_address> Aspect_MS_ID# <pointer_address> Aspect_MC_#21

here Aspect_ID_MS# itself, although it belongs to MultiEntities, and both at once

but is an Address Object with its own structure as a MultiFieldObject

which belongs to List_Aspects i.e. List of Aspects and DB of Aspects (Table of Aspects)

i.e. Aspects belong to themselves, storing bidirectional pointers: to themselves and to the Object

you can Move through the List of Aspects

linking through the MultiAspect the required Fields of the MultiEntities

each Multi-Entity has its own List of Multi-Aspects

<pointer-address> : can be both a pointer and an address (at least WWW) as needed

you can have as many fields as you need and don't forget their IDs (Unique TAGs)



Alice Corp Ltd : 3d/ 2D Android

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Alice Wolfraider

channel on youtube : alice wolfraider

recommended to watch intro video

