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Diginera - Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: May 6th, 2021


The Internet is an amazing tool. It has the power to change the way we live, and we're starting to see that potential today. With only a few mouse-clicks, you can follow the news, look up facts, buy goods and services, and communicate with others from around the world. It's important to Diginera LLC and Diginera Limited to help our customers retain their privacy when they take advantage of all the Internet has to offer.

Diginera LLC and Diginera Limited are two independent businesses that share branding and a common mission: to help small and medium enterprises leverage digital and web technologies to serve their stakeholders better.

We believe your business is no one else's. Your privacy is important to you and to us. So we'll protect the information you share with us. To protect your privacy, Diginera LLC and Diginera Limited follow different principles in accordance with worldwide practices for customer privacy and data protection.

It is important to note that we do use the following 3rd party software on our websites:

  1. Google Analytics: to help us understand how visitors use our website in order to improve the user experience on our websites.
  2. Hubspot Chat Widget: to communicate with visitors to our site directly when we are also online and for visitors to leave us a message and contact information when we are not.
  3. Facebook Chat Widget: to communicate with visitors to our site directly when we are also online and for visitors to leave us a message and contact information when we are not.

We will elaborate later on how our use of these software affects your privacy online.


We will ask you when we need information that personally identifies you (Personal Information) or allows us to contact you. Generally, this information is requested when you fill out any of our service request forms or when you download free media or software, sign up for a training program, subscribe to newsletters or join a limited-access premium program. We use your Personal Information for the following purposes:


If you choose not to provide personal information, you may not be granted access to protected material, and we will not be able to contact you to provide service.

If you decide to provide personal information for the purposes stated above, we will be able to provide you access to protected material and render service.


We will provide you with the means to ensure that your personal information is correct and current. You may review and update this information at any time by contacting


Diginera LLC and Diginera Limited have taken strong measures to protect the security of your personal information and to ensure that your choices for its intended use are honored. We take strong precautions to protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

We strive to make your interactions on our website to be safe and secure by using the best available web security technologies. When you provide your personal information or place orders, you're utilizing secure server technology, transport layer security (TLS), which encrypts your personal information before it's sent over the Internet. TLS is one of the safest encryption technologies available. You can learn more about TLS here:

Diginera LLC and Diginera Limited strictly protects the security of your personal information and honors your choices for its intended use. We carefully protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Your personal information is never shared outside the company without your permission, except under conditions explained below. Inside the company, data is stored in password-controlled servers with strict access controls for employees. Your information may be stored and processed in the United States of America, where Diginera LLC is located, or Ghana, where Diginera Diginera Limited is located. Currently, our web infrastructure lives on data centers in the United States of America.

Notice To Parents

Parents or guardians: we want to help you guard your children's privacy. We encourage you to talk to your children about safe and responsible use of their personal information while using the Internet. Diginera LLC and Diginera Limited do not publish content that is targeted to children and does not offer a kids account. We provide services to small and medium businesses and we will not be engaging with minors.


If for some reason you believe Diginera LLC and Diginera Limited has not adhered to these principles, please notify us by email at, and we will do our best to determine and correct the problem promptly. Be certain the words “Privacy Policy” are in the subject line of your email.

Diginera LLC and Diginera Limited will disclose your personal information, without permission, only if required to do so by law and in the good faith belief that such action is necessary. If allowed by law, Diginera LLC and Diginera Limited will notify you of such sharing of information.

3rd Party Software

As mentioned previously, we use 3rd party software on our websites to allow us to serve our visitors and customers better. Below are the privacy implications for each of the software we use.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to understand how visitors use our websites in order for us to improve the customer experience on our websites. As far as we are aware, Google Analytics does not collect your personally identifiable information. They do however use cookies on your browser to track the pages you visit on our website. If you visit your site from the same browser, the software knows it is the same browser visiting again, but does not know who you are. As far as we are aware, this tracking is only for our website. Since the data is collected through Google, Google has access to this data and follows their privacy policies for how they manage their access to this data.

For more information on how Google Analytics handles your data when you browse our websites see here: 

HubSpot Chat Widget

Diginera Limited uses the HubSpot chat widget to communicate with customers directly on our website. When we are unavailable the widget will ask you to leave information for us to contact you. This information is forwarded to us directly through HubSpot’s systems. HubSpot maintains no control over the data you send to use. They provide us the tools to manage and control this information.

For more information on how HubSpot handles your data and helps us access and manage it, see here:

Facebook Chat Widget

Diginera Limited also uses the Facebook chat/messenger widget to communicate with customers directly on our website. When we are unavailable the widget will ask you to leave information for us to contact you. If you are logged in on Facebook, the widget will give you the option to continue as a Guest or continue using your Facebook account.

Conversations While Logged Into Facebook

If you continue using your Facebook account, then you would be messaging us just like you would if you had contacted the Diginera Limited Facebook page, and we will be able to contact you again through Facebook Messenger after our initial conversation.

For information on Facebook Messenger as it relates to conversations with businesses see:

Conversations As A Guest

If you continue as a guest, as of this writing, Facebook keeps the conversation in the chat available to you in the widget on our website for 24 hours. You are given the option to end the chat earlier than that. When you end the chat, the information in the chat is still available to us, but will not be available to you through the chat widget. After the chat has ended, we will not be able to contact you, unless you leave us your contact information. Our privacy policies stated above apply to the information you share with us through this medium

For more information on Facebook handles your data when you use Facebook Messenger as a guest see here: