Mr. C’s Blog 

Craig Christensen, Principal

Week Thirty-Nine: June 2nd - 5th

This is it…

* As we wrap up the 2023-2024 school year, I want to thank you for visiting our web page, reading my blog and emails, and being an integral part of our school community.  I hope you found them helpful.

* I would like to thank our students, families, and staff for a successful school year.   I am proud to be your principal and look forward to next year.

* The last day of school is Wednesday, June 5th. It is a minimum day. School dismissal will be at 1:00 p.m.

* Per district policy, students CANNOT bring backpacks and/or oversized bags to school on Wednesday, June 5th.  Students may bring lunch bags, small bags, and water bottles.

* All students should have returned library books.   Please make sure all books belonging to Lincoln are returned for future students to read and enjoy.

* Chromebooks and chargers will be returned on Monday or Tuesday, depending on your child’s teacher.

* Wednesday, June 5th, is the final day to submit parent requests. Please remember that requests must be submitted via email, and there are no guarantees on parent requests.

* All students will receive a free Yearbook this year.  Yearbooks will be distributed on Monday and/or Tuesday.

* Grades on ParentVUE and StudentVUE are currently closed for viewing.   The grades for trimester three will be available on Wednesday, June 5th at 3:00 p.m.

* 5th graders will have a busy last couple of days.   On Monday, June 3rd, students will have a Yearbook signing and a “nacho-school-anymore” party.   On Tuesday, June 4th, students will enjoy a movie in the MPR with snacks.  On Wednesday, June 5th, students will participate in a “Clap Out” and be recognized by staff and students before dismissal.

* All students on an inter-district transfer must renew their transfer request every year. Students on an intra-district transfer only need to renew their transfer if they go to a new school or move on to middle school.

* The last day of school is a “free” dress day.  However, students cannot wear tank tops, crop tops, or spaghetti strap shirts to school.

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before leaving on Wednesday. Due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold, all remaining items will be donated or discarded.

* Please visit our Lincoln home page for updates and dates throughout the summer.

Have a fun final week and a refreshing summer vacation!


Week Thirty-Eight: May 28th - 31st

It is the final countdown… We are under ten days!

* There is no school on Monday, May 27th in honor of Memorial Day!

* The last day of school is Wednesday, June 5th.  The last day is a minimum day.  School dismissal will be at 1:00 p.m.

* Per district policy, students CANNOT bring backpacks and/or oversized bags to school on Wednesday, June 5th.  Students may bring small bags for personal items, lunch bags, and water bottles.  

* I would like to thank all of our families and friends who attended our ELO-P Showcase on Thursday night!   Students on our Cheer Team, Folklorico Dance Team, and Violin Club performed in front of a packed house!  Way to go Leopards!

* I would also like to thank everyone for donating materials for our art class!   We are still accepting donated items.

* ALL students must return library books, Chromebooks, tablets, and chargers on Friday, May 31st.

* Our TK & Kindergarten classes are hosting End of Year Performances this week.

* All students will receive a free Yearbook this year.

* 5th graders will have a busy last couple of days.   On Monday, June 3rd, they will have a Yearbook signing and nacho party celebration.   On Tuesday, June 4th, students will enjoy a movie in the MPR with snacks.  On Wednesday, June 5th, students will participate “Clap Out” and be recognized by staff and students before dismissal.

* Temperatures are rising.   We encourage students to bring a water bottle to school to stay hydrated!

* All students on an inter-district must renew their transfer request every year.  Students on an intra-district transfer do not need to renew their transfer unless going to a new school or moving onto middle school.

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before leaving on Fridays.  All remaining items will be donated or discarded due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have a great three day weekend!

Week Thirty-Seven: May 20th – 24th

Wowsers… 5, 4, then 3!

* The remaining three weeks are going to fly by!   We have a five day week, four day week, and then a three day week.

* There is no school on Monday, May 27th in honor of Memorial Day!

* The last day of school is Wednesday, June 5th.  School dismissal will be at 1:00 p.m.

* Temperatures are rising.   We encourage students to bring a water bottle to school to stay hydrated!

* Don’t forget to register your child NOW to ride the bus for the 2024-2025 school year.  Go to ParentVUE to complete the registration survey.  The registration window closes on July 11th.

* All students need to return library books.   Please make sure your child has returned all books from our library.   Our office staff will start making calls for missing items.

* All students on an inter-district transfer (PSUSD or CVUSD) must renew their transfer request every year.  Students on an intra-district transfer do not need to renew their transfer unless going to a new school or moving onto middle school.

* We will have a School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Monday, May 20th, at 2:30 p.m. SSC meetings are in-person meetings only and open to the public for attendance and information.

* We have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting on Tuesday, May 21st at 2:30 p.m.  ELAC meetings are in-person meetings and are open to the public for attendance and information.

* We are hosting a Lincoln Performing Arts Celebration on Thursday, May 23rd at 5:30 p.m. to showcase our after-school (ELO-P) programs.  Stay tuned for more information.

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before leaving on Fridays.  All remaining items will be donated or discarded due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have a great weekend!  Thank you for reading!

Week Thirty-Six: May 13th – 17th

Fasten your seatbelt…

The next few weeks are going to fly by!

* Sunday, May 12th is Mother’s Day.   I would like to wish everyone a special day!   I hope you get spoiled!

* Our Nutrition Services Specialist, Ms. Norma, was recognized as Desert Sands Unified School District’s Classified Employee of the Year!   Congratulations Ms. Norma and thank you for taking care of our kids in cafeteria!

* State testing is almost complete.   We only have make-up assessments for students who were not present during testing.

* Our Palm Desert Sheriff’s Department is hosting “Cake Pop With A Cop” on Saturday, May 11th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Cake pops are free (while supplies last) and are provided by Starbucks.  The event will take place at the lower level entrance of Dicks Sporting Goods.  There will be fun games and prizes.  

* Cheerleading tryouts for the upcoming school year (2024-2025) will be held on May 13th, 14th & 17th from 2:25 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. for students currently in 3rd and 4th grade.  Please wear athletic clothing and appropriate shoes.  You will also want to bring a water bottle and your school spirit!

* Temperatures are rising.   We encourage students to bring a water bottle to school to stay hydrated!

* There is still time to submit your application for summer school.  Summer school will be held at Earhart Elementary School.   Summer school is from June 10th through July 11th.  Use this link to register: interest form

* All Lincoln students will receive a free Yearbook this year.  We hope to have the Yearbooks by the final week of May.

* We are hosting a Lincoln Performing Arts Celebration on Thursday, May 23rd at 5:30 p.m. to showcase our after-school (ELO-P) programs.  Stay tuned for more information.

* Don’t forget to register your child NOW to ride the bus for the 2024-2025 school year.  Go to ParentVUE to complete the registration survey.  The registration window closes on July 11th.

* We will have a School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Monday, May 20th, at 2:30 p.m. SSC meetings are in-person meetings only and open to the public for attendance and information.

* We have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting on Tuesday, May 21st at 2:30 p.m.  ELAC meetings are in-person meetings and are open to the public for attendance and information.

* There is no school on Monday, May 27th in honor of Memorial Day!

* The final day of school is Wednesday, June 5th.  The last day of school is a full day.  Dismissal is at 1:00 p.m.

* I am accepting teacher requests.   However, it is important for me to notify all families that teacher requests are not guaranteed.   We will do our best but there are many factors in assigning students and creating balanced, equitable class rosters.  In addition, we are having several teachers change grade levels next year.   I am only accepting teacher requests via email.   Do not send written letters or make verbal recommendations.  

* Please check our Lost & Found regularly. All remaining items will be discarded or donated.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Week Thirty-Five: May 6th - 10th

My, my, my…   May has emerged!

* Tuesday, May 7th is National Teacher Appreciation Day.  We will be celebrating our teachers all week!  I encourage our students to write a letter and/or make a card to say “thank you” for your teachers’ support, efforts, and commitment to our students’ social and academic success.

* State testing continues this week.   Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will be taking the Language Arts section.  Please make attendance and punctuality a priority!

* Students should be charging their Chromebooks every night in preparation for the state test, i-Ready, and other classroom activities.

* ALL cell phones, watches, and personal electronic devices MUST be turned OFF and put in backpacks and/or set away from students during testing!

* Any cell phone, watch, or electronic device (besides the Chromebook) confiscated during the testing period will ONLY be returned to a parent/guardian.   No exceptions.

* This year, we will be providing all Lincoln students with a free Yearbook. Yep, that’s right... Free! Ms. Reichle has worked hard to create an amazing Yearbook to remember our 2023-2024 school year. We hope to have the Yearbooks by the final week of May.

* It is heating up!   Please make sure your child is coming to school with a water bottle.   We are getting many students in the nurse’s office with headaches and nosebleeds.   The number one cause for headaches is dehydration.

* Many parents/guardians are also asking about teacher requests for the 2024/2025 school year.   I am now accepting teacher requests via email.  Please note that it is a request only.   There are no guarantees.  There are many factors to consider when assigning students and teachers.   The final decision is by the administration.

* Our Palm Desert Sheriff’s Department is hosting “Cake Pop With A Cop” on Saturday, May 11th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Cake pops are free (while supplies last) and are provided by Starbucks.  The event will take place at the lower level entrance of Dicks Sporting Goods.  There will be fun games and prizes.  

* Attention 5th grade students…  LaQuinta Middle School is excited to invite incoming 6th-grade families to their Future Bulldog Night! Join LQMS staff on Monday, May 6th, from 6-7 pm for a fun-filled evening designed to welcome our incoming 6th graders and give them a chance to explore our school!

During the evening, you can look forward to performances by our talented leadership students and tours of the school to help everyone get familiar with the layout. We'll also have information about our clubs and electives, along with information on what to expect during 6th-grade orientation.

* We are hosting a Lincoln Performing Arts Celebration on Thursday, May 23rd at 5:30 p.m. to showcase our after-school (ELO-P) programs.  Stay tuned for more information.

* Don’t forget to register your child NOW to ride the bus for the 2024-2025 school year.  Go to ParentVUE to complete the registration survey.  The registration window closes on July 11th.

* We will have a School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Monday, May 20th, at 2:30 p.m. SSC meetings are in-person meetings only and open to the public for attendance and information.

* We have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting on Tuesday, May 21st at 2:30 p.m.  ELAC meetings are in-person meetings and are open to the public for attendance and information.

* There is no school on Monday, May 27th in recognition of Memorial Day.

* Fifth-grade students will walk to the Aquatic Swim Center on Tuesday, June 4th, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

* The last day of school is Wednesday, June 5th.

* We have been having issues with students making racial comments and/or slurs.  Students claim to be “joking” or “kidding”.   We do not take this issue lightly.   Making any type of racial comment, slur, or joke is racial harassment or bullying.   Students will receive consequences for this behavior.  Please share this message with your child/children.

* Please check our Lost & Found regularly. All remaining items will be discarded or donated.

I hope you have a delightful weekend!

Week Thirty-Four: April 29th - May 3rd

Adios April…  Mighty May Has Arrived!

* There is still time to submit your application for summer school.  Summer school will be held at Earhart Elementary School.   Summer school is from June 10th through July 11th.  Use this link to register: interest form

* The annual CAASPP assessment for students in grades three, four, and five will begin this week.  Students will complete the math sections.  Please make school attendance a top priority!

* Please make sure Chromebooks are charged EVERY night and brought to school.  

* Students are not allowed to have phones and/or watches in their possession during testing.

* Many 5th-grade students and parents are asking about a “5th Grade Promotion”.  Per district and school board policy, elementary schools are not allowed to host a promotion ceremony at schools.  However, we are planning a trip to the aquatic center, yearbook signing party, movie day, and other activities for our fifth graders.

* Many parents/guardians are also asking about teacher requests for the 2024/2025 school year.   I will start accepting teacher requests via email only starting Monday, May 13th.  Please note that it is a request only.   There are no guarantees.  There are many factors to consider when assigning students and teachers.   The final decision is by administration.

* Our Palm Desert Sheriff’s Department is hosting “Cake Pop With A Cop” on Saturday, May 11th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Cake pops are free (while supplies last) and are provided by Starbucks.  The event will take place at the lower level entrance of Dicks Sporting Goods.  There will be fun games and prizes.  

* We have been having issues with students making racial comments and/or slurs.  Students claim to be “joking” or “kidding”.   We do not take this issue lightly.   Making any type of racial comment, slur, or joke is racial harassment or bullying.   Students will receive consequences for this behavior.  Please share this message with your child/children.

* There is no school on Monday, May 27th in recognition of Memorial Day.

* The last day of school is Wednesday, June 5th.

* I want to thank everyone who contacts me directly either through personal conversation, phone, or email to discuss concerns and questions pertaining to our school, students, procedures, and policies.  There is a purpose for everything.   I discourage everyone from relying on social media or gossip for school business.  Much of what is posted on social media is personal opinions.  I always encourage open dialogue with families.  Leopard P.R.I.D.E!  

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before leaving on Fridays. Due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold, all remaining items may be donated or discarded.

Have a wonderful week!

Week Thirty-Three: April 22nd - 26th

Advancing Through April

* There is still time to submit your application for summer school.  Summer school will be held at Earhart Elementary School.   Summer school is from June 10th through July 11th.  Use this link to register: interest form

* The annual CAASPP assessment for fifth-grade students begins next week with the science test.  Students in grades three, four, and five will begin the math sections during the week of April 29th.  Please make school attendance a top priority!

* Please make sure Chromebooks are charged EVERY night and brought to school.  

* Students are not allowed to have phones and/or watches in their possession during testing.

* To celebrate Earth Day, the Burrtec Team is coming to Lincoln for an event with our first and second-grade students.  Our students will learn about recycling and keeping Earth clean.   All first and second-grade students will receive a free Eco Bird Feeder to take home.

* This week, DSUSD hosted a ceremony to honor students who have been reclassified from the English Learner program to become Fluent English Speakers.   We had eleven students get recognized and receive a certificate of achievement.   Way to go Leopards!

* Palm Desert Charter Middle School should have notified you regarding the Lottery Applications for the 2024/2025 school year.   We do not have that information.   Please contact PDCMS if you have questions or concerns regarding your application for next year.

* We do not allow students to bring personal sports equipment, games, or toys to school.  We have had conflicts between students and too many issues with broken toys, lost items, balls kicked over the fence, and/or disrupting the classroom.   Lincoln staff is not responsible for replacing and/or retrieving lost equipment.  

* Many 5th-grade students and parents are asking about a “5th Grade Promotion”.  Per district and school board policy, elementary schools are not allowed to host a promotion ceremony at schools.  However, we will plan some activities to help our 5th-grade students enjoy their final days as Leopard.

* The district has a program for anonymous bullying tips.  Visit for more information.  You can also contact Ms. Magana, our counselor, at and/or me,, if you are having problems or have witnessed bullying, fighting, and/or any other safety situations.

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before leaving on Fridays. Due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold, all remaining items may be donated or discarded.

Have an awesome weekend and week!

Week Thirty-Two: April 15th - 19th

Already Into April

* It is hard to believe that we are already midway through April.   The remaining weeks are going to move fast!

* I proudly announce that Mrs. Gonzalez, 4th grade teacher, has been selected as Lincoln's Teacher of the Year for the 2023-2024 school year!  Mrs. Gonzalez is very deserving of this recognition!  

* Our field is closed again.  Due to new hydroseeding, the field will be closed for the remainder of this school year.

* We have a School Site Council (SSC) and ELAC (English Learner Advisory Council) meeting on Tuesday, April 16th at 2:30 p.m.  SSC and ELAC meetings are open to the public for attendance and information.  SSC and ELAC meetings are in-person meetings only.

* The district is hosting its annual EL Reclassification Celebration on Wednesday, April 17th.  We will celebrate our English Language Learning students who have achieved academic success to be reclassified and removed from the EL program.   Way to go!

* The annual state testing (CAASPP) starts the week of April 22nd.  During the first week, our fifth-grade students will take the science portion of the test.  All 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will take the math sections during the week of April 29th.

* Attendance is essential during state testing.  Please schedule appointments after school during the testing weeks.   It disrupts the entire class when a student is tardy or called out.

* Students will not be allowed to have cell phones or watches in their possession during testing.   It is also very important that students come to school every day with a fully-charged Chromebook.   Please ensure Chromebooks are plugged in before your child goes to bed at night.

* Attention 5th grade families…   PDCMS will start notifying parents of acceptance during the last week of April.  We do not know who was accepted or on the waiting list.   We also have no control over their selections.   Please contact the office at PDCMS if you have questions and/or concerns.

* There is still time to register for summer school.  Summer school will be held at Earhart Elementary School this year.  There will be bussing from Lincoln School to Earhart School.  Normal bussing routes do not apply for summer school.  Summer school runs from June 10th through July 11th.  Complete the link if you are interested:  interest form

* We continue to have problems with students not wearing uniform shirts.   Lincoln has an adopted uniform policy in place.   Students are to wear a navy or yellow/gold polo or t-shirt.   Shirts with decals, sports logos, and other images are not part of the uniform policy, even if the base color is navy or yellow/gold.  Students should be in uniform regardless of wearing a sweatshirt or jacket to school.   Please be respectful of our school policy and culture!

Have an amazing weekend.  Thank you for reading!

Week Thirty: March 25th - 29th

One week ‘til Spring Break!

* I would like to thank all family members who attended our Awards Assemblies.  We recognized students in all grades with approximately 200 award certificates!   Amazing!   I am so proud of our kids!

* Our next family BBQ is tomorrow, Saturday, March 23rd from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  The BBQ is free for families and community members.   We will be serving hot dogs, chips, and water.  It is our way of bringing our family together and have fun playing outdoor games.

* We have made changes to our P.R.I.D.E. acronym.  Leopard P.R.I.D.E. now represents Positivity - Respect - Integrity - Determination - Empathy.  Daily announcements and class discussions will focus on our two new words Positivity & Empathy!

* Family-Teacher Conferences are next week, March 25th - 28th.  Students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. all week.   During this round of conferences, teachers will only meet with families of students performing below grade level in curricular areas, academic concerns, and/or behavior concerns.   However, teachers will schedule a meeting with any family requesting to meet.

* There will be no after-school enrichment or intervention classes during the week of Parent-Teacher Conferences.   There will be ASES and Homework Help.

* We will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair during Conference Week.   Students will be able to browse and shop the book fair with their class.  We will also have the library open after school from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for families to visit.

* Spring break is one week away!  Spring break is March 29th - April 8th.  School resumes on Tuesday, April 9th.

* Lunch is a busy time for us.         Please try to pick up your child either before or after lunch if you have to check him/her out for the day.   It is a safety issue when we have to take our focus off the overall student population to try to find one student.

* Parents, family members, and volunteers are not allowed to eat lunch with their child at the lunch area or on school grounds.  In addition, all food delivered for students will be delivered by a staff member.

* We continue to have problems with students not wearing uniform shirts.   Lincoln has an adopted uniform policy in place.   Students are to wear a navy or yellow/gold polo or t-shirt.   Shirts with decals, sports logos, and other images are not part of the uniform policy; even if the base color is navy or yellow/gold.  Students should be in uniform regardless of wearing a sweatshirt or jacket to school.   Please be respectful of our school policy and culture!

* I encourage you to take some time this week to show or tell someone they make a positive difference in your life.   Simple words and/or acts of kindness can go a long way!

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before leaving on Fridays.  The items in the Lost & Found have been out for three weeks.  After today, all remaining items will be donated or discarded due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have a wonderful week and weekend!

Week Twenty-Nine: March 18th - 22nd

March Madness!

* Attendance and tardies are a major problem for our school!   Missing school is the leading cause of students’ academic delays and lack of understanding standards.   When students improve their attendance rates, they experience academic success and improve their chances for graduating.  Now that grades have been posted, parents are contacting teachers and me requesting tutoring and/or after school support.   However, intervention support will not be effective or possible if students are not at school.

* Our next Awards Assembly is scheduled for Thursday, March 21st.  Invitations were sent home for students receiving awards.

* Our next family BBQ is on Saturday, March 23rd from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  The BBQ is free for families and community members.   We will be serving hot dogs, chips, and water.  It is our way of bringing our family together and having fun playing outdoor games.

* Family-Teacher Conferences for the second semester will be from March 25th - 28th.  Students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. all week.   During this round of conferences, teachers will only meet with families of students performing below grade level in curricular areas, academic concerns, and/or behavior concerns.   However, teachers will schedule a meeting with any family requesting to meet.

* There will be no after-school enrichment or intervention classes during the week of Parent-Teacher Conferences.   There will be ASES and Homework Help.

* We will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair during Conference Week.   Students will be able to browse and shop the book fair with their class.  We will also have the library open after school for families to visit.

* March 29th is a non-school day for students.  This is really the first day of Spring Break.

* Spring Break is from April 1st - 8th.  School will resume on Tuesday, April 9th.

* With increasing temperatures, we tend to have more conflicts between students.  The first rule of self-defense is to avoid and leave a situation.  Students should immediately report threats and/or acts of violence to a staff member.

* Any type of physical horseplay is not allowed.  Too many times horseplay gets taken too far and turns into a fight.

* Please check the Lost & Found on Fridays.   All remaining items will be discarded or donated due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have a pleasant weekend and upcoming week!

Week Twenty-Eight: March 11th - 15th

Midway Through March!

* We had our Family Math Night last night (Thursday night).   It was awesome seeing our students, families, and staff members playing math games and spending time together.   I want to thank our staff, families, and E & E Pels for a great night!  

* Math Field Day was last Saturday!   We had an amazing group of students representing Lincoln.   Our students won awards in two categories.   Way to go Leopards!

* Daylight savings time is Sunday, March 10th.  Remember to set your clocks one hour ahead (spring forward).

* Our 5th grade students will walk to Palm Desert Charter Middle School on Friday, March 15th for the Incoming 6th Grade Rally.   Students will be at PDCMS from 8:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.  All 5th-grade students will attend.

* Spring pictures will be taken on Friday, March 15th.   This is a non-uniform day for students.  We will also be taking pictures of our sports team, ELOP groups, Math Field Team, Battle of the Books, and other clubs for our Yearbook.

* Our next Awards Assembly is scheduled for Thursday, March 21st.  Invitations will be sent home for students receiving awards.

* Our next family BBQ is on Saturday, March 23rd from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  The BBQ is free for families and community members.   We will be serving hot dogs, chips, and water.  It is our way of bringing our family together and have fun playing outdoor games.

* Family-Teacher Conferences for the second semester will be from March 25th - 28th.  Students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. all week.   During this round of conferences, teachers will only meet with families of students performing below grade level in curricular areas, academic concerns, and/or behavior concerns.   However, teachers will schedule a meeting with any family requesting to meet.

* There will be no after-school enrichment or intervention classes during the week of Parent-Teacher Conferences.   There will be ASES and Homework Help.

* We will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair during Conference Week.   Students will be able to browse and shop the book fair with their class.  We will also have the library open after school for families to visit.

* March 29th is a non-school day for students.  This is really the first day of Spring Break.

* Spring Break is from April 1st - 8th.  School will resume on Tuesday, April 9th.

* Please check our Lost & Found.  Lunch bags will be discarded after school today due to safety, mold, and bugs.  

I hope you have an enjoyable weekend!

Week Twenty-Seven: March 4th - 8th

The Mighty Month of March!

* Thank you for the heartwarming birthday wishes, cards, and gifts.  It was an amazing day for me.   We will do it again in 2028!   🙂

* Teachers will be completing report card grades this week for the second trimester.   Grades are accessed via ParentVUE.

* Our Leopards are representing Lincoln Elementary tomorrow (Saturday) for the district’s annual Math Field Day!   Our team has been working very hard to prepare for the various events!   Good luck Leopards!

* There will be no after-school enrichment or intervention classes this week.   We will still have ASES and Homework Help.  The final round of before/after school activities begins on Monday, March 11th.

* Family-Teacher Conferences for the second semester will be from March 25th - 28th.   During this round of conferences, teachers will only meet with families of students performing below grade level in curricular areas, academic concerns, and/or behavior concerns.   However, teachers will schedule a meeting with any family requesting to meet.

* There will be no after-school enrichment or intervention classes during the week of Parent-Teacher Conferences.   There will be ASES and Homework Help.

* March 29th is a non-school day for students.  This is really the first day of Spring Break.

* Spring Break is from April 1st - 8th.  School will resume on Tuesday, April 9th.

* Daylight savings time is Sunday, March 10th.  Remember to set your clocks one hour ahead (spring forward).

* We are hosting a Family Math Night on Thursday, March 7th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  We will have a variety of math activities for family engagement.  We will have E & E Pels and food service available for families to purchase food and drinks!

* Spring pictures will be taken on Friday, March 15th.   This is a non-uniform day for students.

* Our next Awards Assembly is scheduled for Thursday, March 21st.

* Our next family BBQ is on Saturday, March 23rd from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

* We are having a major problem with students not wearing uniform shirts.   Lincoln has an adopted uniform policy in place.   Students are to wear a navy or gold/yellow polo or t-shirt.   Shirts with decals, sports logos, and other images are not part of the uniform policy even if the base color is navy or gold.  Students should be in uniform regardless of wearing a sweatshirt or jacket to school.   Please be respectful of our school policy and culture!

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 3 which focuses on  “all students will develop and consistently demonstrate responsible, respectful, and ethical behavior in a safe, clean, and orderly learning environment”.  Your opinions and feelings do matter and make a difference.

Click here to participate:

* Please check the Lost & Found on Fridays.   All remaining items will be discarded or donated due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have a fantastic weekend and week!

Week Twenty-Six: Feb. 26th - March 1st

Farewell February…  Moving on to March!!!

* The second trimester is almost over!  The trimester ends on Thursday, February 29th.  Please keep up with grades and attendance through our ParentVUE service.

* Our absence rate is alarmingly high!   Students are considered chronically absent when they miss 10% or more of the school year.   That is about two days a month.  Attendance is a great factor in your child’s academic and social development.   Poor attendance will influence whether children can read proficiently by the end of the third grade.  Playing catch-up in reading and writing development does not work.   By 6th grade, chronic absenteeism becomes a leading indicator of students dropping out of high school and not graduating.  Attendance matters!

* In addition, we have a large number of students who arrive tardy every day.   Tardiness disrupts the learning environment for all students and already sets your child behind for the day.  Please adjust schedules to help your child be to school on time.

*Following the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, the District has adopted a Compliant Snack policy.  Under the district’s Compliant Snack Policy, homemade goods may not be brought to the school and shared because they are not prepared in a certified kitchen. No personal celebrations are allowed on school grounds.   Birthdays and other celebrations are separate from the school setting.  Classroom parties are at the discretion of the teacher.  You must have prior permission from the teacher to bring celebratory items to school.   It is not the responsibility of our office staff to contact the teacher on your behalf.  In addition, we will not allow treats, gift bags, or other items to be shared without the teacher’s permission.  We must respect the beliefs and safety concerns of all students.

* Only students, staff, and verified guests are allowed through the door in the office leading to our nurse’s station, admin offices, and the school.   Parents, guardians, family members, and other guests must remain in the lobby area.

* We are having too many students out of uniform.  We have an adopted Uniform Policy that has been a part of Lincoln’s culture and tradition for many years.   Please be respectful of our policy.  Uniforms create an equitable and unified environment for all students.

* Our English Language Learning students will continue to take the yearly ELPAC assessment this week.

* Friday, March 1st is Read Across America Day and Dr. Suess Day.  We will have guests from the Rotary Club visit our classrooms to read and donate a book.  Students can wear a “Dr. Suess” hat to school.

* We are hosting a Family Math Night on Thursday, March 7th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  We will have a variety of math activities for family engagement.  We will have E & E Pels and food service available for families to purchase food and drinks!

* Spring pictures will be taken on Friday, March 15, 2024.   This is a non-uniform day for students.

* Our next Awards Assembly is scheduled for Thursday, March 21st.

* Our next family BBQ is on Saturday, March 23rd from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

* Parent-Teacher Conferences for the second semester will be from March 25th - 28th.   During this round of conferences, teachers will only meet with families of students who are performing below grade level in curricular areas, have academic concerns, and/or have behavior concerns.   However, teachers will schedule a meeting with any parent/guardian requesting to meet.

* Time is running out for transfer requests… Transfer requests for the 2024-2025 school year close on February 28, 2024. Transfer requests for the 2024-2025 school year must be submitted via the transfer link:  For more information, visit: DSUSD Transfer Information.

* Transfer requests to Washington Charter Elementary School or Palm Desert Charter Middle School must be made through their websites:  Visit Washington Charter Website or Visit Palm Desert Charter Middle Website.   Please visit their websites for more information.  Do not contact our office regarding transfer requests to the Charter schools.

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 3 which focuses on  “all students will develop and consistently demonstrate responsible, respectful, and ethical behavior in a safe, clean, and orderly learning environment”.  Your opinions and feelings do matter and make a difference.

Click here to participate:

* Please stop and browse the Lost & Found.   Food items will be discarded for safety reasons and the remaining clothes will be donated or discarded.

Have a wonderful weekend and do something special for yourself!

Week Twenty-Five: Feb. 19th - 23rd

Finding Our Way Through February

* The annual TK/K Enrollment Fair is today, Friday, February 16th from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the DEC North building at the district office.

* There is no school on Monday, February 19th in observance of Presidents' Day!

* We will have a School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Tuesday, February 20th at 2:30 p.m.  SSC meetings are open to the public for attendance and information.  SSC meetings are in-person meetings only.

* The second trimester is quickly coming to an end!   The trimester ends on Friday, Feb. 29th.

* Report cards for semester two should be available on ParentVUE after March 8th.

* Family-Teacher Conferences for the second semester will be from March 25th - 28th.   During this round of conferences, teachers will only meet with families of students who are performing below grade level in curricular areas, have academic concerns, and/or have behavior concerns.   However, teachers will schedule a meeting with any family requesting to meet.  Students are dismissed at 1:00 p.m. Family-Conference Week.

* We will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair during conference week.

* Our final selection of before/after school activities begins on March 11th.  Stay tuned for emails and flyers with the available programs and activities being offered.

* Math Field Day is on Saturday, March 2nd.  We have a great team of Leopards who are preparing for the competitions!   

* We are hosting a Family Math Night on Thursday, March 7th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  We will have a variety of math activities for family engagement.  We will have E & E Pels and food service available for families to purchase food and drinks!

* Spring pictures will be taken on Friday, March 15, 2023.   This is a non-uniform day for students.

* Our next Awards Assembly is scheduled for Thursday, March 21st.

* Our next family BBQ is on Saturday, March 23rd!   Stay tuned for more information!

* We have a lot of students wearing Crocs shoes to school.   As a result, we are getting a lot of injured students as a result of kids running and tripping in their shoes.   Students must wear the back strap on the Crocs when on school grounds for safety purposes.  In addition, I do not recommend students wear Crocs on the days when they have Physical Education.  Athletic shoes are the best and safest.

* Lincoln Elementary School is proud to host “Tea With the Mayor” on Wednesday, February 21st at 5:30 p.m. in our library.  Mayor Quintanilla and staff from the City of Palm Desert look forward to hearing your thoughts, ideas, and questions!  For questions:

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 3 which focuses on  “all students will develop and consistently demonstrate responsible, respectful, and ethical behavior in a safe, clean, and orderly learning environment”.  Your opinions and feelings do matter and make a difference.

Click here to participate:

Have a great three-day weekend!

Week Twenty-Four: Feb. 12th – 16th

Greetings Lincoln families, friends, and guests!

* This week was National Counselor’s Week!  I would like to thank Ms. Magana for her dedication to supporting our students, families, and staff!  

* There is no school tomorrow (Friday), February 9th.

* There is no school on Monday, February 12th in observance of Lincoln’s birthday.

* There is no school on Monday, February 19th in observance of Presidents' Day!

* Our soccer team had a great season!   They played with a lot of heart and P.R.I.D.E!  I love the teamwork!

* We hosted a family information on our EL program, ELPAC testing, and the importance of reclassifying.  I would like to thank all parents and families for their attendance and participation!

* We will have an ELAC (English Learner Advisory Council) meeting on Tuesday, February 13th at 2:30 p.m. in room 403.   ELAC meetings are in-person meetings and are open to the public for attendance and information.

* We will have a School Site Council (SSC) Meeting on Tuesday, February 20th from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in room 403.  SSC meetings are open to the public.   However, only elected members are allowed to discuss and vote on agenda topics.

* Valentine’s Day is on Wednesday, February 14th.  Please look for information from your teacher regarding card exchange and room parties.

* Students are encouraged to wear red or pink on Wednesday, February 14th to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

* Lincoln Elementary School is proud to host “Tea With the Mayor” on Wednesday, February 21st at 5:30 p.m. in our library.  Mayor Quintanilla and staff from the City of Palm Desert look forward to hearing your thoughts, ideas, and questions!  For questions:

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 3 which focuses on  “all students will develop and consistently demonstrate responsible, respectful, and ethical behavior in a safe, clean, and orderly learning environment”.  Your opinions and feelings do matter and make a difference.

Click here to participate:

* 5th Grade families…  Complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2024/25 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 15, 2024. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  2024-2025 PDCMS Lottery Application 

Because PDCMS is a charter school, they do not have traditional “home school” boundaries.  ALL parents/guardians must complete the application if you want to be considered for enrollment.   There are no guarantees based on siblings and/or your address.

* Please stop by and browse the Lost & Found TODAY.   All leftover items will be donated or discarded.

Have a great four-day weekend!

Week Twenty-Three:  Feb. 5th - 9th

Flowing through February!!!

* We are hosting a family information meeting on Tuesday, February 6th in our MPR for our English Language (EL) learning students.  Please join us to learn more about our English Language support and the upcoming ELPAC assessment.  We are also having a salsa and guacamole tasting contest for families.   Please email our ELD Intervention Coach,, if you have questions or need more information.

* There is no school on Friday, February 9th.

* There is no school on Monday, February 12th in observance of Lincoln's birthday!


* There is no school on Monday, February 19th in observance of Presidents' Day!  Enjoy the three-day weekend!


* Valentine’s Day is on Wednesday, February 14th.  Please look for information from your teacher regarding card exchange and room parties.


* Students are encouraged to wear red or pink on Wednesday, February 14th to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

* We will have an ELAC (English Learner Advisory Council) meeting on Tuesday, February 13th at 2:30 p.m. in room 403.   ELAC meetings are in-person meetings and are open to the public for attendance and information.

* 5th Grade families…  Complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2024/25 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 15, 2024. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  2024-2025 PDCMS Lottery Application 

Because PDCMS is a charter school, they do not have traditional “home school” boundaries.  ALL parents/guardians must complete the application if you want to be considered for enrollment.   There are no guarantees based on siblings and/or your address.

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 2 which states: "All students will graduate and be prepared to make a successful transition to further education and/or career opportunities.”  With your feedback, we can learn what’s most important to everyone as we move forward together.  We will use your thoughts to analyze the actions and services designated to support students' growth/success.  We will utilize the ThoughtExchange platform to allow everyone to share their perspectives and to better understand the perspectives of others. Participate in this Exchange by navigating to and entering the following 9-digit code: 108-573-736 OR Click here to participate:

* Please remember to check the Lost & Found.  We are compiling enough clothes to start our own Thrift Shop.

Have a restful four-day weekend!

Week Twenty-Two: Jan. 29th - Feb. 2nd

A Fresh Welcome to February!

* Wednesday, Jan. 31st is our 100th day of school.   We are having a spirit week to celebrate the 100th day!

*** Monday (Day 98): Sports Day!  Represent your favorite sport and team!

*** Tuesday (Day 99): It’s 99… And I’m feeling fine!  Wear your favorite outfit!

*** Wednesday (Day 100): Dress like you are 100 years old or wear 100 items!

*** Thursday (Day 101): Day of the Dalmatians!   Wear spots and/or dress like a Dalmatian.

*** Friday (Day 102): Groundhog Day!  School Spirit Day.   Represent your school colors and/or wear leopard print!

*February 9 is a non-school day. Enjoy your 4-day weekend!

*There is no school on Monday, February 12th in observance of Lincoln's birthday!

* Valentine's Day is Wednesday, Feb. 14th.  Please watch for classroom expectations and policies from your teacher regarding Valentine’s Day.

* There is no school on Monday, February 19th in observance of Presidents' Day!

* Lincoln is a closed campus for students’ safety.   Parents/Family members are not allowed on campus without administrative permission or without prior consent from the teacher for classroom volunteering.  Also, as a reminder, deliveries for students (food, backpacks, clothes, etc.) must be left with our office staff.   We will ensure the items are delivered to students.   We must minimize the number of people on campus and classroom disruption.

* We are hosting a virtual meeting for our families who have students eligible for the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Program.  Letters and emails were sent home for qualifying students.  The virtual meeting will be on Monday, January 29th at 5:30 p.m.  To join the video meeting, click this link:  Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 402-867-1212 and enter this PIN: 590 902 497#

* We will have an ELAC (English Learner Advisory Council) meeting on Tuesday, February 13th at 2:30 p.m. in room 403.   ELAC meetings are in-person meetings and are open to the public for attendance and information.

* 5th Grade families…  Complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2024/25 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 15, 2024. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  2024-2025 PDCMS Lottery Application 

Because PDCMS is a charter school, they do not have traditional “home school” boundaries.  ALL parents/guardians must complete the application if you want to be considered for enrollment.   There are no guarantees based on siblings and/or your address.

* The next round of Parent-Family Conferences is during the week of March 25th - 28th.  We will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair during conference week.

* Do you know what is in your child's backpack?!?  You should!  It is your right and responsibility to know what your child is bringing to and from school.

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 2 which states: "All students will graduate and be prepared to make a successful transition to further education and/or career opportunities.”  With your feedback, we can learn what’s most important to everyone as we move forward together.  We will use your thoughts to analyze the actions and services designated to support students' growth/success.  We will utilize the ThoughtExchange platform to allow everyone to share their perspectives and to better understand the perspectives of others. Participate in this Exchange by navigating to and entering the following 9-digit code: 108-573-736 OR Click here to participate:

* Remember to check the Lost & Found.   We have a stockpile of clothes.  All remaining items will be donated or discarded.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Week Twenty-One: Jan. 22nd - 26th

The Joyous Days of January

* There is no school tomorrow, Friday, January 19th, for students.   It is a Professional Development Day for staff.

* Students are still completing the i-Ready Winter Diagnostics in Reading and Math.   Please make school attendance a priority.   We have too many students arriving tardy.   Please adjust your mornings to help minimize classroom disruptions with students entering late.

* We have our GATE screening for second grade students on Monday, January 22nd.   We will also be testing new students in grades three through five by parent request only.

* We are hosting a virtual meeting for our families who have students eligible for the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Program.  The virtual meeting will be on Tuesday, January 23rd at 5:30 p.m.  Stay tuned for a link for the virtual meeting.

* Congratulations to our soccer team for winning their first game!  

* There is no school on Friday, February 9th.

* There is no school on Monday, February 12th in observance of Lincoln’s birthday!

* There is no school on Monday, February 19th in observance of President’s Day!

* 5th Grade families…  Complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2024/25 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 15, 2024. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  2024-2025 PDCMS Lottery Application

Because PDCMS is a charter school, they do not have traditional “home school” boundaries.  ALL parents/guardians must complete the application if you want to be considered for enrollment.   There are no guarantees based on siblings and/or your address.

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 2 which states: "All students will graduate and be prepared to make a successful transition to further education and/or career opportunities.”  With your feedback, we can learn what’s most important to everyone as we move forward together.  We will use your thoughts to analyze the actions and services designated to support students' growth/success.  We will utilize the ThoughtExchange platform to allow everyone to share their perspectives and to better understand the perspectives of others. Participate in this Exchange by navigating to and entering the following 9-digit code: 108-573-736 OR Click here to participate:

Have a great week and do something nice for yourself!

Week Twenty: January 15th - 19th

Week Twenty…  Jammin’ in January!

* There is no school on Monday, January 15th in honor and recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday!

* There is no school on Friday, January 19th for students.  This is a Staff Development Day for district employees.

* Students are taking the i-Ready diagnostics in math and language arts.  Your child needs to be at school and on time.

* Please remember that gum is not allowed on school grounds.  Please purchase mints for your child.

* 5th Grade families…  Complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2024/25 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 15, 2024. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  2024-2025 PDCMS Lottery Application

Because PDCMS is a charter school, they do not have traditional “home school” boundaries.  ALL parents/guardians must complete the application if you want to be considered for enrollment.   There are no guarantees based on siblings and/or your address.

* We have had a spike in COVID cases since Winter Break.   Please stop by the office if you would like a COVID test kit.

* We are having a lot of issues with students not wearing school uniforms.   All students are expected to wear a Lincoln shirt, blue polo, or gold/yellow polo every day; even if wearing a jacket, sweatshirt, or hoodie.   The mornings start cold but the temperature rises throughout the day.   Most students remove jackets and hoodies by lunchtime.   Students will be given clean loaner shirts when they are not in uniform.

* The holiday season was very exciting for many kiddos as they received new toys and electronic devices.   I strongly encourage you to leave new items at home to prevent damage, loss, or theft.   Lincoln Elementary School and/or DSUSD are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen personal items.

 * Please contact Ms. Magana, your teacher,  Ms. Blackim, or me if your child is having a difficult time with another student.  The school district also has an anonymous website for reporting bullying.  Please visit for more information.  You can also complete a Bullying/Harassment Form found under Parent Resources on the Desert Sands Unified School District home page.

* Physical fighting is NEVER an option to solve a conflict with another student.  Students who engage in any type of aggressive physical contact will receive disciplinary consequences.  Communication is the best way to resolve conflict!

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 2 which states: "All students will graduate and be prepared to make a successful transition to further education and/or career opportunities.”  With your feedback, we can learn what’s most important to everyone as we move forward together.  We will use your thoughts to analyze the actions and services designated to support students' growth/success.  We will utilize the ThoughtExchange platform to allow everyone to share their perspectives and to better understand the perspectives of others. Participate in this Exchange by navigating to and entering the following 9-digit code: 108-573-736 OR Click here to participate:

* Please make attendance a priority.   Our teachers are working hard every day to prepare your students for the next grade level and to master grade-level standards and skills.   Students who academically fall behind in elementary school have a very difficult time in middle and high school.   Playing the “catch-up” game is not successful.   Middle school and high school dropout rates start with Chronic Absences in elementary school.

Have a great three-day weekend!

Winter Break Blog

Time For a Break!

* Winter Break has arrived!   I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday season and break!

* Winter Break is from Dec. 22nd – Jan. 5th.  School will resume on Monday, January 8th.

* I know that our kids are very excited to show and share their new toys, games, and other items received over the break.   Please remember that we do not allow toys, stuffed animals, sports equipment, cards, electronic devices, and/or other personal items at school.   We have everything students need for learning and fun.  The Lincoln staff are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.

* Today is the LAST day to check the Lost & Found.   All remaining items in the Lost & Found will be discarded or donated for safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.  We are being overtaken by the “lost” clothes.   Please stop by and check for items lost.

* The district is asking for your input and feedback regarding the LCAP (school funding).   You are encouraged to participate and share your feelings through a Thought Exchange.   To participate in the Thought Exchange, visit and enter the following 9-digit code: 493-944-449 or follow this link:

* There is no school on Monday, January 15th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday.

* There is no school for students on Friday, January 19th.   This is a district professional development day for staff.

* Thank you for the holiday greetings, gifts, cards, and kind words that I have received this week.   I love our Lincoln family and cherish each day as your principal.  

* Enjoy the break and holiday season!

Week Eighteen: Dec. 18th - 21st

Yahoo…  It’s the last week ‘til winter break!

* We have four days until Winter Break.  It has been a long stretch since we started in August.  I think everyone deserves a good break!

* Winter Break is from Dec. 22nd – Jan. 5th.  School will resume on Monday, January 8th.

* The Cheer Team and Mrs. Magana convinced me to have a Spirit Week next week!  :-)

*** Monday, Dec. 18th - Wear your favorite seasonal socks

*** Tuesday, Dec. 19th - Favorite holiday hat, sports hat, or Whoville Hair (Crazy Hair) Day

*** Wednesday, Dec. 20th - Wear your favorite or funny holiday shirt/sweater or favorite sports jersey

*** Thursday, Dec, Dec. 21st - Wear your favorite comfy clothes or pajamas (No slippers or slides)

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before we go on Winter Break.   All remaining items in the Lost & Found will be discarded or donated for safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

* Our fifth graders went to PDCMS to watch a holiday performance.   The staff at PDCMS made several comments regarding our students' excellent behavior.  Great job fifth graders.  Thank you!

* The district is asking for your input and feedback regarding the LCAP (school funding).   You are encouraged to participate and share your feelings through a Thought Exchange.   To participate in the Thought Exchange, visit and enter the following 9-digit code: 493-944-449 or follow this link:

* There is no school on Monday, January 15th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday.

* There is no school for students on Friday, January 19th.   This is a district professional development day for staff.

* The holiday season is very exciting for many kids as they receive new toys, items, and electronic devices.   I strongly encourage you to leave new items at home to prevent damage, loss, or theft.   Lincoln staff and/or DSUSD are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen personal items.

* I hope everyone has a terrific holiday/winter break.  Enjoy the time with your family!  See you in 2024!

Week Seventeen: Dec. 11th – 15th

Leaping through December!

* We had an amazing time at the BBQ last weekend.  We had approximately 400 Lincoln staff, students, families, and friends attend.  Thank you for coming.  We are planning another BBQ for March.

* Winter Break is from Dec. 22nd through January 5th.  School will resume on Monday, January 8th.

* Our 5th grade students have been invited to watch a winter play at the Palm Desert Charter Middle School on Thursday, December 14th.  Students will walk to PDCMS at 8:45 a.m. and return at 11:30 a.m.

* We have several students who will participate in our school Spelling Bee this week.  The winner will represent Lincoln at the district Spelling Bee on January 17th.   Good luck to all participants.

* The district is asking for your input and feedback regarding the LCAP (school funding).   You are encouraged to participate and share your feelings through a Thought Exchange.   To participate in the Thought Exchange, visit and enter the following 9-digit code: 493-944-449 or follow this link:

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before we go on Winter Break.   All remaining items in the Lost & Found will be discarded or donated for safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have a great weekend and spread happiness!

Week Sixteen: Dec. 4th - 8th

Diving into December…

* We are hosting a family BBQ and School Celebration on Saturday, December 2nd from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  We will be serving grilled hot dogs, chips, and water for the first 400 participants.  There is no charge.  Families can play soccer, kickball, wallball, basketball, four-square, and tetherball.  Kids can also play on the play structure.  Parents/Guardians must be present and supervise their children.  Any person displaying negative behaviors will be asked to leave our campus.

* Parents have asked about bringing their own food, snacks, and drinks.   Yes, of course, but please remember that you are on school grounds and district rules will be enforced.  Parents and students have also asked about bringing pets.  Unfortunately, no.   We cannot have animals on school grounds.

* We had our Trimester One Awards assemblies this week.   I was so proud to recognize over 200 students who received an award from their teacher.  Students were recognized for demonstrating our P.R.I.D.E. traits, i-Ready achievements, and academic achievements.  I want to thank all our family members and friends who came to help recognize and congratulate our kids.  

* I also want to recognize and thank our fourth grade teachers, Ms. Chester, Ms. Gonzalez, and Ms. Pollard, for completing a grant to provide bikes and helmets to some of our students.  Fourteen of our fourth grade students will receive a free bike and helmet courtesy of Variety… The Children’s Charity of the Desert.  Thank you!

* Winter Break is from Dec. 22nd – Jan. 5th.  School will resume on Monday, January 8th.

* Students should not bring toys, trading cards, sports equipment, or electronic devices to school.  

* We have a lot of great before and after school activities occurring right now.   We have approximately 300 students participating in before and after school activities including Folklorico Dancing, Archery, Rubik’s Cube, Drums, Violin, Sunrise Sports, Soccer, Math Field Day, Battle of the Books, ASES, Homework Help, Reading Intervention, Math Intervention, and more.  

* All students are expected to wear a school uniform every day.   We are having problems with students not wearing the uniform under jackets and sweatshirts.   As the day warms, students are removing their warm clothing.   We are providing loaner shirts for students out of uniform.

* “DID YOU KNOW…” Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school year, or about 18 days, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That is just two days a month and that is known as chronic absenteeism. When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances of graduating.

* Be an ally at Lincoln Elementary School!  Please report any type of bullying and/or harassing behavior that is being done to you or someone else.  We cannot help if we are not aware!  You can also make an anonymous report on our district's anti-bullying website,

I hope you have a great weekend!  Thanks for reading!

Week Fifteen Blog: Nov. 27th - Dec. 1st

It’s here…  Thanksgiving Break

* It’s time for a break!   There is no school from Nov. 20th - 24th.  Enjoy the break and holiday!

* Our Cheer Team has been asked to perform at the Palm Desert Civic Center Park on Saturday, November 18th to celebrate Palm Desert’s 50th birthday.  The “Party in the Park” begins at 3:00 p.m. and is free to the public.  Congratulations to our cheer team!

* You will be able to access report cards on ParentVUE after the break on Monday, Nov. 27th.

* Please reach out to your child’s teacher(s) if you have questions, comments, concerns, and/or compliments regarding work, grades, etc.

* ALL items in the lost and found will be donated or discarded after today due to sanitary, safety, and health purposes.  All items have been outside the drop-off/pick-up area for several weeks.   Please make it a priority to stop and look for anything missing.   The school/staff does not assume responsibility for missing, donated, or discarded items.

* Soccer tryouts will be held after school on Monday, Nov. 27th and Tuesday, Nov. 28th.  Students may bring cleats for the tryouts but may not wear cleats to school.

* We have a lot of students out sick.  Please make sure you are contacting our office to report absences.   Unreported absences lead to chronic absences.   Chronic absences lead to the SARB process with the school district and district attorney.

* Students should not bring toys, electronic gaming devices, or sports equipment to school.   These items create controversy among students and cause distractions in classrooms.

* We are having our Trimester One Awards assemblies on Wednesday, Nov. 29th for TK/K and Thursday, Nov. 30th for 1st - 5th grades.   You should have received an invitation if your child is being recognized by his/her teacher for academic growth and/or displaying our P.R.I.D.E. traits.

* We are hosting a family BBQ and School Celebration on Saturday, December 2nd from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  We will be grilling hot dogs and have chips and water for our families.  Families can play soccer, kickball, wallball, basketball, four-square, and tetherball.  Kids can also play on the play structure.  Parents/Guardians must be present and supervise their children.  Any person displaying negative behaviors will be asked to leave our campus.

* Winter Break is from Friday, Dec. 22nd through Monday, January 5th.  School will resume on Monday, January 8th.

* Our Student Store has been a success.   We could use some help with donated items for our store.   The kids have been loving Ring Pops, Jolly Ranchers, squishy toys, stress balls, candy necklaces, cars, and Lego sets.   Please let me know if would like to donate any of these items to our Student Store.   I am also accepting donated Amazon and/or Target gift cards to help purchase more items.

* I hope your family has a wonderful break.   I am very thankful for your ongoing support and trust in our staff and me.   I am also thankful for our staff’s commitment and dedication to the success of your child/children.   Finally, I am thankful for the 615 fist bumps, hugs, high-fives, smiles, and talks that I get from our Lil Leopards!

Have a great holiday break and spread kindness!

Week Fourteen: Nov. 13th - 17th

One week til break!

* Thanksgiving Break is one week away!  There will be no school throughout the week of Monday, Nov. 20th through Friday, Nov. 24th.  School will resume on Monday, Nov. 27th.

* Winter break is quickly approaching too.   Winter break is from Friday, Dec. 22nd through Friday, Jan. 5th.  School resumes on Monday, Jan. 8th.

* Report cards will be completed by teachers this week.   You should be able to access your child’s/children’s first trimester report cards after Friday, Nov. 17th via StudentVUE.   Paper copies are no longer mailed out.

* Our Cheer Team has been asked to perform at the Palm Desert Civic Center Park on Saturday, November 18th to celebrate Palm Desert’s 50th birthday.  The “Party in the Park” begins at 3:00 p.m. and is free to the public.  Congratulations to our cheer team!

* We sent home interest forms for upcoming before and after school activities.   Our upcoming activities include: Ballet Folklorico (3rd - 5th graders), Robin Hood Archery (3rd - 5th graders), Drum Circle Hand Drums (1st & 2nd graders), and Rubik’s Cube Speed Cubing (3rd - 5th graders).  Please email for more information.

* Our current after school classes end today.  There are no after school activities next week except ASES, Homework Help, and Violin.   The next session of activities will begin after Thanksgiving Break.

* We are in need of one parent of our “English Language Learning” students to serve on our ELAC committee (English Learner Advisory Committee).   I need a minimum of three parents to serve on the committee and only have two sitting members.  Please email me if you are interested.   We only meet three to four times a year.

* We are having our Trimester One Awards assemblies on Thursday, Nov. 30th.   You will receive an invitation if your child is being recognized by his/her teacher for academic growth and/or displaying our P.R.I.D.E. traits.

* We are hosting a family BBQ and School Celebration on Saturday, December 2nd from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  We will be grilling hot dogs and have chips and water for our families.  Families can play soccer, kickball, wallball, basketball, four-square, and tetherball.  Kids can also play on the play structure.  Parents/Guardians must be present and supervise their children.  Any person displaying negative behaviors will be asked to leave our campus.

* Please help us improve attendance and tardies.   Our teachers cannot teach and your child cannot learn the curriculum if he/she is chronically absent and/or consistently tardy.

* It is starting to get chilly.   Students are expected to wear a uniform under jackets and sweatshirts.  I strongly recommend putting your child’s name and/or room number on the tag of the jacket/sweatshirt to avoid the item from getting lost.

* Arc Attire, the company that sells our uniform shirts, will be here again after Thanksgiving break to sell long-sleeve shirts, t-shirts, hoodies, and zip-ups.   I will email you when we get a date.

* We will have the Lost & Found items out for one more week.   There are a lot of clothes that are not being picked up.   Please take a few minutes this week to look for a missing jacket, sweatshirt, water bottle, lunch bag, etc.   All remaining items will be donated and/or discarded after Friday.

I hope you have a wonderful three-day weekend!

Week Thirteen: Nov. 6th - 10th

Navigating through November!

Welcome to week thirteen! 

* I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween!  The kids looked awesome and had a great day at school!

* Arc Attire will be at Lincoln on Tuesday, Nov. 7th to sell uniforms from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  They will be selling t-shirts, polos, long sleeve shirts, and hoodies.

* Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 5th.  Remember to turn your clocks BACK one hour!

* The first trimester ends on Thursday, November 9th.  Report cards will be completed the week after that and will be available on ParentVue.

* There is no school on Friday, Nov. 10th in recognition of Veteran's Day.  Enjoy the day and thank a veteran!

* Thanksgiving Break is quickly approaching too.  There will be no school throughout the week of Monday, Nov. 20th through Friday, Nov. 24th.  School will resume on Monday, Nov. 27th.

* We are having our Trimester One Awards assemblies on Thursday, Nov. 30th.   You will receive an invitation if your child is being recognized by his/her teacher for academic growth and/or displaying our P.R.I.D.E. traits.

* We are hosting a family BBQ and School Celebration on Saturday, December 2nd from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  We will be grilling hot dogs and have chips and water for our families.  Families can play soccer, kickball, wallball, basketball, four-square, and tetherball.  Kids can also play on the play structure.  Parents/Guardians must be present and supervise their children.  Any person displaying negative behaviors will be asked to leave our campus.

* Students are not allowed to wear cleats to school or change into cleats during lunch and/or recess.  Students have been getting hurt.  Cleats can be worn during after school sports only.

* We are in need of one parent of our “English Language Learning” students to serve on our ELAC committee (English Learner Advisory Committee).   I need a minimum of three parents to serve on the committee and only have two sitting members.  Please email me if you are interested.   We only meet three to four times a year.

* It is starting to get chilly.   Students are expected to wear a uniform under jackets and sweatshirts.  

 * We have recently been dealing with some issues of bullying and harassment between students.   Many students claim they are “playing around”.   Making fun of someone is never a form of playing around.   I tell students that “play” is okay if both parties are having fun.   Please encourage your child to seek out a staff member if he/she is being harassed or knows of another person needing our help.

* Reminder…  Check our Lost & Found for missing items.   We have been placing all Lost & Found items at the entrance gate where I greet students.  All leftover items are discarded if the items have an odor or presence of mold.

Have a great weekend and remember to adjust your clocks!

Week Twelve: Oct. 30th – Nov. 3rd

October is outta here!  Next up… November!

* Halloween is on Tuesday, October 31st.  This is a “free dress” day for all students.   Students may choose to wear their Halloween costumes to school.   Students do not need to wear a costume.   It is still a “free dress” day.  However, clothes must be appropriate for school and follow our Dress Code Policy.

Masks and make-up are allowed.  Students must come to school with all make-up applied.  Students cannot bring make-up to school for application in the restrooms.  Aerosol sprays (hairspray or hair coloring) are not allowed on school grounds.  Weapons (fake, real, or look-alike) are also not allowed at school.  Email me if you have questions and/or concerns regarding a costume or this day.

Please make sure you are comfortable allowing your child to wear a costume to school.   We are not responsible for costumes that get damaged throughout the day.  Also, please keep in mind that kids need costumes that allow them to use the restroom without assistance or resistance.   When kids have to go, they have to go fast.

* I hope you have a fun and safe Halloween!  Please keep candy at home!  The wrappers are a mess around school and the sugar intake creates many classroom/school disruptions!

* Lincoln and PDCMS are joining forces to host “Koffee with Kelly”.  On Tuesday, October 31st from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., we will be joined by our superintendent, Dr. Kelly May-Vollmar, for coffee and conversation.  We will be set up in our Rutldge Parking lot beyond the Lincoln East portable.  We are allowing parents to park in the Rutledge Way parking lot to attend this event.  She would love for you to come by and say hi!

*Nov. 5th - Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 a.m.  Remember to turn your clocks BACK one hour!

* There is no school on Friday, Nov. 10th in honor of Veteran's Day.

 * Thanksgiving Break is quickly approaching too.  There will be no school throughout the week of Monday, Nov. 20th through Friday, Nov. 24th.  School will resume on Monday, Nov. 27th.

* We are having our Trimester One Awards assemblies on Thursday, Nov. 30th.   You will receive an invitation if your child is being recognized by his/her teacher for academic growth and/or displaying our P.R.I.D.E. traits.

* We are hosting a family BBQ and School Celebration on Saturday, December 2nd from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  We will be grilling hot dogs and have chips and water for our families.  Families can play soccer, kickball, wallball, basketball, four-square, and tetherball.  Kids can also play on the play structure.  Parents/Guardians must be present and supervise their children.  Any person displaying negative behaviors will be asked to leave our campus.

* Students are not allowed to bring personal toys and/or sports equipment to school.   These items are causing conflicts among students.   We provide sports equipment for students during lunch and recess.

* Please read to and with your child every night.   Reading out loud builds vocabulary, phonemic awareness, fluency, expression, and confidence.   In addition, talk about the story throughout the reading and when it is over.   This will help with comprehension.

* The first trimester is quickly coming to an end!   The trimester ends on Thursday, November 9th.  Report cards will be completed the week after that.

* Please have your child check our Lost & Found for missing items.   All leftover items are discarded on Fridays because of safety precautions, odor, and mold.

Enjoy your week and weekend!  Thanks for viewing!

Week Eleven: Oct. 23rd - 27th

A lot is happening at Lincoln!

* It is Red Ribbon Week.  Students will have conversations about drug awareness and prevention throughout the week.   This year’s theme is: “Be Kind to Your Mind”

* This is also Spirit Week for College and Career readiness:

** Monday – “I pledge to be kind to my mind!” - Wear as much red as possible…  Shirts, pants, hats, etc.

** Tuesday – “Wild about my future!” – Wear an outfit that showcases your future career and who you want to be when you grow up.

** Wednesday – “Dress for success!” – Dress for an interview, in your best clothes, like you are applying for a job.

** Thursday – “Celebrating our military!” – Wear camouflage or “red, white & blue” colors.

** Friday – “Your future starts at Lincoln!” – P.R.I.D.E. Day!  Wear a Leopard shirt, colors, and accessories.

* I am excited to announce that Lincoln and PDCMS are joining forces to host “Koffee with Kelly”.  On Tuesday, October 31st from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m, we will be joined by our superintendent, Dr. Kelly May-Vollmar, for coffee and conversation.  We will be set up in our Rutldge Parking lot beyond the Lincoln East portable.  We are allowing parents to park in the Rutledge Way parking lot to attend this event.

* I would like to thank everyone who attended our Literacy Night.  It was a great night to explore books, read-alouds, and activities.   I would also like to thank Mrs. Rodriguez for organizing the event and all staff for hosting an activity.

* We have a lot of before and after school activities in action.   Our activities include Sunrise Sports, Cheer, Flag Football, Hockey, ASES, Homework Help, Math Field Day, Battle of the Books, math intervention, reading intervention, Rubik’s Cube Club, Nature Club, and more.

* Halloween is on Tuesday, October 31st.  This is a “free dress” day for all students.   Students may choose to wear their Halloween costumes to school.   Students do not need to wear a costume.   It is still a “free dress” day.  However, clothes must be appropriate for school and follow our Dress Code Policy.  

Masks and make-up are allowed.  Students must come to school with all make-up applied.  Students cannot bring make-up to school for application in the restrooms.  Aerosol sprays (hairspray or hair coloring) are not allowed on school grounds.  Weapons (fake, real, or look-alike) are also not allowed at school.  Email me if you have questions and/or concerns regarding a costume or this day.

Please make sure you are comfortable allowing your child to wear a costume to school.   We are not responsible for costumes that get damaged throughout the day.  Also, please keep in mind that kids need costumes that allow them to use the restroom without assistance or resistance.   When kids have to go, they have to go fast.

* There is no school on Friday, Nov. 10th in honor of Veteran's Day.

* Thanksgiving Break is from Nov. 20th - 24th.

* The first trimester is quickly coming to an end!   The trimester ends on Thursday, November 9th.  Report cards will be completed the week after that.

* Please have your child check our Lost & Found for missing items.   All leftover items are discarded on Fridays because of safety precautions, odor, and mold.

* I want to thank everyone who contacts me directly either through personal conversation, phone, or email to discuss concerns and questions pertaining to our school, students, procedures, and policies.  There is a purpose for everything.   I discourage everyone from relying on social media for school business.  Much of what is posted on social media is incorrect or personal opinions.  I always encourage open dialogue with families.  Leopard P.R.I.D.E!

Enjoy the final week of October!!!

Week Ten: Oct. 16th – 20th 

Welcome to week ten!

* I hope you all had the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher.   Communication is an important part of your child’s success.   Please contact your child’s teacher if you did not meet so a live or virtual meeting can be scheduled.

* We will have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting on Tuesday, October 17th from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in room 403.  ELAC meetings are open to the public.  However, only elected members are allowed to discuss and vote on agenda topics.

* Literacy Night is on Thursday, October 19th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.   All grades are invited.  There will be a variety of literacy activities, make and take projects, read-alouds, and cookies & milk!

* The safety and welfare of our students and staff are our highest priorities. To provide schools an opportunity to practice emergency response procedures, Desert Sands Unified School District and Lincoln will be participating in the Great California ShakeOut (earthquake drill) on Thursday, October 19th.

* We will be participating in College & Career and Red Ribbon Week activities during the week of Oct. 23rd – 31st.  Ms. Magana, our wonderful counselor, and Ms. Reichle, our amazing fifth grade teacher and AVID coordinator, are planning Spirit Week activities.   More information will come next week.

* Halloween is on Tuesday, October 31st.  This is a “free dress” day for all students.   Students may choose to wear their Halloween costumes to school.   Students do not need to wear a costume.   It is still a “free dress” day.  However, clothes must be appropriate for school and follow our Dress Code Policy.

Masks and make-up are allowed.  Students must come to school with all make-up applied.  Students cannot bring make-up to school for application in the restrooms.  Aerosol sprays (hairspray or hair coloring) are not allowed on school grounds.  Weapons (fake, real, or look-alike) are also not allowed at school.  Email me if you have questions and/or concerns regarding a costume or this day.

* Did you that know poor attendance can influence whether your child can read proficiently by the end of 3rd grade?   Attending school increases your child’s academic success!

* I challenge you to do an act of kindness this week for someone.   You never know what big differences you can make to someone with a little act of kindness.

Have a great and rewarding week!

Week Nine: Oct. 9th - 13th

Week Nine…  Conference Time!

* Next week is Family/Teacher Conferences.   TK/K students will be dismissed at 12:50 p.m. First through fifth-grade students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m.  

* We will have ASES and Homework Help throughout the week.   We will NOT have additional intervention or enrichment classes AFTER school.  Morning programs may still be planned.

* There is no school for students on Friday, October 13th.   This is a Professional Development day for DSUSD staff.

* We had an awesome Mini-Muster day for our third-grade students!   The firefighters and volunteers were amazing with our kids!   I would also like to thank Mario’s Italian Restaurant for helping with our lunch!

* We will be participating in Red Ribbon Week activities during the week of Oct. 23rd - 31st.  Our amazing counselor, Ms. Magana, is planning Spirit Week activities.   More information will come next week.

* We will have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting on Tuesday, October 17th from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in room 403.  ELAC meetings are open to the public.  However, only elected members are allowed to discuss and vote on agenda topics.

* All DSUSD schools will participate in the Great Californian Shakeout on Thursday, October 19th.   This is an earthquake drill.   Our students will participate in the duck-cover-hold drill and evacuation.

* We are planning a Literacy Night for all grades for Thursday, October 19th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.   Mark you calendars now but stay tuned for more information.

* We do NOT tolerate any type of physical horseplay.  Too many times, “playing around” has led to students getting hurt.  Students will be disciplined for pushing, shoving, hitting, or tackling one another.

* Halloween falls on a Tuesday this year.  We are going to allow students to wear Halloween costumes to school including masks.  Students must come to school with all make-up applied.  Students cannot bring make-up to school for application in the restrooms.  Aerosol sprays (hairspray or hair coloring) are not allowed on school grounds.  Weapons (fake, real, or look-alike) are also not allowed at school.  Email me if you have questions and/or concerns regarding a costume or this day.

* Be an ally at Lincoln!  Please report any type of bullying and/or harassing behavior that is being done to you or someone else.  We cannot help if we are not aware!  You can also make an anonymous report on our district's anti-bullying website,   You can complete a Request for Assistance form to request support and assistance for your child or another DSUSD student.  Link:   Request for Assistance Form 

* All items in the Lost & Found may be discarded after school today due to sanitary and safety precautions.  Please check the Lost & Found outside the 3rd/4th/5th-grade pick-up area or your item may be “lost” forever.

Leopard P.R.I.D.E. Equals Success!

Week Eight: Oct. 2nd - 6th

Itś Week Eight and Itś October!

* We have a lot coming up this month so I thought I should remind everyone of the events and dates.

* October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.   Please reach out to Ms. Magana, any staff member, and/or me if you are experiencing OR witnessing acts of bullying and/or harassment from another student.  We cannot help if we are not aware!  You can also make an anonymous report on our district's anti-bullying website,

* To show school-wide support in bullying prevention, we are asking everyone to wear a blue shirt on Tuesday.

 * The annual 3rd-grade Mini-Muster is on Tuesday, October 3rd.  All students will get wet!  Third graders should not wear white shirts on this day.  I also encourage students to wear older shoes as it might get a little muddy/dirty.

* Family – Teacher Conferences are coming soon!  Conference Week is the week of October 9th through 12th.   Students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. during this week.   TK/K students will be dismissed at 12:50 p.m.  This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and discuss concerns and highlights.

* There is no school for students on Friday, October 13th.   This is a Professional Development day for DSUSD staff.

* We will have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting on Tuesday, October 17th from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in room 403.  ELAC meetings are open to the public.  However, only elected members are allowed to discuss and vote on agenda topics.

* The annual Great Shakeout is on Thursday, October 19th.  All schools will participate in the annual earthquake drill.

 * You can complete a Request for Assistance form to request support and assistance for your child or another DSUSD student.  Link:   Request for Assistance Form 

* Halloween falls on a Tuesday this year.  We are going to allow students to wear Halloween costumes to school!  Students must come to school with all make-up applied.  Students cannot bring make-up to school for application in the restrooms.  Aerosol sprays (hairspray or hair coloring) are not allowed on school grounds.  Weapons (fake, real, or look-alike) are also not allowed at school.  Email me if you have questions and/or concerns regarding a costume or this day.

* After-school pickup…  Grades 1 – 5… Please do NOT exit your vehicle if you are pulled up along the curb.   We have plenty of staff members who are assisting with students.   Exiting your vehicle backs up all traffic and is not fair to other families.  There are plenty of open parking spaces if you want to park and meet your child at the gate.   In addition, vehicles MUST have a Disabled Placard or license plate if parking in a handicapped spot.   I will notify the PD Police Traffic Officer of vehicles illegally parked.

* We do not allow cupcakes, gifts, balloons or other celebratory items for birthdays or other holidays.  

* Did you know…  Research shows that missing 10 percent of school, or about 18 days per year, negatively affects a student’s academic performance and reduces graduation rates.  This is just two days a month and is known as chronic absence.

* All items in the Lost & Found may be discarded after school today due to sanitary and safety precautions.  Please check the Lost & Found outside the 3rd/4th/5th-grade pick-up area or your item may be “lost” forever.

Show your Lincoln P.R.I.D.E. at all times!

Week Seven: 25th – 29th

So Long September, On to October!

* This week we had interviews to add a teacher to our third grade team to reduce class sizes.   During one interview, a candidate asked our team why we are at Lincoln.   What a great question!   My response…   The students, family, and staff!   The relationships, trust, and culture make Lincoln a special place… Unlike any other school.   You are a part of that.   Thank you.  Thank you for supporting your child/children and our school.   You are appreciated!

* October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.   Please reach out to Ms. Magana, any staff member, and/or me if you are experiencing OR witnessing acts of bullying and/or harassment from another student.  We cannot help if we are not aware!  You can also make an anonymous report on our district's anti-bullying website,

* Family – Teacher Conferences are coming soon!  Conference Week is the week of October 9th through 12th.   Students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. during this week.   TK/K students will be dismissed at 12:50 p.m.  This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and discuss concerns and highlights.

* There is no school for students on Friday, October 13th.   This is a Professional Development day for DSUSD staff.

 * The annual 3rd-grade Mini-Muster is on Tuesday, October 3rd.  All students will get wet!  Third graders should not wear white shirts on this day.  I also encourage students to wear older shoes as it might get a little muddy/dirty.

* We will have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting on Tuesday, October 17th from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in room 403.  ELAC meetings are open to the public.  However, only elected members are allowed to discuss and vote on agenda topics.

* The annual Great Shakeout is on Thursday, October 19th.  All schools will participate in the annual earthquake drill.

 * You can also complete the Request for Assistance form to request support and assistance for your child or another DSUSD student.  Link:   Request for Assistance Form 

* We have great things happening for our students before and after school.   Mornings start with Sunrise Sports and Yoga.  After school activities include Lego Club, Rubik’s Cube Speedcubing, Battle of the Books, Math Field Day, Spirit Club, Cheerleading, Desert Nature Program, Math Intervention, Reading Intervention, and more.   Amazing!!!   Please watch for more activities starting in November.

* All items in the Lost & Found may be discarded after school today due to sanitary and safety precautions.  Please check the Lost & Found outside the 3rd/4th/5th-grade pick-up area or your item may be “lost” forever.

* Send a thoughtful message or email to someone.  A simple act of kindness, like “thank you” or “thinking of you”, can change someone’s day!

Have a wonderful weekend and week!!!

Week Six: Sept. 18th – 22nd

Start With Hello!

 * Our school is continuing our collaboration with the Sandy Hook Promise Outreach Program to bring more unity among students and staff.   It is also an effort for more students to feel important and noticed.  This week is officially called “Start with Hello”.  We have activities all week to recognize and support this great cause.

MONDAY 9/18:  “Student Skit!”

All students watch a pre-recorded video about “Start With Hello” and showing kindness.

TUESDAY 9/19: “Wear GREEN Day!”

Students and staff wear green to show that they are or can be a friend to someone.

WEDNESDAY 9/20:  “Start With Hello!”

Students will receive a nametag and are encouraged to say hello to students they do not know.

THURSDAY 9/21:  “Make a Pledge!”

Students will agree to the pledge: “If I see someone alone, I will reach out and say hello.”

FRIDAY 9/22:  “School Spirit Day!”

Students and staff wear a Leopard shirt and Leopard accessories to show that we are UNITED at Lincoln School.

* We are planning a Literacy Night for our students and families for Thursday October 19th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  When prepared, I will send a list of the activities for our students.   Literacy Night will be for all students and grades.  Stay tuned for more information.

* All students are expected to be in uniform each day.   We have a supply of clean loaners that we are loaning to students who are out of uniform.

* Joking and playing are when everyone involved is having fun.   I do not allow students to use these words as excuses for hitting, hurting, and/or being mean to another student.   Please talk with your child about proper ways to play.

* Pokemon, gaming cards, and toys are creating problems in the classrooms and between students.   These items should not be brought to school.   The school/staff is not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken personal items.

* We will have a School Site Council (SSC) Meeting on Tuesday, September 19th from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in room 403.  SSC meetings are open to the public.   However, only elected members are allowed to discuss and vote on agenda topics.

* We will have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting on Tuesday, October 17th from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in room 403.  ELAC meetings are open to the public.  However, only elected members are allowed to discuss and vote on agenda topics.

 * The annual 3rd-grade Mini-Muster is on Tuesday, October 3rd.  All students will get wet!  Third graders should not wear white shirts on this day.  I also encourage students to wear older shoes as it might get a little muddy/dirty.

* The first round of Family-Teacher Conferences is during the week of October 9th – 12th.   We will be on a modified schedule throughout the week.

* There is no school for students on Friday, October 13th.   This is a professional development day for DSUSD staff.

 * The annual Great Shakeout is on Thursday, October 19th.

* I want to assure you that your voices and concerns are heard.  We look into all situations and constantly try to improve all conditions for our kids.   Due to students’ privacy rights, you will not be notified of other students’ situations, consequences, or behaviors.   I need everyone to trust that we are all here for the right reasons…   The kids.   Please contact me via email at or our counselor, Ms. Magana at if you have questions, concerns, and/or compliments.

* You can also complete the Request For Assistance form to request support and assistance for your child or another DSUSD student.  Link:   Request for Assistance Form 

* All items in the Lost & Found may be discarded after school today due to sanitary and safety precautions.  Please check the Lost & Found outside the 3rd/4th/5th-grade pick-up area or your item may be “lost” forever.

Say “hello” to someone new to you!  In fact, let’s make saying “hello” a contagious act of human kindness!!!

Week Five: Sept. 11th – 15th

 Soaring Through September…

 * We are planning a Literacy Night for our students and families.  When prepared, I will send a list of the activities for our students.   Literacy Night will be for all students.  Stay tuned for more information.

* Please do not allow your child to bring toys or sports equipment to school.   Toys are creating problems in classrooms and between students.

* We are getting some complaints and concerns from bus drivers about our students’ behaviors on buses.   Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right.   Please talk with your child about bus behaviors.  Multiple bus issues will lead to a loss of bus privileges.

* Morning tardies are a problem.   Reminder: 4th & 5th-grade students should be in line at 7:40 a.m.   TK through 3rd-grade students should be on campus and in line at 7:55 a.m.   Being tardy disrupts the learning environment and causes your child to miss instructional time.  Please adjust your schedules to arrive early or on time.   We open the gates at 7:20 a.m. every day.  All students who arrive late must be checked into the office by an adult.

 * Our third-grade students will participate in the annual Mini-Muster this year on Tuesday, October 4th.  The Mini-Muster is a Fire Safety Program.  More information will come soon.

* We will have a School Site Council (SSC) Meeting on Tuesday, September 19th from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. in room 403.  SSC meetings are open to the public.   However, only elected members are allowed to discuss and vote on agenda topics.

 * Please get in the habit of charging Chromebooks before going to bed.   I also encourage all parents to have a technology check-in time at night.   Many students are staying up too late because they are playing on Chromebooks or phones and/or watching television.  It is crucial for your child to get a good night of sleep.

 * We have a new Instagram account for our school.   Please follow us at: abrahamlincolnleopards (You should see our new logo.)

* The best way to reach me is by email:  I will reply by email or by phone as soon as possible.  You can contact our counselor at   You can contact our after-school coordinator at 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Week Four: Sept. 4th – 8th

All flowing in week four!

* I would like to thank everyone for attending our Back to School Night!   What a great evening!   I truly enjoyed seeing our families and students on campus!   Your support means a lot!

* There is no school on Monday, September 4th in recognition of Labor Day.  Do you remember when school did not start until after Labor Day?!?   Now, we are in week four!

* All students are expected to be in school uniform.   Students should be wearing a blue or yellow/gold polo or t-shirt.   T-shirts should have the Leopard logo or be plain.  We are also allowing white polo shirts or white t-shirts with Leopard logos.  However, we are not allowing plain white t-shirts or other colored shirts.

 * Students can wear a college or military shirt on Fridays to support our AVID program.

* I would like to thank our parents and family members who are showing respect and kindness to other parents during pickup.   I cannot change the location of our school.   I cannot change the way the city built the median.   However, we can change the way we work together and show respect to the next vehicle/person.  

* TK/K parents…   We purposefully dismiss ten minutes early to allow you time to park and pick up your student.  We have plenty of parking spaces.   You are not allowed to park and exit your vehicle on Magnesia Falls or along our entrance curb.   Your convenience is not my priority.   Parents are creating traffic issues for our students in first through fifth because of the parked vehicles.  

* All grades…  No one should be exiting vehicles if parked along the pickup curb.   You must park in the parking lot and walk to the pickup area if you do not want the curbside pickup.  Again, your convenience does not outweigh the respect for other families who are trying to do the right thing.  If we all work together, we can get all families out of the parking lot in approximately twelve minutes.  

* Morning traffic would also move much smoother if more parents utilized our curbside drop-off for students in first through fifth grade.   We have to stop and back up traffic by stopping vehicles for parents and students to cross from the parking lot to the gate.

 * We need your help!  We have too many students who do not understand the meaning of “play”.  Playing is a safe activity for all people involved.   Play should not include hitting, pushing, kicking, or any other type of physical or aggressive behavior.  Many students do not understand this concept.  Students in all grades are hitting students and are justifying their actions as “playing around”.  Please have conversations with your child about appropriate play and respecting personal space.

* Please take a minute to complete the survey regarding interests in various before and after-school activities.   We want to get a feel for the interest before we contract with outside companies.   This is just an interest form for now.   Actual registrations will be coming soon.

Link:  Expanded Learning Opportunity Program: Session 1 Interest Form

 * Please get in the habit of charging Chromebooks before going to bed.   I also encourage all parents to have a technology check-in time at night.   Many students are staying up too late because they are playing on Chromebooks or phones and/or watching television.  It is crucial for your child to get a good night of sleep.

* Picture Day is on Friday, September 8th.  This is a uniform day because we use these pictures for our Yearbook and school files.   We will have another Picture Day later this year that will be “free-dress”.

 * Reminder 4th & 5th-grade students should be in line at 7:40 a.m.   TK – 3rd-grade students should be on campus and in line at 7:55 a.m.   Being tardy disrupts the learning environment and causes your child to miss instructional time.  Please adjust your schedules to arrive early or on time.   We open the gates at 7:20 a.m. every day.

 * We have a new Instagram account for our school.   Please follow us at: abrahamlincolnleopards (You should see our new logo.)

* The best way to reach me is by email:  I will reply by email or by phone as soon as possible.  You can contact our counselor at   You can contact our after-school coordinator at

Have a great three-day weekend and week!

Week Three: August 28th – Sept. 1st

Stepping into September

* There is no school on Monday, Sept. 4th in recognition of Labor Day!

* Back to School Night is on Wednesday, August 30th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Teachers will host two sessions to help families with multiple students.  Session One will start at 5:00 p.m. and Session Two will begin at 6:00 p.m.  

* Back to School Night (BTSN) is a time to meet teachers, share our school goals, share classroom goals, and go over expectations for academic success.  BTSN is NOT a time to talk about individual behaviors and concerns.  Please schedule a time to meet with your teacher if you would like a personal meeting.

* During Back to School Night, each teacher will begin each session with a short video and slide presentation that describes and explains Title I funding and how it applies to Lincoln Elementary School.

* We will have sign-ups for Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts during Back to School Night.   We will also have Arc Attire on campus selling uniforms.

* Speaking on uniforms…   Our school colors are navy and gold/yellow.   We are allowing white polo shirts.  We are no longer allowing other colors (red, purple, green, black, etc.).  Students will receive a loaner shirt when needed.

* We are hoping to start after-school enrichment and intervention programs soon.  We will be sending an email home next week with a link for you to complete a Google Form with activities for you to show interest in participating.

* Picture Day is Friday, September 8th.  We use these photos for our Yearbook and Student Information System.   Therefore, all students must be in uniform for this round of pictures.   We will have another picture day later this year that will be uniform-free.

* Students have started or will start taking the i-Ready assessments for math and language arts.  These assessments are very important for our teachers to know our students’ true academic levels.

* School Hours…  Our school hours are officially changing this week.   We will follow the same start time schedule as last year.  4th and 5th grade students will begin school at 7:40 a.m.   Students in TK through 3rd grade will start school at 7:55 a.m.  

* On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays…   TK & K students will dismiss at 1:50 p.m.   Students in 1st through 5th will be dismissed at 2:00 p.m.

* On Wednesdays…    TK & K students will dismiss at 12:50 p.m.   Students in 1st through 5th will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m.

* For busing…   Morning routes will remain the same.   For dismissal, you should expect your child/children to arrive 15 minutes earlier than the current schedule.

* All after school programs have been notified about our schedule change.

* The reason why we attempted to change the starting time was to help resolve our tardy issue.  We have too many kids coming to school late.   Our kids are missing instructional time.   In addition, students and teachers are disrupted and lose focus when students enter a classroom late.   Please make it a priority to have your child/children at school, on-time.

* Students who arrive to school after 7:55 a.m. must be accompanied into the office by an adult.

* Gates will still open at 7:20 a.m. (or sooner) to make sure all students in all grades have time for breakfast.

* I sent an email with a link to vote for parents for our School Site Council.   Voting will end at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, August 28th.

* Please contact me any time with questions, comments, concerns, and/or compliments regarding our rules, policies, procedures, school events, and/or any issue pertaining to your child.  Our school’s number is 760-862-4340.  However, the best way to reach me is through my email account,

* Students and parents can contact our counselor, Ms. Magana, at with social and/or academic concerns.

Be as strong as a Leopard and roar with confidence!

Email sent on 08.18.23

Hi Leopard families!  We have an opportunity to participate in the “Operation School Bell” program.  Through Operation School Bell, our Assistance League chapter provides new school clothes, shoes, and hygiene supplies to Lincoln students.

Please email our counselor, Ms. Magana, at if you need assistance with school uniforms, shoes, or other supplies.   The materials are donated and free for our families.   Again, please contact Ms. Magana if your family could use some extra assistance.   Ms. Magana will need your child’s clothing sizes and shoe size.  For more information, please email Ms. Magana,

Leopard P.R.I.D.E,

Mr. C

Week Two: August 21st – 25th

Week Two…  Off and Running!

* Please visit my blog and our website each week for updates, upcoming events, school news, dates, and much more!

* We had a great first week.   It was such a great feeling to see our students and families on Tuesday morning!  

* This year’s bell schedule change is not looking like the best plan.   The intention was to reduce our tardies and give our 4th and 5th grade students a little more time to wake up in the morning.  However, our dismissal time is too close to the dismissal time of PDCMS.   I do not see dismissal getting better with the amount of students at both schools who get picked up.   Therefore, we are making some adjustments to help our families…

* Beginning this Monday (August 21st):

TK & Kindergarten dismissal will move back to 1:50 p.m.  (12:50 p.m. on Wednesdays)

Grades 1, 2 & 3 will be dismissed at 2:00 p.m.  (1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays)

Grades 4 and 5 will still be dismissed at 2:15 p.m. due to mandatory instructional minutes.  (1:15 p.m. on Wednesdays)

* Busing will remain the same.  Students in TK through 3rd grade who ride the bus or get picked up by an outside care service will be supervised by staff until 2:15 p.m.

* I am hoping this staggered dismissal will move traffic through our parking lot and through Magnesia Falls more efficiently.

* I am working with transportation to see if we can go back to last year’s bell schedule and have all students in grades one through five dismissed at 2:00 p.m.   However, we need to see how our change will affect other routes.

* There is no school on Monday, September 4th in recognition of Labor Day.

* We are a uniform school.   All students are expected to come to school wearing a navy blue, white, or gold/yellow polo shirt or a Lincoln Leopards t-shirt.  White polo shirts are okay.   White t-shirts are not part of the uniform policy.

* Back to School Night is on Wednesday, August 30th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  

* Back to School Night (BTSN) is a time to meet teachers, share our school goals, share classroom goals, and go over expectations for academic success.  BTSN is not a time to talk about individual behaviors and concerns.  Please schedule a time to meet with your teacher if you would like a personal meeting.

* During Back to School Night, each teacher will show a short video and slide presentation that describes and explains Title I funding and how it applies to Lincoln Elementary School.

* We will have sign-ups for Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts during Back to School Night.   We will also have Arc Attire.

* We are hoping to start after-school enrichment and intervention programs soon.  We are preparing to have a violin class, before and after school sports, archery, dance, math support, language arts supports, robotics, Botball, Rubik’s Cube, and much more.   Stay tuned.

* The Student & Family Handbook is on our web page.   There is a link for an English and Spanish version.

* Please feel free to contact me any time with questions, concerns, and/or compliments regarding our rules, policies, procedures, school events, and/or any issue pertaining to your child.  Our school’s number is 760-760-862-4340.  However, the best way to reach me is through my e-mail account:

Have a fantastic weekend!

First Day… Not Far Away!

Dear Lincoln families:

The 2023-2024 school year is quickly approaching!   I am so excited to see our returning students and meet all new students.  We had a great first year together.   This year will be even better!

I wanted to let you know about some important dates, school policies, and new faces.  We have a new assistant principal joining our team.   I would like to introduce and welcome Ms. Teddi Blackim.   We also have a new instructional coach.   Mr. Joshua Duval has moved from one of our teachers to our instructional coach.  

Important Dates:

First Day of School: Tuesday, August 15th

Open House (Meet & Greet Your Teacher): Monday, August 14th from 2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Uniform Sales: Wednesday, August 9th & Thursday, August 10th from 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Back to School Night & Title I Meeting: Wednesday, August 30th from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.


School Hours:

All grades now have the same start time at 7:55 a.m.

Dismissal for TK/K is now 2:00 p.m. (Wednesdays is 1:00 p.m.)

Dismissal for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th is now 2:15 p.m. (Wednesday is 1:15 p.m.)


Tardy Policy:

All students who arrive late (tardy) to school must be accompanied into the office by an adult for sign-in.   Students can no longer come through the office tardy without an adult signing him/her late into school.   The adult must park in the parking lot and walk with the student(s) into the office.   School starts at 7:55 a.m.   The gates will open at 7:30 a.m. every day.   Please plan accordingly.



I will be sending a follow up email with a Google Form for you to complete in regards to our dismissal and how/where your child/children will be dismissed.


Dress Code:

All students are expected to follow our dress code policy.   The dress code policy for Lincoln has been in existence for over twenty years.  


Navy blue or Yellow/Gold polo or t-shirts; with or without logo.  Shirts without the logo must be a solid navy or gold color.  On Fridays, students may wear school spirit shirts, club shirts, college, or military shirts.


Students must wear pants, shorts, skorts, skirts, and/or leggings that fit appropriately.

More information is in the Student & Family Handbook.


Registration and Office Hours

The office opens on Wednesday, August 2nd.   The office hours are 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.   On Fridays, the office closes at 3:00 p.m.  



We are no longer accepting teacher requests.   We are hoping to open ParentVUE on Friday, August 11th with your assigned teacher and classroom number.   You will have an opportunity to meet and greet your teacher on Monday, August 14th from 2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.


First Day of School

We do allow parents, guardians, and family members on campus on the first day of school until the 7:55 a.m. start time.   At that time, all visitors will be asked to leave.   TK/Kindergarten families will have a different schedule.   Your teachers will send you specific plans for the first day of school.

After the first day, only students are allowed on campus when the gates open.   Adults and visitors must follow the Visitor Policy.


I am very excited for the first day!   Continue to check your emails, our web page, and/or my blog for updates and important information.  Please email me ( know if you have questions , concerns, and/or compliments!    

Leopard P.R.I.D.E,

Mr. Christensen (Mr. C)

Proud Principal




Estimadas familias de Lincoln:

¡El año escolar 2023-2024 se acerca rápidamente! Estoy muy emocionada de ver a nuestros estudiantes que regresan y conocer a todos los estudiantes nuevos. Tuvimos un gran primer año juntos. ¡Este año será aún mejor!

Quería informarles sobre algunas fechas importantes, políticas escolares y caras nuevas. Tenemos un nuevo subdirector que se une a nuestro equipo. Me gustaría presentar y dar la bienvenida a la Sra. Teddi Blackim. También tenemos un nuevo entrenador de instrucción. El Sr. Joshua Duval ha pasado de ser uno de nuestros maestros a nuestro entrenador de instrucción.

Fechas importantes:

Primer día de clases: martes 15 de agosto el

Open House (Conozca y salude a su maestro): lunes 14 de agosto el de 14:45 a 15:45

Venta de uniformes: miércoles 9 de agosto el y jueves, 10 de agosto el de 14:00 a 19:00

Noche de regreso a clases y reunión de Título I: miércoles 30 de agosto el de 17:00 a 19:00

Horas de escuela:

Todos los grados ahora tienen la misma hora de inicio a las 7:55 am

La salida para TK/K ahora es a las 2:00 p. m. (los miércoles es a la 1:00 p. m.)

Despido por 1 calle , 2 Dakota del Norte , 3 rd , 4 el , y 5 el ahora son las 2:15 p. m. (el miércoles es la 1:15 p. m.)

Política de tardanzas:

Todos los estudiantes que lleguen tarde (tarde) a la escuela deben ser acompañados a la oficina por un adulto para registrarse. Los estudiantes ya no pueden llegar tarde a la oficina sin que un adulto los firme para llegar tarde a la escuela. El adulto debe estacionarse en el estacionamiento y caminar con el(los) estudiante(s) a la oficina. La escuela comienza a las 7:55 am Las puertas se abrirán a las 7:30 am todos los días. Por favor planifique en consecuencia.


Le enviaré un correo electrónico de seguimiento con un formulario de Google para que lo complete con respecto a nuestro despido y cómo/dónde se despedirá a su hijo/hijos.

Código de vestimenta:

Se espera que todos los estudiantes sigan nuestra política de código de vestimenta. La política del código de vestimenta de Lincoln existe desde hace más de veinte años.


polo o camisetas azul marino o amarillo/dorado; con o sin logotipo. Las camisas sin el logotipo deben ser de color azul marino u dorado sólido. Los viernes, los estudiantes pueden usar camisetas de espíritu escolar, camisetas de clubes, camisetas universitarias o militares.


Los estudiantes deben usar pantalones, pantalones cortos, faldas pantalón, faldas y/o calzas que les queden apropiadamente.

Hay más información en el Manual del estudiante y la familia.

Registro y Horario de Oficina

La oficina abre el miércoles 2 de agosto Dakota del Norte . El horario de oficina es de 7:30 a. m. a 3:30 p. m. Los viernes, la oficina cierra a las 3:00 p. m.


Ya no aceptamos solicitudes de maestros. Esperamos abrir ParentVUE el viernes 11 de agosto el con tu profesor asignado y número de aula. Tendrá la oportunidad de conocer y saludar a su maestro el lunes 14 de agosto. el de 14:45 a 15:45

Primer dia de escuela

Permitimos que los padres, tutores y miembros de la familia estén en el campus el primer día de clases hasta la hora de inicio de las 7:55 am. En ese momento, se les pedirá a todos los visitantes que se retiren. Las familias de TK/Kindergarten tendrán un horario diferente. Tus profesores te enviarán planes específicos para el primer día de clases.

Después del primer día, solo los estudiantes pueden ingresar al campus cuando se abren las puertas. Los adultos y los visitantes deben seguir la Política de visitantes.

¡Estoy muy emocionada por el primer día! Continúe revisando sus correos electrónicos, nuestra página web y/o mi blog para actualizaciones e información importante. ¡Envíeme un correo electrónico ( si tiene preguntas, inquietudes y / o cumplidos!

ORGULLO leopardo,

Sr. Christensen (Sr. C)

director orgulloso

Week Thirty-Eight: May 29th – June 2nd

This is it….

* I cannot believe I am writing the final Blog of the 2022/2023 school year!  I want to thank all of you for visiting our home page and reading my blogs.  I hope you found it useful!

* I would like to thank Ms. Nevins, Ms. Cieslikowski, Ms. Grenier, and Mr. Loy for their commitment and service to our students as they are retiring from education.   You will be greatly missed.

* I would like to thank our students, families, and staff for a successful first year as your principal.   I am so proud to be your principal and I look forward to our future years.

* There is no school on Monday, May 29th in honor of Memorial Day!

* The last day of school is Friday, June 2nd.

* The last four days of school are a normal schedule.   Wednesday is our only minimum day.

* Per district policy, students CANNOT bring backpacks and/or oversized bags to school on Friday, June 2nd.  Students may bring lunch bags and water bottles.

 * All students should have returned Chromebooks, tablets, chargers, and library books.   Please make sure your child has returned everything to the library.   Our office staff is making calls for missing items.

* All students on an inter-district must renew their transfer request every year.  Students on an inner-district transfer do not need to renew their transfer unless going to a new school or moving onto middle school.

 * Please check your email later today or early next week for a google form to register for the lottery for our after school programs: ASES and Homework Help.  Keep in mind that this is a lottery.   Registering does not guarantee a spot.  

* We are having our final awards assembly on Tuesday, May 30th.  Invitations were sent home with students who are receiving an award.   Please remember that we do not allow balloons, flowers, posters, or any other distracting items.

* The last day of school is a free dress day.  However, students cannot wear tank tops or spaghetti strap shirts to school.

 * Students do not need to be in school uniform for summer school.

* Please visit our Lincoln home page throughout the summer for updates and dates.


Have a fun, final week and a refreshing summer vacation!

Monday, May 22, 2023

E-mail sent to families:

Happy Monday Leopard families!   I hope everyone had a great weekend.   I have had some parents reach out to me asking if we are accepting teacher requests for the 2023-2024 school year.  I am accepting teacher requests.   However, it is important for me to notify all families that teacher requests are not guaranteed.   We will do our best but there are many factors in assigning students and creating balanced, equitable class rosters.  In addition, we are having several teachers change grade levels next year.   I am only accepting teacher requests via email.   Do not send written letters or make verbal recommendations.   Please reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns, and/or compliments.  I hope you have a wonderful week!

Leopard P.R.I.D.E,

Mr. C

Week Thirty-Seven: May 22nd – 26th

It is the final countdown… We are under ten days!

* There is no school on Monday, May 29th in honor of Memorial Day!

* The last day of school is Friday, June 2nd.  The last day is a regularly scheduled day.  School dismissal will be at 2:00 p.m.

* I would like to thank all of our families who attended our TK Early Literacy Night.   All students in TK received a free bag of 26 books to enjoy over the summer.

* ALL students must return library books, Chromebooks, tablets, and chargers on Friday, May 26th.

* Our TK & Kindergarten classes are hosting End of Year Performances next week.  

* Ms. Villarreal’s and Ms. Yoder’s class will have a performance on Thursday, May 25th in the MPR from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.   Families will enter through the gates closest to the MPR.

* Ms. Clarke’s and Mr. Rios’ class will have a performance on Friday, May 26th in the MPR from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.   Families will enter through the gates closest to the MPR.

* Ms. Benedetto’s and Ms. Winkle’s class will have a performance on Friday, May 26th in room 602 from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.  Families will enter through the gates next to the office.

* 5th Grade students will be going to the Aquatic Center on Friday, May 26th from 8:40 a.m. – 11:20 a.m.   Students will eat lunch when they return to school.   I sent a letter on Thursday with more details.

* 5th graders will have a busy last couple of days.   On Wednesday, May 31st, they will have a Yearbook and “It’s NACHO school anymore” celebration.   On Thursday, June 1st, students will enjoy a movie in the MPR with snacks.

* All students will receive a free Yearbook this year.   We hope to have them early next week.  We only have enough for one per student.

* Many families have reached out to me regarding uniform donations.   We would love to receive donated uniforms from our 5th graders or from students who have outgrown the shirts.   Donated shirts can be dropped off in the office or with me in the mornings at the gate.  Your donations are appreciated.

* Our office closes at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays.

* Summer school begins on Tuesday, June 6th.   All information has been sent to participating students.   We are no longer accepting summer school registrations.

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before leaving on Fridays.  All remaining items will be donated or discarded due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have a great weekend!

Week Thirty-Six: May 15th – 19th


Fasten your seatbelt...

The next three weeks are going to fly by!

* Sunday, May 14th is Mother’s Day.   I would like to wish everyone a special day!   I hope you get spoiled!

* On Thursday night, we had a great evening celebrating our Cheer Team, violinists, and choir groups.   We had approximately 200 family members come to support and enjoy the performances.   The kids were outstanding.   Such a proud event for our Leopards.

* 5th-grade students will take the science section of the CAASPP assessment this week.  It is very important for students to arrive at school on time and remain at school throughout the school day.

* ALL cellphones and personal electronic devices MUST be turned OFF and put in backpacks/purses and set away from students during testing!

* We are also hosting a TK Early Literacy Night on Thursday, May 18th from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.  All TK kids who attend the event will receive a FREE bag of 26 books.  This a great opportunity to build a library for the summer.

* Our district office is hosting a Kindergarten & Transitional Kindergarten Enrollment Fair on Friday, May 19th from 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the district office on Dune Palms Road in La Quinta.  If your child turns five years old between Sept. 2, 2023 and April 2, 2024, then TK is the place to be!  If your child is five years old by Sept. 1, 2023, then it is time for kindergarten!

* We are finalizing the plans for our 5th grade students to celebrate the end-of-the-year by going to the Aquatic Center on Friday, May 26th.  Please watch for more information.

* Temperatures are rising.   We encourage students to bring a water bottle to school to stay hydrated!

* We are no longer accepting Summer School Registrations.   The program is filled.

* Our office closes at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays.

* There is no school on Monday, May 29th in honor of Memorial Day!

* The final day of school is Friday, June 2nd.  The last day of school is a full day.  Dismissal is at 2:00 p.m.

Have a relaxing weekend!

Week Thirty-Five: May 8th – 12th

Moving Through May!

* I would like to thank everyone for the emails, cards, gifts, and warm wishes that were given to our staff and to me throughout this week.   Your kindness is very appreciated.

* I am so proud of our kids for completing the first week of CAASPP testing!   Our students are working very hard to demonstrate their academic growth this year.

* All 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will take the math sections of the CAASPP assessment this week.  It is very important for our students to arrive to school on time and remain at school throughout the school day.

* ALL cellphones and personal electronic devices MUST be turned OFF and put in backpacks and set away from students during testing.

* We are no longer accepting Summer School Registrations.   The program is filled.

* We are hosting a Lincoln Performing Arts Celebration on Thursday, May 11th at 6:00 p.m. to showcase our after-school (ELO-P) programs of choir, violinists, cheer squad, and art.

* We are also hosting a TK Early Literacy Night on Thursday, May 18th from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.  All TK kids who attend the event will receive a FREE bag of 26 books.  This a great opportunity to build a library for the summer.

* We are planning activities for our 5th graders for the end of the year to celebrate the beginning of their middle school journey.   Please stay tuned for specific activities and dates.

* Temperatures will be on the rise next week and in the weeks to come.   We encourage students to bring a water bottle to stay hydrated!

* Students are not allowed to play “tag” during recess or lunch.   We do not allow games that involve hitting and pushing one another.   Students tend to become aggressive and use too much physical force.   Students will sit out of recess for playing tag and/or other physical games.

* Please remember that our office closes at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays.  

* There is no school on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day!

* The final day of school is Friday, June 2nd.

* Please check the Lost & Found before leaving on Fridays.   All leftover items will be discarded or donated.

I hope you enjoy your week!

Week Thirty-Four: May 1st – 5th

My, my, my…   May has emerged!

* Tuesday, May 2nd is Teacher Appreciation Day!  I encourage our students to write a letter and/or make a card to say “thank you” for your teachers’ support, efforts, and commitment to our students’ social and academic success.

* State testing starts this week.   We will be testing for the next three weeks.  Please make attendance and punctuality a priority!

* Students should be charging their Chromebooks every night in preparation for the state test, i-Ready, and other classroom activities.

* ALL cell phones and personal electronic devices MUST be turned OFF and put in backpacks and/or set away from students during testing!

* Any cell phone confiscated during the testing period will ONLY be returned to a parent/guardian.   NO exceptions.

* Please try your very best for yourselves and for our school!

* All students who submitted a summer school registration form will have a spot in summer school.   Next week, I will send a letter notifying parents who have a spot in the Desert Rec Program.   We have approximately 150 students signed up for summer school.  Unfortunately, we only have space available for 50 students in the Desert Rec Program.   The wait list is long too.  Summer school begins on Tuesday, June 6th.

* I am also working with our Transportation Department to see if we can get some bus stops for summer school.   Transportation will look at the students registered and identify the highest populated areas.   Stay tuned for more information regarding summer school bussing.  Please note that summer school is optional.   Therefore, bussing at all normal stops is not required/provided.

* We are hosting a TK Early Literacy Night on Thursday, May 18th from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.   All TK kids who attend the event will receive a FREE bag of 26 books!

* It is heating up!   Please make sure your child is coming to school with a water bottle.   We are getting many students in the nurse’s office with headaches.   The number one cause for headaches is dehydration.

* To help with the increasing temperatures, we have set up pop up tents at the dismissal areas and have set up large misting fans in the lunch area.   Our students are loving the fans!

* Students are not allowed to play “tag” during recess or lunch.   We do not allow games that involve hitting and pushing one another.   Students tend to become aggressive and use too much physical force.  

* La Quinta Middle School (LQMS) is hosting a 5th grade parent night on Wednesday, May 17th from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. for all 5th grade families who are interested in having their child attend LQMS.  This will be an opportunity for parents to see the many wonderful things that LQMS has to offer.  If parents would like to purchase polos, spirit shirts and PE clothes in advance they can bring cash or check.  This event is open to all elementary schools.

* There is no school on Monday, May 29th in recognition of Memorial Day.

* The last day of school is Friday, June 2nd.

* Please check our Lost & Found on a regular basis.   All remaining items will be discarded or donated.

I hope you have a great week!

Week Thirty-Three: April 24th – 28th

Adios April

* Time is running out to submit your application for summer school.   We have plenty of summer spaces open.  Unfortunately, the Desert Rec Program is filled.   We are no longer taking names for the waiting list.  Summer school applications are due no later than Friday, April 28th.

* Students in grades 2nd through 5th will be administered the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Assessment on Monday, April 24th unless parents/guardians completed the opt-out form.

* The annual CAASPP assessment for students in grades three, four, and five will begin on the first week of May!  Please make school attendance a top priority!

* Please make sure Chromebooks are charged EVERY night.

* We do not allow students to bring personal sports equipment to school.  We have been having conflicts between students and many issues with balls being lost, kicked over the fence, and/or disrupting the classroom.   Lincoln staff is not responsible for replacing and/or retrieving lost equipment.   We have plenty of equipment for students to play with.

* We are also having a lot of problems with students playing too aggressively with soccer and basketball.   Students were warned that we will take away the equipment if the activity becomes too rough and students are being too physical.  We have a lot of staff members supervising, but they cannot see every push, hit, or kick that happens during a game.   Students must take responsibility for their style of “play”.

* We have spent TOO much time in recent weeks with social and internet drama!  Students tend to have no fear when posting messages and pictures over various internet sites.  I do not think students realize that when they send something over the internet or by phone, the picture and/or message is now public and will be spread!  Parents…  Protect your children and know what they are doing, posting, and who they are messaging.

* We are not tolerating any form of horseplay.   Things are getting out of hand and conflicts and injuries are occurring from “horseplay” gone wrong!  In addition, the game of “tag” is not allowed.

* Many 5th grade students and parents are asking about a “5th Grade Promotion”.  Per district and school board policy, elementary schools are not allowed to host a promotion night at schools.  However, we will plan some activities to help make our 5th grade students enjoy their final days as a Leopard.

* Our office will close at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays for the remainder of the school year.   The office staff will be in meetings and preparing for 2023/24 registrations.

* Our office staff is only open for registrations for incoming TK, Kindergarten, and new 2023/2024 students from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m and 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before leaving on Fridays.  All remaining items may be donated or discarded due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have an awesome weekend and week!

Week Thirty-Two:  April 17th – 21st

Set you alarms…  Break is over!

* I hope everyone had a peaceful, fun Spring Break.   There are only 34 school days left of the

2022/2023 school year!   Buckle up…   It’s going to go by fast!

* Students in TK through 4th grade will receive a Summer School Application on Monday.   I sent a detailed email on Friday, April 7th regarding summer school and the Desert Recreation District program.   Summer school and the Desert Rec program spaces are first come, first serve.  We are sharing space with Carter Elementary School this summer.   Not all students will be able to attend the Desert Rec program.  Please look for the forms on Monday.   Summer school applications must be returned by Friday, April 28th.

* Students in grades 2nd through 5th will be administered the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) Assessment on Monday, April 24th unless parents/guardians complete an opt-out form.   Letters will be sent home on Tuesday regarding the GATE testing.  You ONLY sign and return the form if you choose to OPT-OUT of the testing.

* The annual CAASPP assessment for students in grades three, four, and five will begin on the first week of May!

* Our office will close at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays for the remainder of the school year.   The office staff will be in meetings and preparing for 2023/24 registrations.

* Speaking on registrations, our office staff is only open for registrations for incoming TK, Kindergarten, and new 2023/2024 students from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m and 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.

* La Quinta Middle School (LQMS) is hosting a 5th grade parent night on Wednesday, May 17th from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. for all 5th grade families who are interested in having their child attend LQMS.  This will be an opportunity for parents to see the many wonderful things that LQMS has to offer.  If parents would like to purchase polos, spirit shirts and PE clothes in advance they can bring cash or check.  This event is open to all elementary schools.

* Palm Desert Charter Middle School should have notified you regarding the Lottery Applications for the 2023/2024 school year.   I do not have that information.   Please contact PDCMS if you have questions or concerns regarding your application for next year.

* We are having a lot of issues with social media behaviors.   Please monitor your child’s cell phone, electronic devices, and social media accounts.   I have approximately fifteen years of experience with the dangers of social media.  My experiences include cyber-bullying, inappropriate websites, inappropriate graphics, threats, and grooming relationships.   Never trust social media and children!

* Please make all attempts to attend school and arrive on time for the remaining 34 days!   Students are now receiving a special treat from the principal on Fridays if they attend school all week and are not tardy!

* The district has a program for anonymous bullying tips.  Visit for more information.  You can also contact Ms. Magana, our counselor, at and/or me,, if you are having problems or have witnessed bullying, fighting, and/or any other safety situations.

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before leaving on Fridays.  All remaining items may be donated or discarded due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold. 

* There is no school on Monday, May 29th in recognition of Memorial Day.

* The last day of school is Friday, June 2nd.

* The first day of summer school is Tuesday, June 6th.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week back!

Friday, April 7th

Email to families…

Dear Lincoln families,

I cannot believe that there are only seven weeks of school after Spring Break.   We are beginning to prepare for the end of the year and summer school.   Lincoln Elementary will be hosting a summer school program for students currently in TK – 4th grade.   Summer school will be from 7:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from June 6th – 22nd.   Students attending summer school also have the option to enroll in our summer Desert Recreation District program.   The Desert Recreation District program will run from 12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.   Spaces are limited for Summer School and for the Desert Recreation District program.  We can only have forty students in the Desert Recreation District program due to staffing.   Students can only be in the Desert Recreation District program if they attend summer school.  

Students in summer school will receive 120 minutes of instruction in Language Arts (Reading & Writing), 60 minutes of instruction in Math, and 60 minutes of instruction in other activities (art, PE, science, etc.).  Students will be provided with breakfast and lunch.

Permission slips will be sent home on Monday, April 17th.   I recommend that you complete the forms and return them to me as soon as possible to reserve a spot.  All permission slips must be returned by Friday, April 28th.   There will be two forms…  One for summer school and one for the Desert Recreation District program.   Students eligible for ESY will not receive a permission slip.  More information will be sent after all forms are submitted.   We are working with transportation to provide bussing.   Current stops are not guaranteed.

Please email me if you have any questions, concerns, and/or compliments.

Leopard P.R.I.D.E,

Mr. C

Week Thirty-One: April 3rd – 7th

One week ‘til Spring Break!

* I would like to thank all family members who attended our Parent Teacher Conferences.   Please reach out to your teachers whenever you have a question, concern, and/or compliment.

* Spring break is one week away!  Spring break is from April 10th – 14th.  School resumes on Monday, April 17th.

* The annual CAASPP assessment for students in grades three, four, and five will begin on the first week of May!

* We are sending home another COVID test kit for your family.  Please use as needed.   Please send me,, a copy of the test only if your child/student tests positive.   We will send another test kit home next Friday too.   We are asking that you use that test kit before returning from Spring Break.   Thank you!

* Lunch is a busy time for us.        Please try to pick up your child either before or after lunch if you have to check him/her out for the day.        It is a safety issue when we have to take our focus off the overall student population to try to find one student.

* We continue to have problems with students not wearing uniform shirts.   Lincoln has an adopted uniform policy in place.   Students are to wear a navy or yellow/gold polo or t-shirt.   Shirts with decals, sports logos, and other images are not part of the uniform policy; even if the base color is navy or yellow/gold.  Students should be in uniform regardless of wearing a sweatshirt or jacket to school.   Please be respectful of our school policy and culture!

* Our office will close at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays for the remainder of the school year.   The office staff will be in meetings and preparing for 2023/24 registrations.

* All district-approved volunteers must arrange volunteering time with the teacher.   Volunteers and visitors are not allowed on campus without prior approval.  

* Parents, family members, and volunteers are not allowed to bring and eat lunch with their child at the lunch area or on school grounds.  All food will be delivered to students by a staff member.

* I encourage you to take some time this week to show or tell someone they make a positive difference in your life.   Simple words and/or acts of kindness can go a long way!

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before leaving on Fridays.  During Spring Break, all remaining items will be donated or discarded due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have a wonderful week.  Thank you for reading!

Week Thirty: March 27th – 31st

Moving on from March!!!

* We had a great turnout at the district’s annual Math Field Day!   Our students looked awesome.   I am very impressed by their commitment and sportsmanship.   I want to thank our families for providing snacks and drinks.  It was another great Leopard experience!

* Parent-Teacher Conferences for the second semester will be from March 27th – 31st.   During this round of conferences, teachers will only meet with families of students who are performing below grade level in curricular areas, have academic concerns, and/or have behavior concerns.   However, teachers will schedule a meeting with any family requesting to meet.

* During Conference week, TK & Kindergarten dismissal is 12:45 p.m. and 1st – 5th grades dismiss at 1:00 p.m.   Please arrange for prompt pickup.   We cannot have students waiting for pickup.   Our office staff is not responsible for supervising students after dismissal.

* There will be no after-school enrichment or intervention classes during the week of Parent-Teacher Conferences (March 27th – 31st).   There will be ASES and Homework Help.  Morning activities will depend on the teacher.

* We transitioned our Kindergarten students onto the main playground this week for recess and lunch.   The fenced-in playground is not big enough for our Kindergarten kids to safely run and play.   The TK students will continue to play in the designated area.   All TK and Kindergarten students will continue to go to the fenced area before school.

* Beginning Monday, March 27th, we will begin two incentives and rewards for our students.   Students who arrive at school on-time, each day, Monday through Friday, will get a sticker or hand stamp.   During lunch, students who earned a stamp/sticker will receive a special treat!  In addition, classes will earn a point each time everyone is present and on time.   After five points are earned, the class will celebrate with an extra recess, free time, or something established between the teacher and students.  Please make attendance a priority.   We cannot prepare our kids for tomorrow if they are not here today!

* Our 5th-grade students will go to Palm Desert Chart Middle School on Thursday, March 30th for an orientation of their school and programs as we prepare our students for middle school.   The orientation is for students only.  We will visit PDCMS from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

* Our office will close at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays for the remainder of the school year.   The office staff will be in meetings and preparing for 2023/24 registrations.

* Please check the Lost & Found.   All remaining items will be discarded or donated due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have a pleasant weekend and upcoming week!

Week Twenty-Nine: March 20th – 24th

March Madness!!!

* I want to thank everyone who attended our BBQ last Saturday!   We had an amazing turnout of staff, students, families, and friends.   We plan to make this an annual event.

* I would like to congratulate Mr. Rios as our 2022/2023 Teacher of the Year!  Mr. Rios is currently teaching kindergarten.  Congratulations on your much-deserved recognition!

* I would also like to congratulate Ms. Leal for being selected as Teacher of the Year for our Special Education Department.   Ms. Leal is our Lead Speech Language Pathologist.  She is amazing!

* Our Leopards are representing Lincoln Elementary tomorrow (Saturday) for the district’s annual Math Field Day!   Our team has been working very hard to prepare for the various events!   Good luck Leopards!

* Attendance and tardies are a major problem for our school!   Missing school is the leading cause of students’ academic delays and lack of understanding standards.   When students improve their attendance rates, they experience academic success and improve their chances for graduating.  Now that grades have been posted, parents are contacting teachers and me requesting tutoring and/or after school support.   However, intervention support will not be effective or possible if students are not at school.     

* One of our goals at Lincoln Elementary is to create a professional environment for all staff members, students, parents, visitors, and guest teachers.  We expect our students, staff, and visitors to display positive behaviors in the office, in classrooms, on emails, on phone calls, and on school grounds.

* With increasing temperatures, we tend to have more conflicts between students.  The first rule of self-defense is to avoid and leave a situation.  Students should immediately report threats and/or acts of violence to a staff member.

* Any type of physical horseplay is not allowed.  Too many times horseplay gets taken too far and turns into a fight.  Students may be suspended for fighting.

* We will have a School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Tuesday, March 21st at 2:30 p.m.  SSC meetings are open to the public for attendance and information.  SSC meetings are in-person meetings only.

* Parent-Teacher Conferences for the second semester will be from March 27th – 31st.   During this round of conferences, teachers will only meet with families of students who are performing below grade level in curricular areas, have academic concerns, and/or have behavior concerns.   However, teachers will schedule a meeting with any family requesting to meet.

* There will be no after-school enrichment or intervention classes during the week of Parent-Teacher Conferences (March 27th – 31st).   There will be ASES and Homework Help.

* Spring Break is from April 10th – 14th.

* Please check the Lost & Found on Fridays.   All remaining items will be discarded or donated due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have a pleasant weekend and upcoming week!

Week Twenty-Eight: March 13th – 17th

The Mighty Month of March!!!

* The third trimester begins on Monday, March 6th.   Teachers will be completing report card grades this week.   Grades are accessed via ParentVUE.

* Parent-Teacher Conferences for the second semester will be from March 27th – 31st.   During this round of conferences, teachers will only meet with families of students who are performing below grade level in curricular areas, have academic concerns, and/or have behavior concerns.   However, teachers will schedule a meeting with any family requesting to meet.

* There will be no after-school enrichment or intervention classes during the week of Parent-Teacher Conferences (March 27th – 31st).   There will be ASES and Homework Help.

* Daylight savings time is Sunday, March 12th.  Remember to set your clocks one hour ahead (spring forward).

* Gum is not allowed on school grounds!  Please do not allow your child to bring gum to school.  Mints serve the same purpose.  Confiscated gum will not be returned unless picked up by a parent/guardian.

* Our English Language Learning students will be taking the yearly ELPAC assessment this week.  Please make attendance a top priority!

* We are hosting a family BBQ and School Celebration on Saturday, March 11th from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  We will be grilling hot dogs and providing a small lunch for the first 150 people in attendance.   Families can play soccer, kickball, wall ball, basketball, four-square, and tetherball.  Kids can also play on the new play structure.  Parents/Guardians must be present and supervise their children.  Any person displaying negative behaviors will be asked to leave our campus.

* We will also be hosting an ELD Awareness assembly in the MPR during the BBQ from 11:30 – 12:30. Topics will include EL designation, reclassification, intervention support, and the ELPAC assessment.

* Our school takes a strong stand against bullying/harassment.  I cannot stress to you enough that we cannot fix issues if we do not know they exist!  Your child needs to speak up and let us know if something is happening to him/her or to someone else.  You can also e-mail me at or our counselor at  Finally, we also have a district adopted anti-bullying website you can access,

* Spring pictures will be taken on Wednesday, March 15, 2023.   This is a non-uniform day for students.

* We are having a major problem with students not wearing uniform shirts.   Lincoln has an adopted uniform policy in place.   Students are to wear a navy, white, or gold polo or t-shirt.   Shirts with decals, sports logos, and other images are not part of the uniform policy; even if the base color is navy, white, or gold.  Students should be in uniform regardless of wearing a sweatshirt or jacket to school.   Please be respectful of our school policy and culture!

* We will have a School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Tuesday, March 21st at 2:30 p.m.  SSC meetings are open to the public for attendance and information.  SSC meetings are in-person meetings only.

* 5th Grade families…  Time is running out!  You are not guaranteed a spot at Palm Desert Charter Middle School!  You must complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2023/24 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 17, 2023. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  PDCMS 2023-2024 Lottery Application

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 3 which states: "All students will develop and consistently demonstrate responsible, respectful and ethical behavior in a safe, clean and orderly learning environment.”  With your feedback, we can learn what’s most important to everyone as we move forward together.  

We will use your thoughts to analyze the actions and services designated to support students' growth/success.  We will utilize the ThoughtExchange platform in an effort to allow everyone to share their perspectives and to better understand the perspectives of others.  Participate in this Exchange by navigating to and entering the following 9-digit code: 566-095-574 OR Click here to participate:

* Please check the Lost & Found on Fridays.   All remaining items will be discarded or donated due to safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

Have a fantastic weekend and week!

Week Twenty-Six: Feb. 27th – March 3rd

Farewell February…  Moving on to March!!!

* The second trimester is almost over!  The trimester ends on March 3rd.  Please keep up with grades through our ParentVUE service.

* Our absence rate is alarmingly high!   Students are considered chronically absent when they miss 10% or more of the school year.   That is about two days a month.   Approximately 50% of our student population is chronically absent.   Attendance is the greater factor in your child’s academic and social development.   Poor attendance will influence whether children can read proficiently by the end of the third grade.  Playing catch-up in reading and writing development does not work.   In addition, by 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school and not graduate.  Attendance matters!

* In addition, we have a large number of students who arrive tardy every day.   Tardiness disrupts the learning environment for all students and already sets your child behind for the day.  Please adjust schedules to help your child be to school on time.

* Our English Language Learning students will be taking the yearly ELPAC assessment this week.  

* We will have a School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Tuesday, February 28th at 2:30 p.m.  SSC meetings are open to the public for attendance and information.  SSC meetings are in-person meetings only.

* We are hosting a family BBQ and School Celebration on Saturday, March 11th from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  We will be grilling hot dogs and providing a small lunch for the first 150 people in attendance.   Families can play soccer, kickball, wallball, basketball, four-square, and tetherball.  Kids can also play on the new play structure.  Parents/Guardians must be present and supervise their children.  Any person displaying negative behaviors will be asked to leave our campus.

* We will also be hosting an ELD Awareness assembly in the MPR during the BBQ from 11:30 – 12:30.   Topics will include EL designation, reclassification, intervention support, and the ELPAC assessment.

* Spring pictures will be taken on Wednesday, March 15, 2023.   This is a non-uniform day for students.

* Our Superintendent is hosting “Koffee with Kelly” on Wednesday, March 8th from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at Madison Elementary School.   You are welcome to attend to have a cup of coffee and have a conversation with the superintendent and other DSUSD leaders.

* Parent-Teacher Conferences for the second semester will be from March 27th – 31st.   During this round of conferences, teachers will only meet with families of students who are performing below grade level in curricular areas, have academic concerns, and/or have behavior concerns.   However, teachers will schedule a meeting with any family requesting to meet.

* Time is running out… Transfer requests for the 2023-24 school year are being accepted through February 28, 2023. Transfer requests for the 2023-24 school year (in addition to transfer requests for the current 2022-23 school year) can be submitted by clicking the link below.  To request your transfer, go to

* 5th Grade families…  You are not guaranteed a spot at Palm Desert Charter Middle School!  You must complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2023/24 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 17, 2023. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  PDCMS 2023-2024 Lottery Application

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 3 which states: "All students will develop and consistently demonstrate responsible, respectful and ethical behavior in a safe, clean and orderly learning environment.”  With your feedback, we can learn what’s most important to everyone as we move forward together.  

We will use your thoughts to analyze the actions and services designated to support students' growth/success.  We will utilize the ThoughtExchange platform in an effort to allow everyone to share their perspectives and to better understand the perspectives of others.  Participate in this Exchange by navigating to and entering the following 9-digit code: 566-095-574 OR Click here to participate:

Have a dandy weekend and week!

Emailed on Saturday, February 18th

Happy Saturday Leopard families!

I need to change the date of our Saturday Celebration and BBQ.   I did not realize that this was the same day as the annual Rock the House performing arts festival at Palm Desert Charter Middle School.   We have several staff and family members who will be attending/volunteering at the event.   In addition, traffic and parking will be tricky.  

Therefore, we will now host the celebration and BBQ on Saturday, March 11th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  

As a reminder, we will be grilling hot dogs and providing a small lunch for everyone who attends.   Families can play soccer, kickball, wall ball, basketball, four-square, and tetherball.  Kids can also play on the new play structure.  Parents/Guardians must be present and supervise their children.  

Leopard P.R.I.D.E,

Mr. C

Week Twenty-Five: 20th – 24th

Finishing up with February

* There is no school on Monday, February 20th in observance of Presidents' Day!

* The field is open!   The playground is complete!   It is time to celebrate!   We want to invite Leopard families and community families to come to play on Saturday, February 25th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  We will be grilling hot dogs and providing a small lunch for everyone who attends.   Families can play soccer, kickball, wallball, basketball, four-square, and tetherball.  Kids can also play on the new play structure.  Parents/Guardians must be present and supervise their children.  

* We will have a School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Tuesday, February 28th at 2:30 p.m.  SSC meetings are open to the public for attendance and information.  SSC meetings are in-person meetings only.

* The second trimester is quickly coming to an end!   The trimester ends on Friday, March 3rd.

* Our Superintendent is hosting “Koffee with Kelly” on Wednesday, March 8th from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at Madison Elementary School.   You are welcome to attend to have a cup of coffee and have a conversation with the superintendent and other DSUSD leaders.

* Parent-Teacher Conferences for the second semester will be from March 27th – 31st.   During this round of conferences, teachers will only meet with families of students who are performing below grade level in curricular areas, have academic concerns, and/or have behavior concerns.   However, teachers will schedule a meeting with any family requesting to meet.

* Spring pictures will be taken on Wednesday, March 15, 2023.   This is a non-uniform day for students.

* We have a lot of students wearing Crocs shoes to school.   As a result, we are getting a lot of injured students as a result of kids running and tripping in their shoes.   Students must wear the back strap on the Crocs when on school grounds for safety purposes.  In addition, I do not recommend students wear Crocs on the days when they have Physical Education.  Athletic shoes are the best and safest.

* Time is running out… Transfer requests for the 2023-24 school year are being accepted through February 28, 2023. Transfer requests for the 2023-24 school year (in addition to transfer requests for the current 2022-23 school year) can be submitted by clicking the link below.  To request your transfer, go to


* 5th Grade families…  You are not guaranteed a spot at Palm Desert Charter Middle School!  You must complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2023/24 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 17, 2023. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  PDCMS 2023-2024 Lottery Application

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 3 which states: "All students will develop and consistently demonstrate responsible, respectful and ethical behavior in a safe, clean and orderly learning environment.”  With your feedback, we can learn what’s most important to everyone as we move forward together.  

We will use your thoughts to analyze the actions and services designated to support students' growth/success.  We will utilize the ThoughtExchange platform in an effort to allow everyone to share their perspectives and to better understand the perspectives of others.

Participate in this Exchange by navigating to and entering the following 9-digit code: 566-095-574 OR Click here to participate:

* All district-approved volunteers must arrange volunteering time with the teacher.   Volunteers and visitors are not allowed on campus without prior approval.  

* Parents, family members, and volunteers are not allowed to bring and eat lunch with their child at the lunch area or on school grounds.  All food will be delivered to students by a staff member.

* Please remember to check the Lost & Found.  All remaining clothes will be discarded or donated.  All food containers will be discarded due to safety and health reasons.

Have a great three-day weekend!

Week Twenty-Four: Feb. 13th – 17th

Greetings Lincoln families, friends, and guests!

* There is no school on Monday, February 13th in observance of Lincoln’s birthday.

* There is no school on Monday, February 20th in observance of Presidents' Day!

* Our soccer team is playing great!   We are currently 1-1.  I love the teamwork!

* Valentine’s Day is on Tuesday, February 14th.  Please look for information from your teacher regarding card exchange and room parties.

* Students are encouraged to wear red or pink on Tuesday, February 14th to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

* All district approved volunteers must arrange volunteering time with the teacher.   Volunteers and visitors are not allowed on campus without prior approval.  

* Parents, family members, and volunteers are not allowed to bring and eat lunch with their child at the lunch area or on school grounds.  All food will be delivered to students by a staff member.

* Transfer requests for the 2023-24 school year are being accepted through February 28, 2023. Transfer requests for the 2023-24 school year (in addition to transfer requests for the current 2022-23 school year) can be submitted by clicking the link below.  To request your transfer, go to

* 5th Grade families…  Complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2023/24 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 17, 2023. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  PDCMS 2023-2024 Lottery Application

* Spring pictures will be taken on Wednesday, March 15, 2023.   This is a non-uniform day for students.

* Please remember to check the Lost & Found.  All remaining clothes will be discarded or donated.  All food containers will be discarded due to safety and health reasons.

Have a great three-day weekend!

Week Twenty-Three:  Feb. 6th – 10th

Flowing through February!!!

* There is no school on Monday, February 13th in observance of Lincoln's birthday!


* There is no school on Monday, February 20th in observance of Presidents' Day!  Enjoy the three-day weekends!!!


* Valentine’s Day is on Tuesday, February 14th.  Please look for information from your teacher regarding card exchange and room parties.


* Students are encouraged to wear red or pink on Tuesday, February 14th to celebrate Valentine’s Day.


* Please remember to check the Lost & Found.  We are compiling enough clothes to start our own Thrift Shop.


* Spring pictures will be taken on Wednesday, March 15, 2023.   This is a non-uniform day for students.


* Lincoln Elementary School has a strict cell phone policy.  Cell phones are to be turned off and stored away during school hours.   Students violating this policy will have their phone confiscated and a parent/guardian will need to come to pick it up.


* Speaking on cell phones, do you know what your child is posting, browsing, and in communicating with?   Cell phones are a great tool, but are also dangerous if not monitored.  It is your right and responsibility to monitor your child’s activity.  


* Transfer requests for the 2023-24 school year are being accepted through February 28, 2023. Transfer requests for the 2023-24 school year (in addition to transfer requests for the current 2022-23 school year) can be submitted by clicking the link below.  To request your transfer, go to


* 5th Grade families…  Complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2023/24 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 17, 2023. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  PDCMS 2023-2024 Lottery Application


* Have you seen our mascot, Lenny?   Lenny makes frequent visits on Friday mornings to greet our students.   Rumor has it that he is also going to start visiting our TK and Kindergarten students.  Please watch for Lenny and wave “hi”!


Have a restful weekend!!!

Week Twenty-Two: Jan. 30th – Feb. 3rd

A Fresh Welcome to February!

* I would like to thank all the families and friends who attended our Awards Assemblies.   Our kids looked so proud!

* There is no school on Monday, February 13th in observance of Lincoln's birthday!

* There is no school on Monday, February 20th in observance of Presidents' Day!

* Tuesday, Jan. 31st is our 100th day of school.   Our Spirit Club is promoting this as “Dress like a 100 year old” day!   I am looking forward to your creativity.  

* Valentine's Day is Tuesday, Feb. 14th.  Please watch for classroom expectations and policies from your teacher regarding Valentine’s Day.

* Lincoln is a closed campus for students’ safety.   Parents/Family members are not allowed on campus without administrative permission or without prior consent from the teacher for classroom volunteering.  Also, as a reminder, deliveries for students (food, backpacks, clothes, etc.) must be left with our office staff.   We will ensure the items are delivered to students.   We must minimize the number of people on campus and classroom disruption.    

* Transfer requests for the 2023-24 school year are being accepted through February 28, 2023. Transfer requests for the 2023-24 school year (in addition to transfer requests for the current 2022-23 school year) can be submitted by clicking the link below.  To request your transfer, go to

* 5th Grade families…  Complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2023/24 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 17, 2023. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  PDCMS 2023-2024 Lottery Application

* We will be sending home another COVID test kit with students.   Some boxes may have an expiration date.   The kits do not expire.   The kits are valid for testing.   Please stop by the front office if you are in need of additional kits.

* Do you know what is in your child's backpack?!?  You should!  It is your right and responsibility to know what your child is bringing to and from school.

* Remember to check the Lost & Found.   We have a stock pile of clothes.  All remaining items will be donated or discarded.

Have a fantastic weekend!!!

Week Twenty-One:   Jan. 23rd – 27th

The Joyous Days of January

* I would like to introduce and welcome a new member of our teaching staff, Mr. Tom Waters.   Mr. Waters will be teaching fourth grade.

* We have Awards Assemblies this week to recognize many students for achievements, improvements, and demonstrating our P.R.I.D.E. traits!  Students were sent home an invitation and phone calls were sent out notifying parents/families if their student was being recognized.   The awards will be in the MPR.   The gate near the MPR will be open for families.

Days and Times:

         *** 1st Grade: Tuesday @ 9:00 A.M.

         *** 2nd Grade: Tuesday @ 8:00 A.M.

         *** 3rd Grade: Tuesday @ 10:30 A.M.

         *** 4th Grade: Thursday @ 9:30 A.M.

         *** 5th Grade: Thursday @ 8:30 A.M.

* TK and Kindergarten will have their awards recognition on a different day and time.   Your teacher will inform you about the day and time.

* Balloons, stuffed animals, and gifts are not allowed at the assembly.   These items create distractions and disruptions in the classrooms after the assembly.   We are also trying to create an equitable environment for all students.   Your presence means more than any balloon, toy, and/or gift.   Please save these items for a celebration at home.  No exceptions.

* All students are required to wear uniforms on assembly days.   These are not free dress days.

* Please check the Lost & Found by the drop-off gate for missing items.   Our custodial staff found a lot of clothing items while cleaning the campus on Friday.


* Students are still completing the i-Ready Winter Diagnostics in Reading and Math.   Please make school attendance a priority.   We have too many students arriving tardy.   Please adjust your mornings to help minimize classroom disruptions with students entering late.

* January 31st is our 100th Day of School.   In celebration of the 100th day, we are having “dress like a 100 year old” day!  I am looking forward to seeing the creativity in how our students will dress up.

 * There is no school on Monday, February 13th in observance of Lincoln’s birthday!  

* There is no school on Monday, February 20th in observance of President’s Day!  

* 5th Grade families…  Complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2023/24 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 17, 2023. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:

 PDCMS 2023-2024 Lottery Application

* I want to thank Mrs. Poirier, our Lincoln Leopard mascot, and our amazing Cheer Team for welcoming our students and staff in the mornings!   You can see our Cheer Team on most Friday mornings at the drop-off gate on Magnesia Falls!

* We have a field!   The new sod is being set in place.   It should be done by Monday afternoon.   Unfortunately, the new sod takes about three weeks to root.   Our kids will be able to play on the new field by the third week in February.

* We are planning a Parent Information Night for our English Learning (ELD) students for Wednesday, February 15th.   We will focus on how students are identified as ELD, supporting ELD students, the yearly assessment (ELPAC), reclassifying students, and more.   Stay tuned for more information.

* We have had a spike in COVID cases since Winter Break.   Please stop by the office if you would like a COVID test kit.

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 2 which states: "All students will graduate and be prepared to make a successful transition to further education and/or career opportunities.”  With your feedback, we can learn what’s most important to everyone as we move forward together.  We will use your thoughts to analyze the actions and services designated to support students' growth/success.  We will utilize the ThoughtExchange platform in an effort to allow everyone to share their perspectives and to better understand the perspectives of others. Participate in this Exchange by navigating to and entering the following 9-digit code: 713-356-993 OR Click here to participate:

Have a great week and do something nice for yourself!

Week Twenty: Jan. 16th – 20th

Jumping through January

* There is no school on Monday, January 16th in honor and recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday!

 * There is no school on Friday, January 20th for students.  This is a Staff Development Day for district employees.

* We have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting on Tuesday, January 17th at 2:30 p.m.  ELAC meetings are in-person meetings and are open to the public for attendance and information.

* Gum is not allowed on school grounds.  Confiscated gum will not be returned to students.

* We are having a lot of issues with students not wearing school uniforms.   All students are expected to wear a Lincoln shirt, blue polo, or gold/yellow polo every day; even if wearing a jacket, sweatshirt, or hoodie.   The mornings start cold but the temperature rises throughout the day.   Most students remove jackets and hoodies by lunch time.   Students will be given clean loaner shirts when they are not in uniform.

* 5th Grade families…  Complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2023/24 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 17, 2023. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  PDCMS 2023-2024 Lottery Application

* Students are taking the iReady diagnostics in math and language arts.  Please make attendance and punctuality a priority.

* We continue to have a lot of morning and after school activities for our students!   We currently have: Morning Yoga, Sunrise Sports Club, Soccer, Board Games (Boardom), Violin, Art Classes, Cheer, Robotics, News/Journalism, Math Field Day Prep, Math Intervention, Reading Intervention, Writing Intervention, and more!   Please watch for more opportunities throughout the year.

* We have had a spike in COVID cases since Winter Break.   Please stop by the office if you would like a COVID test kit.

* As part of DSUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 2 which states: "All students will graduate and be prepared to make a successful transition to further education and/or career opportunities.”  With your feedback, we can learn what’s most important to everyone as we move forward together.  We will use your thoughts to analyze the actions and services designated to support students' growth/success.  We will utilize the ThoughtExchange platform in an effort to allow everyone to share their perspectives and to better understand the perspectives of others. Participate in this Exchange by navigating to and entering the following 9-digit code: 713-356-993 OR Click here to participate:

 Have a great three day weekend!!!

Week Nineteen:  Jan. 9th – 13th


Week Nineteen…  Jammin’ in January!


* There is no school on Monday, January 16th in honor and recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday!


* There is no school on Friday, January 20th for students.  This is a Staff Development Day for district employees.


* Students will be taking the i-Ready diagnostics in math and language arts.  Please make attendance and punctuality a priority.


* Please remember that gum is not permitted on school grounds.  Please purchase mints for your child.


* We have a School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Tuesday, January 10th at 2:30 p.m.  SSC meetings are in-person meetings and are open to the public for attendance and information.


* We have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting on Tuesday, January 17th at 2:30 p.m.  ELAC meetings are in-person meetings and are open to the public for attendance and information.


* 5th Grade families…  Complete the attached link if you want to be considered for the PDCMS Enrollment Lottery for the 2023/24 school year.   The timeframe to apply to be considered for the School Lottery ends on March 17, 2023. Students who apply after this day will be added to the waiting list in the order of applications that are submitted.  Link:  PDCMS 2023-2024 Lottery Application


* The holiday season was very exciting for many kiddos as they received new toys and electronic devices.   I strongly encourage you to leave new items at home to prevent damage, loss, or theft.   Lincoln Elementary School and/or DSUSD are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen personal items.


* Please contact Ms. Magana or me if your child is having a difficult time with another student.  The school district also has an anonymous website for reporting bullying.  Please visit for more information.  You can also complete a Bullying/Harassment Form found under Parent Resources on the Desert Sands Unified School District home page.


* Physical fighting is NEVER an option to solve a conflict with another student.  Students who engage in any type of aggressive physical contact will receive disciplinary consequences.  Communication is the best way to resolve conflict!


* Please make attendance a priority.   Our teachers are working hard every day to prepare your students for the next grade level and to master grade-level standards and skills.   Students who academically fall behind in elementary school have a very difficult time in middle and high school.   Playing the “catch-up” game is not successful.   Middle school and high school dropout rates start with Chronic Absences in elementary school.


Have a fantastic weekend!!!

Week Seventeen: Dec. 12th – 16th

Yahoo…  It’s the last week ‘til winter break!

* We have five days until Winter Break.  It has been a long stretch since we started in August.  I think everyone deserves a good break!

* Winter Break is from Dec. 19th – Jan. 2nd.  School will resume on Tuesday, January 3rd.

* Remember to check the Lost & Found before we go on Winter Break.   All remaining items in the Lost & Found will be discarded or donated for safety precautions, odor, bugs, and mold.

* We had our school Spelling Bee this week.   Congratulations to our winner and all participating students!   I would also like to thank all the family members who attended and supported our students.

* We had performers from the McCallum Theater visit our school this week for a performance and Q & A session with our first and fifth grade students.

* Please watch for emails and messages through Class Dojo regarding before and after school activities.   We have new intervention and enrichment programs starting on a weekly basis.   We are currently offering Sunrise Sports, Yoga, Boardom (Board Games), Journalism, Spirit Club, Cheer, math tutoring, reading tutoring, and more!

* The district is asking for your input and feedback in regard to the LCAP (school funding).   You are encouraged to participate and share your feelings through a Thought Exchange.   To participate in the Thought Exchange, visit and enter the following 9-digit code: 269-147-195 or follow this link:

* Modernization Update… The TK/K playground will open on Monday.  Students will now have spring riders to play on.   The big play structure will be completed during Winter Break.   The only area that will remain closed is the field.  

* The holiday season is very exciting for many kids as they receive new toys, items, and electronic devices.   I strongly encourage you to leave new items at home to prevent damage, loss, or theft.   Lincoln staff and/or DSUSD are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen personal items.

* “DID YOU KNOW…” Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school year, or about 18 days, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That is just two days a month and that is known as chronic absence. When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances of graduating.

 * We have a strict policy in regard to students using physical force against one another.  Students will receive disciplinary consequences for willfully using force against another person when on school grounds, at the bus stop, on the bus, and/or to/from school.  The first rule of self-defense is to walk away.   Engaging in an argument and retaliating with physical force is not “self-defense”.  Students may be suspended from school for engaging in physical altercations (fights).

* I hope everyone has a terrific holiday/winter break.  Enjoy the time with your family!  See you in 2023!

Week Sixteen: Dec. 5th – 9th

Diving into December…

* Winter Break is from Dec. 19th – Jan. 2nd.  School will resume on Tuesday, January 3rd.

* We are getting closer to the completion of the playground.   Students now have access to the wall ball courts, basketball courts, and tether ball courts.   We also have a large area of grass open.   The play structure should be complete within the next two weeks.   I am guessing that our students will be able to play on the play structure and swings after winter break.   Let’s keep our fingers crossed for a sooner date.

* Our football season is over.  The kids played hard and demonstrated great sportsmanship.   Our cheer team was at every game supporting our players and school.  Thank you Coach Brennan and Ms. Poirier.

* Please watch for before and/or after school activities.   We have math intervention, reading intervention, art, theater, robotics, athletics, and many more enrichment activities in progress.

* All students are expected to wear a school uniform every day.   We are having problems with students not wearing a uniform under jackets and sweatshirts.   As the day warms, students are removing their warm clothing.   We are providing loaner shirts for students out of uniform.

* As a reminder, our school shirts should be solid white, blue, or yellow/gold.   Tank tops and t-shirts with graphic prints are not allowed.

* Be an ally at Lincoln Elementary School!  Please report any type of bullying and/or harassing behavior that is being done to you or someone else.  We cannot help if we are not aware!  You can also make an anonymous report on our district's anti-bullying website,

I hope you have a great weekend!  Thanks for reading!

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Greetings Lincoln Leopard families!   Happy December!   As part of our Modernization Project, the Lincoln team felt that this was a perfect time to update the existing logo for our Leopard mascot.   I am excited to share the new logo with you.  As we move forward, we will now use this logo to represent our school: school letterhead, banners, posters, signs, awards, spirit shirts, uniforms, etc.  

Leopard P.R.I.D.E,

Mr. C

Friday, November 18, 2022 

It’s here…  Thanksgiving Break

* It’s time for a break!   There is no school from Nov. 21st – 25th.  Enjoy the break and holiday!

* Correction on report cards.   You will be able to access report cards on ParentVUE after the break on Monday, Nov. 28th.

* Please reach out to your child’s teacher(s) if you have questions, comments, concerns, and/or compliments regarding work, grades, etc.

* ALL items in the lost and found will be donated or discarded after today due to sanitary, safety, and health purposes.  All items have been outside the morning drop-off area for two weeks.   Please make it a priority to stop and look for anything missing.   The school/staff does not assume responsibility for missing, donated, or discarded items.

* We have a lot of students out sick.  Please make sure you are contacting our office to report absences.   Unreported absences lead to chronic absences.   Chronic absences lead to meetings with me and/or district officials.

* Students should not bring toys, electronic gaming devices, or sports equipment to school.   These items create controversy among students and cause distractions in classrooms.

* Winter Break is from Monday, Dec. 19th through Monday, January 2nd.  School will resume on Tuesday, January 3rd.

* We are hoping to have most of our playground completed during the break.   The play structure will not be open.   We are waiting for the rubber “flooring” to be poured.   Part of the TK/K play area is also closed as we are getting spring-loaded play structures installed.  We are getting there!

* Our Student Store has been a success.   I could use some help with donated items for our store.   The kids have been loving Ring Pops, Jolly Ranchers, squishy toys, stress balls, candy necklaces, and fidget toys.   Please let me know if would like to donate any of these items to our Student Store.   I am also accepting donated Amazon gift cards to help purchase more items.  

* I hope your family has a wonderful break.   I am very thankful for your ongoing support and trust in our staff and me.   I am also thankful for our staff’s commitment and dedication to the success of your child/children.   Finally, I am thankful for the 596 fist bumps, hugs, high-fives, smiles, and talks that I get from our Lil Leopards!  

Have a great holiday break and spread kindness!

Week Fourteen: Nov. 14th - 18th

One week til break!

* Thanksgiving Break is one week away!  There will be no school throughout the week of Monday, Nov. 21st through Friday, Nov. 25th.  School will resume on Monday, Nov. 28th.

* Winter break is quickly approaching too.   Winter break is from Monday, Dec. 19th through Monday, Jan. 2nd.  School resumes on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd.

* Report cards will be completed by teachers this week.   You should be able to access your child’s/children’s first trimester report cards after Friday, Nov. 18th via StudentVUE.   Paper copies are no longer mailed out.

* Our flag football team plays two games this week.   Our first game is on Monday, Nov. 14th.   The second game is on Wednesday, Nov. 16th.   Games begin at 3:30 p.m.   We will be using the PDCMS field closest to our Magnesia Falls parking lot.   We will have the gate open along Magnesia Falls for you to enter and support our team!   Go Leopards.

* Students may visit the Student Store during lunch on Tuesday to spend Lincoln Bucks!

* We will have a School Site Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 15th at 2:30 p.m.   This in-person meeting is open to the public but only elected members may vote or discuss topics.

* We will have an ELAC meeting on Tuesday, November 29th at 2:30 p.m.  This in-person meeting is open to the public but only elected members may vote or discuss topics.

* Please help us improve attendance and tardies.   Our teachers cannot teach and your child cannot learn the curriculum if he/she is chronically absent and/or consistently tardy.

* We will have the Lost & Found items out for one more week.   There are a lot of clothes that were not picked up.   Please take a few minutes this week to look for a missing jacket, sweatshirt, water bottle, lunch bag, etc.   All remaining items will be donated and/or discarded after Friday.

I hope you have a wonderful week and break!

Week Thirteen: Nov. 7th – 11th

Navigating through November!

Welcome to week thirteen! 

* Nov. 6th -Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 a.m.  Remember to turn your clocks BACK one hour!

* There is no school on Friday, Nov. 11th in recognition of Veteran's Day.  Enjoy the day and honor a veteran!

* Thanksgiving Break is quickly approaching too.  There will be no school throughout the week of Monday, Nov. 21st through Friday, Nov. 25th.  School will resume on Monday, Nov. 28th.

* The founder of the 4Shay Foundation returned this week and gave an additional 49 helmets to our students.   They are coming one more time to give a free helmets to last minute letters.   By the end of next week, our school and students will have received over 100 free helmets!   Please make sure your child is properly wearing the helmet!   Thank you Mrs. Clark and Coach Clark!

* Our Parent-Teacher Club (PTC) held elections this week.  Our new PTC President is Mr. Anthony Gutierrez.   Our Vice-President is Ms. Ana Nieto.   Our Secretary is Ms. Allison Mineweaser.  Our Treasurer is Ms. Sarah Williamson.   You can contact our PTC via email at:

* We are in need of parents of our “English Language Learning” students to serve on our ELAC committee (English Learner Advisory Committee).   I have only received two responses.  I need a minimum of three.  

* We also need a parent to represent our school and attend the DELAC Meeting (District English Learners Advisory Committee).  The parent will attend a few meetings throughout the year and then share the information at the ELAC meetings.   The first in-person meeting is on Wednesday, November 9th at 6:00 p.m. and the DEC North Building at the district office.   Please email me if you are willing and able to attend this meeting.

* We will have an in-person School Site Council Meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 15th at 2:30 p.m.  SSC meetings are open to the public for attendance and information.   However, only elected members may vote and/or make school decisions.

* The playground is getting close to completion.   The asphalt has been laid.   They are currently working on the playground structure and laying grass.   We are expecting (hoping) to open the playground after the Thanksgiving break.

* Do you know what is on your child’s backpack?   Please make sure you know what your child is bringing to school.

* It is starting to get chilly.   Students are expected to wear a uniform under jackets and sweatshirts.  

 * We have recently been dealing with some issues of bullying and harassment between students.   Many students claim they are “playing around”.   Making fun of someone is never a form of playing around.   I tell students that “play” is okay if both parties are having fun.   Please encourage your child to seek out a staff member if he/she is being harassed or knows of another person needing our help.

* Reminder…  Check our Lost & Found for missing items.   We have been placing all Lost & Found items at the entrance gate where I greet students.  All leftover items are discarded if the items have an odor or presence of mold.

Have a great weekend and remember to adjust your clocks!

Week Twelve: Oct. 31st – Nov. 4th

October is outta here!  Next up… November!

* Halloween is on Monday.  Students can wear black and/or orange or the school uniform.   It is the teachers’ discretion regarding classroom celebrations and activities.

* I hope you have a fun, safe Halloween!  Please keep your candy at home!  The wrappers are a mess around school and the sugar intake creates many classroom/school disruptions!

*Nov. 6th - Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00 a.m.  Remember to turn your clocks BACK one hour!

* There is no school on Friday, Nov. 11th in honor of Veteran's Day.

 * Thanksgiving Break is quickly approaching too.  There will be no school throughout the week of Monday, Nov. 21st through Friday, Nov. 25th.  School will resume on Monday, Nov. 28th.

* This past Wednesday, we had forty-one students receive a free helmet from the 4ShayJ Foundation.   The founders will return next week to present more helmets to students who wrote letters this week.

* I want to thank everyone for a successful fundraiser.   Students who sold six or more are participating in a DJ party today (Friday, Oct. 28th).

* Students are not allowed to bring personal toys and/or sports equipment to school.   These items are causing conflicts among students.   We provide sports equipment for students during lunch and recess.

* We are getting close to finishing the playground.   The blacktop is being set and the playground equipment is starting to be built.   We should be a few weeks away from finalizing the modernization project.

* Please read to and with your child every night.   Reading out loud builds vocabulary, phonemic awareness, fluency, expression, and confidence.   In addition, talk about the story throughout the reading and when it is over.   This will help with comprehension.  

* The first trimester is quickly coming to an end!   The trimester ends on Thursday, November 10th.  Report cards will be completed the week after that.

Enjoy your week and weekend!!!  Thanks for viewing!

Week Eleven: 24th – 28th

A lot is happening at Lincoln!

* It is Red Ribbon Week.  Students will have conversations about drug awareness and prevention throughout the week.   This year’s theme is: “Celebrate Life. Live Drug-Free.”


* This is also Spirit Week to celebrate Saying No to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco:


** Monday – “Celebrating Life!” - Wear as much red as possible…  Shirts, pants, hats, etc.

** Tuesday – “Be an Ally to End Bullying!” – Wear blue to support Bullying Prevention Month.   (This is a district-wide activity.)

** Wednesday – “I Can Travel the World Being Drug-Free!” – Dress like a Tourist.

** Thursday – “From Head to Toe, I am Drug-Free!” – Get Creative!   Silly hair, silly socks, mismatched clothes, etc.

** Friday – “I Am Dreaming of My Future!” – Wear comfy pajamas.


* On Monday, we will have counselors from the Betty Ford Children’s Program host a short assembly to support Red Ribbon Week.


* On Wednesday, we will have the founders of the 4Shay Foundation speak with our students about helmet safety when riding bikes, scooters, and skateboards.  Fourth and fifth-grade students who completed the survey and stated that they would wear a helmet if they had one will receive a free helmet from the foundation.


* The DJ Party from the fundraiser will be on Friday, October 28th from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.


* We will have one FINAL pick-up day for the remaining Fundraiser orders.  The remaining orders need to be picked up on Tuesday, Oct. 25th between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. in the library.   Parents will access the library through the gates in the Rutledge parking lot.  This will be the final pickup opportunity for the orders.


* For discrepancies with orders, please contact Vanessa from Pacific Fund Raisers at 800-379-4888.   Our office staff is not responsible for missing or incorrect orders.


* I had the privilege of visiting several classrooms this week to recognize and award students for meeting i-Ready goals.  i-Ready is a software program adopted by the district to support and enhance skills in math and language arts.  Way to go!


* We have a lot of before and after school activities in action.   Our activities include Sunrise Sports, Cheer, Board Games (Boardom), News/Journalism, Robotics, Spirit Club, Violin Lessons, Theater with Tools For Tomorrow, and several tutoring opportunities in math and language arts.


* There is no school on Friday, Nov. 11th in honor of Veteran's Day.


* Thanksgiving Break is from Nov. 21st – 25th.


* Please have your child check our Lost & Found for missing items.   All leftover items are discarded on Fridays because of safety precautions, odor, and mold.


* I want to thank everyone who contacts me directly either through personal conversation, phone, or email to discuss concerns and questions pertaining to our school, students, procedures, and policies.  There is a purpose for everything.   I discourage everyone from relying on social media for school business.  Much of what is posted on social media is personal opinions.  I always encourage open dialogue with families.  Leopard P.R.I.D.E!  


Enjoy the final week of October!!!

Week Ten: October 17th – 21st

Welcome to week ten!

* I hope you all had the chance to meet with your child’s teacher.   Communication is the key to success.   Please contact your child’s teacher if you did not meet so a live or virtual meeting can be scheduled.

* The safety and welfare of our students and staff are our highest priorities. To provide schools an opportunity to practice emergency response procedures, Desert Sands Unified School District and Lincoln will be participating in the Great California ShakeOut (earthquake drill) on Thursday, October 20nd.

* Our fourth grade students will take a field trip to Sunnylands to participate in the ShakeOut.  Students will leave Lincoln at 9:00 a.m. and return at 12:30 p.m.

 * Fundraiser orders are arriving on Tuesday, Oct. 18th.  Parents will need to pick up items between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.   Please make sure someone comes during this timeframe due to frozen items.  

* Our Parent/Teacher Club needs help setting up and distributing the fundraiser supplies.   Please send a message to our PTC if you are able to help:

* The student prizes will be added to the orders.   The DJ Party will be on Friday, October 28th from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

* We will be participating in Red Ribbon Week activities during the week of Oct. 24th

– 28th.  Our amazing counselor, Ms. Magana, is planning Spirit Week activities.   More information will come next week.

* October is “World Bullying Prevention” month.   Desert Sands Unified School District is promoting anti-bullying by asking all staff and students to wear a blue shirt on Tuesday, October 25th.

* Halloween falls on Monday, October 31st.  Due to several factors, students may not dress in costumes for school.  Students may dress in black and/or orange instead of the school uniform.   Please contact me directly if you have questions and/or concerns about this school-wide decision at

* We have invited the founders of the 4Shay Foundation to speak with our students about helmet safety when riding bikes, scooters, and skateboards.  They will visit our school on Wednesday, October 26th.  Many of our 4th and 5th-grade students will receive a free helmet from the foundation!

* I challenge you to do an act of kindness this week for someone.   You never know what big differences you can make to someone with a little act of kindness.


Have a great and rewarding week!!!

Week Nine: October 10th – 14th

Welcome to week nine!!!

* Next week is Family/Teacher Conferences.   TK/K students will be dismissed at 12:45 p.m. First through fifth-grade students will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m.   We will have ASES and Homework Help throughout the week.   We will not have additional intervention or enrichment classes after school.

* We had an awesome Mini-Muster day for our third-grade students!   The firemen and volunteers were amazing with our kids!   I would also like to thank Mario’s Italian Restaurant for helping with our lunch!

* We will be participating in Red Ribbon Week activities during the week of Oct. 24th – 28th.  Our amazing counselor, Ms. Magana, is planning Spirit Week activities.   More information will come next week.

* Fundraiser orders are arriving on Tuesday, Oct. 18th.  Parents will need to pick up items between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.   Please make sure someone comes during this timeframe due to frozen items.  

* The student prizes will be added to the orders.   The DJ Party will be on Friday, October 28th from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

* All DSUSD schools will participate in the Great Californian Shakeout on Thursday, October 20th.   This is an earthquake drill.   Our students will participate in the duck-cover-hold drill and evacuation.

* We have invited the founders of the 4Shay Foundation to speak with our students about helmet safety when riding bikes, scooters, and skateboards.  They will visit our school on Wednesday, October 26th.  Many of our 4th and 5th-grade students will receive a free helmet from the foundation!

* We do NOT tolerate any type of physical horseplay.  Too many times, “playing around” has led to students getting hurt.  Students will be disciplined for pushing, shoving, hitting, or tackling one another.

* Be an ally at Lincoln!  Please report any type of bullying and/or harassing behavior that is being done to you or someone else.  We cannot help if we are not aware!  You can also make an anonymous report on our district's anti-bullying website,

Leopard P.R.I.D.E. Equals Success!

Week Eight: October 3rd – 7th

So Long September…  On with October!

* The annual Mini-Muster for 3rd grade students is on Tuesday, October 4th.

* There is no school for students on Friday, October 7th.   This is a Professional Development day for DSUSD staff.

* Family/Teacher conferences are during the week of October 10th – 14th.   We will be on a minimum day schedule during this week.  Teachers will be contacting you to schedule a meeting.  

* Do you know what is in your child's backpack?!?  You should!  It is your right and responsibility to know what your child is bringing to and from school.

* Did you know…  Research shows that missing 10 percent of school, or about 18 days per year, negatively affects a student’s academic performance and reduces graduation rates.  This is just two days a month and is known as chronic absence.

* We do not allow balloons or other celebratory items for birthdays or other holidays.   The school policy is that items for celebrating birthdays and holidays must be store packaged, sealed, and brought in “goodie bags”.   In addition, these items will be handed out at the end of the day so parents/guardians have control over what is given/eaten.  Please contact your child’s teacher regarding classroom celebrations before bringing items to school.

* I have invited the founders of the 4Shay Foundation to speak with our students about helmet safety when riding bikes, scooters, and skateboards.  They will visit our school on Wednesday, October 26th.

* After-school pickup…  Grades 1 – 5… Please do NOT exit your vehicle if you are pulled up along the curb.   We have plenty of staff members that are assisting with students.   Exiting your vehicle backs up all traffic and is not fair to other families.  There are plenty of open parking spaces if you want to park and meet your child at the gate.   In addition, vehicles MUST have a Disabled Placard or license plate if parking in a handicap spot.   I will notify the PD Police Traffic Officer for vehicles illegally parked.

* Our district utilizes an anonymous hotline for reporting bullying, cyber-bullying, drug use/abuse, physical abuse, and more.  Please visit for more information.  Again, reporting is anonymous; which means you do not have to leave your name.  Please step up and help us help others.  I also encourage you to e-mail our counselor,, or any staff member if you are a victim or a witness of bullying.

Remember to show your Lincoln P.R.I.D.E. at all times!

Week Seven: Sept. 26th – 30th

So long September, On to October!

* October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.   Please reach out to Ms. Magana, any staff member, and/or me if you are experiencing OR witnessing acts of bullying and/or harassment from another student.  We cannot help if we are not aware!  You can also make an anonymous report on our district's anti-bullying website,

* Picture Day is on Friday!   This is a non-uniform day.

* There is no school for students on Friday, October 7th.   This is a Professional Development day for DSUSD staff.

* Ms. Pollard and Mr. Colburn are starting after-school Robotics this week for 5th-grade students.  Permission slips were sent home on Thursday.  

* Coach Brennan is starting a morning PE/exercise program.  Students in the program will be allowed on campus at 6:45 a.m. More details to come.

* Teachers are starting to offer after-school tutoring and academic support.   Please watch for information.

* We are now offering bus transportation to the Bermuda Dunes Learning Center (BDLC) located in Palm Desert (47549 Hwy 74).  BDLC provides after-school care every day when DSUSD schools are in session.  The program offers a “Hands-on” enrichment program consisting of Art, Robotics, Cooking, Gardening, Theater, Literature, Science, Math, and Sports. In addition, students are always given time to work on homework, with assistance as needed. For more information, contact or call 760.702.2444.  Space is limited.

* I would like to thank Kurt Schoppe of SA Recycling for donating time, volunteers, and equipment to remove the old planters, dirt, and rock.   We will be working with the City of Palm Desert to get new rock, soil, and elevated planters.  We will begin an after-school gardening club soon!

* The annual Mini-Muster for 3rd-grade students is on Tuesday, October 4th.  Please watch for more information.

* Family/Teacher conferences are during the week of October 10th – 14th.   We will be on a minimum-day schedule during this week.

* Our spirit week is over.  All students are expected to come to school in uniform.   Our uniform policy consists of navy, yellow/gold, or white polo or t-shirts.   Shirts should be plain if it does not have our logo.  Red, green, purple, black, and other colors are NOT part of our uniform.

* Students should not bring toys, sports cards, Pokemon cards, video games, or sports equipment to school.   These items create distractions and conflict between students.   Lincoln staff is NOT responsible for lost, broken, or stolen items.

* After-school pickup would go much smoother if parents/family members would follow and respect the procedure.   Parents should not leave their vehicles if pulling/parking along the curb.   If you want to get out and pick your 1st – 5th-grade student up, you should park your vehicle in a designated parking spot.   The left lane is NOT a pickup lane.  Vehicles should not be stopping or parking in the lane.   People should not be driving in the opposite direction of the parking lanes.   Our site monitors are responsible for crossing students and families safely across the street.  They are not responsible for traffic control on Portola.   Please practice our P.R.I.D.E. traits with staff and other Lincoln family members.

* We are still having problems with students being physical with one another.  My definition of “playing” is when everyone involved is safe and having fun.   Hitting, pushing, kicking, and name-calling are not “fun” to me.  Please have conversations with your child about appropriate play.

* I have invited the founders of the 4Shay Foundation to speak with our students about helmet safety when riding bikes, scooters, and skateboards.  They will visit our school on Wednesday, October 26th.   A survey will be sent to 4th and 5th-grade students regarding helmet safety.

* Send a thoughtful message or email to someone.  A simple act of kindness, like “thank you” or “thinking of you”, can change someone’s day!

Have a wonderful weekend and week!!!

Week Six: Sept. 19th – 23rd

Start With Hello!

* Our school is continuing our affiliation with the Sandy Hook Promise Outreach Program to bring more unity among students and staff.   It is also an effort for more students to feel and know that they are important and noticed.  This week is officially called “Start with Hello” and we have activities all week that will recognize and support this great cause.

MONDAY 9/19:  “I Can Make a Friend by Saying Hello!”

All students will receive a name tag. All students are challenged to say “Hello” to five students they don’t know.


TUESDAY 9/20: “Be a Rainbow in Someone Else’s Cloud!”

Students may wear colors from the rainbow.  


WEDNESDAY 9/21:  “I Am A Friend To Everyone!”

Students are asked to wear green to show they are a friend. Students are challenged to sit next to someone different at lunch.


THURSDAY 9/22:  “I Tip My Hat to Kindness!”

Students may wear a hat/cap to school.


FRIDAY 9/23:  “I Have the Power to Include Everyone!”

Students may dress like a superhero or wear a superhero shirt!

* All items in the Lost & Found will be discarded after school today due to sanitary and safety precautions.  Please check the Lost & Found outside the 3rd/4th/5th-grade pick-up area or your item may be “lost” forever.

* I want to thank everyone for participating in the fundraiser.   I also appreciate everyone who donated money for the misting system.  A special thank you to our Parent Teacher Club for organizing the fundraiser.

* The dismissal procedures have improved, but we need your help to make them better.   We know that everyone wants to pick up their child as soon as possible and leave.   However, the location of our school and the way the streets were developed is not the best for easy in & out!   Please drive with caution and care.   Our site monitors expose themselves to vulnerable, unsafe situations every day with parents trying to pull into the school.   We are getting most kids picked up and out within 15 minutes.  In the parking lot, there are two lanes.  The left lane is NOT a parking lane.   No one should be parking and leaving their vehicle.   We also need families to respect the parking lot routes and directions.  Safety overrides convenience.  

* In addition, we need TK/K parents to be respectful of one another.  We will now have lines in front of each teacher’s pick-up spot.  Parents/Family members must wait in line to pick up his/her child.   No more crowding the gate.   In addition, the process would go much smoother if everyone showed the blue student card.

* All students are expected to be in uniform each day.   We have a supply of clean loaners that we are loaning to students who are out of uniform.

* Joking and playing are when everyone involved is having fun.   I do not allow students to use these words as excuses for hitting, hurting, and/or being mean to another student.   Please talk with your child about proper ways to play.

* Pokemon, gaming cards, and toys are creating problems in the classrooms and between students.   These items should not be brought to school.   The school/staff is not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken personal items.

* Students should turn off cell phones and put earphones away when entering the school.   We do not allow students to use phones during the day.   Parents/Guardians should go through the office if there is a need to contact or get a message to a student.

* Picture day is Friday, Sept. 30th.   This is a non-uniform day.

* The annual 3rd-grade Mini-Muster is on Tuesday, October 4th.

* The first round of Family-Teacher Conferences is during the week of October 10th – 14th.   We will be on a modified schedule throughout the week.

* The annual Great Shakeout is on Thursday, October 20th.

* I want to assure you that your voices and concerns are heard.  We look into all situations and constantly try to improve all conditions for our kids.   Due to students’ privacy rights, you will not be notified of other students’ situations, consequences, or behaviors.   I need everyone to trust that we are all here for the right reasons…   The kids.   Please contact me via email at or our counselor, Ms. Magana at if you have questions, concerns, and/or compliments.

Say “hello” to someone new to you!  In fact, let’s make saying “hello” a contagious act of human kindness!!!

Week Five: Sept. 12th – 16th


Soaring Through September…


* The Parent – Teacher Club sponsored Fundraiser packets are due on Monday, Sept. 12th.   Please double check your packets to make sure everything is complete and accurate.  Students will return the packets to their Homeroom teacher.  Thank you for your support.


* The heat looks to be breaking.   As long as the heat index (temp plus humidity) remains lower than 105 degrees, we will allow students the option to play outside during lunch.   The MPR will still be an option for students who do not want to be outside.   Students will eat under the structured/shaded area.  We will continue to monitor temperatures and students’ safety and well-being.


* Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school.   Toys are creating problems in the classroom.   They are also creating issues between students.


* All students are expected to be in school uniform.   Students should be wearing a blue, white, or yellow/gold polo or t-shirt.   T-shirts should have the Leopard logo or be plain.


* Students can wear a school spirit, college, or military shirt on Fridays to support our AVID goals.


* Picture Day is on Friday, September 30th.  Students do not need to be in uniform on this day.  More information will be sent home next week.


* We are getting some complaints and concerns from bus drivers about our students’ behaviors on buses.   Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right.   Please talk with your child about bus behaviors.  Multiple bus issues will lead to a loss of bus privileges.


* Morning tardies are a problem.   We are averaging approx. 50 students per day coming to school late.  Reminder 4th & 5th-grade students should be in line at 7:40 a.m.   TK – 3rd-grade students should be on campus and in line at 7:55 a.m.   Being tardy disrupts the learning environment and causes your child to miss instructional time.  Please adjust your schedules to arrive early or on time.   We open the gates at 7:20 a.m. every day.


* If your child is absent, please call the school office and dial 1 to leave a message.   You do not need to talk to a live person.   We will check the messages and clear the absence.


* The best way to reach me is by email:  I will reply by email or by phone as soon as possible.  You can contact our counselor at   You can contact our after-school coordinator at


Have a great weekend and week!

Week Four: Sept. 6 – 9th

All flowing in week four!

* There is no school on Monday, September 5th in recognition of Labor Day.  Do you remember when school did not start until after Labor Day?!?   Now, we are in week four!

* All students are expected to be in school uniform.   Students should be wearing a blue, white, or yellow/gold polo or t-shirt.   T-shirts should have the Leopard logo or be plain.

* Students can wear a school spirit, college, or military shirt on Fridays to support our AVID goals.

* Students are allowed to wear hats to school.   However, hats must be removed in classrooms and buildings.   Bandanas are not allowed to be worn at school.

* We are still taking the i-Ready diagnostics tests in math and language arts.  Please make attendance a priority!

* We need your help!  We have too many students who do not understand the meaning of “play”.  Playing is a safe activity for all people involved.   Play should not include hitting, pushing, kicking, or any other type of physical or aggressive behavior.  Many students do not understand this concept.  From TK – 5th grade, students are hitting students and justify their actions as “playing around”.  Please have conversations with your child about appropriate play and respecting personal space.

* Fundraiser packets are due by September 12th.  Our PTC is hoping to raise money to purchase a misting system for our lunch area.

* During Excessive Heat Days, we are keeping all students indoors for recess, lunch, and PE.   I strongly recommend that you send your child to school with a water bottle.  

* Please get in the habit of charging Chromebooks before going to bed.   I also encourage all parents to have a technology check-in time at night.   Many students are staying up too late because they are playing on Chromebooks or phones and/or watching television.  It is crucial for your child to get a good night of sleep.

* Picture Day is on Friday, September 30th.  Students do not need to be in uniform on this day.

* Our third-grade students will participate in the annual Mini-Muster this year on Tuesday, October 4th.  The Mini-Muster is a Fire Safety Program.  More information will come soon.

* Reminder 4th & 5th-grade students should be in line at 7:40 a.m.   TK – 3rd-grade students should be on campus and in line at 7:55 a.m.   Being tardy disrupts the learning environment and causes your child to miss instructional time.  Please adjust your schedules to arrive early or on time.   We open the gates at 7:20 a.m. every day.

* If your child is absent, please call the school office and dial 1 to leave a message.   You do not need to talk to a live person.   We will check the messages and clear the absence.

* The best way to reach me is by email:  I will reply by email or by phone as soon as possible.  You can contact our counselor at   You can contact our after-school coordinator at  

Have a great three-day weekend and week!

Week Three: Aug. 29th – Sept. 2nd

Stepping into September


* There is no school on Monday, Sept. 5th in recognition of Labor Day!


* I would like to thank everyone who attended our Back to School Night!   We had a great turnout.   I truly enjoyed the evening.


* Students have started or will start taking the i-Ready assessments for math and language arts.  These assessments are very important for our teachers to know where students’ true academic levels are.


* Our Picture Day is Friday, September 30th.


* Tardies are already a problem!   I know that traffic is an issue, but we are having too many students arriving late to class.   Please adjust your morning routine to get your child to school on time.   Arriving late is causing your child to disrupt the learning environment and miss the beginning minutes of class instruction and directions.


* After-school pickup was much better this week!   With some adjustments, we averaged eighteen minutes from dismissal to most students being picked up.  It really helps when parents remain in cars and pull to the curb and wait for staff to send student(s) out.   Thank you for your patience, cooperation, ad flexibility.


* I am sure that you have noticed that it has been a bit warm and humid outside.  I want to assure you that we are taking all safety precautions.   Our P.E. teacher is having P.E. indoors.   Students eat under a shaded structure.   After eating, students have the option of going into the air-conditioned MPR for the remainder of lunch.  We also have pop-up tents around the entry/exit point for students to stand under while waiting for pick up.  


* Please contact me any time with questions, comments, concerns, and/or compliments regarding our rules, policies, procedures, school events, and/or any issue pertaining to your child.  Our school’s number is 760-862-4340.  However, the best way to reach me is through my email account,


* Students and parents can contact our counselor, Ms. Magana, at with social and/or academic concerns.


Have a great weekend and upcoming week!

Leopard P.R.I.D.E.

Email sent on Tuesday, Aug. 23rd

Dear Lincoln Families:

This is a reminder that we are hosting our annual Back to School Night on Wednesday, August 24th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Each teacher will have two sessions.  Session one will begin at 5:15 p.m. and session two will begin at 6:15 p.m.   Teachers will have two sessions to help families with multiple students attending Lincoln.  Each session will begin with a short video that explains Title I funding for schools.  

We are doing our best to provide Spanish translation for our teachers.   If a teacher does not have a translator, I am asking parents to help one another with translation.

We will have a few different tables set up with sign-up information for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and our Parent-Teacher Club.  We will also have Arc Attire on campus selling uniforms.

Back to School Night is a time to meet teachers, share our school goals, share classroom goals, and go over expectations for academic success.  This is not a time to talk about individual behaviors and concerns.  Please schedule a time to meet with your teacher if you would like a personal meeting.

I look forward to seeing/meeting you!

Leopard P.R.I.D.E,

Mr. C


Posted and emailed to families on Friday, Aug. 19, 2022

Week Two:  August 22nd – 26th

Week Two…  Off and Running!

* Please visit my blog and our website each week for updates, upcoming events, school news, dates, and much more!

* We had an interesting first week.   Our staff is working hard to work out kinks and problems to help smooth our daily operations and flow.

* Modernization Update…  Unfortunately, the construction crew accidentally cut the phone and internet wires to our school, Carter, and PDCMS yesterday around 12:00 p.m.   We were without phones and internet until after 4:00 p.m.   I asked the district office to notify you regarding the incident.  Parents can always reach me via email at   E-mails get pushed through on my cell phone.

* There is no school on Monday, Sept. 5,th in recognition of Labor Day.

* We are a uniform school.   All students are expected to come to school wearing a navy blue, white, or gold/yellow polo shirt or a Lincoln Leopards t-shirt.

* Back to School Night is on Wednesday, August 24th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.   Teachers will host two sessions to help families with multiple students.  Session One will start at 5:15 p.m. and Session Two will begin at 6:15 p.m.

* Back to School Night (BTSN) is a time to meet teachers, share our school goals, share classroom goals, and go over expectations for academic success.  BTSN is not a time to talk about individual behaviors and concerns.  Please schedule a time to meet with your teacher if you would like a personal meeting.

* During Back to School Night, each teacher will show a short video and slide presentation that describes and explains Title I funding and how it applies to Lincoln Elementary School.

* We will have sign-ups for Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, and Parent-Teacher Club during Back to School Night.   I am also hoping that our uniform company will come to sell uniforms.   Stay tuned.

* We know that our after-school pick-up procedure is not the greatest.   There are certain things that are out of our control…   Location, PDCMS pick up, and temperatures.   I assure you that we are constantly meeting to discuss ways to make it easier and better.   However, it would make the process a lot smoother if parents/families in grades 1 - 5 would remain in cars and allow staff to bring students to the vehicles.  Stay tuned for changes to our TK/K dismissal procedures.

* Wednesdays are our early dismissal days.  School is dismissed at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays.

* Our Parent-Teacher Club is hosting a fundraiser.  The fundraiser will begin on August 29th.  Packets will be sent home next week.   Our PTC is hoping to raise enough money to purchase a misting system for our covered lunch area.

* Our new Superintendent, Dr. May-Vollmar, is hosting a “Koffee with Kelly” at Dunkin Donuts (42-225 Jackson St, Indio) on Wednesday, Sept. 7th from 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.  You are welcome to attend, meet the Superintendent, and treat yourself to a donut.

* Per state and district policies, we will practice lockout, lockdown, fire, and other emergency procedures throughout the year.  You will be notified prior to a safety drill via email.

* We are hoping to start after-school enrichment programs soon.  We are preparing to have a violin class, ballroom dancing, sports, art, theater, yearbook, journalism, gardening, and more.   Stay tuned.

* Please feel free to contact me any time with questions, comments, concerns, and/or compliments regarding our rules, policies, procedures, school events, and/or any issue pertaining to your child.  Our school’s number is 760-760-862-4340.  However, the best way to reach me is through my e-mail account:

* The NFL season is only a couple of weeks away!   America’s REAL team, the Green Bay Packers, are ready to reign!   Rodgers and Jones are ready to dominate the league!  Draft them early in your fantasy leagues!   The NFC North is ours!   In fact, the entire NFC is ours!   Wait…   Yes, you know what is coming…   The Super Bowl is ours!!!  Go Pack Go!!!

Have a fun weekend!

Dear Lincoln Families,

The first day of the 2022/2023 school year is quickly approaching.  I am so excited for Tuesday, August 16th to arrive!  I have a lot of information for you.

Lincoln Office

·         Our school address is still 74-100 Rutledge Way.   However, the office is located on the corner of Magnesia Falls and Portola.  


·         We will be enforcing the adopted Uniform Policy this year.  All students are expected to come to school wearing a Lincoln T-shirt, blue polo, white polo, or gold/yellow polo.  Bottoms should be navy blue, khaki, or jean pants, shorts, skorts, or skirts.

·         DesertArc Attire will be at Lincoln School this week (Aug. 8th – 12th) from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. selling uniforms.  

·         Polo shirts may also be purchased from other stores.  The school logo is not required.

·         We are collecting old, good-conditioned uniforms that may no longer fit.  We will have a bin near the uniform sales for donations.

Annual On-Line Registration (OLR)

·         All families must complete the On-Line Registration.   Please go to and follow the link for OLR.   This must be completed every year; whether or not your child previously attended the school.


·         Please set up your ParentVUE account if you have not yet done so.   Go to and look under Quick Links for information and setup instructions.

·         Your child’s Homeroom teacher will be posted on Monday, August 15th.   All students will report to their Homeroom teacher on Tuesday morning.

Student Drop-Off

·         Student Drop-Off is in the Magnesia Falls parking lot ONLY.

·         The Rutledge parking lot is only for walkers and buses.   Other vehicles will not be permitted into the parking lot.

·         Crossing guards will be at Portola/Rutledge and Magnesia Falls/Rutledge at 7:15 AM every morning.

Student Pick-Up

·         We will continue to use the Silent Dismissal program to ensure students’ safety.   Parents will be issued a number.  Parents present that number to school personnel upon pickup at Magnesia Falls.  The number will be entered into the Silent Dismissal program; which will notify the classroom teacher to release the student to the pick-up area.  Information regarding assigned numbers will come soon.

·         Patience is required.   The first few days may be time-consuming.  However, we must all remember that our goal and priority is the safety of all our students.

First Day of School

·         School begins at 7:40 a.m. for all fourth and fifth-grade students.

·         School begins at 7:55 a.m. for all students in TK through third grade.

·         First day only…   We will allow family members on campus to help locate classrooms.   However, all family members will be asked to leave when the school bell rings.   After the first day, only students will be allowed on campus during morning entry.


·         All Lincoln students receive free breakfast and lunch.

Student Handbook

·         The Student Handbook regarding all policies and procedures has been updated and available on our school web page.   The Handbook is available in English and Spanish.   Hard copies are available in the office upon request.

Office Hours

·         The office is open daily from 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.


·         I recommend sending your child to school with water and a snack.

·         Check our emails, web page, and my blog for updated information.

·         Email me with questions, concerns, and/or compliments at

I am very excited to meet you all.  This is going to be a rewarding year for all of us!

Mr. C


Lincoln Elementary