With photo booth rentals, there are many varieties of photo booth templates to choose from. The choices can include everything from simple to sophisticated, rustic to elegant, or casual to formal. There are even different physical formats of layouts to choose from: 2x6 inch traditional photo strip size or the modern 6x4 inch postcard size. Templates also come with carefully chosen fonts to complement or enhance an event’s overall theme. When all is considered, the wide variety of photo booth template styles, sizes, and theming significantly enhance the photo booth experience and make for truly professional party or wedding favors people will look back on fondly and proudly display in their home or office for years to come. Here are 8 ways you can enhance a photo booth with a great photo booth template.
Classic photo booths that used to be at malls would take 4 or 5 pictures and then print them on one long photo strip. These were lots of fun because you could take a lot of possess and then see each of one printed out in a row. This style is replicated in modern photo booths with 2x6 inch photo strips. Today, you're able to choose a themed layout to go on the modern photostrip to create a better look and feel for the event the photo booth is at.
You could essentially call the 6x4 inch postcard sized layout the modern photo booth template design. It allows for much larger photos than the traditional photo strip plus it has more room to incorporate a themed design to match the event that it’s a part of. Because of this, a lot of amazing templates are available in this size. You can see some of the best modern photo booth templates here.
If you’re hosting an event or party with a country theme or a bit of a vintage feel, a rustic photo booth template would probably be what you’re looking for. They can come with an aged wood background and theming elements such as burlap, leather, rope, or lace. While a rustic layout could be for a party, they are often used for weddings, community events, and even graduations.
Whether you’re in located in Los Angeles, New York, or Toronto, everyone knows that a photo booth rental is a must have at a wedding. While a photo booth is rented for guests to have a great time, people take the prints home as wedding favors to remember the big day by. This is one reason brides like their photo booth template design to match their chosen wedding theme. To make this possible, wedding templates come in many varieties of colors and can include a lot of wedding themed elements such as lace, lace, and beautiful text.
A high school graduation - or just about any graduation - is a really exciting event. But as we all know so well, it only gets better with a photo booth. Because they're so excited, graduates often like photo booth layouts that are fun and exciting. On the other hand, if their parents or teachers are deciding, the layout will usually be somewhat more traditional, formal, or practical. Whatever way it goes, the photobooth is still a hit. You just need to a little more careful when selecting the layout design.
For most teenagers in North America, their 16th birthday is a really special. It’s when the big day they can officially get their driver's license. While they might not exactly be rushing off to the motor vehicle office, lots of young ladies look forward to making an event of this and throwing a special party for their sweet 16 birthday. Now they can really do this in style with an superb photo booth template design. These beautiful designs come in a wide selection of great colors with both fun and luxurious elements to coordinate with the birthday party’s theme.
Lots of companies and organizations enjoy to put on special events to celebrate things that have been accomplished, special occasions, and their people. They also host awards dinners and fundraisers. Events like these always need an appropriate photo booth template that is designed for the occasion. People expect templates like these to be formal but they can be semi-formal if they are appropriate, classy, and sophisticated. The trick is to fit in the template design with the theme for the event.
One type of template photo booth owners often look for is a PSD photo booth template. Having a template in this format allows someone to freely edit it and make whatever changes they want in Photoshop. If you can’t afford Photoshop right now, you can also use GIMP or a number of other online photo editing tools that can work with PSD files.
Whether your special event calls for a photo booth template that is rustic, for a wedding, for a graduation, for a sweet 16 party, or for a formal event, you’re sure to find one as either a traditional 2x6 inch photo strip or as a more modern 6x4 inch postcard sized layout. In addition to this, the template will also come with a psd photo booth template so you can make any changes you want to it. You can find all these kinds of layouts at ProStarra so you can create an amazing experience for your next event.