Marcellus Senior High School
Student Handbook
Marcellus High School Alma Mater
Sing a song for old Marcellus.
Shout aloud the cheer.
Lift glad hearts and voices, in a ring-ing, rousing song of love and praise for
Old Marcellus best of high schools,
school we love most dear. May thy sons and daughters thy name revere.
Table of Contents
Dear Mustang Students,
Welcome to a new academic year at Marcellus Senior High School. Whether you are returning students or joining us for the first time, I want to extend the warmest of welcomes to you.
High school is a pivotal time in your lives; filled with limitless possibilities and opportunities for growth. This is a time to explore your interests, discover your passions, and develop the skills necessary to succeed in the future. As your principal, my goal is to create a safe, inclusive, and relentlessly supportive environment where you can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Through positive connections, it is our goal to have every student feel a sense of belonging to their school - because Marcellus High School is exactly that…your school! We have a dedicated team of teachers and staff who are committed to providing you with first-class learning experiences that are designed to challenge and engage you. You will be held to high standards and asked to exercise maturity and responsibility in order to reach your full potential.
In addition to academics, we also value the importance of extracurricular activities and encourage you to get involved in our wide range of clubs, sports teams, and organizations. These activities will enhance your high school experience as they will provide you with opportunities for personal growth and leadership development, and also help you build supportive friendships and create memories that will last a lifetime!
As we embark on this new school year, I want to remind you that your success is not solely determined by your grades or exam scores. It is equally important to focus on your personal growth, character development, and overall well-being. Remember to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally, and to seek support from your teachers, counselors, and other trusted adults whenever needed.
I am confident that together, we can make this academic year the best one yet! Let us embrace the challenges that come, celebrate the victories, and support one another along the journey. Set goals, dream big, and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way!
This student handbook presents essential information about the high school, its opportunities, and guidelines. We hope that students and parents will take some time to read it carefully in an effort to gain a clearer understanding of our school. In addition to this handbook, both students and families should also familiarize themselves with the District Code of Conduct as well as the High School Program of Studies.
Brian Sevey
District Personnel
Amy Bartolotta
Kathryn Branson Dennis
Shawn Edie - Vice President
Joshua Matousek
Erica Poquadeck
Justin Pritchard
Christine Shea - President
Superintendent of Schools…………………………………………..……….…Jean Sharlow
Assistant Superintendentnd PD…………………………………….…………..Bob Montgomery
School Business Administrator……………………………………...…………Tony Sonnacchio
Director of Special Education and Grants ………………………………..……Kara Lux
Principal, Senior High School ……………………………………………….…Brian Sevey
Director of Health and Athletics……………………………………………….Michael Free
Director of Physical Education………………………………………………...Tamela Ray
Intermediate Principal (4-6), Driver Middle School………………….………..Boyan Mnahoncak
Junior High Principal (7-8), Driver Middle School……………………………Stephanie Rice
Principal, K.C. Heffernan Elementary…………………………………………Lauren Massa
Director of Facilities……………………………………..…………………….Ryan Riefler
Technology Director……....…………………………………………………...Eric Hubbard
Principal Brian Sevey 315-673-6300
Director of Health & Athletics Michael Free 315-673-6303
School Counselor Heather Arcese 315-673-6331
School Counselor Jennifer Baker 315-673-6333
School Counselor Kathleen Battaglia 315-673-6332
School Social Worker Lisa Hitchcock 315-673-6334
School Psychologist Hans Smid 315-673-6335
Nurse’s Office Amy Steigerwald 315-673-6305
Main Office Secretary Raquel Becerra 315-673-6300
Main Office Secretary Mary Pat Tierney 315-673-6300
Attendance TBD 315-673-6304
Counselor Secretary Debra Gascon 315-673-6330
Marcellus Senior High School Faculty and Staff
Main Office Brian Sevey Mike Free Raquel Becerra Mary Pat Tierney | Cafeteria Melanie Heise Kelly Knaul-Morgan Liz Raymond | Career & Technical Ed. Joe Killian Steve Walker |
Custodial Cody Addy Lisa Adelsperger Mike White | Counseling Office Heather Arcese Jennifer Baker Katie Battaglia Debra Gascon Lisa Hitchcock Hans Smid | ELA Zachary Arthur Stephanie Mancuso Jaime O’Connor Kathleen Rein Ryann Riefler Dave Weaver |
Fine Arts Dan Bingham Nate Caza Tara Charles | Health Office Amy Steigerwald | Library Kelly Moses Erin Clere |
Math Mike Artini Jeni Curtin Andrea Heil Heidi Kerrick Richelle Schettine | Performing Arts Brian Ackles Andy Wiley | Health & PE Rick Belvito Amanda Bowman Nikki Donahue Laurie Updike Mike Weiskotten Lauren Weslowski |
Science Tyler Cooper Kristin Lockwood Zach Iannicello Ellen Spencer Jennifer Stratton Mark Sunheimer Kristy Willis | Special Education Tim Baker Ben Brown Sarah Gray Jessica Ireland Kara Casselbury Melissa Lukins Jill Mohn Pete Ruddy Katie Reilly Jeanine Snyder Lauren Sprague Heather Wiedor | Social Studies Jason Burke Lisa Cole Terry Hoey Jabe Kile Laura Kuhns Kristin Palen |
Student Resource Officer Sean Clere | Student Support Becky Stevenson | World Languages Maria Antil Jessica Cuello Chris Dooher Molly Hammond |
Ready Reference
If your chromebook is not working……………………………………………………Library
A Re-Admit Slip………………..……….………………………………..……... .. ... Main Office
A Pass for Leaving Early……………………………………………...…….……..... Main Office
Late Arrival/Early Dismissal……………………………………….……..……............Counseling
To Change Your Schedule………………………………………….………...………...Counseling
Working Papers……………..………………………………….……………............ Main Office
College and Testing Information……………………….……………….……..…...…..Counseling
Assignments During Long Illness….………………………………..…..……......…....Counseling
Assignments During a Short Illness……………………………….………….......Specific Teacher
Help with a Peer Conflict….…………………………………………………...……… Any Adult
Lost And Found……………………………………………..……….……….......... Main Office
Permission To Drive To School………….…………………..……………..…...Main Office/SRO
To Have Something Announced……………………………………....……..………..Main Office
Yearbook Information……………………………………..….……...Mrs. Updike or Mrs. Gascon
Club Meeting Times………………..……..……........................................................Club Advisor
Dispensing Meds…………………………………………………………...…….. ..Nurse’s Office
Issues with a Grade/Class……………………………………………...……..…...Specific Teacher
Bell Schedule
7:50 Starting Time
40-Minute Classes
30-Minute Lunches
4-Minute Passing
30-Minute Activity Period
Period | Time | |
Homeroom/First (Homeroom 7:50-7:59) | 7:50-8:39 | |
Second | 8:43-9:23 | |
Third | 9:27-10:07 | |
Fourth | 10:11-10:51 | |
Fifth | 10:55-11:25 | |
Sixth | 11:29-11:35 | |
Seventh | 11:39-12:09 | |
Eighth | 12:13-12:19 | |
Ninth | 12:23-12:53 | |
Tenth | 12:57-1:37 | |
Eleventh | 1:41-2:21 | |
Activity Period | 2:25-2:55 | |
5 Lunch Period 5-10:55-11:25 Period 6/7-11:29-12:09 Period 8/9 12:13-12:53 | 7 Lunch Period 5/6-10:55-11:35 Period 7-11:39-12:09 Period 8/9-12:13-12:53 | 9 Lunch Period 5/6-10:55-11:35 Period 7/8-11:39-12:19 Period 9-12:23-12:53 |
Marcellus Senior High School
One and Two-Hour Delay Schedules
One Hour Delay Schedule
Period Time
First (Homeroom 8:50-8:56)………………..…8:50-9:22
Third……………………………………….….9:56-10:22 Fourth………………………………....…..…..10:26-10:51 *Normal Schedule resumes at 10:55
Two Hour Delay Schedule
Period Time
First (Homeroom 9:50-9:55).......................9:50-10:20 Second……………………………………10:24-10:49
Third (BOCES students released for Lunch Or kids don’t go)......10:53-11:18 Fourth………………………………....…..11:22-11:47
Fifth (Lunch or Class).................................11:51-12:19 Seventh (Lunch or Class)............................12:23-12:51
Ninth (Lunch or Class).................................12:55-1:23 Tenth…………………………….…………..1:27-1:52 Eleventh……………………….…………….1:56-2:21 Activity Period……………………………...2:25-2:55
Typical Course Of Study
To graduate, a student must have a minimum of 22 credits for a Regents diploma, and meet credit and sequence requirements as defined by the NY State Board of Regents.
A typical schedule for students in each grade level is provided to use as a general guide for successfully fulfilling the grade placement criteria and meeting graduation requirements.
Freshman | Sophomore | Junior | Senior |
English 9 | English 10 | English 11 | English 12 |
Global History I | Global History II | US History | Participation in Gov’t /Econ |
Math | Math | Math | Math |
Science | Science | Science | Science |
World Language | World Language | World Language | World Language |
Fine Arts Requirement | Human Ecology/ Elective | Electives | Electives |
P.E. | P.E. | P.E. | P.E. |
Minimum Course Load
Students at Marcellus Central are required to carry five (5) courses (reflecting 5 units of credit) plus physical education. Exceptions will be considered by the Senior High School Principal for students with extenuating circumstances (e.g., health condition, personal, or family welfare, etc.).
Credit for courses enrolled outside the district need to be pre-approved by the principal. Requests for credit approval should be submitted in writing to the school counseling office by March 1 for the following fall semester, May l for the summer period, and November l for the following spring semester.
Course Scheduling
All students are seen by a school counselor in the spring to discuss current and future plans. A part of this meeting is devoted to subject selection for the next year(s) as is appropriate for the plans. Schedule changes are made throughout the spring and into the summer as the circumstance necessitates.
Course/Class Changes
The teacher/department representative, parent, counselor, and student must agree upon all changes from one class or course to another. Disagreement by any of the above can be appealed to the High School Principal or his/her designee. Individual departments will determine time limits for changes since courses may vary.
Drop Policy/Dropping a Course
A student may drop a course with parental approval. The following conditions apply:
If a student drops a course during the first 10 weeks of a full year course, or during the first 5 weeks of a ½ year course, no record of having taken the course will appear on the student’s transcript.
If a student drops a course beyond the above time limit, but before the last 10 weeks of a full year course, or before the last 5 weeks of a ½ year course, a Withdraw/Pass or Withdraw/Fail will appear on the student’s record.
If a student drops a course during the last 10 weeks of a full year course, or during the last 5 weeks of a ½ year course, the student will receive a final grade which will appear on the final record and will be used for averaging purposes.
Students must remain in the class until the official drop has been processed. The school counselor will make the student aware when the drop is official.
Changes to any of the above can be mutually agreed upon by teacher, parent, school counselor, and high school principal.
Changing Levels of a Course
Changes from a Regents level course to a general level course will be made only in a situation where it is determined that the content and objectives of the Regents course are too difficult for the student based on the student's aptitude and ability. If the reasons for a student's poor academic standing in the Regents course include poor attendance, unwillingness to do the homework, and other indications of lack of effort, then such student would not be changed to a lower level course.
Doubling Policy
It is the policy of the Marcellus Senior High School to encourage students who have completed and failed a course to attend and pass summer school. If extenuating circumstances prevent a student from attending summer school, then the following doubling policy will apply:
Students who have a passing average and have passed the necessary exams at the end of the first semester for a full year course will receive credit for the failed class and be allowed to drop it provided the student remains a full-time student.
Students who have a passing average and have passed the necessary exams at the end of the first quarter for a half-year course will receive credit for the failed class and be allowed to drop it provided the student remains a full-time student.
Each year a commencement program is held for seniors, their families, and friends who gather
to recognize the accomplishment of graduation from high school. The graduation ceremony is part of the educational program of the Marcellus Central School District. Participation in the ceremony is contingent upon meeting all academic and attendance requirements expectations set forth by the New York State Education Department prior to commencement.
Honor Roll
Honor roll is computed and published each of the four marking periods. Please know that students taking honors/college level courses will have the “weight” recorded in their quarterly overall average, not quarterly course average.
Honor Roll Eligibility
High Honor Roll: The average for all subjects taken is 92.00% or above
Honor Roll: The average for all subjects taken is at least 88.00%.
NOTE: Students with an incomplete will not be eligible for the honor roll or high honor roll that marking period until the incomplete is resolved
Honors Graduates
Honors Graduates are seniors who graduate from Marcellus Senior High School with an overall designated honors average through the third marking period of their senior year. Determination of Honors Graduate will be made at the end of the third quarter of a student’s senior year. To be considered an Honors Graduate, students must have an overall, weighted, in-progress, unrounded average of 92.00 or higher.
Auditing a Course
To audit a class means to register for a class without receiving credit. Auditing of a class is done with the sole permission of the building principal with complete understanding of the following stipulations, rules and procedures:
Grading and Report Cards
Marcellus Senior High School grades on a four marking period system. Each marking period is approximately 10 weeks. Report cards will be available to parents four times a year. For the first two marking periods, the numerical range of grades is 50* to 100. A mark of 50* signifies that the marking period average was lower than fifty. 50* is the lowest grade a student can receive during the first semester of a full-year course or the first marking period of a half-year course. During the second half of all courses, students can earn a grade lower than 50.
A grade of "Inc." (Incomplete) must be made up no later than two weeks after the closing date of the marking period. This is subject to extension by the teacher and/or building principal for extenuating circumstances. The date and time of the final examination marks the conclusion of a course. Any exceptions are at the discretion of the building principal.
Five Week Reports
At the end of the five weeks of each marking period, a Five Week Report is available on School Tool. This report will indicate the student’s effort and performance in each course in which the student is enrolled. Comments from each of the student’s teachers will give an indication of the quality of the student's work. These reports are a useful tool for parents and students to monitor academic progress.
School Tool and Electronic Monitoring of Grade
All students and parents have access to a School Tool account that provides access to past report cards and five week reports, as well as current marking period average. Additionally, they have access to assignments teachers have assigned during the marking period. If you have questions about accessing our online gradebook, please call the School Counseling Office secretary. 315-673-6307.
Summer School
Summer school is offered annually to those students who fail a course (but are not in violation of the attendance policy) and/or the Regents exam if applicable. Summer school is offered through BOCES at a site to be announced (most commonly held at Camillus Middle School). Students are approved for attendance by the building principal or his/her designee.
The School Counseling Program
The Counseling Program is designed to help students. Counselors will assist students in designing an academic program that best meets their needs. The program of study becomes the official course of studies for the following academic year. All students are welcome to go to the counseling office to talk over any concerns with confidence that their problems will receive prompt and discreet attention. It is best to make an appointment to meet with the School Counselors.
Additional Counseling Services
Our counseling staff help students cope with personal and psychological issues that affect their school performance, behavior and socialization. They are trained to assist with a variety of mental health and behavioral concerns in the school setting. The counseling staff focuses on early identification of students in need, assessment and short-term individual and group counseling. Those students who would benefit from more intensive or highly specialized services are referred to appropriate community resources. Students may self-refer or be referred by parents, school personnel and others who indicate the need for assessment and intervention. These services are offered to enhance the social and emotional growth and academic outcomes of all students.
Family Or Home Crisis
If a student is under stress from an illness, death in the family or some other problem, the family is asked to contact the school counselor or school nurse.
Helio Health
Helio Health will operate a Child and Adolescent outpatient satellite office at Marcellus High School which will provide individual counseling to students with mental health and substance use concerns. A clinician is available on-site at the school to work with high school students referred through the school counseling office. Students who are part of the satellite clinic also have access to all of the services affiliated with the downtown campus. This includes group counseling, family counseling, psychiatric evaluations, ongoing medication management, case management, and psychiatric rehabilitation services and health monitoring with a nurse.
Helio Health does bill insurance through the satellite clinic; for students and families without medical insurance, Helio Health will help complete applications for medical assistance. Additionally, there is a sliding scale fee structure available.
Though the clinician is on-site at Marcellus High School, there is still firm confidentiality in place between school staff and the clinician. Helio's clinician is not involved in any school counseling department work or crisis intervention; the clinician is only able to work with students who have been actively enrolled in services and who have consented to receive treatment.
Health Services
The school nurse is available in the health office for students who are sick or injured during the school day. Records of immunization and emergency phone numbers are maintained in that office.
Illness in School
In-School Medications
You are highly encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities at Marcellus Senior High School. Participation keeps you engaged in school, strengthens your mind, widens your social circle, helps to establish good time management skills, and allows you to explore your interests beyond the classroom.
ALL-SCHOOL SHOW takes place in the spring. Auditions are held early in the winter. The All-School show is usually a musical that involves many students with a variety of talents. All students are welcome to audition.
BOOK CLUB meets to discuss books they are currently reading, debate literary topics, and even watch movie versions of the books
CHARACTER EDUCATION is open to all students who are interested in being good stewards of character to the SHS by spreading the ideals of integrity, respect, responsibility, and citizenship throughout the school and local community. Members of this group will demonstrate these standards during the school day, and will participate in club-sponsored events such as coffeehouses, trivia nights, and student-driven community service projects. Character Education will offer opportunities to bond with like-minded individuals, discover personal strengths and make a difference in the high school.
CLASS OFFICE is open to all students. Each class is organized with officers elected by the students in the class. Elections are held in the spring for the following year.
FALL SHOW begins its season with cast auditions in the second week of school to produce a stage play (not a musical) that opens the first weekend of November. All students interested in being a cast or crew member are encouraged to participate.
FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA is the premier youth organization preparing members for leadership and careers in the science, business, and technology of agriculture.
INTRAMURALS provide a safe environment for students of all abilities to play against or with their classmates in an organized atmosphere. Activities are fun, competitive, and structured to promote a social, mental, and physically healthy lifestyle. Intramurals are open to all students in grades 9-12.
JAZZ BAND is a music group that meets outside of the school day. They rehearse and perform a variety of music from Jazz to Rock to Salsa.
LITERARY MAGAZINE is open to all students who have a desire to express themselves through creative writing. The Literary Magazine publishes an annual edition of the Appleseed that contains short stories, poems, drawings, and illustrations.
MAGIC THE GATHERING CLUB is open to all who are interested in the card game Magic the Gathering. The club meets regularly throughout the year. Beginners are always welcome! Games vary in formats but are always friendly!
MATH LEAGUE is open to all students who love math and like to compete. Our “mathletes” train and take part in math competitions against other schools.
OUTDOOR CLUB is open to all students who love the outdoors. Activities include kayaking, hiking, and camping.
SKI CLUB is open to all students who like to ski. Students will ski once a week at Labrador Mountain.
STUDENT GOVERNMENT is open to all students. School-wide elections are held for offices (The Executive Council), and clubs, classes and other extracurricular activities select members of the Senate. Student Government fosters community service and leadership training. It sponsors community projects such as food drives and blood drives as well as school activities such as dances and assemblies.
TEEN INSTITUTE is an organization that fosters leadership among students. Students are selected to attend special weekend workshops during which they learn ways to handle peer pressure, and ways to help other students cope with the pressures of being a teenager today.
THE MUSTANG TIMES produces a quarterly publication detailing SHS events and highlights, with stories, photography, and layout all contributed by its members.
TRAP SHOOTING CLUB meets in the spring in Otisco. Students pay or raise money in order to cover costs.
YEARBOOK is open to all students interested in the production, editing, and sale of the Marcellian, the high school yearbook.
FRENCH NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Société Honoraire de Français (FHS) recognizes French students who maintain a 92 average in every year of French. In addition, these students continue on to the highest level of French at the high school. Students are inducted during a spring ceremony. Community service is mandatory and many members fill leadership positions as well.
MATH HONOR SOCIETY The Jody Tanner Karla Marcellus Math Honor Society (MHS) identifies exceptional mathematics students in school and brings those students together to benefit the student population. Members demonstrate leadership qualities and are positive role models as well as provide mathematics tutoring to younger Marcellus School District students. MHS students are also required to participate in math events, fundraising opportunities, and meetings. Membership requirements include:
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY is bestowed upon a student. Selection for membership is by a Faculty Council and is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Only students who carry a weighted in-progress GPA of 92 or better at the end of the first semester of their junior or senior year may be considered.
RHO KAPPA NATIONAL SOCIAL STUDIES HONOR SOCIETY is bestowed upon students by a Faculty Committee of the Social Studies Department. Students must maintain an overall average of 92 in all courses as well as an average of 92 in all Social Studies courses. Students must also show outstanding qualities in leadership, service, and character in addition to scholarship.
SPANISH NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY The Julia Álvarez Chapter of the Spanish National Honor Society’s purpose is to recognize high achievement in Spanish and to promote continuity of interest in Hispanic studies. Selection into this society is based on an overall average of 92 or above in every level of study commencing in the eighth grade, continued study at the highest level possible, and reviewed by a committee of administrators and language teachers.
TRI-M NATIONAL MUSIC HONOR SOCIETY- Entry into the Modern Music Masters (Tri-M) Music Honor Society is offered yearly to eligible students. Eligibility includes enrollment in one or more music courses, maintenance of at least a 92 GPA in music courses and at least an 85 overall GPA each year of participation. All high school grade levels are eligible, but membership must be renewed each year. Music-based service is an important part of membership, students are expected to use their music skills within the community: opportunities are offered to students throughout the year. Students are inducted during a spring ceremony.
Interscholastic Athletics
Students in grades 9-12 have the opportunity and are encouraged to participate in the
following sports:
Students wishing to participate in the interscholastic athletic program must take the following steps:
Admission Fees for Athletic Contests:
Students and Senior Citizens (55 or older) $1.00
Adults $2.00
Note: Section III events may be subject to higher prices. Make sure to check,
No advance sale tickets.
Yearly passes can be obtained from the Athletic Booster Club for the following donations:
Students $10.00
Adults $20.00
Family $40.00
Policies and Procedures for Spectators
Expectations and Procedures for Participation in Extracurricular Activities and Athletics
There are many opportunities for students to be involved in extracurricular activities and events at Marcellus. We encourage students to become involved in clubs, activities, events, and sports that match and/or expand a student’s interest, skills and talents as it creates connections to school. Listed below are some of the activities and events available to our students at Marcellus Senior High School.
Along with participation comes expectations and responsibility. Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege that all students deserve as long as attendance, behavioral and academic expectations are met. Marcellus Central Schools has a long-standing set of expectations for conduct on school property and at its functions. These expectations are based on the principles of civility, mutual respect, citizenship, character, tolerance, honesty, integrity, and the belief in the educational goals of the organization.
As a participant in extra-curricular activities/events, students have the responsibility to:
All athletes in Section III must take a minimum of 5 academic subjects, plus physical education to be considered a full-time student and eligible to participate in athletics.
Extra-Curricular activities and/or athletics teams which meet at least six (6) times a year require eligibility to participate. Such activities include but are not limited to: all varsity and junior varsity athletics, intramurals, ski club, Student Council, Yearbook, and Honor Society. Eligibility is not required for events or activities that are part of the school program or where students earn a grade for participation, for example, band and choir. As part of the eligibility requirements, students participating in extracurricular activities and athletics are expected to maintain passing grades in all academic classes.
If a student is failing two or more classes at the five or ten week marking period they must demonstrate effort to improve their standing in order to continue to participate.
Students who are failing and are not meeting the above expectations will be ineligible to participate in athletics or extra-curricular activities until they are able to demonstrate that they are passing or meeting the above criteria. The student is responsible to have an eligibility form signed weekly by all teachers and turn it into the coach or advisor in order to continue to participate in the activity.
All students are expected to arrive to school by 7:45 a.m. and remain in school the entire day in order to participate in activities, practices or contests on that day. If a student arrives to school late and does not have a legal excuse, he/she will not be eligible to participate or practice on that day. Because of health and safety reasons, absences and tardiness due to illness will exclude students from activities, practices or games on that day.
Administrators may suspend a student’s participation in extracurricular/athletic activities, events and/or other privileges as a consequence for student misconduct or in situations where students are not meeting the eligibility requirements. A student subjected to a suspension from extracurricular activities or other privileges is not entitled to a full hearing pursuant to Education Law § 3214. However, the student and the student’s parents will be provided with a reasonable opportunity for an informal conference with the Marcellus Central School District official imposing the suspension to discuss the conduct and the penalty involved.
All students and parents will be asked to sign an academic and behavior contract for participating in extracurricular activities at the first meeting of the activity. A copy is available at the school office.
Marcellus Senior High School Academic Integrity Policy
It is the expectation that the work we turn in is our own. Our sole purpose is to help students grow and learn. For this to occur, teachers must be equipped to honestly and authentically assess student learning. Therefore, it is critical that all work comes from the students’ own level of understanding.
Teachers and administrators at Marcellus Senior High School understand that pressure to get good grades can sometimes create the incentive to cheat. However we firmly believe that cheating denies the value of education, damages the ethical character of the individual student, and undermines the ability of the teacher to fairly assess. The Academic Integrity Policy affirms that we value learning for its own sake, and that we therefore demand personal integrity and intellectual honesty in all academic work.
Having academic integrity means valuing and demonstrating positive regard for:
You are acting with academic integrity to the extent that you demonstrate these values, and in particular:
Consequences for any violation of the academic integrity policy may include (but are not limited to):
We are committed to ensuring that Marcellus Senior High is a safe and orderly environment in which teaching and learning are the priority each day. A safe and supportive school depends upon the efforts of all members of the school community to treat one another with mutual respect. All members of the school community – students, staff and families - must know and understand the standards of behavior which all students are expected to live up to and the consequences if these standards are not met.
The District Code of Conduct provides clear behavior expectations and standards of behavior to which all Marcellus students are held accountable. As with any incident of student misbehavior, school administrators must exercise informed judgment about whether a student’s actions constitute a violation of our District Code of Conduct.
Whenever possible, the administration will use a progressive discipline approach that will utilize incremental interventions to address inappropriate behavior. The ultimate goal is not punishment, but rather to teach and motivate students to change their behaviors.
Bullying and Conflict
Marcellus Senior High School strives for a distraction-free, safe and comfortable environment. There is no room for any type of bullying. Bullying is defined as an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical, and/or social behavior that intends to cause physical, social, and/or psychological harm. Bullying behavior is repeated. Single incidents and conflict between equals is not defined as bullying.
Whether the behavior exhibited is classified as bullying or peer conflict, here at Marcellus Senior High School, we believe that all students should feel not only physically safe in school, but also emotionally, socially, and intellectually safe. Bullying behavior and peer conflict are subject to discipline as per the student code of conduct. If you directly or indirectly encounter any type of negative behaviors, please report such behavior to any adult in the building. You may also report the behavior anonymously using our Tip 411.
Behavior and Bus Transportation
Marcellus Central School provides bus transportation for about 60% of the students. The school is responsible for the safety of nearly 1600 students to and from school.
Any behavior by students which, in any way, endangers the safety of fellow students is considered very serious. Since the bus driver is the one who is responsible for this safety, students must follow all instructions. Students should first do as the driver asks, and then take the problem up with the building Principal.
All students are expected to behave courteously and safely while on buses. All normal school rules. apply on buses. A student who violates the student code of conduct while on the bus may lose his/her bus transportation privileges for a period ranging from 1 day to the remainder of the school year.
Late Buses
Students who stay after school for activities, extra help, or detention may ride the late bus. Students who stay after school must be with a teacher, coach or other staff member. Students must acquire a late bus pass from the person with whom they have stayed that afternoon. Students will not be permitted to ride the late bus without a pass. Violation of behavior code or pass policy may result in the loss of late bus privileges.
Attendance Policy/Procedures
It is critical for student success to be in attendance and on time for school each day. School attendance is both a right and a responsibility. The School District is an active partner with students and parents in the task of ensuring that all students meet or exceed the New York State Learning Standards.
Arrival Procedures
Doors open each school day at 7:30. Arrival time is between 7:30 and 7:45. All students arriving by bus will enter at the Cafeteria Entrance. Students arriving by other means (walk, ride, drive) will enter at the Mustang Entrance.
At 7:45 each morning, the school doors will be securely locked. All students and visitors arriving at the school after 7:45 are to sign-in through our attendance office at the Mustang Entrance.
Parents must notify school of absence by 9:00 AM- 315-673-6304 or email
For any absence that is known in advance, all reasonable efforts should be made for the student to communicate with their teachers to generate a game plan to make up any instruction/assignments during the absence.
An absence, tardiness or early departure may be excused if due to:
personal illness,
Upon Return to School…
Late to School…
*If an absence is excused, the student shall be permitted to make up all missed assignments outside of class under reasonable conditions and time limits established by the teacher.
Attendance Related Disciplinary Consequences
Unexcused absences, tardiness and early departures may result in disciplinary sanctions as described in the District's Code of Conduct. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, in-school suspension, detention, and denial of participation in interscholastic and extracurricular activities, or social probation.
Families will be notified by designated District personnel at periodic intervals to discuss their child's absences, tardiness or early departures and the importance of class attendance and appropriate interventions.
Building Review of Attendance Records
The Building Principal will work in conjunction with the building attendance clerk and other designated staff in reviewing attendance records at the end of each term. This review is conducted to identify individual and group attendance patterns and to initiate appropriate action to address the problem of unexcused absences, tardiness and early departures.
Late Entry/Early Release:
Any senior who has a study hall at the beginning of the day or the end of the day may apply for late entry/early release provided they are in good academic standing.
In order to be in good academic standing, a senior must be:
Grades will be determined by the quarterly report cards. If a student is not passing a particular class, not taking the prescribed number of courses, or is habitually tardy, this privilege will be revoked until the next measurement of progress through a report card or progress report can be made. The building principal can remove the privilege due to poor academic performance, habitual tardies, and/or poor behavior. Schedules cannot be changed solely to accommodate late arrival/early dismissal.
Students who wish to obtain working papers must follow this procedure:
Building Safety And Security
Above all else, safety at school is our number one priority. Video cameras exist throughout the school building and campus. In a partnership with the Marcellus Police Department, the district has hired three school resource officers to serve the district.
The Marcellus Senior High School is a closed campus. This means that all students should be on school grounds during school hours. Students may leave campus prior to the end of school only with parental permission for a valid “EXCUSED” absence. Students must remain in the building unless accompanied by a school official and/or has permission from the building principal.
Throughout the school year, we as an entire school, staff and students, practice multiple drills to ensure that both the students and staff know what to do in case of an emergency. Safety drills include but are not limited to evacuation drills (fire drills), lockdown drills, bus safety drills.
The Marcellus Central School District has implemented a procedure called “Single Secure Point of Entry” to increase the safety and security of our students and staff.
At the main entrance, an intercom, video camera and buzzer are installed. The intercom allows visitors to speak with staff in the school office.
All visitors with a legitimate educational purpose must provide photo identification/NYS photo ID and will be given a visitor’s badge that must be worn at all times during the visit. Upon leaving, visitors must exit through the single point of entry and sign out.
All Late arrival/early dismissal students must sign in and out each morning/afternoon through the single point of entry.
Visiting students must have a legitimate educational purpose, as determined by the building principal, for attending Marcellus High School. Anyone intending to bring a guest must submit a note from their parents to the Principal explaining the educational purpose of the visit. Said note must be provided at least one day prior to the intended visit. The Principal will then provide a determination of whether or not the student guest is permitted on campus during the school day.
Visitors are expected to be informed of school regulations by their student hosts and are expected to follow all school regulations throughout their visit.
Lockers are the property of the school and the school retains the right to search them at any time. Students should not share lockers or change lockers. Students are responsible for keeping the front of their lockers clean. The school district is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles and thus strongly advises students not to “set” their lockers, nor share their combination with anyone else.
The elevator in the High School is to be used primarily by individuals with disabilities as determined by the Committee on Special Education or the High School Principal. The nurse will be responsible for assigning keys to students and teachers with disabilities that require the use of the elevator. If the person will need to use the elevator all year, he/she may be assigned a key for the duration of the school year. If the individual's disability is temporary, the key may be assigned for the necessary period as validated by a physician's note. Only students authorized by the principal or nurse are permitted to use the elevator with a disabled person. Any indication of elevator malfunction or maintenance problem should be reported to the office immediately. Do not use the elevator during a fire!
Marcellus Senior High School has a combination of single-stall restrooms, locker rooms, and multi-stall restrooms. In the spirit of prioritizing our academic time, as much as reasonably possible, students should take care of their restroom needs during the time in between classes.
General bathroom expectations are for students to use the restroom for its intended purpose. Students should be quick, clean, and safe in the restrooms. Students are not permitted to loiter in the restrooms, and only one person is allowed to be in a stall at a time. Additionally, cell phones are not permitted to be used in the restrooms.
The Marcellus Central School District periodically requests that users re-sign the Internet/Network Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). When asked to re-sign this agreement, users understand and will abide to the use of district internet, network, and devices. A link to the full Acceptable Use Policy and sign-off can be found at the link below.
Here at Marcellus Senior High School, we recognize the importance of technology in today’s society and understand that cell phones are an integral part of our students’ lives. Rather than shunning or banning the use of such technology, we believe in teaching our students how to appropriately use and manage technology - including the use of personal cell phones.
Additional information regarding acceptable use can be found in our Acceptable Use Policy.
In order to promote a safe, orderly, distraction free educational
environment, all students are expected to give proper attention
to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for Marcellus
Central School District programs. Students and their parents/guardians
have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress
and appearance. Teachers and all other Marcellus Central
School District personnel should exemplify and reinforce
acceptable attire, and help students develop an understanding
of appropriate appearance in the educational setting.
Here at Marcellus Senior High School, we employ the mantra, “dress for success.”
* Express yourself appropriately
* Dress so that you are adequately covered - ensure that undergarments are completely
covered with outer clothing
* Dress so that you do not offend - items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous, or that
denigrate others on account of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender,
sexual orientation, sexual identity, or disabilities are not acceptable
* Dress so that you are not a walking billboard for drugs/alcohol, or other illegal or
violent activities
* Dress so that you are safe (including footwear)...think PE classes, science labs, etc.
* Dress to emphasize academics
Students who violate the student dress code shall be required to modify their appearance by covering or removing the offending item, and if necessary or practical, replacing it with an acceptable item. Any student who refuses to do so shall be subject to further disciplinary action for insubordination.
Connect. Empower. Ignite.