Task Initiation Worksheet

Beginning a task can be the hardest step in the process. This worksheet will give you some ideas on how to make it easier to begin tasks.

Step 1: List your tasks

By making a list of the tasks you need to get through in a day, you will have a good idea of the time it will take you - plus crossing each item off gives you a feeling of achievement!

Step 2: Prioritize your tasks

Look at the list and order it according to importance, due dates, amount of work, etc. It can be helpful to place some easy to complete tasks at the beginning to get that boost of motivation once you have completed them.

Step 3: Set realistic times

When you are setting up time to work you need to work in smaller periods broken up with short breaks. A helpful method to work with is the Pomodoro Method of timing.

Step 4: Use your breaks wisely

A break is to allow your mind to rest and your attention to have a breather. Switching to a similar task such as gaming or reading might not provide the break you are looking for. Think of engaging your body and your senses in your break by taking a short walk, doing some stretches, having something cold to drink, etc.

Step 5: Get up and go

You will not feel ready to get up and go, so use something to help you, set a time, an alarm, a count down, etc. to help you know when to start. No matter how you feel when you reach that moment - get up and start!

Task Initiation Table

Step 1

List the tasks you need to complete.

Step 2

Put the tasks in order (remember to include some easy ones in the beginning to get you going)

You can cross them off here once you finish them.

Step 3

Decide on your timing schedule and write it down.

Step 4

List some activities to do during your breaks.

Step 5

What is your get up and go signal?


The OT Toolbox. (2017). How To Teach Task Initiation. https://www.theottoolbox.com/how-to-teach-task-initiation/ 

You can download more Mental Health worksheets here.


Please note: There may be a more up-to-date and editable version of this worksheet available here which may be more suitable to present to clients if you are a therapist or to use in a classroom as a teacher or guidance counsellor.

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