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Using myON as a Student
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Using myON as a Student

This video will show you how to get started with the MyOn student dashboard.

MyOn is a reading program that we use in elementary schools across Chesterfield county.

Students can read from books that they’ve selected, or from books that have been shared by their teachers.

Additionally, teachers can create projects and assign them to students within MyOn.

We will take a quick look at the dashboard, finding books to read, and looking at some projects.

  1. To get started with MyOn you want to go to your Rapid Identity Dashboard and click on the “backpack” once you sign in.
    Within the backpack you will be able to find MyOn.
  2. Once you open MyOn you will see that you come to a dashboard that looks very similar to this.
  3. At the top of your dashboard you can look at library suggestions, books that are recommended to you, either from your teacher, or books that are recommended based on other books that you’ve read.
  4. You’ll see top picks, new books, and books that might be popular in your grade.
  5. And if you’ve liked other books, the program will continue to recommend things that they think you might like to read.
  6. You can also browse books based on topics and genres, you can look at books that you’ve added to your list. Things you’ve liked before and that you might want to go back to. Or you can just search for books here.
  7. Another way that you can search is back at the homepage there is a really quick little search bar. So if you wanted to look up dinosaurs you can just type that in and see that dinosaurs start to populate in the search and you can click on this series for example.
  8. The other thing that you will notice at the top of your dashboard is the MyOn news tab.
  9. This will be able to show you updated current events, and interesting stories that you might like.
  10. You can also look at previous dates that are in here by using the arrows to move back and forth and you can search for articles with specific topics or interests.
  11. The other tab that you will see at the top is the projects folder. You will likely not have as many projects in your dashboard as I do, but within this projects folder you will be able to see things that your teacher has assigned to you.
  12. You will be able to very quickly see the title of the project, the due date, as well as the goals for the project and which books are assigned.
  13. You will notice that over here I have completed the first task which was to read three of these books. I know that it’s complete because I have the check mark.
    I’ve also completed my five W’s graphic organizer and I have turned it in and it’s been reviewed by a peer in my class.
  14. I have not, however, described how plants and animals can affect the environment
  15. So from here, I would want to continue my writing by clicking there and looking at the essay writer, the graphic organizer that comes with it, my journal with all of my notes that I wrote while I was reading my books, and the information from my peers if they’ve reviewed.
  16. The other option that you have at the top if you click here gives you the ability to update your profile. You can select interests and find books you like, you can rate the genre, so if you really like science books, you can make a happy face. If you don’t like science books, you can make a sad face. If you don;t like science fiction, that much, but maybe you like it more than other things, then maybe you want to rank it in the middle.
  17. You get the choice of how you rank these and that will change how MyOn suggests books for you to read.
  18. You can also check out your activities so you can see the books you’ve opened up.
  19. This will show you how many books you’ve read, how many pages you’ve read, and how much time you’ve spent reading
  20. You can also look at your journal, this is where you’ve typed notes as you read.
  21. You can check out your portfolio, this is all the work that you’ve done within your MyOn projects.
  22. You can change your avatar so that it looks a little different.
  23. You can go into your profile and update your information there to share.
  24. Click here to go back to your dashboard, and you’ll also notice after you investigate the tabs at the top, you do again have the quick search that’s here. This just quickly shows you the last book that was opened, so if you’ve left, and didn’t finish the book, you can hop right back into that book.
  25. Here it will show you the lexile level you’re reading on and this meter is really important to help you understand where you are for your weekly goal.
  26. You can click week or month and it will show you your information based on that week’s goal or the month.
  27. This will show you how much time you’ve spent reading, how many books you’ve finished, and how many pages you’ve read in a week.
  28. It will also give you a quick rundown of what projects you have due.
  29. When you’re done, you can click the quick exit and it will take you right out of MyOn.

myOn for Students Tour

myOn for Students Tour - Spanish